JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    @Saragirl2 We missed you too! Isn't it something how we grow to notice if someone isn't around and miss them even when we have never met in person? Such a nice group of friends here.

    Self-confidence is something I've always struggled with. I'm 58 years old. Time to get over it. :smile:

    I agree --- so nice to see you back @Saragirl2. We missed you!!

    For me, self-confidence is also something I struggle with. When I first started working from home, I had a couple days where I didn't put make-up on, didn't really curl my hair, and I felt so unkept. I was worried someone would come to the door, and I felt I looked horrible.

    Now, every day, I do curl my hair and put on make-up ( I still curl my hair the old-fashioned way, with hot rollers LOL). It truly does make a difference in how I feel all day.

    But I remember also reading something like : Be the person you hope and want to be.

    Tracy - with all you do, you should have so much self-confidence, and be so very proud of yourself!! I always love reading your posts, and while I don't personally know you, you inspire me everyday!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    @Saragirl2 We missed you too! Isn't it something how we grow to notice if someone isn't around and miss them even when we have never met in person? Such a nice group of friends here.

    Self-confidence is something I've always struggled with. I'm 58 years old. Time to get over it. :smile:

    I agree --- so nice to see you back @Saragirl2. We missed you!!

    For me, self-confidence is also something I struggle with. When I first started working from home, I had a couple days where I didn't put make-up on, didn't really curl my hair, and I felt so unkept. I was worried someone would come to the door, and I felt I looked horrible.

    Now, every day, I do curl my hair and put on make-up ( I still curl my hair the old-fashioned way, with hot rollers LOL). It truly does make a difference in how I feel all day.

    But I remember also reading something like : Be the person you hope and want to be.

    Tracy - with all you do, you should have so much self-confidence, and be so very proud of yourself!! I always love reading your posts, and while I don't personally know you, you inspire me everyday!

    I’d love to know how to use rollers!!

    Curling tongs just don’t hold my hair properly and always droop after an hour or two.

    I’m no good at hair though. It’s just not something I’m skilled at at all!! I can’t even do a French braid lol!!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    I agree it can make a huge difference to confidence making an effort with appearance. I wish I were better at doing hair and make-up but I try my best and always feel more ready for the day when I’ve bothered! Also remember a friend telling me that she was less likely to overeat wearing fitted “proper” clothes than stretchy leggings or tracksuit. That stayed with me - I’ve even worn my tightest skinny jeans as a strategy to make sure I don’t overdo it for specific occasions ;)

    Not a bad day today. Tiring being back at work but kind of good to have a bit of routine again.

    Monday goals:
    - morning workout ✅
    - 12k+ steps ✅ 15k+ yay!
    - 3ltr water ✅ whoop!
    - Stay within calorie goal ✅
    - Online grocery shop ✅
    - Call alarm company :s no words!
    - Get pet insurance :) did the research, but best to do this once Monty has finished with his vaccinations/ been microchipped and neutered etc so this is on hold for 3 more weeks.

    Tuesday goals
    - morning workout
    - 3ltr+ water
    - 12k steps
    - Hot yoga after work??
    - Email for Joseph
    - School trip call
    - RSVPs for two parties
    - Early night


    I had a friend that tied a string around her waist, it helped remind her that she was watching her weight and also reminded her to sit up straight and keep her posture in check. I tried it for a while and found it too uncomfortable... maybe I should have kept at it longer instead of stopping. LOL Oh hindsight is such a lovely thing.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member

    JFT, 4/16/18

    1. LOG ALL FOOD!!! :)I'm actually way under calories atm. I have to eat something else to get over 1k calories.
    2. 4 bottles of water :)Closer to 5 I think.
    3. Up @ 6:30 latest :)Was very tired this morning though.
    4. Work 8:15-5:15 :)Was able to leave a few minutes early because I'm not getting a lunch break on Friday since it will only be two of us.
    5. Meal prep :|This should really say meal plan. Lol
    6. 5 rounds of 10 somethings :|4 I think. Although I walked for .5 hours so I think that that counts as 2 so really it was 5. Lol
    7. Fold clothes :)Hurt my back but I did it. Lol
    8. Make shopping list :) About to start this now
    9. Dinner/Dishes :)We just had chicken salad sandwiches because I didnt feel like cooking. The dishes are minimal but I had some leftover from last night so I will finish all of them before bed. I NEED to get back to doing them every night!
    10. DH Time :)Sitting on the couch now.
    11. Tech off by 10M :)Most probably. It's only 8:30. It may even be earlier. My head is pounding.
    12. Bed by 11 :)Definitely. I'm really tired tonight.

    We had some pretty gnarly rainstorms overnight and into this morning. It cleared up right in time for my daily break walk. It was super windy though.

    I've decided to take up letter writing. I feel like there should be more permanence when it comes to communication with some friends and family. I'm going to send out my first two tomorrow. I'm going to finish one tonight too. Work was really really slow today. At least in the morning. I think we had two customers between 8:30 and 12. I had a busy like 15 minutes while L was on lunch but other than that there wasn't much.

    My manager told me about a "class"-focused gym that she goes to that is exactly 1.5 miles from my house. I tracked it. Lol. It's a little pricey at $100 a month but they'll let me try a few classes. I really want to start going to the gym in the morning but my current one is just too far away to go to and then back home and then back downtown all in 2 hours. This gym I can get to in about 2 minutes when I get the 3 lights in between at red. Lol. So I think I am going to give it a try on Wednesday. I go in late and the DH closes so I'll have time to give it a shot and see how I like it without time restraints on me. So we'll see.

    I'm going to spend a few minutes doing some meal planning and creating a shopping list. I thought that my grocery store was going to close during remodels but it turns out that it isn't so I will go back to it. I save so much money going there.

    So onto my list,

    1. Log all food
    2. Call M @ 7
    3. 4 bottles of water
    4. Prep lunches
    5. Start budget for May
    6. Dinner/Dishes
    7. Work 8:15-5:15
    8. Bring flip-flops to work and leave there
    9. Make a pot of rice
    10. Tweak shopping list
    11. Write letters to M and Mom
    12. Mail letters to E and L
    13. Tech off by 10
    14. Bed by 11

    I think that is it for the day. I hope everyone has a great night!

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,599 Member
    edited April 2018
    Hi everyone ~ I've missed you! For some reason during our 2-day blizzard, I took a hiatus from my computer Sat. - Mon. Logged on my phone, but not community threads. Had to read about 6 pages to catch up!

    @Faebert I love Monty, he is so cute! I was never a cat person until an ex-boyfriend had a cat that had kittens. Suddenly I was a kitty mom, and I'm so glad. Love our dog too, of course.
    @bcTRAI Your quilt is absolutely stunning! So beautiful. You and @mytime6630 have such talent!

    Photo is me this morning after hubby's and my last session of shoveling & snowblowing. Btw, windpants I'm wearing used to be very tight last winter, and now they're very baggy. My workplace was closed today to let crews clear parking lots and roads. Total of 24.2" in single snow event was 2nd highest on record. Like @OConnell5483 I live in Green Bay, WI. One of these days, we'll have to actually meet!

    Anyway, the blizzard and forced hibernation really got to me, not sure why, maybe because it's supposed to be spring? And dog walks are so much better than the treadmill in the basement. I ate healthy some of the time, and snacked way too much. Yesterday, hubby and I splurged and made pancakes & bacon for late breakfast ~ so worth it! At least I got my water in over the weekend. Also got lots of naps in, LOL.

    I'm not going to try to find my last post to update, but will start fresh Tues. a.m. Also want to find my last weekly w-i post and update. I wonder how far back that is?

    Have a good night, all!

  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat :)
    - Stick to food plan :| I forgot to actually make one! What I ate was pretty much in line with what it would have been, with the exception of half a crème egg (less than 100 kcals)
    - Run to work :)
    - No alcohol :)
    - Be in the green with some deficit :)
    - 45+ minute lunch break :)
    - Meditate at lunch :/ 45 mins wasn't quite enough for this
    - Do some life admin at lunch :)
    - Leave work by 6pm latest :/ Left at 6.30 - the two things I had to do yesterday took rather longer than I'd expected!
    - Update calendar with green/yellow/red/alcohol units for April :)

    Today's commitments:
    - Log everything I eat
    - Choose breakfast sensibly - aim for around 350 kcals
    - No alcohol
    - Be in the green
    - Stop working by 6.30 and leave for French
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Hi everyone ~ I've missed you! For some reason during our 2-day blizzard, I took a hiatus from my computer Sat. - Mon. Logged on my phone, but not community threads. Had to read about 6 pages to catch up!

    @Faebert I love Monty, he is so cute! I was never a cat person until an ex-boyfriend had a cat that had kittens. Suddenly I was a kitty mom, and I'm so glad. Love our dog too, of course.
    @bcTRAI Your quilt is absolutely stunning! So beautiful. You and @mytime6630 have such talent!

    Photo is me this morning after hubby's and my last session of shoveling & snowblowing. Btw, windpants I'm wearing used to be very tight last winter, and now they're very baggy. My workplace was closed today to let crews clear parking lots and roads. Total of 24.2" in single snow event was 2nd highest on record. Like @OConnell5483 I live in Green Bay, WI. One of these days, we'll have to actually meet!

    Anyway, the blizzard and forced hibernation really got to me, not sure why, maybe because it's supposed to be spring? And dog walks are so much better than the treadmill in the basement. I ate healthy some of the time, and snacked way too much. Yesterday, hubby and I splurged and made pancakes & bacon for late breakfast ~ so worth it! At least I got my water in over the weekend. Also got lots of naps in, LOL.

    I'm not going to try to find my last post to update, but will start fresh Tues. a.m. Also want to find my last weekly w-i post and update. I wonder how far back that is?

    Have a good night, all!


    Wow that snow!!!
    I’ve never seen snow like that!!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Goals for Monday

    - Be in the green today :( I didn’t log everything but can safely say no.
    - Exercise / no didn’t do this either
    - 8 glasses :( ahh I don’t think so?!
    - Exchange clothes for different size - yes :)
    - Go to pharmacy :)

    Water Challenge
    Apr 1: 6 glasses
    Apr 2: 6 glasses
    Apr 3: 6 glasses
    Apr 4: 8 glasses!
    Apr 5: 3 glasses
    Apr 6: 8 glasses!
    Apr 7: 9 glasses!!
    Apr 8: 8 glasses!
    Apr 9: 8 glasses!
    Apr 10: 6 glasses
    Apr 11: 4 glasses
    Apr 12: 8 glasses
    Apr 13: 8 glasses
    Apr 14: 8 glasses
    Apr 15: 5 glasses
    Apr 16: ????????

    Goals for Tuesday

    (Back to basics)
    - go to Saskias new school and get nursery form for Marley
    - 8 glasses!
    - Maybe exercise.
    - Try log but don’t worry if I don’t.
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFY (Monday)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water before allowing myself a Diet Coke :)
    2. Log all the food I eat :)
    3. Stay "in the green" with my calories :)
    4. Stay "in the green" with my sodium intake :/
    5. Go to the gym :)
    6. Complete an order from my shop (maybe 2) :)
    7. Get down in the basement to start cleaning it out :)

    JFT (Tuesday)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water before allowing myself a Diet Coke
    2. Log all the food I eat
    3. Stay "in the green" with my calories
    4. Stay "in the green" with my sodium intake
    5. Go to the gym
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    JFT - Monday April 16
    2L of Water - :)
    Stay in Green - :(
    Work on Manual - :)
    Do 10 Something's every hour - :(
    Work on envelopes at home - :)

    JFT - Tuesday April 17
    2L of Water
    Stay in Green
    Work on Manual
    Do 10 Something's every hour
    Go to Gym
    Mail Sympathy Cards
    Work on envelopes

    Yesterday was another snowy day, the drive home was miserable. I had planned on chicken breast and salad for supper, but the weather was calling for hot foods, so I made baked potatoes instead. Went over my calories with supper and was hungry later on. I made myself get into the green by doing some dancing and zumba style exercising while watching the ACM's before I allowed myself to have my evening snack. I was still over but I felt I earned it at that point.

    I worked on the envelopes last night they are all scored and ready to fold and glue, so hopefully will get these completed tonight. I found out yesterday I have to drive to my head office on Thursday, it's a 3 hour drive each way. I don't mind the drive, but I tend to eat junk on these trip days. I need to come up with a plan to not blow it.

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,599 Member
    JFT T 4/17 ~ Skipped treadmill before work (3 days without alarm ringing & out of habit) :p
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    2) Pace in office during noon webinar
    3) Net calories green / need to get back on track / no evening snacking
    4) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15 (all fails during blizzard weekend)
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    JFT / Monday:
    1. Journal every bite, good or bad :)
    2. Drink water - 8 glasses ;)Close!!!
    3. No ice cream before bed :)
    4. Reach my step goal :(Although, I came really close! Way too much desk time in this job!
    5. Put a smile in my voice and compliment someone today :)
    6. Work on being okay with who I am. Self-confidence. :)I really worked at this all day and it turned out to be a pretty "feel good" kind of day! Huh...
    7. Stay focused on my goals. :)
    8. Count to 10 before just grabbing something to eat. :)
    9. Get caught up at work today. Lots of meetings cancelled, so I'm thinking it should be quiet. :)
    10. Bills/Budget for rest of April. Always hard when I have to submit taxes. :/Had to review and submit taxes still, which I did. Bills will have to be done tonight.
    11. Two things off my to-do list :)
    12. Evening ritual. Unplug early. Read my books and write 5 things I'm grateful for today. :)
    13. Prep for tomorrow, tonight :/

    Kind of a weird day yesterday, since I didn't go to work until mid-day, and then I ended up staying late. Like @cschmitz110515 , this whole weekend blizzard thing really threw me off. I had all kinds of "spring" plans and it was just plain depressing. So, when I got home from work, I didn't do as much as I wanted to because I just wanted to be sitting by 7:00 so I could watch The Voice and then Good Girls on TV.

    Today I woke up and have gained ANOTHER POUND! So, I've decided I need to have a chat with my husband tonight about a food plan for me that consists of no carbs at dinner. Meat and greens and that's it. He does the cooking since he is retired and I work full time, so I need to get him on board for this because if it is on the table, I will eat it.

    I also have to figure out something for activity. I have to find an activity that won't hurt my knee and won't make my arm swell by aggravating the lymphedema. I think maybe a recumbant bike might be the thing for me right now. I'd like to be able to go to the gym straight after work and eat dinner at 6:00 instead of 5:00. Hoping Tim will agree to a new dinner schedule. Sorry for the rant. I'm thinking out loud...

    Just for Tuesday
    1. Journal EVERY bite. Even if I eat one Hershey kiss, log it.
    2. Activity. No excuses today. Wrap your arm in compression tape and go to gym or get in basement and move your *kitten*!
    3. WATER! Get those 8 glasses of water in today.
    4. Sit down with DH and discuss meal plan for rest of week. Need to be on same page.
    5. Take my Epic New Version certification tests this afternoon. I passed one yesterday. Have 4 more today.
    6. Leave at 4:00 today. I didn't get my lunch break so I am going to leave a little early and maybe take a walk around the neighborhood before we get 6 more inches of snow tomorrow! (UGH)
    7. Focus. Focus on what I need to do to get healthy and lose weight. I need to sit down in a quiet spot to make a plan, break it into baby steps and DO IT!
    8. Bed early. Was up too late last night.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    I've decided to take up letter writing. I feel like there should be more permanence when it comes to communication with some friends and family. I'm going to send out my first two tomorrow. I'm going to finish one tonight too.

    @HGSmith0920 I used to list this as one of my goals! I agree. I think there is too much technology and not enough personal contact in this world. I cannot believe I'm saying that since I've worked in IT for 24 years! LOL . It's been my bread and butter. But truly, I miss getting things in the mail that aren't bills. I'm going to try to make this a goal also...to send 1 random letter a week. I wonder if I can make it into a tiny habit? Hmmm....I'm going to have to think about this one.
    For me, self-confidence is also something I struggle with. When I first started working from home, I had a couple days where I didn't put make-up on, didn't really curl my hair, and I felt so unkept. I was worried someone would come to the door, and I felt I looked horrible.

    Now, every day, I do curl my hair and put on make-up ( I still curl my hair the old-fashioned way, with hot rollers LOL). It truly does make a difference in how I feel all day.

    But I remember also reading something like : Be the person you hope and want to be.

    Tracy - with all you do, you should have so much self-confidence, and be so very proud of yourself!! I always love reading your posts, and while I don't personally know you, you inspire me everyday!

    @joan6630 Thank you so much for your kind words. You are so sweet, and I feel so grateful to have "met" you.

    I do my hair and makeup every day, but it seems to be gone by the time I get to work! LOL! I do feel better when my hair actually turns out though.

    Back when my hair started growing back after chemo, it grew back snowy white and curly! I had been a brunette with straight hair before that! It eventually did grow back my natural color but it's thinner now and has a different texture and I never really figured out what to do with it! Anyway, while I was bald, I promised myself that I would never complain about having a bad hair day again! So, I try really hard not to! LOL! :flushed:

    I've always had a struggle with self-confidence, but it's really roared its ugly head since I started this new job! It's very humbling to go from being one of the top colleagues in a department, to knowing nothing at a new organization! I think probably by the time I feel confident in this role, I'll be ready to retire!