50 pounds by dicembre 1st 2018



  • redrob1966
    redrob1966 Posts: 230 Member
    hi icy-stewart I am sure you will get the hang of it, I am still trying to get the hang of eating at the right times being an insomniac which doesn't help with getting into a regular pattern.
  • TheRedQueen1981
    TheRedQueen1981 Posts: 258 Member
    edited June 2018
    I have the opposite problem — I sleep way too much. I’m always exhausted. Probably because of my weight. I’ll see if in time, that changes. Hopefully it does.
  • kmmealey
    kmmealey Posts: 76 Member
    You all have inspired me. I've just begun using MFP again 6/1/18. Can't remember. How do I join this group?
  • redrob1966
    redrob1966 Posts: 230 Member
    I am hoping that will be my case but the other way round to get more sleep.
  • HandiCrafter
    HandiCrafter Posts: 56 Member
    edited June 2018
    I would love to be able to join this group. I know that it is late in the month of June, but I would still like to loose 50 lbs hopefully by the 1 of December. My starting weight is 220.2 pounds.
  • redrob1966
    redrob1966 Posts: 230 Member
    we still have half a year so plenty of time handicrafter :)
  • kristawatkins52
    kristawatkins52 Posts: 147 Member
    I would like to join even though I am a bit late. I really need this challenge as I have a total of 50 lbs to lose and would love to have it gone before christmas.

    I also have a hard time staying on track and motivated, so I need all the support I can get. I am also very happy to support everyone here and cheer with you during the good times and encourage you during the bad.

    SW: 160
    CW: 160
    GW: 110 (I'm 4'11")
  • blueunicorn125
    blueunicorn125 Posts: 411 Member
    This is my goal too! Please add me so we can motivate and hold each other accountable!
  • nsgmom04
    nsgmom04 Posts: 101 Member
    I would like to join if not too late
  • TheRedQueen1981
    TheRedQueen1981 Posts: 258 Member
    Where is the group? I thought this thread was the group haha.
  • redrob1966
    redrob1966 Posts: 230 Member
    I hope so too icy and a hello to krista, blue and nsg i am Rob
  • eminater
    eminater Posts: 2,477 Member
    I'm in

    HSW : 257.7lbs
    CSW : 223.6 lbs (04 June, 2018)

    Challenge Goal: 173.6 lbs

    04/06 - 223.6 lbs
    11/06 - 217.2 lbs
    18/06 - 217.4 lbs
    25/06 - 214.0 lbs

    Challenge Loss to date: 9.6 lbs
    Average Loss per week: 3.2 lbs / week
    Challenge Loss to go: 40.4 lbs

    Mini-Challenge 2 :
    June 21st - June 27th - 7k steps per day
    21/06 - 9,061 ✅
    22/06 - 11,869 ✅
    23/06- 9,735 ✅
    24/06 - 11,171 ✅
    25/06 -
    26/06 -
    27/06 -

    Mini-Challenge 1 : ✅ completed on 21/06
    June 15th - June 21st mini-challenge.
    changing eating habits - for me this is not a change. It's my normal pattern. I have breakfast about 6:30 - 7:30 and then eat lunch at about 11:30. My breakfast is almost always very small, if not just coffee.

    15/06 - 127 cals ✅ (coffee + yogurt)
    16/06 - 25 cals ✅ just coffee with almond milk
    17/06 - 115 cals ✅ (coffee + yogurt)
    18/06 - 156 cals ✅ (coffee + 1 slice toast)
    19/06 - 133 cals ✅ (coffee + apricot + small frozen coke)
    20/06 - 75 cals ✅ coffee * 3
    21/06 - 25 cals ✅ just coffee with almond milk

    Challenge 1 SW: 217.0 lbs (15/06)
    Challenge 1 EW: *goal - loose 1 lb
    Challenge 1 EW: 214.2 lbs (21/06)
    Challenge 1 Loss: 2.8 lbs :sweat_smile:
  • redrob1966
    redrob1966 Posts: 230 Member
    its turning into a fantastic june eminater your hard work is going to help you achieve your target goal
  • nsgmom04
    nsgmom04 Posts: 101 Member
    I would like to join too if not too late
  • redrob1966
    redrob1966 Posts: 230 Member
    hi nsgmom04
  • redrob1966
    redrob1966 Posts: 230 Member
    challenge so far for this week
    21 - 22,387
    22 - 7,899
    23 - 5,121 not my best
    24 - 12,464
  • CloverPR
    CloverPR Posts: 109 Member
    I hope everyone is well, I've taken a small vacation taking the kids sight seeing on the opposite side of my island. My worst weight reduction enemy are the weekends. And dinner service. The steps I need to get something to carry my phone. Identifying my obstacles to tackle them down. No excuses ! Have a great week everyone! Thursday weigh in here we come!
  • CloverPR
    CloverPR Posts: 109 Member
    redrob1966 wrote: »
    challenge so far for this week
    21 - 22,387
    22 - 7,899
    23 - 5,121 not my best
    24 - 12,464

    You're doing great!
  • lhebert1969
    lhebert1969 Posts: 63 Member
    I'd like to join in..having trouble losing much weight so far..Started at 294 on 5/1/18 & now at 278..was at 276 last week, but somehow gained a couple lbs.. I will try my hardest to keep losing..just so frustrating when I know I'm not eating anything I shouldn't.. :neutral:
  • Blzamora
    Blzamora Posts: 8 Member
    Wt: 219.4
    Goal: 169.4