JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,820 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I had a NSV yesterday!
    I went to the shop because my partner wanted some chocolate bars. You get 3! For £1.20 so basically it works out that ones free!

    Anyway, i passed them him and he asked if I wanted a bit, I said no. He then continued to wave it and put it near my face (hes such a wind up at times) but he knows me well because the more he pushed the more I said no.

    I craved chocolate all night but didn’t have ANY!
    I did say he had to eat t all though and not leave any!

    It sounds so small and irrelevant but it’s amazing how it can be a big achievement and a step in the right direction!
    Gained some self control yesterday :)

    But that is not a small achievement---that's HUGE! Yes, you probably said no just to prove to him how you could dig in...but you were the one who had to say no to his initial offer. You could have easily said, "Oh, okay, one bite." But you didn't. And that is not only huge, because it was chocolate you get a double gold star!

    Okay, so after reading your post, I asked Mr. Google what your issue might be, lol, and this is what he came up with: https://science.howstuffworks.com/life/sleep-obesity1.htm

    Interesting article
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    June Challenge:

    I am an emotional eater .... and I am constantly trying to overcome this. My biggest problem is in the evenings ... when I have the time to actually slow down it seems.

    I know the negative feelings eventually will quiet down if I give myself enough time before grabbing comfort food, but by that time, I usually have eaten things high in calories. Even things that are healthy .... its like I can't stop.

    So, here’s the challenge: If you’re feeling the slightest bit emotional and want to eat—or it’s even time to eat—force yourself to either do something else or to eat something healthy and wholesome. And report it on here. Not only will it help us, but it also will give others ideas to stop that urge.

    Last nite, I wanted ice cream so badly!! I gulped down 2 glasses of water. A hour later, I was thinking about our son, and again, had that urge to eat ice cream ..... gulped down 2 more glasses of water. And guess what .... no ice cream or any snack for me!

    Not only will we retrain your bodies for what to expect to feel better, but experts say that truly experiencing your emotions will teach you that it's possible to tolerate them head on.

    So would anyone else like to join me?
    Here is how I will report each day:
    June 1: Wanted ice cream ---- drank 4 glasses of water, and waited. (or list whatever you do to avoid the temptation).
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    JFT - Thursday May 31
    2L of Water - :(
    Stay in Green - :)
    Outside 15 Minutes - :) Not exercising though, sitting and visiting with my cousin
    Write in Journal - :)

    JFT - Friday June 1
    2L of Water
    Stay in Green
    Outside 15 Minutes
    Write in Journal

    I had a great visit with my cousin yesterday I had forgotten what good friends we had become when we were raising our children together. Her daughter and my youngest are the same age. Her daughter came home from work yesterday, went to her bedroom to change. She came back out a few minutes later looked at her Mother and said "How do you feel about being a Grandmother again?" then showed her mother the positive test! What an incredible moment to share with them. We went out to dinner to celebrate and then she insisted on going to buy something for the baby. So she bought a couple gender neutral bibs and some receiving blankets. She is one excited grandma! This is the first for her daughter, her son has two.

    Even with going out to eat yesterday I was able to stay within my calorie goals, I was quite proud of myself for that. On Wednesday evening I managed to convince myself not to have an evening snack, it was a lot of work doing it but I was determined not to go into the red and I was successful at refraining. Last night I again wanted a snack, I really wanted some cheese and crackers, but that would have put me in the red. I had some Goldfish crackers instead and was able to stay in the Green. Those two nights feel like huge accomplishments to me.

    I asked my cousin and her daughter yesterday who have both lost a significant amount of weight what they did to lose. My cousin lost 50 pounds by purely exercising 3 days a week at the gym and 10 weeks of boot camps. She is down 62 pounds as of now, but the last 12 were due to stress, she doesn't eat when she is stressed. Her daughter lost 50 pounds purely through portion control, she didn't exercise at all. It's funny how everyone has to find what works for them. I think what I am doing is working for me, portion control and exercise combined.

    Another cold rainy day here today, I am going to a movie tonight with one of my best friends and my daughter. We are going to see Book Club, I hope my daughter enjoys it, I think it's more for women of a "certain" age.

    Have a great day everyone!

    I have been battling the same issue, Snowflake! I discovered homemade chocolate chip cookies I had stashed in the freezer. I so very much wanted one (or two or three, lol) last night. But alas, I didn't have room for them to stay on the green side. I really had to give myself a talkin to! And once I did and made up mind I was going to live without eating one, the pull vanished. But oh my gosh, it was so strong!

    Yes, I find it it interesting and affirming that everyone is unique---including how to go about losing weight. We are all on the same journey but getting there through different methods. I find, at my age, I have to exercise and log my food. 8 years ago just watching what I ate did the trick.

    So glad you got to share that meaningful time with your cousin. Great memories.

    Tell us how you like the movie!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,820 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    June Challenge:

    I am an emotional eater .... and I am constantly trying to overcome this. My biggest problem is in the evenings ... when I have the time to actually slow down it seems.

    I know the negative feelings eventually will quiet down if I give myself enough time before grabbing comfort food, but by that time, I usually have eaten things high in calories. Even things that are healthy .... its like I can't stop.

    So, here’s the challenge: If you’re feeling the slightest bit emotional and want to eat—or it’s even time to eat—force yourself to either do something else or to eat something healthy and wholesome. And report it on here. Not only will it help us, but it also will give others ideas to stop that urge.

    Last nite, I wanted ice cream so badly!! I gulped down 2 glasses of water. A hour later, I was thinking about our son, and again, had that urge to eat ice cream ..... gulped down 2 more glasses of water. And guess what .... no ice cream or any snack for me!

    Not only will we retrain your bodies for what to expect to feel better, but experts say that truly experiencing your emotions will teach you that it's possible to tolerate them head on.

    So would anyone else like to join me?
    Here is how I will report each day:
    June 1: Wanted ice cream ---- drank 4 glasses of water, and waited. (or list whatever you do to avoid the temptation).

    I'll join you in this challenge, it might help with my boredom snacking at work and at home! Great challenge!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member

    Even with going out to eat yesterday I was able to stay within my calorie goals, I was quite proud of myself for that. On Wednesday evening I managed to convince myself not to have an evening snack, it was a lot of work doing it but I was determined not to go into the red and I was successful at refraining. Last night I again wanted a snack, I really wanted some cheese and crackers, but that would have put me in the red. I had some Goldfish crackers instead and was able to stay in the Green. Those two nights feel like huge accomplishments to me.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Love this!!! This is what I am hoping the challenge will help with. If we share our successes like this, it really helps others. I had a good nite also - but had to keep drinking water all nite. Hoping to have another nite like that.
    You have a good day!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    @toaljasa , like @Bex953172 I'm going to complete this as well.

    Are you struggling? I feel like I am because it's not happening as fast as I think it should.

    There may be other things on the list I made that I didn't think of. This was to get your thinker going about what a person who is struggling may have done in the past and now isn't. (Mine was the kitchen closing...it helps me to have a time when I close up shop...and I had let that go for some time now.)

    In my opinion (worth about one coffee from the gas station, lol) I think 5lbs a month is very good. Actually, I go for two pounds a month...any more than that is BONUS! But, like you, I am not on a diet, I am going for a lifestyle that will keep my healthy physically and mentally. I am free to eat anything I want. It just has to fit in my boundaries. And instead of saying no, I say, "it doesn't fit in today's boundaries but plan for tomorrow." And, again, like you, in the past I would lose weight for a cause: a wedding, a cruise, a big event. But we have come to realize that once that event came and went (like your visit with your father) there was no longer an incentive to keep the weight off. This time we are our cause! We want to be healthy for ourselves so that we can thrive!

    Walking beside you.
    I hope you have peace knowing that your steady pace is going to help keep that weight off and joy that you are now doing for yourself. I have learned that if I don't take care of myself first, I can't take care of others.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,116 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I had a NSV yesterday!
    I went to the shop because my partner wanted some chocolate bars. You get 3! For £1.20 so basically it works out that ones free!

    Anyway, i passed them him and he asked if I wanted a bit, I said no. He then continued to wave it and put it near my face (hes such a wind up at times) but he knows me well because the more he pushed the more I said no.

    I craved chocolate all night but didn’t have ANY!
    I did say he had to eat t all though and not leave any!

    It sounds so small and irrelevant but it’s amazing how it can be a big achievement and a step in the right direction!
    Gained some self control yesterday :)

    But that is not a small achievement---that's HUGE! Yes, you probably said no just to prove to him how you could dig in...but you were the one who had to say no to his initial offer. You could have easily said, "Oh, okay, one bite." But you didn't. And that is not only huge, because it was chocolate you get a double gold star!

    Okay, so after reading your post, I asked Mr. Google what your issue might be, lol, and this is what he came up with: https://science.howstuffworks.com/life/sleep-obesity1.htm

    Oooo interesting!
    Not surprised thyroid comes into it somewhere lol!!
    Mines under active!
    Thanks for that!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,116 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    June Challenge:

    I am an emotional eater .... and I am constantly trying to overcome this. My biggest problem is in the evenings ... when I have the time to actually slow down it seems.

    I know the negative feelings eventually will quiet down if I give myself enough time before grabbing comfort food, but by that time, I usually have eaten things high in calories. Even things that are healthy .... its like I can't stop.

    So, here’s the challenge: If you’re feeling the slightest bit emotional and want to eat—or it’s even time to eat—force yourself to either do something else or to eat something healthy and wholesome. And report it on here. Not only will it help us, but it also will give others ideas to stop that urge.

    Last nite, I wanted ice cream so badly!! I gulped down 2 glasses of water. A hour later, I was thinking about our son, and again, had that urge to eat ice cream ..... gulped down 2 more glasses of water. And guess what .... no ice cream or any snack for me!

    Not only will we retrain your bodies for what to expect to feel better, but experts say that truly experiencing your emotions will teach you that it's possible to tolerate them head on.

    So would anyone else like to join me?
    Here is how I will report each day:
    June 1: Wanted ice cream ---- drank 4 glasses of water, and waited. (or list whatever you do to avoid the temptation).

    Yes love it!
    You should all try why I’ve done
    Write down your worst foods and the alternatives!

    So when I feel like chocolate, all I want is chocolate and I can’t even think of what else I could have. One quick look at my list of alternatives and I’ve got so many options!

    See I nearly caved yesterday
    I really wanted a kit kat, I had two glasses of water, still wanted one.
    So I had some avocado on toast and realistically I shouldn’t have had anything!
    So I’ll know next time to drink even more water!!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    June Challenge:

    I am in! This is going to be a...challenging challenge!!! Thanks for starting these. Really helps hone in on particular areas.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,369 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    June Challenge:

    I am an emotional eater .... and I am constantly trying to overcome this. My biggest problem is in the evenings ... when I have the time to actually slow down it seems.

    I know the negative feelings eventually will quiet down if I give myself enough time before grabbing comfort food, but by that time, I usually have eaten things high in calories. Even things that are healthy .... its like I can't stop.

    So, here’s the challenge: If you’re feeling the slightest bit emotional and want to eat—or it’s even time to eat—force yourself to either do something else or to eat something healthy and wholesome. And report it on here. Not only will it help us, but it also will give others ideas to stop that urge.

    Last nite, I wanted ice cream so badly!! I gulped down 2 glasses of water. A hour later, I was thinking about our son, and again, had that urge to eat ice cream ..... gulped down 2 more glasses of water. And guess what .... no ice cream or any snack for me!

    Not only will we retrain your bodies for what to expect to feel better, but experts say that truly experiencing your emotions will teach you that it's possible to tolerate them head on.

    So would anyone else like to join me?
    Here is how I will report each day:
    June 1: Wanted ice cream ---- drank 4 glasses of water, and waited. (or list whatever you do to avoid the temptation).

    I'm in, Joan! I am also an emotional eater and ice cream is definitely my nighttime downfall. This will be perfect challenge for me, since right now is a pretty stressful time at home. Thanks! I'll start today!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,369 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Yes love it!
    You should all try why I’ve done
    Write down your worst foods and the alternatives!

    So I’ll know next time to drink even more water!!

    Bex - I LOVED your list!! This is what I am going to do (when I have time!). Our son (and his new girlfriend) are flying in tonite! So I am trying to clean house --- hopefully our son told her that hubby and I are hoarders :D . So busy day ..... but I already have a list in mind for what I can do for substitutes! See .... you got me going again!

    @Bex953172 I'm going to make a list this weekend (hopefully) also! I thought that was a great idea. Then after I come up with a list of good alternatives, I'll just have to make sure I add them to the grocery list so I always have them on hand to grab easily.

    This group has so many good ideas!
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    @mytime6630 - I am also in for the June challenge! And can already contribute :/

    1st June: my kids were arguing at bedtime as they tend to do and my older daughter was upset because going to her Dad this weekend means missing a friend’s birthday party. I felt helpless and frustrated and wanted to dive into some chocolate and biscuits that are in the cupboard.

    But I took a deep breath, ate a plum, made a decaf coffee and have sat down to complete the last two reports of my 10 minimum that I committed to for today.

    I feel relieved to have ridden the urge and happy to be able to post this. Need to remember this feeling for future temptations. In fact, I am even going to save what I’ve written to re-read.

    Great challenge - hard to do but potentially v enlightening for us all. X
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,369 Member

    Are you struggling? YES!

    Think back to when you were consistently losing weight. What were you doing then that you are not doing now? What has changed? I had cut out "bad" carbs and was not eating past 7 pm. I also got breast cancer and went through a full and lengthy treatment. My weight was at it's lowest prior to diagnosis, and I gained it all back, plus some, during treatment.

    Were you logging all of your food? Yes
    Were you determined to stay in the green? Yes
    Did you do JFT's every day? Not at that time
    Were you drinking 8 cups of water? I don't remember?
    Were you exercising daily? No, but I had a very active job where I rarely sat down. Now I sit all day.
    Were you closing up the kitchen at a specified time? Yes
    Were you cutting up veggies and fruit and creating portion controlled snacks? Yes. I need to start doing this again on weekends, to prepare for the week.
    Were you taking every bite captive? No. Still don't.
    Were you adamant in not having food in your house that would cause you to binge eat? No. It wasn't necessary.
    I no longer had the cravings.

    Were you journaling? Yes
    Were you keeping a gratitude journal? No. I do now though and I love it.
    Were you involved in a program of some kind that helped keep you motivated? I was on the 17-Day-Diet and lost so quickly and felt so good that THAT alone kept me motivated!
    Did you write down a plan and look at it several times a week? I had a whole book I read and referred to almost daily.
    Were you purposeful? Yes Focused? Yes Determined? Yes!

    What has changed??? Physical changes in my body after breast cancer and mastectomies. Mental changes in self-confidence, lack of concentration worsened, joint pain on this 10-year hormone blocker medication, much less active job, lack of motivation due to the struggle I have losing even 1 pound. I also struggle with my self-image after the mastectomies (shallow of me, I know, but true).[/b]

    I had to write this out also. It made me really think and focus on what is going on with me. I think that I need to look at this as "regaining my health" and not "losing weight". If the number on the scale never moves, but I start to have more energy and can concentrate and learn my job better, then that would be a huge win!

    I need to focus. I need to focus and come up with a plan. I need to do this now. :smile:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,369 Member
    edited June 2018
    @mytime6630 First, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your quilt!

    I'm sorry you are having such a difficult time. I have also been worrying a lot lately about some of my family members, as has my husband, and I finally told him last night "Let those without sin cast the first stone..." We looked at each other and right there decided that it is not for us or anyone else to judge or gossip or be upset with anything the others are doing. It is their life and ultimately we want them to be happy. Just because something makes me happy (for example), doesn't mean it will make other people happy. I have to trust that I've raised them to be good people and that will ultimately bring them through. (Having said that....I still worry! I'm just keeping my thoughts to myself and praying a lot! :smile: )

    Hugs, my friend! xoxo
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,369 Member

    JFT, 5/31/2018:
    Stay in the green :)
    Drink 80 oz of water :)
    Hit my step goal :(
    Make bank deposit :(
    Catch up on JFT and Building Healthy Habits posts :p Some of them...
    Tiny Habits :smile: , :frowning: , :frowning:
    Be patient and kind no matter how irritated I get :)
    Try to make amends to my DH who I hurt with words unintentionally last night :)
    Try to separate myself from family drama and just live my life :)
    Start FRESH today :)

    3 Tiny Habits:
    1. After I eat dinner, I will make tomorrow's lunch
    2. After I make tomorrow's lunch, I will select tomorrow's outfit
    3. After I hear the alarm go off, I will get out of bed

    Just for Friday, 6/1
    1. Stay in the green
    2. Drink 80+ oz of water
    3. Reach my step goal
    4. Make bank deposit
    5. Be patient and kind.
    6. Try to separate from drama. Walk away from water cooler talk.
    7. Make a list of tasks for the weekend
    8. Stop and pick up birthday cards for DH and GS, and a graduation card for GS
    9. Log on tomorrow. Be accountable.
    10. Order ice cream cake for DH (OMG! THIS IS GOING TO KILL ME!)

    Have a great weekend!

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,116 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Yes love it!
    You should all try why I’ve done
    Write down your worst foods and the alternatives!

    So I’ll know next time to drink even more water!!

    Bex - I LOVED your list!! This is what I am going to do (when I have time!). Our son (and his new girlfriend) are flying in tonite! So I am trying to clean house --- hopefully our son told her that hubby and I are hoarders :D . So busy day ..... but I already have a list in mind for what I can do for substitutes! See .... you got me going again!

    @Bex953172 I'm going to make a list this weekend (hopefully) also! I thought that was a great idea. Then after I come up with a list of good alternatives, I'll just have to make sure I add them to the grocery list so I always have them on hand to grab easily.

    This group has so many good ideas!

    Well let me know what your alternatives are! Between the lot of us we could get such a big list that there would be no need for junk!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,116 Member
    edited June 2018
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Faebert wrote: »
    @mytime6630 -

    But I took a deep breath, ate a plum, made a decaf coffee and have sat down to complete the last two reports of my 10 minimum that I committed to for today.


    So this is how bad a habit this is for me.... My son is bringing his new girlfriend to meet us already (his divorce was only final May 15!!!). I can't say I approve of any of this ... other than I know my son has been in a very unhappy marriage for many many years. It was after he separated that we started to see the happy son we knew at age 18.
    Anyhow, our daughter, who has mental illness, decides first to come and ride with us to pick them up at the airport. We nicely told her to how about wait, and we will let her know when we are in the restaurant, and she can meet us there, or come to our house afterwards. Our daughter is super religious, and we are also worried she will say things. I am religious also, but then, it is not my life, and I don't know all the circumstances of all of this. But ... we just want our son to be happy.
    So then my daughter decides not to come out at all. She does not approve, so she is staying in her apartment. I got off the phone with my daughter, and I ran and grabbed a klondike bar. Not even thinking. I am busy today cleaning, but this got me so stressed out.... its the mindless eating that gets me into trouble. (So I need to get rid of all of this junk food!!)

    And then I read your post!! Perfect timing! I had eaten 2 bites out of the bar ...... and I threw the rest down the garbage disposal. So I think for me, I am going to love this challenge (and I really need it!!).
    So thank you all for joining me. Its a battle I have struggled with ever since our daughter was diagnosed ... and it has become such a mindless habit I don't even realize it.

    So I am drinking my water .... finishing my cleaning ..... going to take a shower ... and go to the airport to meet our son .... with open arms. Only God can be the judge of what people do.

    Hm I'm hoping this doesn't come across as insensitive but you seem to know me well enough that I'm trying to help!
    I get that it must be very hard when your daughter has a mental health illness, and the stress it can bring must be so difficult at times. And I suppose as times gone on its just become harder and you've created a cast iron habit of eating junk when things go a bit pear shaped!

    However, as sad as it is, (and tell me if im wrong) it sounds unlikely that your daughter will get better and its a disorder she needs to manage rather than cure. I think maybe if you were more accepting of the fact that's the way she is and she can't change it and you can't change it and even doctors can't change it... but what you can change, is your response to the stress. She *cant* change, I bet if you asked her she would wish that She didn't have an illness. But you can change!
    It doesn't always have to be this way

    Also me saying this is so easy than you actually trying to process your emotion differently, but I'm hoping it will give you a different insight

    Big hugs! X