What are your Top 5 foods or items that make your life easier?



  • KingHurlbutt
    KingHurlbutt Posts: 169 Member
    I recently started cooking... so one of my go to foods lately is eggs. And in the morning those bags of obrien potatoes and onion mixes.
  • kabrina30
    kabrina30 Posts: 94 Member
    1. Food scale
    2. Happy Scale trending app
    3. Spray oil
    4. Seasonings/spices
    5. Diet pop
    6. Strawberry cheesecake yogurt
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    1. MFP... because duh. Without it, I wouldn't be doing this.
    2. Eggs... I eat SO many eggs but I love them and they help me stay full.
    3. Meal prep and planning (Cozi meals)... Since I began to prep for the week, I stay on target better. I plan out the week, buy what I need, and prep my breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snacks for the week.
    4. Flavored roasted almonds... great snack I can keep at work in a drawer for the munchies
    5. Slow cooker AND Instantpot... expanded my options for dinners especially during the week
  • choppie70
    choppie70 Posts: 544 Member
    My Fitbit
    My home gym
    Food scale
    My husband (we meal prep and exercise together)
  • reversemigration
    reversemigration Posts: 168 Member
    Garnet2727 wrote: »
    4. Steel cut oats. I'm of an age where I need FIBER. These are a great for breakfast. I make a week's worth in my IP every Sunday.

    This. Add in some frozen/fresh berries and you've got a lot of your day's fiber by breakfast!
  • AuthorNinja
    AuthorNinja Posts: 69 Member
    edited July 2018
    This is a fun thread! :D for me, my five things are:

    -MFP. Gotta give thanks to the site that gives me the platform to be accountable!
    -My gym. I strength train and run, and I love it!
    -Coffee. A fantastic morning plus that is my reward for after I workout.
    -Quest bars. I love the 20+ grams of protein I get in the morning and I have it with my coffee. It keeps me full for hours and I can make it until lunch.
    -Diet doctor pepper. I used to not drink soft drinks, but when the weather is hot or my job gets me exhausted (I work in a kitchen so it's very hot) the crisp soda helps me immensely. I can't tell it's diet either.
    -Chicken! I love how much protein I get from it!!!!!
  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    1. Husband - he encourages me outdoors and to be more active. Won't let me shirk walks.
    2. Food scale
    3. Onken yoghurt - eat it with fruit, use it in salad dressings and for anything else requiring cream
    4. Internet recipes - particularly for interesting salads for my lunch.
    5. Salmon and Tesco lighter salad cheese (pretend feta, less salty with fewer calories)
    6. If I can have six things, my mfp food diary is important. I prelog in the mornings whenever possible (I plan a menu every week) so I don't accidentally overeat. That 5 mins in the morning takes the guess work out of my day.
  • bioklutz
    bioklutz Posts: 1,365 Member
    I have 3 :)

    1. Coffee. Nothing happens without coffee.

    2. I have been working out regularly for over 10 years. I mostly did cardio and in recent years I have started weight training. Throughout the 10+ years there has been times when I was heavier than I want to be, but I physically felt great. I feel so much better if I have a strong cardiovascular system and don't feel like a weakling.

    3. I love food. All kinds of foods. I love to eat. I love the high calorie fried stuff. I love a good burger. I love ice cream. I love spicy Korean food. I love low calorie veggies and lean protein. I love low calorie fudgesicles. A snack of plain cheerios is even tasty to me. If I am trying to lose weight finding lower calorie options that I enjoy is not a problem with me. Unless it is mushrooms. Mushrooms are vile. Everything else is fine! :wink:
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    1.) Morningstar farms Chik Patties - yummy vegetarian protein and easy to cook for 90 seconds in the microwave.
    2.) Fairlife milk or chocolate milk - delicious protein.
    3.) Madras lentils - also easy to heat up for 60 seconds in the microwave.
    4.) Fitbit - to get a better estimate of my activity level.
    5.) Trail shoes and hiking poles - for my primary method of working out.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    edited July 2018
    madwells1 wrote: »
    1. MFP
    2. Digital Scale
    3. Apple Watch
    4. Hoka Running Shoes
    5. Coffee
    6. Home gym (pilates reformer)
    7. Chloe’s popsicles

    Ditto with some minor modifications
  • fuzzylop72
    fuzzylop72 Posts: 651 Member
    1: mma gym membership, since the conditioning classes tend to be fun for me, as is bjj
    2: forerunner 935, battery lasts a super long time, and it has all sorts of running stats to satisfy my overly analytic side
    3: endangered species 88% dark chocolate
    4: japanese sweet potatoes
    5: seitan
  • Crossfitninja2point0
    Crossfitninja2point0 Posts: 40 Member
    1. Fitbit
    2. Crossfit nanos
    3. Sugarfree popsicles (its become quite an obsession lol)
    4. My job at the gym..it keeps me focused
    5. Core power drinks
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    1. Blood glucose readings
    2. My clothes &a mirror
    3. Protein
    4. MFP diary
    5. Linear progression at the gym.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member

    Steam Fresh (frozen veggies / pasta / rice sachets you microwave to cook)



    Technology - MFP, Garmin, Strava, Facebook, Happy Scale, iPhone, Photography


  • anothermfpuser
    anothermfpuser Posts: 84 Member
    Home gym - Weights, C2 Rower & Pilates Reformer/Tower
    Running gear
    Bike & car rack
    Scale for the occasional check in.
    MFP community
  • Oma827
    Oma827 Posts: 114 Member
    Thank you for this positive thread!
    1. MFP prelogging each morning.
    2. Fairlife milk, high protein low sugar.
    3. Birds eye zucchini lentil pasta. Mix with Muir Glen Garden Vegetable pasta sauce, lean ground beef crumbles, LeSeur baby peas. Microwave lunch at work.
    4. ASICS sneakers for walking.
    5. Seedless red grapes frozen for 10 min.
  • fb47
    fb47 Posts: 1,058 Member
    1) Food Scale
    2) Prelogging my meals on mfp (I know what I eat in advance and know that I cannot eat anything else outside of what I planned)
    3) Coffee (Helps me forget about food)
    4) Pickles - When I am cutting, pickles goes a long way into tricking my food not to feel hungry all the time.
    5) MS Excel & Libra app - It's more of a virtual item I guess, I use excel to track my weekly average weight and see how much I am gaining or losing weight. I like libra for the chart.
  • Stationagentjules
    Stationagentjules Posts: 57 Member
    Extreme wellness Spinach Herb tortillas
    Hidden Valley Ranch Greek Yogurt dressing
    Sugar Kiss melon
    Starkist 70 cal tuna pouch
    Smuckers sugar free breakfast syrup (for my plain Greek yogurt)
    Dole fruit cups - grapefruit segments
  • Cbean08
    Cbean08 Posts: 1,092 Member
    1. gym membership and personal trainer
    2. good running shoes - thanks Nike FlyKnit!
    3. wireless headphones
    4. protein bars, frozen precooked chicken strips
    5. sugar free energy drinks
  • doittoitgirl
    doittoitgirl Posts: 157 Member
    Instant pot! I live at a high elevation and it's impossible to cook dried beans without it taking several hours. Now i have beans and rice done in an hour and it cuts back prep time so much.
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,507 Member
  • koalathebear
    koalathebear Posts: 236 Member
    edited May 2019
    My Garmin
    My three Kelpies who love going for walks.
    Carbonated flavoured mineral water
    youfoodz. I pretty much love all the foods I've eaten and the portion control has been so great for my fitness journey.

    Bonus: My PT, my gym and the people there who are all mega supportive.
  • MaryContrary1972
    MaryContrary1972 Posts: 58 Member
    1) My bikes
    2) My Garmin Viviactive HR
    3) A lifetime goal in 3 years time
    4) My cycling buddies
    5) Flapjacks/ cereal bars
  • carakirkey
    carakirkey Posts: 199 Member
    1. Walking shoes
    2. Yoga mat
    3. Eggs. Daily breakfast
    4. My Garden- for at least half a year I get a good supply of fresh veggies. And gets me outside everyday.
    5. Salads. Daily lunch
  • carakirkey
    carakirkey Posts: 199 Member
    Danp wrote: »
    1. Buying a bicycle – This is the greatest thing I’ve done. I’ve always struggled to “exercise”. I hate the gym and have joined and quit more times that I can count. I loved boxing but boxing gyms are quite expensive and it’s not something you can just do effectively alone. Cycling on the other hand has been AMAZING! Between the road, the local cycling track or even on an indoor trainer with Zwift in a pinch, I can ride whenever I want.

    2. MFP – Can’t understate how important MFP has been. Information, as they say, is power and MFP has given me the information I need to take control of my eating. Just the fact that I now consciously think about what I’m putting in my body is enough to have an effect.

    3. Pivoting – This, or more precisely the LACK of this, was something that used to trip me up in the past. I’d find menu of foods or a way of eating that I enjoyed and that were effective in helping me lose weight. Then for one reason or another I would get sick of that particular food set or method and would go back to my old ways. Now I’ve learned value of pivoting. There are a host of foods and methods that will get me to my goal so now if the one I’m using is no longer enjoyable then *PIVOT* find one that is.

    4. My New Boss – Soon after I decided to do something about my weight I started a new job at the same time. This could have been a nightmare. I was concerned that with the added pressures of my new job that my focus would be taken away from my efforts to get healthier. Luckily my new boss was a champion. He threw his support behind me 100% and became one of my biggest advocates in getting healthier even goings as far as to ensure that whenever possible our meetings took place outside, walking instead of stuck in a meeting room. Top Bloke!

    5. Swapping Lunch for Walking – It was a few months ago now that I had a bit of an epiphany while heading out to lunch. I realised that I really wasn’t hungry and I was only eating because it was “Lunch Time” so I decided to just keep walking for the hour instead of eating. I was pleasantly surprised when that afternoon I hadn’t turned into a ravenous beast and a small mid-afternoon snack (protein snack, fruit, etc) saw me well and truly through until dinner. The bonus was that when dinner time rolled round I had plenty of calories left over to eat a big dinner. This worked out great because night time seemed to be when I naturally felt most hungry so having loads of calories left over meant I didn’t have to ‘restrict’ my dinner.

    So great to have a supportive workplace! I'm very fortunate to work at a university and health and wellness being encouraged and supported. So usually I eat my lunch at my desk during normal working time and reserve my formal lunch break for a walk on one of our fabulous trails, or a yoga class.
  • sammidelvecchio
    sammidelvecchio Posts: 791 Member
    1. Walking - as a former serious athlete, I always associated "working out" with very high intensity activities. When I finally just decided to go outside and walk more, my life changed for the better.
    2. The Fitness Marshall - you tube channel for dance fitness videos
    3. Tuna - makes all my work lunches really easy and protein-packed
    4. Switching jobs - lowering my everyday stress level has been so important for me. My old office also was centered around food, and at my new office there is never free food or treats except for maybe once a month.
    5. My therapist
  • neugebauer52
    neugebauer52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    That's easy - a huge mixed salad, cottage cheese, smoked salmon, a tasty home made salad dressing, baked chicken breast with grilled vegetables.