July 2018 Running Challenge



  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    ereck44 wrote: »
    I have been running, but haven't been posting. Also trying to continue to lift weights as well.

    July 5....6.23 miles......probably 88 degrees with 70% humidity.
    July 8....2.28 miles on the treadmill plus weight lifting. Nicer weather but I was limited on time.
    July 11...7.2 miles....another hot and humid day.
    July 13....2.27 miles on the treadmill plus weight lifting.
    July 18.....5 miles.....short on time again. Tempo run with sprints.
    July 19....2.26 miles (treadmill) and a leg workout with weights (killer).
    July 21....6.24 miles.....72 degrees, high humidity and overcast.
    July 23...2.27 miles (treadmill) and weight lifting
    July 24....7.26 miles on the Monon.
    July 25...2.27 miles (treadmill) and weight lifting.

    Getting close to goal. Maybe hit it tomorrow.

    My husband had a colonoscopy today. 2 large polyps. Was told to have a colonoscopy next year due to the size of the polyps. My husband just groaned. He started kidding me that instead of beer for his birthday, he will be enjoying mag citrate.

    My weight loss has stalled. I started weight lifting last month. Maybe it's just water retention.

    I hope everyone is having a great week! I will catch up on posts one of these days.

    Total...43.28 miles
    Goal....50 miles

    It’s pretty common to retain weight when you start lifting - stick to your deficit and the scale will start to move eventually! Sorry to hear about your husband - mine has had two colonoscopies in the last four years with multiple polyps each time. After this second one they recommended genetic screening for cancer syndromes as several each time have been pre-cancerous. Colonoscopies every 1-3 years are a given. Scary, but manageable so long as we stay on top of it, and we’re just grateful that they recommended that first colonoscopy to a 32-year-old with unusual abdominal pain.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited July 2018
    sarahthes wrote: »
    I stopped in at the town bike shop and got directions plus a map.
    That is a brilliant idea - way of getting trail information.
    hanlonsk wrote: »
    my insomnia running club
    That should be on a shirt :)
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,733 Member
    @Teresa502 Thanks for the great suggestions. I don't do Facebook, went dark about 3 years ago and have not missed it once. Gonna check out the Tweetsie Trail as that sounds about my speed, only looking to get in 4-5 miles to complete my 50 for the month. Depends on how many I get in Friday morning.

    ETA: After checking out the Tweetsie Trail map, I think it will be about a 6 mile as I will use the Happy Valley Elementary school as my halfway, about 3 miles in.

    I hope you have a wonderful visit and enjoy the trail!

  • workaholic_nurse
    workaholic_nurse Posts: 727 Member
    1mile on the dreadmill this morning before trainer killed my legs...totals 35.02 endomondo and 6.2 dreadmill for 41.22/50 so far.

    @Teresa502 If you haven't watched the available videos from the Tweetsie Trail opening, they are quite good. Done by cyclists, but still contain relevant shots.
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,010 Member
    Can't keep up, so I'll just leave this here...
    I went to the running store, got fitted, and tried several pairs of shoes. These were the winners :) And I'm turning in the receipt so I can get reimbursed from my work's "Keeping Fit" benefit.

    Work reimbursement FTW! My spouse's insurance refunds gym membership but I never thought to see if they'd cover running togs - I'm totally going to check now! I'm running in the Ghost 10s right now so I think that makes us shoe cousins.

    I ran in the Brooks today and they are SO comfortable. So yes, cousins!!!

    6.6k total today. Started with my friend, who wanted to keep going even after 30 minutes "to the top of the hill" and then still kept going(!) and then I went on a little farther by myself. I had a discouraging conversation with a homeless man (we're talking bandages rotting on his feet, and he's sitting there making fun of people who have respectfully tried to help him), and then restarted my watch and picked up the pace to get back home at somewhat of a frustration-fueled sprint.

    Driving out of town every day for the next 3 days for work, but we finish up early enough... I'm kinda craving more of a run, hmmm...


    Upcoming races:
    August 18 Chmielakowy Half Marathon (Krasnystaw)
    August 26 Kolbudy 10k, Bąkowo (Kashubia)
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Very awesome 15 mile PR @zdyb23456!! You should be VERY proud of yourself.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    zdyb23456 wrote: »
    Holy cow! I did 15 miles this morning! A distance PR for me. I set out at 5:30am and had in my head that I would be happy with 12. I started out nice and slow, but after an hour I turned my music on and picked up the pace a little. At 7 miles I knew I would finish because if I made it to 12 what’s another 3? 🙂

    I’m super proud of myself and I feel pretty good! My toenails on a few toes are sore, but otherwise no worse for the wear!

  • workaholic_nurse
    workaholic_nurse Posts: 727 Member
    zdyb23456 wrote: »
    Holy cow! I did 15 miles this morning! A distance PR for me. I set out at 5:30am and had in my head that I would be happy with 12. I started out nice and slow, but after an hour I turned my music on and picked up the pace a little. At 7 miles I knew I would finish because if I made it to 12 what’s another 3? 🙂

    I’m super proud of myself and I feel pretty good! My toenails on a few toes are sore, but otherwise no worse for the wear!
    Supa Star! B) Your half's will seem like just another training run,lol :D
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member

    With that said, in regards to my running specifically - I wish the first mile didn't always feel like garbage. After about a mile and a half my body just wakes up and kicks into gear. I just can't seem to ever get off to a good start. I'll even do a light warm up to help flush my legs, but it doesn't aid in my effort. I think it's more a mental thing than physical, but I honestly don't know. I'm certainly no expert on running.

    this is the first twenty minutes for me. I have tried just going for a short run round the park, which is about twenty minutes long, and it feels terrible. half way round I am cursing getting out of bed. after about twenty minutes I'm flying. But anything less, hell.

    so you are not alone in feeling this - there's a fair few of us here who have the same thing!!