July 2018 Running Challenge



  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    girlinahat wrote: »
    Ha ha - all your comments about continual fireworks are EXACTLY the same things we say around 5th November.

    Here’s a question though - when WE do fireworks it’s dark. So you can have family friendly displays at 6pm, do the Ooo-aahhh thing, and then go home again (preferably after sticking your jaw together with a toffee apple). So how does it work when it’s still light late? And we usually have accompanying bonfires (it IS known as Bonfire Night) because, well you can imagine November in the U.K. - but you guys are all hot and sweaty so I’m guessing that doesn’t happen!!!

    We are on the far western part of our time zone, so on July 4th, it usually isn't dark until almost 10pm. Most of the firework shows start at 9:45 or 10, but neighborhood folks shoot them off anytime they feel like, even during the daylight, which is stupid because those things are expensive and that is just a waste. Neighborhood folks setting off fireworks, like the big mortar kind, is really popular here in Ohio. It was not such a big thing when I lived in Pittsburgh or in Atlanta, but maybe it was because I was in a more urban area, IDK.

    We don't usually do bonfires on the fourth of July because it's hot. They are a big thing in the fall. Our neighborhood always has a bonfire on Halloween. We used to always do a Christmas one too with caroling and a little something in your thermos to keep you warm, but that tradition has faded a bit now that we are all getting old.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    girlinahat wrote: »
    Ha ha - all your comments about continual fireworks are EXACTLY the same things we say around 5th November.

    Here’s a question though - when WE do fireworks it’s dark. So you can have family friendly displays at 6pm, do the Ooo-aahhh thing, and then go home again (preferably after sticking your jaw together with a toffee apple). So how does it work when it’s still light late? And we usually have accompanying bonfires (it IS known as Bonfire Night) because, well you can imagine November in the U.K. - but you guys are all hot and sweaty so I’m guessing that doesn’t happen!!!

    Morning all! Another gentle 5k done this morning. I'm really enjoying early morning runs, so calm, so relaxing and knowing I have my evenings free is so good.

    1st- rest
    2nd - 5km
    3rd - 6.5km
    4th - 6.5km
    5th - rest
    6th - 5km

    Total so far = 23km (goal 90km...i think I underestimated? Lol)

    @girlinahat We have both problems, constant fireworks around 5bth Nov, and daylight until around 830pm! So everyone is letting off their fireworks after we've gone to bed! Grrrrr
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    My dogs are tramatized by the 4th, er the week of the 4th because its not one day, like @skippygirlsmom said. Idiots all week long and all night long.

    Luckily we have 2 officers in the addition so they do stop most of it by 10. But i did hear some after 1am. If i shot any off, i think itd be through their living room windows. (Not really. Just hate this "celebration")
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,400 Member
    @girlinahat and @MegaMooseEsq - We do have bonfires here on the 4th but just at the beach locations where they have fire pits. People set up/block off areas for days ahead to get the 'best' spot for their party and bonfire, roasting hot dogs and marshmallows and then watching the local organized displays. Mostly it is just too crowded for me to want to go there for the holiday any more. Were I grew up in Idaho the bonfires were strictly in the fall around Halloween too like @lporter229.
    Like others have mentioned people here have been setting off the firecracker, BOOM makers anytime in about the last 2 weeks. Yesterday it started in around 10am and going on continuously for hours. They did shoot off some of the rockets early too before it was dark, you can hear them but not really see them well, but most of those seem to start around 9pm and also go on for hours. I am with @Elise4270, I hate this holiday!
    We also have fireworks every night at Disneyland at 8:45 or 9:30 depending on the time of year and sometimes fireworks at Angel stadium if they are winning a game. We can see and hear both from the house but it is not loud enough to cause Hobbes any dismay.
  • bride001
    bride001 Posts: 153 Member
    @RespectTheKitty - Same thing happened to me on my walk - but it was the computer that lied. I only got in 1.5 miles becuase I was on a long break at work. When i got back to my desk, realized the weather website had me in a totally different city. That's what I get for clearing browsing history today. At least that is what I am blaming it on.
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    My dogs are tramatized by the 4th, er the week of the 4th because its not one day, like @skippygirlsmom said. Idiots all week long and all night long.

    Luckily we have 2 officers in the addition so they do stop most of it by 10. But i did hear some after 1am. If i shot any off, i think itd be through their living room windows. (Not really. Just hate this "celebration")

    I have a “firework phobic” dog as well. The first 7/4 after adopting him we went out to a friend’s party. We came back a few hours later... he ripped the wall-to-wall carpet in the hallway up and to shreds. Stupid expensive lovable oaf...


  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Oh I'm so peeved. I use my fitbit to track my runs. it nothing major at this point because I'm not trying to improve my time or anything like that, just get out running. On my run this morning I had it going, I was getting my km notifications and pace, happy. but when I finished it afterwards, it hasn't saved the map or my splits or anything. I have an Alta HR and bring my phone for the maps etc.

    Anyone else or just me? I've checked the forums and there is one other person so far with the same issue so it might be a fitbit thing. I'm mostly peeved because I want to sync it with Strava to keep track over there, but of course without the map it wont sync.

    Hopefully nobody who actually cares about the data has the issue.
  • Teerai
    Teerai Posts: 243 Member
    The 4th of July is so fun!
    Luv the day :smiley:

    For your dogs that are firework-shy, you just need to condition them like they train em around guns.

    Gather their fav treats for the week of the 4th and new years, (little hot dog bits are favs).
    Every pop and boom means a treat with excited owner. Tiny treat. You don’t want them to get full.
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    My dogs are tramatized by the 4th, er the week of the 4th because its not one day, like @skippygirlsmom said. Idiots all week long and all night long.

    Luckily we have 2 officers in the addition so they do stop most of it by 10. But i did hear some after 1am. If i shot any off, i think itd be through their living room windows. (Not really. Just hate this "celebration")

    The 4th of July is so fun!
    Luv the day :smiley:

    For your dogs that are firework-shy, you just need to condition them like they train em around guns.

    Gather their fav treats for the week of the 4th and new years, (little hot dog bits are favs).
    Every pop and boom means a treat with excited owner. Tiny treat. You don’t want them to get full.

    Don’t reward them for being afraid by saying, "Good dog" like they are justified or "It’s ok..." in sympathy.
    Act like it’s great with a "Woohoo!" or clapping hands or whatever the exciting signal is for you.
    It may take a few years to undo but you can start a week early playing fireworks from youtube in short minute bursts so they start associating the sound with a treat.

    At first every pop gets a treat, then after they start understanding and looking for treats go to every other pop.
    Eventually you can treat sometime in the middle and maybe the last few.
    Technically, you might even work out of treating at all but we always still give em treats on the day during the early and late ones that go off in the neighborhood.

    For the ones that are mental about it, extensive youtube at lower volumes and increasing it over time can overcome it but you might need a couple months and daily sessions so they have a good base before the day.

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @lporter229 what time does the sun rise by you? It's light right now by me at 5:15ish and getting dark around 8:00 since I'm so close to the Eastern/Central time zone change in the central time zone.

    @Teerai I don't have a problem with my dog, unless it's a tornado, then she will let me know it's time to take cover. Thunder, fireworks none of that bother her. My first thought is the way people set off fireworks on my street alone I'd be poor giving her treats ha ha
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @amymoreorless I've thought about bear spray and I've thought about carrying a pistol. I do have a permit to carry, but honestly don't take it running because of the extra weight, bounce, and I generally dress light enough that it is hard to conceal. Technically where I live, I can carry it openly with my permit, but my opinion is that doing so invites trouble and attention.

    They make concealed carry belt packs for runners - but I personally rather see you use bear spray on a dog than a gun. It is almost never the dog's fault and almost always the owners.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    girlinahat wrote: »
    Here’s a question though - when WE do fireworks it’s dark. So you can have family friendly displays at 6pm, do the Ooo-aahhh thing, and then go home again (preferably after sticking your jaw together with a toffee apple). So how does it work when it’s still light late? And we usually have accompanying bonfires (it IS known as Bonfire Night) because, well you can imagine November in the U.K. - but you guys are all hot and sweaty so I’m guessing that doesn’t happen!!!

    Most public displays wait until at least 9 pm if not 10 pm to start. Random people all over the country will fire them off all day long for several days on either side of the holiday. Lots of people get hurt, no one learns. Most of the "good" fireworks are illegal in many states, but outlawing something has never gotten it off the street if it is in demand.
  • sarahthes
    sarahthes Posts: 3,252 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Oh I'm so peeved. I use my fitbit to track my runs. it nothing major at this point because I'm not trying to improve my time or anything like that, just get out running. On my run this morning I had it going, I was getting my km notifications and pace, happy. but when I finished it afterwards, it hasn't saved the map or my splits or anything. I have an Alta HR and bring my phone for the maps etc.

    Anyone else or just me? I've checked the forums and there is one other person so far with the same issue so it might be a fitbit thing. I'm mostly peeved because I want to sync it with Strava to keep track over there, but of course without the map it wont sync.

    Hopefully nobody who actually cares about the data has the issue.

    I feel your pain! My Garmin died on Sunday (only 2 months old). So frustrating! I am using my Fitbit Blaze as a backup until I get my warranty replacement but I also use the Strava phone app. I'll let you know if I have problems with my Fitbit during/after tonight's run.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    You can't buy fireworks in Australia unless you're professionally licenced. No injuries for anyone though.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    All that talk about it getting dark by 9.30 - I forget how much further NORTH we are here. I’m basically on a similar latitude to Calgary, so that will have an effect on sunset, no matter what time zone anyone is in.
  • elnoor7
    elnoor7 Posts: 2 Member
    So I did a 3 mile run today, it was okay. But I’m a little upset with myself because I ate Slims Chickens later today and I’m not even sure why. I wasn’t hungry....
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Hello all, new to the challenge but have been running for a few years and have started setting more weekly/monthly goals. So for July my goal is 40 miles. No specific race or event to look forward to yet, just trying to get the weight down. I run outdoors 3-4 times weekly and use treadmill on lifting days. Currently have 3.5 outdoor miles and 1 treadmill mile for the month.

    Yay! Welcome to the group!