JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    @mytime6630 I'm doing well - 22 lb lighter this morning than I was on Jan 1st! (I think quite a lot of the Jan 1st weight wasn't 'real' weight - but either way I've still lost a lot!) 8 lb till my target weight, 3 lb till not overweight anymore. The Beck diet solution has worked really well for me! Starting to get harder again now as (a) weight being lower means it's harder to lose (b) some of the habits haven't stuck and have drifted off as I've got complacent. However lots of habits seem to have stuck which has made a huge difference! I'd encourage you to go back and read it (again?) If you feel you need a bit of a boost - Judith Beck certainly tells us what we need to hear! (I sometimes hear her voice in my head when I'm wanting to eat something I shouldn't. It's really annoying!)

    @Bex953172 I really like your plan! There are also lots of low calorie versions of your 'bad' foods that you could try as well. I often drink Options hot chocolate - it's 35 calories per cup and fulfils my cravings for something sweet. It's not that cheap but is often on discount - I've never had to buy it full price... Boots Shapers crisps are light and tasty. (Although I warn you, there are not that many in a packet!) For me, exercise is key to focus on in terms of keeping me on track. It gives me extra calories to play with, but also somehow boosts my mood/ makes me more inclined to eat better as well? That's me though - other things might be more important for you!

    Yeah I’m the same! Well, when i actually get off my butt and do something lol!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    About your son and his new relationship, obviously my kids aren’t at that stage yet so can’t imagine how it must feel as a mother

    But my parents let me be responsible for my own choices and some times they were pretty bad ones. They offered their advice of course and most importantly they were there for me when it went sour.

    It may be too soon but she’s obviously had enough impact on him to want to be with her!
    Maybe you meeting her more could be a good thing, you need to get to know her too!
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFY (Wednesday)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water before allowing myself a Diet Coke :/
    2. Log all the food I eat :)
    3. Stay "in the green" with my calories :)
    4. Stay "in the green" with my sodium intake :)
    5. Go to the gym :)
    6. Complete 4 orders from my shop :)

    JFT (Thursday)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water before allowing myself a Diet Coke
    2. Log all the food I eat
    3. Stay "in the green" with my calories
    4. Stay "in the green" with my sodium intake
    5. Go to the gym
    6. Complete 4 orders from my shop
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,602 Member
    edited May 2018
    @mytime6630 I'm doing well - 22 lb lighter this morning than I was on Jan 1st! (I think quite a lot of the Jan 1st weight wasn't 'real' weight - but either way I've still lost a lot!) 8 lb till my target weight, 3 lb till not overweight anymore. The Beck diet solution has worked really well for me! Starting to get harder again now as (a) weight being lower means it's harder to lose (b) some of the habits haven't stuck and have drifted off as I've got complacent. However lots of habits seem to have stuck which has made a huge difference! I'd encourage you to go back and read it (again?) If you feel you need a bit of a boost - Judith Beck certainly tells us what we need to hear! (I sometimes hear her voice in my head when I'm wanting to eat something I shouldn't. It's really annoying!)

    @Bex953172 I really like your plan! There are also lots of low calorie versions of your 'bad' foods that you could try as well. I often drink Options hot chocolate - it's 35 calories per cup and fulfils my cravings for something sweet. It's not that cheap but is often on discount - I've never had to buy it full price... Boots Shapers crisps are light and tasty. (Although I warn you, there are not that many in a packet!) For me, exercise is key to focus on in terms of keeping me on track. It gives me extra calories to play with, but also somehow boosts my mood/ makes me more inclined to eat better as well? That's me though - other things might be more important for you!

    @slittlemeister 22 lbs. since Jan. 1 is a fantastic achievement! Congratulations! So proud of you!

    I hear you on the closer to goal / harder to lose. I'm 8# from my *normal* BMI weight & I've been bouncing the same 3 - 4# around since Feb. But I feel great & I've been getting tons of compliments (helps that I'm wearing proper size / more fitted clothes). I too like using exercise to have more Net Calories to play with, I'm really starting to get into my *cross-training* of weight machine + circuit training (home-version), want to add yoga again (eventually) & dog loves that we walk so often. I don't want to stress over some *arbitrary* scale number. Life is too short for that. So maybe I don't reach my *goal* weight. No one I see on a daily basis even knows what that number is ~ not even my hubby & he thinks I look hot! :wink:
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,918 Member
    @mytime6630 Welcome back!

    I've been having some trouble...well actually a lot of trouble. I can't seem to even make routines let alone habits stick anymore. It's like my motivation/determination/discipline has flown out the door. Usually, I do okay until about 10 pm and then all of a sudden I get an intense desire to eat something I KNOW I shouldn't. Like Tuesday night it was gobs of peanut butter and yesterday it was several handfuls of semi-sweet chocolate chips(which I dont even like that much!) I dont know what to do to stop it! I guess it didnt help that I got a little drunk last night after a pretty bad day work. I dont remember ever being much of an emotional eater throughout my life but it seems to have dug its claws in over the last few months. I'm not sure what to do to stop it. It's driving me crazy! I am so discouraged right now. We rarely keep any sweets in the house because I tend to eat them all at once but I feel like I have a sudden desire for sweet things!

    I feel like I need a kick in the pants or a few encouraging words or something!

    So I will post only a few goals for today.

    JFT, 5/31/18

    1. Drink 1 bottle of water per cup of coffee
    2. Eat sensibly at D's house
    3. Be home by 9pm

    That is it for today.

    Sorry to hear you are struggling, I am not an overly emotional eater myself, but I have a hard time not wanting food when I crave it. For me it is Coke and Potato Chips. What I have done that has helped me is I don't keep them in the house if I really want it I force myself to wait half an hour, if I still want it I have to walk to the store to get it. Sometimes this doesn't work because I'll find something else salty in it's place, but anything I have in the house is at least 1/2 the calories of a bag of chips.

    Hope you have a better day today!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    JFT Thursday

    - 8 glasses of water :(
    - Log all food :)
    - Avoid ‘my worst foods’ and reach for the ‘alternative!’ :)

    Excuses don’t burn calories

    *sigh* forgot about the water!!
    But I logged all my food, made a couple of bad impulsive choices but I’m still in the green!
    After my dinner (sausage, a small spoon of mash and peas/sweet corn) I was still a bit hungry!
    So I grabbed a couple of mushrooms and a carrot and snacked on that instead!

    Thing is, I *know* I’m going to be hungry later. Or atleast crave food. So I need to stay strong, drink water instead and I might go have a bath to take up some time before bed and go to bed earlier!

    Can’t stop thinking about all my trigger foods lol
    I want it so bad but must must must resist!
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,089 Member
    @mytime6630 Welcome back!

    I've been having some trouble...well actually a lot of trouble. I can't seem to even make routines let alone habits stick anymore. It's like my motivation/determination/discipline has flown out the door. Usually, I do okay until about 10 pm and then all of a sudden I get an intense desire to eat something I KNOW I shouldn't. Like Tuesday night it was gobs of peanut butter and yesterday it was several handfuls of semi-sweet chocolate chips(which I dont even like that much!) I dont know what to do to stop it! I guess it didnt help that I got a little drunk last night after a pretty bad day work. I dont remember ever being much of an emotional eater throughout my life but it seems to have dug its claws in over the last few months. I'm not sure what to do to stop it. It's driving me crazy! I am so discouraged right now. We rarely keep any sweets in the house because I tend to eat them all at once but I feel like I have a sudden desire for sweet things!

    I feel like I need a kick in the pants or a few encouraging words or something!

    Maybe you can plan a treat into your day. For example, Swiss Miss Dark Chocolate Sensations will definitely cure my sweet tooth (it's delicious), but I sip it slowly so one packet is enough. On the other hand, candy or cookies are likely to set off a binge if I'm having a stressful day.

    Good luck!
  • Michaela_LaGata
    Michaela_LaGata Posts: 135 Member
    Hello everyone

    okay this is going to be quick.

    Just for today
    I will especially focus on Kitchen closed at 7:30 p.m. oral hygiene at 7:30 p.m. and bed at 9:30 p.m. .

    30 minutes gentle yoga
    Get my steps in
    20 minutes strength straining

    Take care

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Just for Today - 5/30/18:
    1. Stay green :)
    2. No ice cream today :(
    3. Paint my fingernails :(
    4. Pay bills :)
    5. Drink 80+ oz of water :(
    6. Spend 15 minutes each on (a) mind :) (b) body :( and (c) spirit :)
    7. Catch up on outstanding tasks at work: (a) get through ALL unread emails before leaving today, :) (b) go through all paperwork and notes on my desk, :) and (c) go through my outstanding tasks in my work bullet journal. ;)some of them. ran out of time
    8. Stop after work and pick up seeds for garden :(Worked late
    9. Make deposit at bank :(
    10. Tiny Habits :(
    11. Catch up on this week's challenge on the Building Healthy Habits group :(
    12. Bed at 9:00 p.m., sleeping by 10:30 pm :(
    13. Get up tomorrow without hitting snooze :(

    3 Tiny Habits:
    1. After I eat dinner, I will make tomorrow's lunch
    2. After I make tomorrow's lunch, I will select tomorrow's outfit
    3. After I hear the alarm go off, I will get out of bed

    It's rather late to post goals for today, but I'll post what I'd like to achieve from now until end of today.

    JFT, 5/31/2018:

    Stay in the green
    Drink 80 oz of water
    Hit my step goal
    Make bank deposit
    Catch up on JFT and Building Healthy Habits posts
    Tiny Habits
    Be patient and kind no matter how irritated I get
    Try to make amends to my DH who I hurt with words unintentionally last night
    Try to separate myself from family drama and just live my life
    Start FRESH today

    3 Tiny Habits:
    1. After I eat dinner, I will make tomorrow's lunch
    2. After I make tomorrow's lunch, I will select tomorrow's outfit
    3. After I hear the alarm go off, I will get out of bed
  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member

    JFT 5/30:

    1) I will be kind to myself but I will exercise my discipline and stick to the plan I have made. :smile:
    2) I will keep my dentist appointment at 10 am. :smile:
    3) I will drink all my water (minimum 8 cups). :smile:
    4) I will tour the new fitness facility I am considering joining. :neutral:
    5) I will complete a workout routine from fitness blender or youtube before I watch any streaming programming. :)
    6) I will do my physical therapy exercises in the morning and evening. :)
    7) I will NOT spend any money on food outside the house. :smiley:

    Did not tour the facility, but perhaps that was overambitious given the day I had planned. Still, not too bad and a decent recovery from 5/29. I really really appreciate this thread because it lets me "reboot" each day if I have a bad one.

    JFT 5/31

    1) Adhere to meal plan:
    2) Pick up some fruit at the grocery store (out of everything except watermelon!)
    3) Hit protein and calcium goals
    4) Drink 64 oz of pure water
    5) Physical therapy morning and evening
    6) Use the calories I have not yet planned on fruits and veg, not eating out!

    Well today was not good. Basically spent it moving from crisis to crisis and ended up eating two meals out that I planned to eat at home because it simply wasn't an option. So much for 1,2,3,and 6.

    On the plus side, spoke to a friend and we made plans to meet up for exercise next week and do couch to 5K together for a run on Veteran's Day this year, so now I'll have someone other than myself to be accountable to. So one step backward, one step forward. I'm going to drink all my water, do my physical therapy, close my diary out, and call it another day down.