40 and older with 10lbs or less to lose



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,806 Member
    How does your husband deal with you not wanting to go out to eat in 30 days? That would make my husband crazy!!!

    Thanks for the welcome! To answer your question, my husband is actually pretty good about it. Being in the military, he, of course, has to watch his weight as well. And when I had him look up the calorie content in the food at our favorite hamburger place here, he readily accepted that this isn't a place we can eat every week. :bigsmile: Luckily from being overseas as much as we have and such, our routine has always been to eat out once a week, and changing that to once a month or so just doesn't seem to be that difficult for us. What I miss most, though, is the break from cooking!

    singfree wrote:
    One's "ideal" weight should not be based on some chart (BMI), because it does not take into consideration how much muscle weight a person has.

    I totally agree with this! Some people my height look great at 110, others at 130. It is a moving target for people depending on so many things. I've been thinking about this quite a bit since I'm moving back down into the 120s (where I haven't been now in a few years) and asking myself the question as to 'why' I want to be there.

    Like singfree, my ultimate goal is to be as fit as I can be. That's one of the reasons I've actually been happy to ride around in the 130s for the past few years because I was focusing my goals on trying to get my fitness levels back to pre-2006 injury. Well, I feel like I'm there now (which is a GREAT feeling). And, for me, there is no doubt that one of the reasons I want to take off the extra 10 pounds is incredibly shallow and cosmetic. I know losing the weight isn't going to make me fitter, that's for sure. But I think losing that extra bit of weight will make my efforts show more. I'm almost embarrassed to admit that on a public message board, but I enjoyed it when I was at 120 and people would ask me if I lifted weights. I don't get that at 130. So that's the very shallow reason I'm trying to get back down.

    However, underneath that very shallow reason lies another very real reason, and that is the very real fact that as women go into menopause, many/most invariably gain weight. Gaining 10 pounds from 120 is for me very obviously acceptable. But gaining that 10 pounds from 130 isn't so much, because 140 is right when I start getting pretty uncomfortable with the way I look AND (more importantly) feel. So I really want to get good control of my eating habits and my weight before I get into that phase of my life. I have an older sister going through it right now, and she is struggling. I'm trying to learn as much from her as I can in order to do what is best for my body right now. No doubt staying fit is the first element of the process. But I can't help but think losing these extra ten pounds will probably be a very good thing in the long run for my mind, body and spirit.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Stiring, I know what you mean. A few years ago my mom had a triple bypass and she was never a smoker or a heavy person. I guess right now I'm trying to make sure that as I age I'm in my best possible shape. Weight isn't as important to me as health. I plan to use the scale as a warning device. Like a bell saying Hello - You better make some better decisions about what you are eating and work out a little more.
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Hi and welcome to everybody. So go figure I ate crap yesterday and lost 2.4 lbs?:huh: :bigsmile: Anyway, here's been my regime:
    I workout 6 days a week, working each body part at least once a week with 10-30lbs of weight. I also do cardio 4X/wk-Kempo karate, sprinting for 20 min. 2X/wk usually, Plyometrics, and sometimes just walks for at least 40 min.
    Eating-I've increased my calories to 1500, and usually burn at least 500 cals/day. I try very hard to eat well, but at least 3X/wk am pigging out on crap. Boredom, depression, and late night munchies...That's when I eat the worst-in the evening while watching TV or on the computer. The problem is too is now I have more calories to eat!!! I drink lots of water too.
    I am definitley up for some sort of challenge. For me it's the eating-more veggies, stopping the crap eating, etc. So, that's my story....glad this has started, we all have the same goal, with same struggles it sounds!:drinker:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I have about 200 cals leftover to eat. I think I am going to "dump" them...:laugh: :laugh: I usually try to eat all my calories but I am pretty full right now and it is almost 7pm. I try not to eat after 7:30pm unless I have not eaten most of my calories. I go to bed between 9 and 10pm.

    Someone asked for an example of what I eat:
    Breakfast: oatmeal, skim milk, blueberries, hazelnuts, one hard boiled egg, one slice of mrs bairds sugar free whole wheat bread, 1 tbs chardonnay & cheddar spread, coffee, non dairy creamer
    snack: oroweat double fiber english muffin, 1tbs smart balance peanut butter
    lunch: homemade korean soup, bowl of pineapple, mango, strawberries (1/2 cup each)
    snack: kashi tlc trail mix bar (I was out shopping with my son)
    dinner: big salad (romaine, cucumber, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes), salad spritzers, 4oz country style ribs, 1/2 c baked beans, rum and diet coke (husband begging me to have a drink with him :laugh: )
    dessert: strawberries (trying to finish them before they spoil)

    Glad to have a group of people of my same age and same struggles!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Some really good posts, everyone! Let's keep sharing our success (and frustration)!

    The best thing about getting fit was- by losing body fat, my cholesterol dropped 53 points in 3 months (no meds), my HR is around 50 (resting), and all of my bloodwork numbers were in the normal range. Of course, I had to start eating clean...but I now feel incredible. Yes, it is a struggle not to go to the all-you-can-eat places. Yes, I get lazy at times. I do this for ME first. I want to be around for my wife, my kids, and my wonderful little grandson. If my body truly is a temple, I better keep it that way.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    It sounds like we could all use a crap free challenge! I don't believe that depravation necessarily works all the time because you build up resentment and end up pigging out (oops I mean I end up pigging out:embarassed: ) How about a challenge to eat well 5 or 6 days a week? I know a lot of programs offer a cheat day. They say it takes 6 weeks to start a habit. So I suggest we try 6 weeks of 6 days/week of no junk. We would have to leave it up to each individual to define what is junk. I allow myself a glass of red wine or some high quality dark chocolate on occasion and don't consider them junk given their heart health benefits. On the other hand when I eat baked lays I consider them junk food because let's face it there is no value to them even though they are a healthy alternative. Anyone Game?
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Hi duffysmom

    Count me in! I sure love a challenge.
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    It sounds like we could all use a crap free challenge! I don't believe that depravation necessarily works all the time because you build up resentment and end up pigging out (oops I mean I end up pigging out:embarassed: ) How about a challenge to eat well 5 or 6 days a week? I know a lot of programs offer a cheat day. They say it takes 6 weeks to start a habit. So I suggest we try 6 weeks of 6 days/week of no junk. We would have to leave it up to each individual to define what is junk. I allow myself a glass of red wine or some high quality dark chocolate on occasion and don't consider them junk given their heart health benefits. On the other hand when I eat baked lays I consider them junk food because let's face it there is no value to them even though they are a healthy alternative. Anyone Game?

    I'm definitely in. I'll try for the 6 days a week. I also believe in the one cheater day plan.:wink: When is weigh in and how do we report if we were nasty and cheated in the challenge? Is someone going to keep track of weights or do we ourselves?:huh: :drinker:
  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member
    nice group. it might help me to join. thanx 4 starting it alf.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    back in 2001, i topped at 240lbs!
    i have been fighting my lbs all my life.
    i weight 148 this morning. that is probably less than i was in high school!
    i work out 6-7 days a week. crazy

    crap free challenge will not be hard 4 me.
    i'm challenging myself to drink all my water. that is my bad.

  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning gang!!!!! I weighed in yesterday but what we can do is set this Friday for the entire group to weigh in and report the weight. Every day we can post the workouts, difficulties, success, etc. We can all keep track of our own weight. I like the no crap challenge for 6 days of the week. I don't like the idea of a cheat day but a cheat meal should be fine. On a cheat day you can easily eat 3,000 calories, I know I can :laugh: I try to eat as clean as possible everyday. I define crap as cake, donuts, any pastries unless you make them and add healthy ingredients, candy bars, chips, etc. I also want to limit my alcohol intake as much as possible. I dont drink every day and if I do I will limit it to one drink.

    I am surprised to have a male in our group!!! Welcome and I do appreciate all your suggestions. Now, you have to remember that us women are more vain when it comes to looks, etc and that is why sometimes we use the scales as a reference. I am proud to say that I as well as the rest of this group are older, smarter, women, who know what we want, and know that weight is not all that matters, health is first. As you have read all of us are pretty active and do a variety of exercises including weight training. I love to lift, it makes me feel so powerful!!! :flowerforyou:

    I did 55 mins on the stationary bike today and did 18 mins of boxing using the Wii. So much fun!! Burned a total of 454 cals. :flowerforyou:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    nice group. it might help me to join. thanx 4 starting it alf.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    back in 2001, i topped at 240lbs!
    i have been fighting my lbs all my life.
    i weight 148 this morning. that is probably less than i was in high school!
    i work out 6-7 days a week. crazy

    crap free challenge will not be hard 4 me.
    i'm challenging myself to drink all my water. that is my bad.


    Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: How much water are you drinking now? Try to increase it little by little...it does make a huge difference!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can say I am addicted to water. So far I've had 4 cups but by the time noon comes it will probably be 10 cups. I had 18 cups (144oz) yesterday. Drink up!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    With our new "healthy attitude", I'm sure every one of us will attain our goal, whatever it may be. The bottom line is...cut the crap (junk food), move your butt daily, and enjoy the new and improved you!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,806 Member
    I'm all up for the challenge!! I define crap as food that has little nutritional value--what I call food containing empty calories (chips, cookies, cakes, donuts, etc).

    I used to love my cheat days! But I recently read or heard (I don't remember which, to be honest) a fitness expert who recommended cheat days actually define what a cheat day should be (at least for that individual), and it wasn't what I thought it should be, that's for sure. To me, a cheat day (or meal) would be 'eat pretty much whatever you want'. This recommendation was to simply bump the caloric intake up about 300-500 calories in that day. That surprised me because that certainly isn't enough to allow me to go out to my favorite restaurant and eat my favorite meal!

    I'm not saying this is the definitive rule, but I share this because the impact of hearing this on me was for me to decide cheat days within those parameters really aren't necessary for me, and I have since given them up. The interesting thing is that since joining MFP, I've been researching my metabolic rates and such, and I've really learned that I shouldn't eat many of the things I enjoy as often as what I have in the past--even if that was once a week. So now I'm working on completely changing my habits so I can create a lifestyle where eating some of those things I enjoyed eating more of (even like eating out on a weekly basis) become more of a rare treat than a habit. I think this is going to take a very long time if I'm being completely honest because everyday I wonder 'when will my diet end', and then I have to remind myself, except for a few hundred calories a day, that answer would be 'never'. Some days are easier than others when it comes to accepting that.

    Regarding working out, today I'm planning on doing a 80 minute circuit workout (alternating aerobics with lower body resistance conditioning) and then a 10 minute set of abs. If I have time/energy when I'm through with that, I may add on a 20 minute floor workout for the legs. I better get moving!!!
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    No crap???? :noway:

    Wow. This is gonna be hard... but I'm in! :wink:

    ....starting tomorrow, I've already screwed up today by eating 4 danish butter cookies that were in the breakroom at work. :embarassed:
  • sam340
    sam340 Posts: 5 Member
    Can someone define clean eating for me please?

    Also I just wanted to say that my brother told me that when he body builds and watches what he eats that one day a week (changes never a set day) he'll blow over his calories. That basically this tricks his body into not thinking he's watching his diet. anyone else ever heard of this?
  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member
    i have had a weak bladder for many years. so i have avoided drinking water a lot. :cry: :cry: :cry:
    i drink 33oz while i workout. sometimes, i dont drink at all other than that.
    but i am working on it. drank all my water yesterday!:happy: :happy: :happy:

    for me, "clean eating" would be eating foods that r healthy for us. (opps, i meesed up then cause i had 2cups coffee. well, i do not plan to give up my coffee)
    i never heard of what u bro suggests.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Can someone define clean eating for me please?

    Also I just wanted to say that my brother told me that when he body builds and watches what he eats that one day a week (changes never a set day) he'll blow over his calories. That basically this tricks his body into not thinking he's watching his diet. anyone else ever heard of this?

    I've heard the same thing from others. Now I'm not recommending binging one day a week but just allowing yourself the junk that you know serves nothing but your yum factor.

    You'll have define clean eating for yourself. But I would define it as making healthy choices. Whole grain over refined grain, Fruits and Veggies instead of french fries and chips. The glycemic index could come into play as could high fiber and high nutrient. I love Doritoes - is there really any redeeming quality to them? Not really except they make me smile:love: So one day a week maybe I'll let myself have the doritoes or ice cream. I'm still going to try to watch calories and not go way over but I'm going to relax a little.

    Wolfena - Glad to hear you're joining - and I hear you with the cookies I have some leftover valentine sugar cookies that keep talking to me in the kitchen right now.:devil:
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Friday weigh in sounds good. Today I did level 3 on the Shred for the first time and a long dog walk. I'm longing for spring and clear roads on which to run. Right now my focus is more toning than cardio. I'm trying to build a stronger core for my next long run.
  • ontheedge50
    ontheedge50 Posts: 31 Member
    Dead Metabolism!!!!!
    My story; I've been at a relatively healthy weight most of my life. Last year I QUIT SMOKING! Gained a little. 6lbs! (I knew I would) all was well for about a month. Then all of a sudden my hormones went crazy and my Thyroid decided to take a dump and my metabolism has all but SHUT DOWN. And I'm now 15 lbs heavy then I was just 1 year ago. All of this has been a little dishearten but I am pleased to say that I AM SMOKE FREE. It's been almost a year!!!!
    I've been working HARD the last couple of months but without much success. Does anyone now how to kick my metabolism into gear?:huh:
  • lisaleigh
    What kind of workouts are you doing? A great kick start is to do something like a spin class with a kick-butt instructor. Besides a great, sweaty, cardio workout, you are also working hard from your core to maintain your positions. Add some arm work on the side and you get a good body workout that kicks your system into overdrive! My husband and I moved to Mexico a year ago last Oct. We had been here barely 11 weeks, when I became, suddenly, extremely ill. 3 months later I was diagnosed with Pericardial Tuberculosis! I was in bed and in agony for almost 8 months, with a regimen of meds that was crazy. I lost alot of weight that I couldn't afford, as I was in quite good shape and the lowest weight (125) I should be at 5'9". But when I got little better, my appetite returned and while I was busily losing all my muscle, I was gaining back all the lost weight with an extra 10 on top! As soon as I was feeling well enough to move around I began walking a little and then taking short bike rides. Eventually, I was able to join a spin class and then things really started happening fast! It feels great to be alive again. I am 54, have been through menopause, survived this horrible illness, and this program is working REALLY well for me right now. (plus my husband is 9 years younger than me and I need to be able to keep up with his young self :wink: !) And by the way, WAY TO GO on quitting the smoking. I was still smoking alittle before I got sick, but I am smoke-free for 1 1/2 years now and I will absolutely NEVER "light up" again. And don't miss it at all. Good for YOU!!