JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    I aim to stay 1400 or less. Given my work and family demands 7 days this is possible with effort and mindfulness. Slower and steady as she goes. But exercise is key. That is an effort but necessary for mental and physical health. I have to remember small counts. Find 10 min 5 times a day on worse days. It's a head game for me.

    Made my deadline for terminating eating and oral hygiene yesterday.

    Great way to prevent extra eating in the evening and it worked.

    I was not mindful of dinner and so I did not record my food after 4pm that's not good

    JFT Quick
    Read a couple pages in the Beck book and also the Beck cognitive therapy self-talk 4 food behaviors

    Kitchen close at 7:30 p.m. oral hygiene by 7:30 p.m.⚠️

    Bed by 10 p.m.

    10-minute exercise periods as needed to achieve goals

    Mindfulness including logging all foods as soon as eaten. Time to eat? did I log ?can't eat until I log!!

    Best to all. We are worth it.

    Are they iPhone emojis? Do they not cut off the post anymore?!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    As you will see below, it has been 3 days since I was on here ... and not the best 3 days, food wise. Especially yesterday. I weighted myself, and upset that I had stayed the same. But then.... I guess I shouldn't have been upset, since before weighing, I had 2 days of eating more than I should.

    So now, after 3 bad days, time to get back with it.

    But ... I cannot believe how many posts there are!!! OMG .... I had to go back almost 10 pages just to find my last post!

    I briefly skimmed over the posts, and will try and read more later .... but you guys are so awesome!! I love all the support and encouragement that we all give each other. <3 LOve all you guys!

    So for today, have to get that sugar out of my system
    1. go to the gym :) Already did this, so off to a good start today
    2. log all food
    3. april challenge = 8+ cups water
    4. may challenge - 15 minute walk tonite
    5. june challenge - mindful eating. Stay away from emotional stuff.
    6. clean house
    7. get back on here - be accountable
    8. do NOT weigh myself until next sunday .... and do not give up.

    June Challenge:
    If you’re feeling the slightest bit emotional and want to eat—or it’s even time to eat—force yourself to either do something else or to eat something healthy and wholesome. And report it on here. Not only will it help us, but it also will give others ideas to stop that urge.

    June 1st: :/
    June 2 - :)
    June 3 - :)
    June 4 - :/
    June 5-9 - :/:/ did terrible. On June 9, ended up eating almost a entire bag of chocolate covered cashews. I think this was my wake-up call.
    June 10 - started keeping a written journal of what I eat, what time I eat, and my mood. I am putting a ** next to any foods that were unplanned, and I am suppose to put a ** next to a binge. Somehow.... this has been helping me tremendously! :)
    June 11- :)
    June 12 - :)
    June 13 - :)
    June 14 :)
    June 15 - :)
    June 16 :)
    June 17 :/ - Dairy queen buster bar
    June 18 - Orange :)
    June 19 - really wanted ice cream, but waited, and got on here (thanks for the encouragement!). Had popcorn instead. :)
    june 20 - :) Drinking my water tonite, because boy, icecream sounds so good. But I had a orange, and working on more chemo hats - with my water by my side.
    June 21 - :/ Out to lunch with my SIL at a mexican place, and ate way too much. I had intended to only eat half of my burritto, but the longer we sat and visited, the more I ate. Then hubby wanted to go and get pizza! Usually one large meal is all I want. .... so way overdid it
    June 22 :/ I weighed myself, and was upset that I had not lost any weight. I know this always gets me, and a part of me just wants to give up. So that led to eating junk food again :/:/:/
    June 23 - :/:/:/ Major fail. I was outside working in the yard ... and skipped sitting down and eating lunch. I think I ate a entire box of ice cream yesterday.

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    191 over!
    Icecream is calling!
    It would only be 80cals if I were to have some!

    But damage limitation!!
    Mustn’t make things worse!

    Need to exercise off this 191! And then maybe, MAYBE I will have the icecream but only if a) I actually want it b) it fits in the calories

    🙃 testing emoji

    No ICe cream Bex!!

    But ... at least you have ice cream on hand that is only 80 calories! If you read my post... yesterday I ate almost an entire box of ice cream (and it was the good stuff, 120 calories for just 1/2 cup!). . I was working in the yard all day long ... so hot and tired. One bowl lead to another .... then I worked more outside ... came and had another bowl ..... hubby was gone ... had another bowl. Dinner was later than usual ..... had another bowl!! I should have gotten on here to have you guys stop me!

    But good for you in thinking all this through!! So proud of you!!!!! And if you do have one, I know your mindset is where it should be ... and you can sit and enjoy that one serving!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited June 2018
    OMG. I'm 213 posts behind! What a busy group!
    9. Browse Pinterest later - look for low cost ways to make basement and sewing space brighter and more welcoming. (Dark paneling and old linoleum tile floor right now)

    I agree -- such a active thread! I love it!

    As for brightening your sewing room -- I made a small quilt that I hang on the wall! Good practice piece, and it truly brightens my room. My sewing room is all stuffed into a very small bedroom .... so it is cramped, but I still love it. (And I can make a mess and shut the door!).
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    191 over!
    Icecream is calling!
    It would only be 80cals if I were to have some!

    But damage limitation!!
    Mustn’t make things worse!

    Need to exercise off this 191! And then maybe, MAYBE I will have the icecream but only if a) I actually want it b) it fits in the calories

    🙃 testing emoji

    No ICe cream Bex!!

    But ... at least you have ice cream on hand that is only 80 calories! If you read my post... yesterday I ate almost an entire box of ice cream (and it was the good stuff, 120 calories for just 1/2 cup!). . I was working in the yard all day long ... so hot and tired. One bowl lead to another .... then I worked more outside ... came and had another bowl ..... hubby was gone ... had another bowl. Dinner was later than usual ..... had another bowl!! I should have gotten on here to have you guys stop me!

    But good for you in thinking all this through!! So proud of you!!!!! And if you do have one, I know your mindset is where it should be ... and you can sit and enjoy that one serving!

    Just spooned our some for everyone else, wasn’t enough for me anyway, so I had one spoonful, 15 grams LOL

    Holy cr*p that a lot of icecream!
    Did you not feel sick, I once ate a whole tub of Ben and Jerry’s and it was so good but I felt so sick after!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited June 2018
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Holy cr*p that a lot of icecream!
    Did you not feel sick, I once ate a whole tub of Ben and Jerry’s and it was so good but I felt so sick after!

    :s Yes! Didn't bother me till last nite (and all niteLOL)
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Had a super productive day today and feeling good! It’s been gorgeous weather as well which always helps my mood. Got everything ticked off today and looking ahead to the next few weeks which will be stressful - really need to try and maintain this momentum.

    Goals for Sunday
    - morning workout ✅
    - Hot yoga @8:30 ✅
    - Groceries ✅
    - April challenge ✅
    - May challenge ✅
    - June challenge ✅ came up with a good frozen yoghurt treat idea when I fancied ice cream - 0% Greek yoghurt blended with frozen berries, loads of ice and a splash of nut milk. Was delicious and sizeable and only 110 cals!
    - Reports ✅
    - Gardenjng ✅
    - early night ✅

    Goals for Monday
    - morning workout
    - check exam threshold publication
    - check report printing guidelines in am meeting
    - reschedule meetings
    - remind boss re daughter’s fracture clinic appt and request time off for daughter’s show
    - April challenge
    - May challenge
    - June challenge
    - order cake boxes
    - online grocery shop
    - early night

    Enjoy what’s left of the weekend! X
  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    jeschepp wrote: »
    Question for the group-do you have a calorie limit you're trying to stay under? I have been using the Mayo Clinic Diet, which is set at 1200, but I'm wondering if this is too low for me right now. I've had some days I've felt pretty hungry or run down and no amount of extra fruit or veggies will boost me. I'm going between sticking it out, or aiming closer to 1400. Ideas?

    Also huge shout outs to @monstersweetsbyallison, @Faebert, and @nickssweetheart for your kinds words about my struggles with the process. Just lovely of you and I needed to hear it! And the profile pic is of my Maine Coon, who is just the biggest love bug :)

    Let's start of the week strong, everyone!

    I do, but let me start off by saying I am quite tall and heavy so I get more calories than a lot of others do. I've been playing with my calories quite a bit this year as I started the year on medication that made me hungry all the blasted time. So my suggested calories were right around 1800 and I ended up increasing to 2270. I'm off the meds now so I haven't been as hungry and while I still lost weight it was pretty slow, so I've just cut back to 2070 to see how it goes. But don't be afraid to play with it a little bit and if you do increase your calories slightly, be prepared to hold on to a little weight that first week. When I adjusted upward it took me about 2 1/2 weeks to see the scale move down again, but it did. I think the important part is feeling good rather than losing really fast. I mean, I could have gutted it out at 1800 calories and been chewing on the wooden furniture, but what I found myself doing was miserably holding out for a few days, then overeating by a significant amount. It wasn't worth it to me.

    That was a LOT of words to say basically this: they are YOUR calories. It is YOUR food plan. As long as you are getting enough nutrition (i.e., not below 1200, no matter what, and not hungry all the time or feeling like a wreck, getting adequate nutrients, fat, and protein) there is no "wrong" way to allocate them. Unless you are already quite tiny, you will almost certainly lose weight well at 1400 calories too.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Goals for Sunday :) Recap

    - 8 glasses minimum, this is a must :) 9
    - Be in the greeeeeen :( disappointed at this, only 204 over as of now, not going to have time to exercise tonight (it’s already 9:30pm) so whatever tonight’s clean up burns that’s what I’m left with!
    - Light exercise, stretches. :( see above
    - set up the paddling pool 😑 kids were being little sh*ts today (and that’s putting it nicely) so I didn’t set it up! Fortunately I never told them I was doing it so didn’t have a load of tantrums all day..

  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    Jft Saturday recap
    1. Be kind :)
    2. Dog bath :)
    3. Eat and enjoy but don't binge at party :)
    4. Log all food :)

    Lots and lots of eating this weekend. Back to it tomorrow!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    jeschepp wrote: »
    Question for the group-do you have a calorie limit you're trying to stay under? I have been using the Mayo Clinic Diet, which is set at 1200, but I'm wondering if this is too low for me right now. I've had some days I've felt pretty hungry or run down and no amount of extra fruit or veggies will boost me. I'm going between sticking it out, or aiming closer to 1400. Ideas?

    Also huge shout outs to @monstersweetsbyallison, @Faebert, and @nickssweetheart for your kinds words about my struggles with the process. Just lovely of you and I needed to hear it! And the profile pic is of my Maine Coon, who is just the biggest love bug :)

    Let's start of the week strong, everyone!

    Mine is set to 1200 a day as well, but I find a lot of days I exercise more so I can eat more. Some days I’m just over, but I like to make those days rare.
  • jeschepp
    jeschepp Posts: 307 Member
    Thanks to everyone for the great feedback! I had not been counting my exercise calories toward the 1200, so this is likely the culprit. I checked and my net calories have been closer to 1,000-EEK. I feel if I allow myself an extra 1-200 calories a day, I will feel better and this will balance out with my exercise, still keeping the main calorie level at 1200.

    Today's check-in

    House chores (and yesterday's too)- :neutral: giving myself half credit here. I got one day's done but chose to go hiking with family, which I count as time well spent
    Meal Plan ✅
    Grocery Shopping ✅
    30 minutes exercise ✅-with the family hike I was at 75
    Track food and exercise ✅
    Water challenge-80 oz. ✅ day 21/30!
    Post here for accountability ✅

    For tomorrow:

    House chores
    Start next report at work
    Get to work on time
    30 minutes exercise
    Meet 1200 net calories, counting exercise
    Track food and exercise
    Water challenge-80 oz.
    Post here for accountability
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member

    JFT - Saturday June 23
    2L of Water :)
    Stay in Green :)
    Outside 15 Minutes :)
    If gardening doesn't burn enough calories go for a walk :) gardening was way more than enough

    JFT Sunday June 24
    I didn’t write goals out on here but I was mindful of them all day. We got the flower bed built yesterday and loaded with dirt. I shovelled almost 1 cubic yard of dirt by myself. I was quite impressed with myself for that and I wasn’t in a lot of pain after. We got that done I made supper and sat down to watch tv, I looked at the dust and floors and decided to clean instead. So I completely cleaned for an hour and a half. Then I took a bath and went to bed.

    Today the Grands were here and we planted the flower bed, 9 planters and I still have plants left. I also called a friend who came to get some and I gave some to a neighbour. I got way too much sun today, I have already drank about 4litres of water and I’m still thirsty. I think I’m a touch dehydrated because I just realized I haven’t gone to pee more than twice today.

    I am going to drink some more and have a snack before I go to bed. I guessed on my calories burned today and I think I am underestimating too much because I’m actually hungry. I have some pics to share from our garden adventures, I’ll post again.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Fellow Sojourners: This is the last week of the first half of 2018! Wow!

    We've got six months left in this year to make significant changes on our body, mind, and spirit! We are going for a whole transformation!

    We've done well--we persevere. We may stall but we don't quit!

    Review or make goals for Dec. 31. Where do you want to be by then? Review/revise/make a plan to get to those goals! Then focus on the process so you will see progress.

    We've got to be willing to keep moving and keep changing---we are transforming unhealthy habits into good ones.

    Peace and joy, my strong, determined, friends! Now, let's go out there and slay some dragons!

    What have you changed/are you changing to reach your goal?

  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    Just for Sunday Recap:

    1. Log all food and stay green. :smile:
    2. Clean apartment! :smile:
    3. Take out recycling and take glass to center. :neutral: Took out the recycling but didn't make the center.
    4. Get outside for 20 minutes, if possible, walk. :neutral: Absolutely miserable weather. Stayed inside.
    5. Physical therapy morning and evening. :neutral: Fell asleep!
    6. Kitchen closed and brush teeth by 10 pm :neutral: Missed on this, too. See: fell asleep!

    Not a stellar weekend. I'm going to focus on the basics for Monday, hopefully bank some successes, and remember that at the end of the day, it's CICO and I'm hitting where it matters most for my most important goals.

    1. Adhere to planned meals and stay green.
    2. Drink 8 cups of water before drinking anything else.
    3. Physical therapy morning and evening.
    4. Kitchen closed and brush teeth by 9 pm.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    I logged my binge, must be accountable, it only came up to just short of 2000 cals for the day

    Anyway Goals for Monday
    - 8+ glasses of water
    - Be in the green
    - Nursery walk x2
    - Get house tidy and laundry away.