JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS ~ Round 47



  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,937 Member
    Oh no, @tiabirdie56, that is so sad! Sending prayers!
  • puttyputty
    puttyputty Posts: 2,993 Member
    The blueberry protein muffins (gluten-free) that I made are delicious!

    Hi, @mthomas0228, do you have a recipe you can share? I wouldn't mind having another protein muffin recipe, though I'm not generally a huge fan of blueberries.
  • spookytune
    spookytune Posts: 38 Member
    puttyputty wrote: »
    spookytune wrote: »
    7/24: 326.8 First time back at the gym went pretty well. Went slow so I wouldn’t risk injury by doing too much too fast. Felt good afterwards. Then towards evening it hit me. My body screaming at me, “WHAT DID YOU DO?!!” 🤣😂 The soreness has eased up this morning. Just have to remember that it will get better. The more exercise I do, the better I’ll feel.

    You sound like me after my "Burpee Incident," @spookytune. :lol: I walked around like I was broken for a couple of days.

    @puttyputty I did the same last night! Mentally I knew I’d feel like that just getting back into it, but physically i felt like I was ran over by a dump truck lol. Just have to keep reminding myself that it does get better. And when that doesn’t work, remind myself that I want to be in better shape for my mini-vacation in October and not huff and puff with every couple of steps I take.
  • mthomas0228
    mthomas0228 Posts: 594 Member
    puttyputty wrote: »
    The blueberry protein muffins (gluten-free) that I made are delicious!

    Hi, @mthomas0228, do you have a recipe you can share? I wouldn't mind having another protein muffin recipe, though I'm not generally a huge fan of blueberries.


    2 cups almond flour
    1/2 cup vanilla protein powder
    ¾ tsp baking soda
    ½ tsp fine sea salt
    3 eggs
    ⅓ cup unsweetened applesauce
    2 tablespoons maple syrup
    2 tablespoons coconut oil (melted)
    1 teaspoon vinegar (white or cider)
    1/2 teaspoon vanilla
    1 cup blueberries - fresh or frozen (I used fresh, which I think taste 100% better than using frozen)

    Whisk together dry ingredient. Whisk eggs, add in remaining wet ingredients & then add to dry ingredients. Stir to combine and gently add in blueberries. Bake in muffin tin with liners at 350 for 14-18 minutes, Makes 10 muffins not 12.

    Nutrition (depending on specific ingredients used, but this is what mine came out to)
    Calories 230, Fat 16g, Carbs 12g, Protein 13g, Sodium 251mg, Sugar 6g
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,937 Member
    @marcvb35 If people ask, you should tell them. They can process the information and do what they want with it. Your wife doesn’t sound very supportive.
  • puttyputty
    puttyputty Posts: 2,993 Member
    edited July 2018
    Thanks, @mthomas0228!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,105 Member
    I dearly love children and I'm an emotional person, so yesterday was a crying day on and off until the end. So very sad.
    My DIL was telling me that the daycare director seems to not want the parents to tell their kids. She wants to tell them when they are all together at the daycare. My DIL wants to tell my granddaughter, my son wants the daycare to handle it. I side with my DIL on this matter.

    Me too, @tiabirdie56

    I side with your DIL, too. The director may be concerned that children will here from other children if they are told earlier than others. The director could ask parents to tell their children on a particular evening & then the school could process it the next day & days to come with the children.

    As a former teacher of young children, I found young children do not process death as we, adults, do. After all, many of them think rocks are alive! They don’t realize the finality of death. For months/years, they may ask when they will see the deceased again. And they can ask many questions that can make adults uncomfortable.

    Because death is so intertwined with each family’s beliefs (from deep religious beliefs “we will see them again in Heaven” “their work here on Earth was done” to atheistic “it was an accident” “they stopped breathing” “the police are investigating”, I think it best that each family handles it — at least initially.

    Huge hugs to you.