NYBNY Challenge Week 3 results Week 4 chat (closed group)



  • hopespringseternal
    I burned 894 calories this weekend and lost .8 pounds for the week and .4 body fat%. Not the best week but it could have been worse!!!!
  • dipsl19
    dipsl19 Posts: 317 Member

    snobuni08 hasnt logged in since tuesday, and i havent heard from her since then either about any of the following challenges. so we have replaced her :/

    with josh (gmen82990) who is also my boyfriend :) ive been talking nonstop about the challenge and when i mentioned that a few members were MIA and we needed someone more dedicated, he said if a spot opened up he wants in!

    works for me, because we live together so i can pester him 24/7! wooooo lol
  • Twinmom1221
    Twinmom1221 Posts: 191 Member
    I'm feeling great about this week! I lost 3.6 pounds, earned 9 points, and burned 899 calories this weekend.

    I can't wait to see how my team did.
  • DancinSMartiPants
    I am so glad we are tracking BF%, too. I lost a pound this week despite TOM, but even with the loss I was a little discouraged because the loss doesn't match my MFP projected loss UNTIL I did the bodyfat percentages and compared last week to this week.

    Last week
    39% body fat
    104.13 pounds of fat
    162.87 pounds of lean tissue

    This week
    38.5% body fat
    101.9 pounds of fat
    164 .1 pounds of lean tissue

    That's 2.4 pounds of fat lost and 1.23 pounds of lean tissue gained for a net loss of about 1. I *felt* like I did more than a 1 pound loss of work last week, even with TOM in play, and these numbers back me up and make me feel encouraged. But not as encouraged at you guys make me feel. :happy:

    Aw!! Group hug!
  • gretchen0824
    gretchen0824 Posts: 82 Member
    0 loss this week....to be honest wasnt expecting any as I hardly worked out this week due to feeling craptastic and this weekend was filled w so much activity

    I did however eat good and I think that attributed to my not gaining any weight.

    Will do better this week, 2 weeks til anniversary, have lost 5 lbs would love to lose another 3-4.....
  • nb9251
    nb9251 Posts: 151 Member
    I'm feeling great about this week! I lost 3.6 pounds, earned 9 points, and burned 899 calories this weekend.

    I can't wait to see how my team did.

    Wow. Way to go!
  • wvualum
    wvualum Posts: 428
    I had a great week..

    8 points (couldn't get in the fruit and veggies)
    2004 calories for the weekend.
    3 pounds lost
  • DancinSMartiPants
    We have several new people on board and so I thought I would remind us of this non-scale way of measuring success. When Lori first started the group a few weeks ago one of the things that (most) of us did when we first joined was to figure out our body fat percentage according to this website:


    The cool thing about it is that sometimes when the scale doesn't move down, or moves down a little, you can still see improvement. All you need to do the one at the site above is a tape measure and your current weight.
  • katey82
    katey82 Posts: 70 Member
    No loss this week :( burned 700 calories over the weekend. Wasnt feeling good all weekend, so I had very little motivation.
  • wvualum
    wvualum Posts: 428
    So for the body fat %, if you want to send me your body fat %'s at the end of each month, I will do a separate report out on that from our weekly results. And if you never sent me your % and want to start tracking it, send it to me at any time and I will log it.

  • BigDave1050
    BigDave1050 Posts: 854 Member
    Did not lose anything this week. (I'm ok with that, just this time) Was a really busy weekend only got a four mile walk/run in with the dogs on saturday and then some house cleaning on sunday.
  • nb9251
    nb9251 Posts: 151 Member
    So for the body fat %, if you want to send me your body fat %'s at the end of each month, I will do a separate report out on that from our weekly results. And if you never sent me your % and want to start tracking it, send it to me at any time and I will log it.

    So you don't want out body fat % every week?
  • katey82
    katey82 Posts: 70 Member
    45 mins of speed walking...done