Beachbody Support Group 2018



  • drea2011
    drea2011 Posts: 874 Member
    Started my morning out with P90X3 MMX! That one makes me drop sweat
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I did a Firm video and TurboFire 30 class.
  • changeconsumeme
    changeconsumeme Posts: 229 Member
    This is my first time back to the MFP boards in a looooong time. :)

    Today is Day 6 of 80 Day Obsession for me. I took the plunge and signed up on a whim and I’m extremely motivated to keep up with it. I used to go to the gym consistently for the first 6 months in my weight loss journey...then slacked off and sporadically worked out at home for the next 7 months.

    This program is tough, but it’s not impossible. I’m used to just pushing through a half hour workout, so transitioning to a full hour was a wake up call. DOMS has set in something fierce. But something about Autumn and the way the nutrition is set up has sparked a whole new fire inside me to really reach my goal this year!

    I just pounded a preworkout (not Beach Body though) and I’m getting ready to put in that last bit of energy into my last full workout of the week with Cardio Flow. :D
  • deceived1
    deceived1 Posts: 281 Member
    edited July 2018
    Tomorrow is my last day of T25 Beta round. First time making it this far (dabbled in Alpha twice in the past). Haven't missed a day yet (even double workout days!). Very proud of myself. I feel great physically -- probably the best since middle school when I was last active. 16 pounds down so far in a 2 and a half months doing CICO along with T25 has me feeling pretty darn good about myself right now!

    I love this support group as well! Keep it up everyone! Feel free to send me a friend invite anyone! Always looking for support.
  • shgreenw
    shgreenw Posts: 194 Member
    shgreenw wrote: »
    I've done Insanity a few times and LOVED it. I'm recovering from ankle surgery I had in April to put in a plate and screws (I broke it in two places). I think Insanity will be way too much at this point. Jumping still freaks me out. I think I'm going to start T25 on Monday and just modify as needed. I'm already walking 3-4 miles per day, but I miss the feeling of a really good sweat session!

    Have you tried PiYo? It's great and low impact.

    I have PiYo. I really liked it but I don't sweat like I do with higher intensity workouts which is what I'm really craving. Maybe I should start off with a T25/PiYo hybrid and listen to my body to see when and if I can do more! Thanks for the idea!
  • RollTideHusker
    RollTideHusker Posts: 231 Member
    Stretch is done. Well 1/2 of it. I hurt my back Fri, so I did what I felt comfortable with. Starting Gamma tomorrow and I want to make sure I’m good to go 🙂
  • deceived1
    deceived1 Posts: 281 Member
    T25 Beta round officially complete! Speed 3.0 + Extreme Circuit. Ouch. Onward to Gamma!
    Stretch is done. Well 1/2 of it. I hurt my back Fri, so I did what I felt comfortable with. Starting Gamma tomorrow and I want to make sure I’m good to go 🙂

    Sucks to hear about your back! Some of these exercises are making my back uncomfortable too. (Sitting bicycle kick to V-up being one of them). Might take it easier on some of the intensive back exercises in Gamma for a bit too.
  • changeconsumeme
    changeconsumeme Posts: 229 Member
    Omg, day #7 of 80DO with the foam roller...I’m still so sore and so tender in my lower body that it about brought tears to my eyes! And tomorrow is Total Body all over again. :s:s
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "Insanity Max: 30 Max Out Sweat & Max Out Abs"=Done!
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    hmmm, looks like I forgot to post yesterday. D'OH!!! "Insanity Max: 30 Max Out Power"=Done!
  • Sandysphat
    Sandysphat Posts: 215 Member
    Starting Gamma today, wish me luck
  • Inds13
    Inds13 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi all,
    I just started 21 Day Fix today and I only burned 160 calories in 30 minutes according to mg Apple Watch! I’m not new to fitness and I had been consistently going to the gym burning twice that amount in 30 minutes (3 miles) of running! Although the workout is tough it is very discouraging that I could have just run for 30 minutes and burned twice as many calories. Is 1 workout of the program a day really going to make a difference or do I need to do something else in addition to 21 Day Fix? I’m trying to lose a few pounds.
  • ZephieC
    ZephieC Posts: 162 Member
    Started T25 Alpha week 3 yesterday with total body circuit. I found it so hard. I had to pause it a few times but I made it through. Do your legs ever stop feeling like cooked noodles? :smile:
  • ZephieC
    ZephieC Posts: 162 Member
    Sandysphat wrote: »
    Starting Gamma today, wish me luck

    Good luck. I am struggling with Alpha, the idea that I'll ever get to Gamma seems like a Hope your first day went well!
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "Insanity Max: 30 Max Out Strength"=Done! SHEESH! that low hold at the end!!! :s
  • RollTideHusker
    RollTideHusker Posts: 231 Member
    @ZephieC Total Body is tough. You can do it though!! I think my legs were sore a lot. But it’s a good sore 😉.

    @Sandysphat I just started Gamma yesterday. We will kick its butt 🙂

    Today was Ript Up. I liked it. I sweated a ton and my arms feel like jello right now.
  • DeshotelK
    DeshotelK Posts: 183 Member
    Last night was T25 Alpha Lower Focus. Afterwards, I was feeling like I had extra energy so I went for a walk. Didn't realize how far I had gone and 4.5 miles later I was feeling it. Though I'm sore today, it felt great to be active again!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited July 2018
    Inds13 wrote: »
    Hi all,
    I just started 21 Day Fix today and I only burned 160 calories in 30 minutes according to mg Apple Watch! I’m not new to fitness and I had been consistently going to the gym burning twice that amount in 30 minutes (3 miles) of running! Although the workout is tough it is very discouraging that I could have just run for 30 minutes and burned twice as many calories. Is 1 workout of the program a day really going to make a difference or do I need to do something else in addition to 21 Day Fix? I’m trying to lose a few pounds.
    21 Day Fix has strength involved. Strength workouts don't burn as many calories during the workout as a cardio workout (your running). That said, strength workouts help you to maintain your lean body mass. This (along with adequate protein and a reasonable deficit) will help you lose mostly fat. When this is the case you want to put less focus on the scale and more on your measurements.

    I tried 21 Day Fix earlier this year, but had to stop during week 3. I was doing it as my main workout along with Fitbit Coach Daily Dose (only 10-15 min bodyweight). I lost about 3-4 lbs during that time frame while eating around 2k calories a day.
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "Insanity Max: 30 um..."Wednesday" Fight: Round 2”=DONE! yea...that's technically "MAX: 30"=Done! my inner "OCPD voice" says Cardio Challenge is still on the calendar..."we HAVE to do it"...LOL! there will be plenty of cardio on Saturday. I'm thinking "two days of laying on the couch playin Nintendo!" and tubing on Friday!!!

    oh...and it is TOTALLY time to lay out on the floor! LOL!