July 2018 Running Challenge



  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,007 Member
    @AlphaHowls Wow ! You are such an inspiration!
    @katharmonic Sounds like a good race! Glad you had fun with it.
    @marisap2010 I'm so glad you were able to take your little on a hike. I can't imagine a kid who has never seen a turtle in the wild. Although I had to Google saskatoon berries after @juliet3455 mentioned them so I guess depending on where you live it may not be that unusual that a child has never seen a turtle.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited July 2018
    @midwesterner85 I like the potato chip idea. Could offer those in small paper cups and hand them out like water.

    I like @RunsOnEspresso idea of marshmallows. Not my fav treat, but for running would be good. Maybe little ones with the tater chips? Both foods are cheap.

    M&M's dont melt. I had some in my car (from the orthodontist) in the 95+ heat all afternoon and nada one melted. Chips, marshmallows and chocolate? I even like the idea of crushed potato chips!

    And BACON. I ran the OKC Memorial Marathon (half distance), this race is also a BQ. Bacon, bananas and whiskey at one stop.

    I ran with a group, they liked dates and raisins. (Yuck).

    Pickle slices? Again inexpensive :wink:
    ETA or green olives?
  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    @AlphaHowls Wow ! You are such an inspiration!
    @katharmonic Sounds like a good race! Glad you had fun with it.
    @marisap2010 I'm so glad you were able to take your little on a hike. I can't imagine a kid who has never seen a turtle in the wild. Although I had to Google saskatoon berries after @juliet3455 mentioned them so I guess depending on where you live it may not be that unusual that a child has never seen a turtle.

    I honestly was shocked when she told me. I guess she has always lived in fairly urban areas where there aren’t as many animals. That is one reason I wanted to take her hiking. I’m trying to introduce her to things that are not electronics!

  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    @midwesterner85 What about gummy bears or jelly beans in little pill cups?
  • LaDispute57
    LaDispute57 Posts: 371 Member
    My favorite aid station food is grilled cheese.... I also like mashed potato balls
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    Orphia wrote: »

    @5BeautifulDays LOL That's a very well-written description of a millisecond of clever reaction time. :smiley:
    Hope the bruises don't hurt too much.

    I'm definitely sore today and decided to wait until tomorrow to get out and run. I banged up my left side, and my husband recently broke his right arm falling off his bike, so we're quite the gimpy pair, lol!

    Your race sounds like fun, @katharmonic ! I can't imagine drinking beer after running...I'd be running somewhere, but it wouldn't be to party! But bands and lots of friends sounds like a way to make the miles fly by. :)

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @midwesterner85 I like the potato chip idea. Could offer those in small paper cups and hand them out like water.

    I like @RunsOnEspresso idea of marshmallows. Not my fav treat, but for running would be good. Maybe little ones with the tater chips? Both foods are cheap.

    M&M's dont melt. I had some in my car (from the orthodontist) in the 95+ heat all afternoon and nada one melted. Chips, marshmallows and chocolate? I even like the idea of crushed potato chips!

    And BACON. I ran the OKC Memorial Marathon (half distance), this race is also a BQ. Bacon, bananas and whiskey at one stop.

    I ran with a group, they liked dates and raisins. (Yuck).

    Pickle slices? Again inexpensive :wink:
    ETA or green olives?

    Good call on the m&ms! The hot chocolate race does marshmallows and chocolate. One year they did m&ms. They were good. The chocolate squares sound unappetizing while running so I shoved them in my vest for later. They were wrapped LOL

    Bacon! Yes! I love bacon. Ohh, green olives would be tasty too I bet.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @katharmonic Congrats on your race. Having fun is key :)
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member

    What I have seen at the big races is:

    Gummy Worms (and bears, etc)
    Orange Slices (I love these, water and sugar in a yummy package)
    Pestles - only much later in the race
    Ice Pops
    Vasoline on a stick
    Sweedish Fish

    I have not seen that has been suggested:

    Skittles (my guess is the dye will get all over your hands, and they do not seem easy to hand out hygenitically)
    M&Ms (same guess as Skittles)

    They might work, maybe if you put a handful in a cup and handed them out?

    That is all I got right now. :)
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Thank you all for the suggestions thus far. Definitely I think the little clear medicine cups would be good for handing out snacks so nobody has to worry about wrappers, but they also don't all have their hands in the same bucket.

    @PastorVincent What is a Pestle? I'm thinking the spot will be somewhere around 16-18 for the full marathon and about mile 5-7 for the half. It will be another couple weeks before I can confirm the location, though.

  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @PastorVincent What is a Pestle? I'm thinking the spot will be somewhere around 16-18 for the full marathon and about mile 5-7 for the half. It will be another couple weeks before I can confirm the location, though.

    Pestle is an ancient word from my indigenous ancestors that means, roughly, pretzel. :lol:
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    It may sound dumb, but marathon runners temporarily lose at least 20 points of IQ while running the race. A sound track may sink in when signs don't and pre-race directions have been forgotten.

    THIS! LOL, at my first Marathon I saw people handing out vaseline on a stick and the pacers all were yelling "THAT'S NOT FOOD!" "DO NOT EAT THAT" and the like.

    I asked about and they told me "every race we get people that grab that stick and stuff it in their mouth."

    I have not personally tried this, but I am going to assume that it is NOT a pleasant surprise. :lol:

  • Arieslife88
    Arieslife88 Posts: 10 Member
    I walked to the grocery store today and walked back carrying the groceries in my backpack and one bag in each hand. It was a really good workout. Reminded me of living in New York without a car 😊 It’s not running but I did put some miles in.

    Thank you for everyone who made suggestions about the shin splints. I will transition to different shoes and see if it makes a difference.

    3.2 miles -7/8/18

    Total miles- 7.8/30 miles
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,671 Member
    At many of the big events I've done there are people wearing gloves handing out jelly beans, snakes, fudge and the like. I hate the grab-your-own baskets of sweets, but the gloves give me the illusion of hygiene.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    @midwesterner85 - Another thought: If it's a hot day, sponges soaked in ice water will be popular with the runners. Or washcloths, or anything cool to wipe their faces.