The middle agers group. (Upper 30s,40s & 50ish folks)



  • allisonlane161
    allisonlane161 Posts: 269 Member
    dely217 wrote: »
    dely217 wrote: »
    Registered for a Labor Day 10k, anyone have a good couch to 10k 4week program?

    Aren't you the person always looking for a DC running partner? I think I remember your paces being quite good? Do you even own a couch lol?

    Yes I was just joking, lol. Although I looked @ last year's results and the 2nd place overall was a 39yr old woman who ran it in 38 minutes, for me to win the 36-40 age group I would need to shave off a minute each mile and only 4 weeks to do it...

    Oh, lol...I guess you need to look for a Rotunda to 10k program.
  • Kryogen316
    Kryogen316 Posts: 5 Member
    46 here anyone can add im new to the work out thing
  • crymil1227
    crymil1227 Posts: 23 Member
    HI all 37 YO here new here! I have had success with weight loss in the past with other programs losing over 75lbs. I have put some back on this past year and now i want to get it back off! Today is day three on MFP so far i think I am figuring it out! I would love any addtional support on my journey!
  • dkjk1105
    dkjk1105 Posts: 107 Member
    July came close to the record for average daily high temps in MA. Average temp was 84°F which kept the pool comfortably warm for the kids but proved to be difficult to get a run in after work. Cooler nights were hit or miss with the rain. I’m getting tired of the treadmill. We’ll see what this month brings.
  • allisonlane161
    allisonlane161 Posts: 269 Member
    edited August 2018
    dkjk1105 wrote: »
    July came close to the record for average daily high temps in MA. Average temp was 84°F which kept the pool comfortably warm for the kids but proved to be difficult to get a run in after work. Cooler nights were hit or miss with the rain. I’m getting tired of the treadmill. We’ll see what this month brings.

    I'm so sick of the treadmill I ventured out around 6 last night; I mean it was "only" 81 and it didn't feel all THAT humid--until around a mile in. One of the only times I hoped it started raining. It seems we may get cooler nights around late August but they're always humid in NJ.
  • bikecheryl
    bikecheryl Posts: 1,432 Member
    Finally cooled off for a day here on the Cdn prairies... actually wore long sleeves for my bike ride. But hotter temps expected again for the weekend.
  • 11Templars
    11Templars Posts: 444 Member
    bikecheryl wrote: »
    Finally cooled off for a day here on the Cdn prairies... actually wore long sleeves for my bike ride. But hotter temps expected again for the weekend.

    I'm in the West Kootenays (British Columbia) and it's crazy hot here too.. Kind of always is in the summer. Almost makes up for the 20 ft. of snow we get in the winter. ;-)
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    Good morning peeps :) Happy Hump Day 🐫🐪 to you northern Hemispherers :)
  • minicoop8991
    minicoop8991 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello all! I'll be 52 next month...though my brain believes I'm still in my 30s 😊 after a lot of research, put myself in a keto diet a few days ago...and so far, so good 👍 it's been crazy hot and humid here in NH too...and no relief expected anytime soon!
  • Anna022119
    Anna022119 Posts: 547 Member
    Morning y'all. Make that exercise count today.
  • TomFit18
    TomFit18 Posts: 2,585 Member
    Morning peeps hope you all have a fantastic Thursday!
  • Tinks43mfp
    Tinks43mfp Posts: 7 Member
    Good morning everyone. New to the app. Could someone tell me where to find how to add people please. Hopefully found some one to be a buddy with but I don't know how to add them. Thank you loads 💜
  • melabarrie
    melabarrie Posts: 4 Member
    Hello all, have a great day today. Let's push and make it all count today!
  • allisonlane161
    allisonlane161 Posts: 269 Member
    edited August 2018
    Good Almost-the-best-day-of-the-week from the hottest and steamiest day in NJ so far. Tonight is my first official Qigong / Tai Chi class. I'm going from being one of the oldest at the gym to one of the youngest in a class. Always a silver lining. Carpe Diem!
  • JohnBarth
    JohnBarth Posts: 672 Member
    Tinks43mfp wrote: »
    Good morning everyone. New to the app. Could someone tell me where to find how to add people please. Hopefully found some one to be a buddy with but I don't know how to add them. Thank you loads 💜

    Welcome! You'll find lots of useful information here the more you dig. To add a friend, depending on whether you're on the desktop site or the mobile site, you can click on the person's name which will bring up a window showing some basic information. Click on the person's name again, and "add as friend" should be available.
  • crymil1227
    crymil1227 Posts: 23 Member
    Good Morning All! Excited for another day of good choices!
  • 11Templars
    11Templars Posts: 444 Member
    Good Morning everyone. Whatcha all got lined up for today?

    Today is Calves, Core and Cardio for me today.
  • bikecheryl
    bikecheryl Posts: 1,432 Member
    Quiet day for me - prepping for an endoscopy tomorrow that should rid me of a nice little pile of gall stones 😳 Funny they haven’t bothered me since I changed my diet but good to remove them.
    So, clear fluids only today - should have no problem meeting my calorie goal. 😊
  • travelling_lots
    travelling_lots Posts: 377 Member
    Hi new here too,
    For some reason my icons to delete and add friends, the diary and the message icon disappeared from my profile.
    Any idea?