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That Keto is so hot right now



  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    pinuplove wrote: »
    I've been doing 4 Hour Body since 2012, and the only times I've failed is when I drink too much alcohol. Pretty cool, I got to meet Tim Ferriss on public transit in SF and personally thanked him for helping me lose 100 pounds. I don't have the patience for measuring much, and having a full cheat day each week helps me stick to it on a psychological level. Every body is different, so I say kudos to doing whatever works for each individual person! <3


    Congrats on your weight loss!

    You couldn't pay me enough to do this, though.

    6 20-minute naps a day for sleep? I'm out!

    There are very divided chapters based on topic in the book. I don't need the sleep, sex, or "geek to freak" sections. I just focus on the food and kettlebells. He provides a blueprint, but it's completely customizable based on your body and preferences. I eat my fruits and starchy veggies on Sundays (my cheat day). Just made a tater tot casserole on Sunday for a BBQ and still down in weight two days later. ::shrug::

    I'm glad you've been able to pick and choose the portions that work for you. I still don't think it would work for me, but that's the beauty of a flexible approach :smile:
  • ToxDocAR
    ToxDocAR Posts: 49 Member
    edited July 2018
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    ToxDocAR wrote: »
    Those graphs were created by Stephan Guyenet (http://wholehealthsource.blogspot.com/2015/11/carbohydrate-sugar-and-obesity-in.html). Many issues with the graphs themselves which gives the illusion of a greater trend.

    Looking at the graphs though, the participants self-reported (notoriously inaccurate) roughly 508 grams of carbs/day/person in 2000 vs ~470 grams/day/person in 2010. That is still a *kitten* ton of carbs, and only ~7.5% decrease (again self-reported). This is total carbohydrate grams mind you, not a percent of calories or ratio of the diet. Sugar intake went from ~110 g/day/person to ~94 g/day/person (~15% decrease). You can also see that the %obesity roughly doubled from 1980-2000 (20 years; 100% increase), yet from 2000-2010 %obesity went from ~30%-~37.5%, only 25% increase. One could argue the moderate (but significant if these numbers are based on the Makarem et al. 2014 Br J Nutrition paper) decrease in carbohydrate and sugar consumption altered the obesity trend for the better... If anything, its no wonder %obesity continues to climb.

    I'll just leave this here: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/2686143
    And the same day, same journal https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/2686146
    Both are essentially mini-reviews. A good read.
  • ToxDocAR
    ToxDocAR Posts: 49 Member
    ToxDocAR wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Actually, carbohydrate intake has decreased significantly over the last roughly 20 years....


    Pretty difficult to reconcile the carb/obesity theory with those stats, isn't it?:



    Those graphs were created by Stephan Guyenet (http://wholehealthsource.blogspot.com/2015/11/carbohydrate-sugar-and-obesity-in.html). Many issues with the graphs themselves which gives the illusion of a greater trend.

    Looking at the graphs though, the participants self-reported (notoriously inaccurate) roughly 508 grams of carbs/day/person in 2000 vs ~470 grams/day/person in 2010. That is still a *kitten* ton of carbs, and only ~7.5% decrease (again self-reported). This is total carbohydrate grams mind you, not a percent of calories or ratio of the diet. Sugar intake went from ~110 g/day/person to ~94 g/day/person (~15% decrease). You can also see that the %obesity roughly doubled from 1980-2000 (20 years; 100% increase), yet from 2000-2010 %obesity went from ~30%-~37.5%, only 25% increase. One could argue the moderate (but significant if these numbers are based on the Makarem et al. 2014 Br J Nutrition paper) decrease in carbohydrate and sugar consumption altered the obesity trend for the better... If anything, its no wonder %obesity continues to climb.

    I'm fine with disregarding self-reported numbers as long as we clarify what we're replacing it with. What numbers would you like to use to support your claim that carbohydrate consumption has "exploded"?

    I didn't make that claim in my post, but some NHANES trend analysis suggest it is greater than in the 1970s. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4598942/pdf/nihms721969.pdf
  • ToxDocAR
    ToxDocAR Posts: 49 Member
    edited July 2018
    ccrdragon wrote: »
    ToxDocAR wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    ToxDocAR wrote: »
    Those graphs were created by Stephan Guyenet (http://wholehealthsource.blogspot.com/2015/11/carbohydrate-sugar-and-obesity-in.html). Many issues with the graphs themselves which gives the illusion of a greater trend.

    Looking at the graphs though, the participants self-reported (notoriously inaccurate) roughly 508 grams of carbs/day/person in 2000 vs ~470 grams/day/person in 2010. That is still a *kitten* ton of carbs, and only ~7.5% decrease (again self-reported). This is total carbohydrate grams mind you, not a percent of calories or ratio of the diet. Sugar intake went from ~110 g/day/person to ~94 g/day/person (~15% decrease). You can also see that the %obesity roughly doubled from 1980-2000 (20 years; 100% increase), yet from 2000-2010 %obesity went from ~30%-~37.5%, only 25% increase. One could argue the moderate (but significant if these numbers are based on the Makarem et al. 2014 Br J Nutrition paper) decrease in carbohydrate and sugar consumption altered the obesity trend for the better... If anything, its no wonder %obesity continues to climb.

    I'll just leave this here: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/2686143
    And the same day, same journal https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/2686146
    Both are essentially mini-reviews. A good read.

    Guess how I know you didn't read the link provide by AnvilHead ??

    I have had it open on my computer. I am capable of reading both sides of the debate. I find both good reads. Crazy concept, I know. edited to remove a tad bit of snarkiness :#
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    edited July 2018
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    mmapags wrote: »
    annaskiski wrote: »
    LouisTamsi wrote: »

    What changed in the last few weeks?

    Sorry I'm late replying, a part of Obamacare went into effect that makes restaurants with more than 10 locations post calorie counts for their menu items.

    I love this so much. So much easier to make better choices.

    I really don't understand why people fought this so hard. It's only large chains, and doesn't cost much for them to put the recipes in a calorie calculator.

    The restaurants don't want you to know how calorific their foods are, that I understand. But why do consumers oppose it?

    Just want businesses to have the choice if they want to publish or not. None are forced to go to a restaurant, so if consumers wanted it, they would choose restaurants who publish.

    A government that has the power to force someone else to do something has the power to force you to do something.

    As a lover of freedom, I detest the idea that a restaurant owner would lose a bit of freedom by having the government force them to publish.

    If the market signals that consumers want this, that is one thing. If government mandates it, that is antithetical to freedom and goes counter to the premise America was founded on, freedom.

    We all sacrifice a little freedom for the greater good of the many. It's the fundamental concept of societies.

    I have no issues with chains larger than 20 meeting this requirement. It helps the many and full disclosure is never a bad thing. At that size, it is not an onerous requirement. Bear in mind that many of the health regulations that keep restaurants save also cause a "restaurant owner to lose a bit of freedom". Would you do away with that also?

    What freedom is sacrificed for the greater good of the many? If this is taken by force then it isn't freedom.

    This is the definition of theft and oppression.

    My right to swing my fist ends where your nose begins.

    (ETA I'm guessing that's something like what he means :smile: )
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    ToxDocAR wrote: »
    ccrdragon wrote: »
    ToxDocAR wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    ToxDocAR wrote: »
    Those graphs were created by Stephan Guyenet (http://wholehealthsource.blogspot.com/2015/11/carbohydrate-sugar-and-obesity-in.html). Many issues with the graphs themselves which gives the illusion of a greater trend.

    Looking at the graphs though, the participants self-reported (notoriously inaccurate) roughly 508 grams of carbs/day/person in 2000 vs ~470 grams/day/person in 2010. That is still a *kitten* ton of carbs, and only ~7.5% decrease (again self-reported). This is total carbohydrate grams mind you, not a percent of calories or ratio of the diet. Sugar intake went from ~110 g/day/person to ~94 g/day/person (~15% decrease). You can also see that the %obesity roughly doubled from 1980-2000 (20 years; 100% increase), yet from 2000-2010 %obesity went from ~30%-~37.5%, only 25% increase. One could argue the moderate (but significant if these numbers are based on the Makarem et al. 2014 Br J Nutrition paper) decrease in carbohydrate and sugar consumption altered the obesity trend for the better... If anything, its no wonder %obesity continues to climb.

    I'll just leave this here: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/2686143
    And the same day, same journal https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/2686146
    Both are essentially mini-reviews. A good read.

    Guess how I know you didn't read the link provide by AnvilHead ??

    I have had it open on my computer. I am capable of reading both sides of the debate thank you very much. I find both good reads. Crazy concept, I know.

    When you read the abstract on the Ludwig paper, be sure to pay attention to the following (emphasis added):

    "Beyond the type and amount of carbohydrate consumed, the CIM provides a conceptual framework for understanding how many dietary and nondietary exposures might alter hormones, metabolism, and adipocyte biology in ways that could predispose to obesity. Pending definitive studies, the principles of a low-glycemic load diet offer a practical alternative to the conventional focus on dietary fat and calorie restriction."