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JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • jeschepp
    jeschepp Posts: 307 Member
    Rough day today. Started out not too bad, but had a very full day with a stressful meeting and then my afternoon turned very full and stressful out of the blue. I also tried to take on too much. Ran into a trauma trigger which still has me a bitt rattled. Led to emotional eating for dinner. I am realizing more and more I need better balance. I try to fit everything in at the end of the day, stay up too late, and end up oversleeping. This leads to me feeling behind and scrambling to catch up. Going to focus tonight and tomorrow on being kind to myself, and better balancing my day/week. This is just a bump and beating myself up will do no good. Tomorrow is a new day.

    For today:
    House chores :(
    30 minutes exercise :(
    Maximum pushups :(
    Track food and exercise ✅
    Eat all servings of 5 food groups :(
    Meet 1200-1400 net calories, counting exercise :( ooooover.
    Water challenge-80 oz. ✅
    Post here for accountability ✅

    For tomorrow:
    Be kind to self
    Space out tasks to a reasonable amount
    Leave work by 5:15
    House chores
    30 minutes exercise
    Track food and exercise
    Eat all servings of 5 food groups
    Meet 1200-1400 net calories, counting exercise
    Water challenge-80 oz.
    Post here for accountability
  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    So, okay, my eating has been a straight out mess. I basically did the "well I've blown it now, so may as well..." for TWO DAYS. Blech. Got it back under control today though, but it was really unpretty there for a bit. I think I felt deprived at work because there is always all this free, fattening, non-vegan food there and I can't eat any of it, so I took it out on my eating at home.

    But today is under control. I woke up late and skipped breakfast, had a big lunch of stir fry broccoli with sesame oil and ginger over rice, and had a tofurky sandwich with mustard for dinner along with carrot sticks, cucumber, and an orange. All super healthy and really easy delicious food.

    I had today off so I went to a new book club this evening. I'm really excited. Its focus is reading classic books from the 100 greatest of all time (according to a composite list pulled from various places online.) We're starting off nice and light with Crime and Punishment. LOL. But it was really fun and the people were nice and it pulled me out of the eating funk I fell into. Now I just have to find a really good vegan cupcake recipe to bring for the next meeting.

    @Bex, I've had my car broken into as well, and it was not pretty. They left a mess of everything and stole the GPS (this was before everyone had GPS on their phones) that my boyfriend needed for work at a time when we could ill afford to replace it. Hugs and sympathy!

    Look at you getting back at quickly instead of a month, or two, or six, or....

    That's a gracious and positive spin. Guess I'd better post some goals for tomorrow then!

    1. Adhere to food plan: oatmeal, lentil soup, tofurky sandwich
    2. Drink 8 glasses of water before having a diet soda
    3. Make menu plan and grocery list for Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    Yesterday was just an all over poop day.
    Not gonna go into it. But basically I was just being a right pain in the backside with everyone.
    Probably got a lot of making up to do today.

    On another topic, when I wake up in the morning and get out of bed, it's like my feet are still asleep, they feel stiff and misaligned (on the ankles, like bending inwards) for the first few steps.. Does that happen to everyone? Because we've just woken up and stuff?
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat :smile:
    - Stick to food plan :smile:
    - Be in the green :smile: -9, I'll take that!
    - No Alcohol :smile:
    - 3 bottles water :smile:
    - 30+ minute lunch break :smile:
    - French podcast, article, Duolingo, book :/ 2/4 only
    - Meditate :smile:
    - Read chapter of book :smile:
    - Email about birthday BBQ :smile:
    - Lights out by 10.45 :/ 11.15, evening stuff took too long!

    Today's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat
    - Stick to food & drink plan
    - 4+ bottles water

    - 30+ minute lunch break
    - French podcast, article, Duolingo
    - Leave work by 6.30
    - Get train home at 9.45
  • auntmosmail
    auntmosmail Posts: 70 Member
    Goals for yesterday:
    Read Bible ✔
    Stay within 1409 calorie goal ✔
    Drink two 24 oz bottles of water at work ✔ ✔
    No extra snacking at work ✔ This one has been tough!

    Goals for today:
    Keep my cool when I find it how much it costs to fix my car AC, I fear it will be pricey!
    Read Bible
    Pick up suitcase from mom's
    Pick up jacket from sister's
    Water plants
    Stay under 1600 calories consumed
  • auntmosmail
    auntmosmail Posts: 70 Member
    @Bex953172 I wake up often with my feet feeling pretty stiff, not so much "asleep", though. I definitely feel like I have to warm them up to get moving. I blame mine on my age (I'm 34) and my job (I'm a nurse, on my feet for king periods of time). I hope yours is just temporary! :)

    @jeschepp I appreciate your openness. One thing this group has really helped me with is to give myself a new start each day. I often beat myself up when I have an off day, but then I make new goals for the next day and try to stay accountable to them. I hope today is a better day for you! Keep up the good work and positive vibes! :)
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,589 Member
    Recap T 7/31
    1) Walked dog before work + saw two low-flying cranes go over road / 3.69 mi 1:01:12 / stretched (forced myself to take the time) = happy dog B) & happy me B)
    2) Meals & snacks prelogged / stick w/ plan / net calories green = >:) Did fine for daytime snacks & meals but evening snack attacks (too many veggie straws, later cashews) undid me. Net calories -388, sodium -953 (ack), sugar -8, fiber & protein good. :( 15c water :smiley:
    3) At least 2-3 to-do's in evening = remembered vet's office on way home & picked up special food for Kitty / decluttered some / wrapped bday gift for BFF :smiley:
    4) Unplug 9:00 :| late close of MFP diary / floss :smiley: / retainers :smiley: / bed & TV off 10:15 :smiley: (walk dog before work W)

    JFT W 8/1 ~ Someone brought wheat bread & wheat bagels to office for Lughnasa. I love carbs, but have my snacks already planned/logged, so I looked at the free food closely & decided I wasn't really interested in it. Win!
    1) Walked dog before work / 3.74 mi 1:03:39 / stretched = happy dog B) & happy me B)
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    3) Usual breakfast, lunch & snacks / tonight taking BFF out to dinner for belated bday celebration + there will be adult beverages ~ I think this is one day I allowed myself to skip logging, but I will preview menu online (pub & grill) and have several choices in mind when I get there
    4) Locate last month's goals in MFP, recap & add August goals
    5) Floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:30 (walk dog before work weather permitting ~ rain predicted)
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    jeschepp wrote: »
    Rough day today. Started out not too bad, but had a very full day with a stressful meeting and then my afternoon turned very full and stressful out of the blue. I also tried to take on too much. Ran into a trauma trigger which still has me a bitt rattled. Led to emotional eating for dinner. I am realizing more and more I need better balance. I try to fit everything in at the end of the day, stay up too late, and end up oversleeping. This leads to me feeling behind and scrambling to catch up. Going to focus tonight and tomorrow on being kind to myself, and better balancing my day/week. This is just a bump and beating myself up will do no good. Tomorrow is a new day.

    For today:
    House chores :(
    30 minutes exercise :(
    Maximum pushups :(
    Track food and exercise ✅
    Eat all servings of 5 food groups :(
    Meet 1200-1400 net calories, counting exercise :( ooooover.
    Water challenge-80 oz. ✅
    Post here for accountability ✅

    For tomorrow:
    Be kind to self
    Space out tasks to a reasonable amount
    Leave work by 5:15
    House chores
    30 minutes exercise
    Track food and exercise
    Eat all servings of 5 food groups
    Meet 1200-1400 net calories, counting exercise
    Water challenge-80 oz.
    Post here for accountability

    Sorry to hear you had a rough day! I'm sending good vibes your way today! Life is such a tedious balancing act! I've been like a chicken with my head cut off trying to do too many things at once and "failing" - just wanted to say you're doing a great job and seem very mindful of trying to find that balance, way to go!
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    Goals for yesterday:
    Read Bible ✔
    Stay within 1409 calorie goal ✔
    Drink two 24 oz bottles of water at work ✔ ✔
    No extra snacking at work ✔ This one has been tough!

    Goals for today:
    Keep my cool when I find it how much it costs to fix my car AC, I fear it will be pricey!
    Read Bible
    Pick up suitcase from mom's
    Pick up jacket from sister's
    Water plants
    Stay under 1600 calories consumed

    Woohoo way to put a check next to that goal that has been extra hard! Hope your AC quote is not too bad!!!
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    So, okay, my eating has been a straight out mess. I basically did the "well I've blown it now, so may as well..." for TWO DAYS. Blech. Got it back under control today though, but it was really unpretty there for a bit. I think I felt deprived at work because there is always all this free, fattening, non-vegan food there and I can't eat any of it, so I took it out on my eating at home.

    But today is under control. I woke up late and skipped breakfast, had a big lunch of stir fry broccoli with sesame oil and ginger over rice, and had a tofurky sandwich with mustard for dinner along with carrot sticks, cucumber, and an orange. All super healthy and really easy delicious food.

    I had today off so I went to a new book club this evening. I'm really excited. Its focus is reading classic books from the 100 greatest of all time (according to a composite list pulled from various places online.) We're starting off nice and light with Crime and Punishment. LOL. But it was really fun and the people were nice and it pulled me out of the eating funk I fell into. Now I just have to find a really good vegan cupcake recipe to bring for the next meeting.

    @Bex, I've had my car broken into as well, and it was not pretty. They left a mess of everything and stole the GPS (this was before everyone had GPS on their phones) that my boyfriend needed for work at a time when we could ill afford to replace it. Hugs and sympathy!

    Way to get back at it! My tag line on days like those (and I've had quite a few in the last week or two) is, "Dont slash the other three tires just because you got a flat!" or "Dont smash your phone to pieces just because you dropped it once." But you did wonderfully getting back to healthy eating in no time! Thats a win! Mmmmm cupcakes.
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    JFT Tuesday Recap
    1. Lots of water :)
    2. Eat when hungry - stop when full :)
    3. Be patient and kind :)
    4. Log all food :)
    5. Meds AM and PM :)
    6. One thing at a time - tonights focus; bedroom and bathroom - back hall next up - then kitchen/pantry on Weds. :) YAAASSS - Feeling like a beast (in a good way)
    7. Pick up half and half at farm :)
    8. Empty car :)
    9. Shred box of mail :)

    Finished up the last two things this morning - but it got done! DH told me I was being neurotic about cleaning the house last night - he was right. I switched gears from spit shining for strangers to purging, packing and cleaning up for our own benefit of a smoother move - Thanks again @cschmitz110515 for the words of advice! I've had to seriously consider what needs my time and energy - because I'm prone to over extending myself and melting down. I'm learning to say NO. to things that do not serve me. NO. is a full sentence - I don't need to explain myself all the time. I am my number one priority right now - and it feels so good to be a little "selfish" after years and years of trying to pour for others out of my own empty cup. This weight loss journey is really blooming into a well rounded journey to better overall health.

    JFT Wednesday
    1. Meds AM and PM
    2. Log all food
    3. Be patient and kind
    4. Eat when hungry - stop when full
    5. One thing at a time!
    6. Clean kitchen/pantry
    7. Bring home shop truck - load outside junk pile to dispose at work tomorrow
    8. Put chicken pie into oven immediately after getting home tonight (80 minute bake time)
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,589 Member
    edited August 2018
    July Goals / Results:
    • Walk 7/21/18 Packers 5K in < 45:00 = Finished in 44:50 & ave pace 14:26 min/mile :star: 36/92 F60-64 + 1051/1655 females + 2029/2903 overall :sweat_smile:
    • Walk dog 5-6x per week + take advantage of summer! = Walked 6x two weeks & 5x two weeks ~ total 83.82 miles & very happy dog B)
    • Cross-train: weight machine & home versions of circuit training when weather does not permit walks = Nope ~ timed rest days with inclement weather :p
    • Rest days: at least one per week ~ need to let the body recover + it's nice to sleep in = 1-2 rest days per week :D
    • Log food & beverages every day except: 7/7 BIL family party (potluck), 7/21 middle brother's annual summer party (potluck this year), & 7/30 BFF's bday drinks & dinner (or whatever night we decide) ~ on logging days, net calories green or w/i 100 = :s During last 30 days, had 11/28 logging days net calories red > 200 ~ oops :#
    • Take measurements 7/31 a.m. before work T & log on MFP = Totally forgot! :#
    • Scale goal: lose those vacation & post-vacation pounds = :# See "log food" above + struggled at end of July :(

    August Goals:
    • Walk dog 5-6x per week
    • Cross-train when weather does not permit walks: home version of weights & circuit training, or Sweaty Betty now that have new tech
    • Rest days: at least one per week but no more than two
    • Prelog food as often as possible & close MFP food diary every day (even 8/1 BFF bday drinks & dinner ~ have to guesstimate)
    • Net calories green or w/i 100 on 80% of month (25/31 days)
    • Take measurements 8/31 a.m. before work F & log on MFP
    • Scale goal: re-lose to 154#

    Weight loss is not linear ~ at least not for me. The scale is a tool with data. Focus on the process, not the outcome.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,238 Member
    Its August already .....but there are FIVE more months in this year! At just 2 pounds a month ... that would be 10 pounds lost by the end of the year!!

    So who would want another challenge????

    I am going to challenge myself to nite time snacking. I am going to set a cut-off time, and plan ONE snack that I will eat before that cutoff time.

    Would anyone like to join me??
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Its August already .....but there are FIVE more months in this year! At just 2 pounds a month ... that would be 10 pounds lost by the end of the year!!

    So who would want another challenge????

    I am going to challenge myself to nite time snacking. I am going to set a cut-off time, and plan ONE snack that I will eat before that cutoff time.

    Would anyone like to join me??

    Omg yes. Just yes.
    Lol is the time up to us? LOL I'd say something stupid like 12pm :lol:
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,238 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Its August already .....but there are FIVE more months in this year! At just 2 pounds a month ... that would be 10 pounds lost by the end of the year!!

    So who would want another challenge????

    I am going to challenge myself to nite time snacking. I am going to set a cut-off time, and plan ONE snack that I will eat before that cutoff time.

    Would anyone like to join me??

    Omg yes. Just yes.
    Lol is the time up to us? LOL I'd say something stupid like 12pm :lol:

    HA - thats usually when I stop eating ... when I go to bed LOL!

    YES, the rest of this year will be OUR time!!! No more excuses for me (after I just ate a piece of cheesecake today :'( So it was a tuna sandwich at lunch, and tonite cottage cheese!.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Its August already .....but there are FIVE more months in this year! At just 2 pounds a month ... that would be 10 pounds lost by the end of the year!!

    So who would want another challenge????

    I am going to challenge myself to nite time snacking. I am going to set a cut-off time, and plan ONE snack that I will eat before that cutoff time.

    Would anyone like to join me??

    Omg yes. Just yes.
    Lol is the time up to us? LOL I'd say something stupid like 12pm :lol:

    HA - thats usually when I stop eating ... when I go to bed LOL!

    YES, the rest of this year will be OUR time!!! No more excuses for me (after I just ate a piece of cheesecake today :'( So it was a tuna sandwich at lunch, and tonite cottage cheese!.

    Sounds good!
    Think we've had our fair share of *kitten* now haven't we?!
    Lets make these last 5 months amazing!

    Fancy being diet buddies again? I'll keep track of you and you me?

    I'm gonna close my kitchen at 9.
    Apart from tonight,
    I've got loads of calories left and I'm starrrrving!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @cschmitz110515 Awesome job on the Packers 5k! I love watching your journey and all the accomplishments you've had since we began this JFT together.

    @AJB1014 I'm going to write down your list of "NO's". Speaks right to my heart...especially that NO. is a sentence! I absolutely agree with this journey being more than just weight. It's mind, body and spirit...I made SO MANY CHANGES last year and really none of them had to do with actual weight. I did a huge purge of things that were causing huge amounts of stress in my life...right down to changing jobs after being with an organization for 24 years!

    @jeschepp I am realizing more and more I need better balance. I try to fit everything in at the end of the day, stay up too late, and end up oversleeping. This leads to me feeling behind and scrambling to catch up. Going to focus tonight and tomorrow on being kind to myself, and better balancing my day/week. This is just a bump and beating myself up will do no good. Tomorrow is a new day.

    The paragraph above that you wrote really rings true with me too. I am much the same way and I spent most of 2017 working on taking better care of myself and finding a better balance. I'm glad you see that it's just one day and that you realize you need to be kind to yourself! (((HUGS)))

    @Bex953172 I have many times woken up with my feet kind of pulling "in" almost like a Charlie horse. Usually it is when i don't drink enough water or if I'm low in magnesium or potassium. I'm not sure if that is what you are experiencing or not?
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Its August already .....but there are FIVE more months in this year! At just 2 pounds a month ... that would be 10 pounds lost by the end of the year!!

    So who would want another challenge????

    I am going to challenge myself to nite time snacking. I am going to set a cut-off time, and plan ONE snack that I will eat before that cutoff time.

    Would anyone like to join me??

    Omg yes. Just yes.
    Lol is the time up to us? LOL I'd say something stupid like 12pm :lol:

    I'm in! Nighttime snacking is almost always the thing that throws me into the red! I will close my kitchen at 8:30. If I haven't fixed anything by then, I will have to go without. If I can stick to this in August, perhaps September will be 30 minutes earlier.

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    I'm excited for you! I cannot imagine ever getting to take a trip to France! Of course, I cannot imagine ever getting to take a trip to the UK, Scotland, Ireland, Italy or anywhere else outside the US either! :smile:

    Thank you! It is our yearly trip to stay with the boyfriend's parents. We don't do much sightseeing, but it is rather lovely - we just relax, spend time outside, and take trips to visit wine manufacturers (and have tastings, obviously). We obviously eat lots of cheese. His family have a cheese course with lunch AND dinner! It's amazing they aren't fat. I think they just have the 'eating in moderation' skill. Ba&taeds :wink:

    You should plan a trip somewhere for after your op! Maybe a nice trip to Canada?

    Sounds wonderful! I love cheese. I'll bet they have really awesome cheese there. I live in Wisconsin which is called the Dairy state so we have a lot of cheese here but I'm sure it's nothing in comparison to what they have in France! Do they really have all the cute little outside cafe's in their cities, like I see in paintings? Someday...*sigh*

    We are going to take a trip to Minnesota for a long weekend to see my dad before the surgery. Just a 4-day trip and 2 of those days will be spent driving. But I'm excited because he lives on a lake and it's beautiful and it's my favorite place to go since childhood. So that will be nice. We are planning to take a trip to Arizona this year. I've never been there and my husband's sisters live out there, and my dad has a winter place there also. So there is another short long-weekend trip. But the trip I'm saving up for and really want to take is to Alaska or Canada! My husband and I both dream of going there.... so I've started a vacation savings account! I'll need you to keep pushing me so I don't give up though. :wink:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Just for Tuesday:
    Journal every bite >:) Randomly grabbed a few things and can't remember what so can't log! Mindless eating.
    Try not to yawn impolitely through the 2 1/2 hours of training this afternoon <ugh> :D
    Be patient and kind. Walk away from water cooler gossip. :)
    Be grateful for the good things in my life and try not to focus on negative :)
    Gratitude journal :) / Simple Abundance :) / Podcast :) / Unplug and lights out at 10. :#Very close! 10:18!

    I tried to get on and post goals earlier but got distsracted by my JOB! Bwahahaha! :smiley: So, I'm posting them now since I remember what they were, and I'm updating the ones I've accomplished also. I got to work from home today. It was glorious! I had the back patio door open and left the house completely quiet and listened to the birds and watched the critters in the back yard while I worked. Was really rejuvenating! My hip is really sore right now, so I'm going to be snuggling up with a heating pad for a bit.

    For those of you who quilt, do you know who Jenny is from Missouri Star Quilt Store? She is coming to Green Bay this weekend and putting on a 2-hour show, and I have a ticket to go see her on Saturday! I'm so excited!

    Just for Wednesday:
    Journal every bite :star:
    WATER, WATER, WATER :star:I have 2 glasses to drink before bed, but I'm confident I will get them down!
    Be patient and kind. Walk away from gossip. :star:(I have such a hard time listening to people talk behind each other's backs! Actually makes me kind of angry.)
    Request status updates on outstanding project requests. Catch up on emails. :star:YES!!! Oh man, this one feels good!
    Eat 1 lb veggies and 2 svgs of fruit. :star:This is actually getting easier! The trick is to prep veggies on the weekend and pack a 1 lb baggie for work the night before. Good to munch on in the afternoon!
    Update bullet journal for August :star:
    Close kitchen at 8:30 p.m.
    Gratitude journal / Simple Abundance / Podcast / Unplug and lights out at 10:00 p.m.
    Get up without hitting SNOOZE!

    Goal for August: Weigh <175 lbs
    7/30/2018: 181.0 lbs

    Words to live by: Persistence and Determination