JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    edited August 2018
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    I check the calories on everything I eat. Tbh I never even realised that this was mindful eating! It's actually a habit I've formed it would seem!

    So. I guess my problem is that sometimes even though I've checked the calories I eat it anyway LOL.

    Eat a small portion, reasonable with your calories and see how you feel after before you scoff the lot LOL.


    I thought of you tonite @Bex! I wanted a snack, and remembered I had some sugar-free Klondike bars in the freezer. But then my words to you came back to me ... I would enjoy this for only a few minutes, then still be hungry, and most likely eat another one (or 2!).
    So you saved my day -- I had some cereal and milk, and now its water!!
    That is so great that you check calories first ... something I am terrible at doing! Yes, I do call that mindful eating. You are just making the decision to go ahead and eat it ... but so proud of you for only eating 1/2 of the muffin! You got to have some to satisify the yummy taste buds, and then a beautiful salad!!
    Your salad looks great -- what do you have in it? I can see the avacoto (I know thats spelled wrong though) ... but what else is in it? It sure does look good!!
  • jeschepp
    jeschepp Posts: 307 Member
    I am a people pleaser and hate saying or doing anything that will upset anyone. My husband sent me to an assertive training class once years and years ago. He is fond of saying that the only one I used that knowledge on was him. Unfortunately, he was right. I bottle everything up and then explode! I have done well since January this year and haven't had that happen once. He calls me out if he thinks I'm just saying something to avoid an argument or tough discussion. It seems to be working for the most part.

    I have no one to vent to about my work issues though. I report directly to the VP so it would be very unprofessional for me to complain about him to anyone.

    Snowflake it took me years and some pretty intensive therapy to get to a place where I (for the most part) feel confident and assertive with speaking my truth. It takes time and many many many uncomfortable growing moments. What finally clicked for me was a mentor that said "how sad for your friends that you don't believe they are strong enough to be there for you." Ugh. Never thought of it from that perspective. As long as you keep taking small steps, you'll get there. I totally understand the work situation, and it stinks. I found that having personal supports to vent to was enough until things changed.
  • auntmosmail
    auntmosmail Posts: 70 Member
    Goals for yesterday:
    Keep my cool when I find it how much it costs to fix my car AC, I fear it will be pricey!: So, I was asleep when they called with the quote and my mom answered the phone. I actually have no idea how much it costs yet, I pick the car up this afternoon...
    Read Bible ✔
    Pick up suitcase from mom's ✔
    Pick up jacket from sister's ✔
    Water plants
    Stay under 1600 calories consumed: No, I went out to breakfast with my mom, I definitely went over my calories!

    Goals for today:
    Pick up car
    Clean my mom's car
    Put gas in mom's car
    Stay within 1409 calorie goal
    Survey storm damage to the roof
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    I check the calories on everything I eat. Tbh I never even realised that this was mindful eating! It's actually a habit I've formed it would seem!

    So. I guess my problem is that sometimes even though I've checked the calories I eat it anyway LOL.

    Eat a small portion, reasonable with your calories and see how you feel after before you scoff the lot LOL.


    I thought of you tonite @Bex! I wanted a snack, and remembered I had some sugar-free Klondike bars in the freezer. But then my words to you came back to me ... I would enjoy this for only a few minutes, then still be hungry, and most likely eat another one (or 2!).
    So you saved my day -- I had some cereal and milk, and now its water!!
    That is so great that you check calories first ... something I am terrible at doing! Yes, I do call that mindful eating. You are just making the decision to go ahead and eat it ... but so proud of you for only eating 1/2 of the muffin! You got to have some to satisify the yummy taste buds, and then a beautiful salad!!
    Your salad looks great -- what do you have in it? I can see the avacoto (I know thats spelled wrong though) ... but what else is in it? It sure does look good!!

    Well when I make salads what I do is I get a bowl and put it on the scale, I add item at a time and weigh each item putting in, and just tare it back to 0 after each ingredient
    First I add mayo
    Then salad leaves
    Then chopped mushrooms,
    Spring onion
    (normally I grate a carrot in too but not today)
    I added a little salt and pepper
    Then stirred so it's all mixed and got a coat of mayo and pop that onto a plate

    Then I added sliced avocado and sprinkled a little cheese. And that was it!

    But you can add anything to it as a protein topping, HB eggs, ham, chicken, fish, anything really.
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    Yesterday was successful, in that I stayed mobile most of the day. That gave me such satisfaction, that I found myself having to remember to eat to get my calories in... I hope everyone here has super success in reaching their goals... I sincerely mean that.
    I believe that the slightest accomplishments are grand victories👏

    Congrats on achieving your goal, great work!!!
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    jeschepp wrote: »
    Mixed day today. Hoping to use the weekend to get back on track as I've been slipping with some habits. Time to review why I started this journey in the first place.

    For tomorrow:
    Be kind to self ✅
    Space out tasks to a reasonable amount-½ points
    Plan some weekend self-care ✅
    Leave work by 5:15 :( much later
    House chores ✅
    30 minutes exercise :( I think I overdid this earlier this week

    Track food and exercise ✅
    Eat all servings of 5 food groups :(
    Meet 1200-1400 net calories, counting exercise- a bit over
    Water challenge-80 oz. ✅
    Post here for accountability ✅

    For tomorrow:
    Get through Friday!
    House chores
    30 minutes exercise
    Track food and exercise
    Eat all servings of 5 food groups
    Meet 1200-1400 net calories, counting exercise
    Water challenge-80 oz.
    Post here for accountability

    I count house chores as exercise sometimes!!!
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    This weight loss journey is really blooming into a well rounded journey to better overall health.


    This is what I love to hear! Losing weight is not just a number on the scale ... but a journey to overall health!
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    I've had to seriously consider what needs my time and energy - because I'm prone to over extending myself and melting down. I'm learning to say NO. to things that do not serve me. NO. is a full sentence - I don't need to explain myself all the time. I am my number one priority right now - and it feels so good to be a little "selfish" after years and years of trying to pour for others out of my own empty cup.

    And it is never selfish to put your own needs first. Remember the story about the oxygen in the airplane ... put your own oxygen mask on first, before you put it on others. It took me years to learn that, and I even struggle with it at times myself. But if we are not healthy ourselves, it is hard to be there for others! So proud of you!

    Thank you!!! Going to remember the airplane anecdote anytime I forget!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,504 Member
    Recap R 8/2 ~ Crappy weather + decided to take 2nd rest day of the week
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 9,227 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 & 33 floors :smile:
    2) Leftovers day / prelog everything / net calories w/i 100 green = Net calories -129 (I'll take it for rest day), sodium -475, sugar -30 (fruit, veggies, Siggi skyr, popeye bread, power muffin), fiber & protein excellent & 11c water :smile:
    3) Evening at least 3 to-do's = washed towels, baked 2 batches Kodiak Cakes power muffins (needed to use up bananas), drained overflowing rain barrel, decluttered some, boiled syrup & refilled hummingbird feeder :smiley:
    4) Unplug 9:00 :smiley: / FLOSS :smiley: / retainers :s forgot / bed & TV off 10:15 :/ almost 11 (walk dog before work)

    JFT F 8/3 ~ TGIF !!!!! Brought batch of peanut butter power muffins to share in office.
    1) Walked dog before work (foggy) / 3.61 mi 1:05:39 / stretched = happy dog :smiley: & happy me :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    3) Meals & snacks prelogged w/ cushion for more if I want / net calories green
    4) Grocery shop after work & at least 1 to-do
    5) Unplug 9:30 / floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15 (farmers market early Sat. a.m.)

    Evening Snack Challenge ~ I will not snack past 9 p.m.
    1. Peanut M&Ms (wanted something sweet) when got home at 9 p.m. + logged
    2. Ate 1 chocolate power muffin before 8:30
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    JFT Thursday
    1. Meds AM and PM :)
    2. Log all food :)
    3. Be kind :)
    4. Eat when hungry stop when full :)
    5. Dog walk in the forest to avoid the blazing sun :) Not really an activity walk, but we brought her to the new house and showed her around
    5. IN BED EARLY - 8:00 to watch our show and get to bed by 9:30 :) / >:) In bed but not to sleep til 10

    JFT Friday
    1. Meds AM and PM
    2. Log all food
    3. Be kind
    4. Eat when hungry stop when full
    5. Buffalo mac and cheese recipe for dinner
    6. Reasonable lunch choice
    7. NO TAKE OUT
  • auntmosmail
    auntmosmail Posts: 70 Member
    Goals for yesterday:
    Pick up car ✔
    Clean my mom's car ✔
    Put gas in mom's car ✔
    Stay within 1409 calorie goal ✔
    Survey storm damage to the roof: No, but it stormed again last night, so it may be good that I waited.

    Goals for today:
    Survey storm damage to the roof
    Pack for Iceland
    Stay within my 1409 calorie goal
    Water plants

    I'm keeping my goals simple today because I'm not sure what Iceland prep its going to look like. My goal is that by the end of today I'm pretty much ready to go on the trip because I work for the next four nights and then we leave!!
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    I didn't sleep at all last night. Don't know why, but I didn't try to force myself to sleep, didn't take anything to put me to sleep.
    So I turned a negative into a positive... I worked out. I marched in place to music through two songs, did knee lifts, 3 sets of 5, which is a very big deal because I have arthritic knees. Did some windmills, and finished off with some reading. When I got back in bed it was after 6 this morning.
    Nope, I'm not going to beat myself up over it,, instead, I'm going to love myself more by setting the atmosphere of my bedroom to RELAXATION mode.
    3- EAT A SALAD
    4. DANCE
    Thank You Everyone For Posting Your Victories and Your Struggles.
    We're humans, not robots. And even robots are flawed.. Lol… because they're made by imperfect people.
    🌹 Thought For Today:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Hopping on quick to post goals.

    JFT / Friday
    • Journal every bite
    • 1 lb veggies
    • No ice cream no matter how tempted
    • Remove myself from gossip at work
    • Be grateful for what is and do not focus on what isn't...
    • Tie up loose ends at work
    • Close kitchen at 8:30 pm
    • Podcasts
    • Gratitude Journal / Simple Abundance / Read before bed, unplugged

    Be back later to catch up!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    Currently 90 cals over!
    Easily rectifiable, especially with the amount I'm gonna have to tidy because of the girls.

    Although I'll probably have a snack late on tonight around midnight (this is my one snack @mytime6630) I know I shouldn't have it past 9 but I've made the exception because we're gonna be painting again tonight late into the night so will need to have something. Although I will be burning calories too so probabky just even out!

    Got my eye on the garlic bread :lol:

    Also @mytime6630 where are youuu! Can't be your diet coach if you're not here!

    Hope you got your water in and stayed in the green!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Currently 90 cals over!
    Easily rectifiable, especially with the amount I'm gonna have to tidy because of the girls.

    Although I'll probably have a snack late on tonight around midnight (this is my one snack @mytime6630) I know I shouldn't have it past 9 but I've made the exception because we're gonna be painting again tonight late into the night so will need to have something. Although I will be burning calories too so probabky just even out!

    Got my eye on the garlic bread :lol:

    Also @mytime6630 where are youuu! Can't be your diet coach if you're not here!

    Hope you got your water in and stayed in the green!

    Ha ... I'm here!! (Warning ... I'm in a bad mood today LOL)!!!! Been outside today cleaning out the garage ... and mad at hubby for making such a mess LOL!!!!!! And ... it is like 95 degrees out! But I just took another shower today, and drinking my water. Now I have to go and do some work that actually helps pay the bills!

    But I usually post in the evenings ... my days are crazy busy sometimes! But I did great last nite ... and so far today all I've eaten is 2 eggs and sausage ... time for lunch I think!

    What are you painting?? Now remember .... only one snack tonite! ;)