JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Faebert wrote: »
    @mytime6630 -

    But I took a deep breath, ate a plum, made a decaf coffee and have sat down to complete the last two reports of my 10 minimum that I committed to for today.


    So this is how bad a habit this is for me.... My son is bringing his new girlfriend to meet us already (his divorce was only final May 15!!!). I can't say I approve of any of this ... other than I know my son has been in a very unhappy marriage for many many years. It was after he separated that we started to see the happy son we knew at age 18.
    Anyhow, our daughter, who has mental illness, decides first to come and ride with us to pick them up at the airport. We nicely told her to how about wait, and we will let her know when we are in the restaurant, and she can meet us there, or come to our house afterwards. Our daughter is super religious, and we are also worried she will say things. I am religious also, but then, it is not my life, and I don't know all the circumstances of all of this. But ... we just want our son to be happy.
    So then my daughter decides not to come out at all. She does not approve, so she is staying in her apartment. I got off the phone with my daughter, and I ran and grabbed a klondike bar. Not even thinking. I am busy today cleaning, but this got me so stressed out.... its the mindless eating that gets me into trouble. (So I need to get rid of all of this junk food!!)

    And then I read your post!! Perfect timing! I had eaten 2 bites out of the bar ...... and I threw the rest down the garbage disposal. So I think for me, I am going to love this challenge (and I really need it!!).
    So thank you all for joining me. Its a battle I have struggled with ever since our daughter was diagnosed ... and it has become such a mindless habit I don't even realize it.

    So I am drinking my water .... finishing my cleaning ..... going to take a shower ... and go to the airport to meet our son .... with open arms. Only God can be the judge of what people do.

    That’s brilliant Joan. Make sure that you are mindful about the success of that decision. Instead of beating yourself up for the habit that took you to the ice cream bar, celebrate the decision that stopped you.

    As for the situation with your kids, all you can do is be there and give your love. When I went through my separation my parents were amazing. And the constant that my children needed in a changing time. I know it’s hard but at least your son is involving you in his life and still wants your love and approval. X
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Today’s green ticks were not all easy but I so wanted to start the month on a high. Thank you all for a day of insightful posts and excellent ideas that have helped me stay on track...

    Goals for Friday
    - morning workout ✅
    - P to cookery class ✅
    - Get documents ready ✅
    - Lawyer in the AM ✅
    - Portion and freeze batch cooked food ✅
    - Reports - aim for all 20 remaining, minimum 10 ✅ only the 10 minimum, but it was a busy day otherwise and a hard slog just to do those so I’m counting it as a win!
    - Steps to 10k ✅
    - Stay within calorie goal ✅
    - Pack girls for weekend with their dad ✅
    - Early night :| nobody’s perfect ;)

    Weekend goals - keeping it v simple!
    - morning workouts
    - April challenge
    - May challenge
    - June challenge
    - Last 10 reports

    That’s all folks!

    Night xx
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    May goals
    Under 163 ✖ Try, try again.
    Medication on track. I tend to forget a dose when unscheduled things pop up and then don't feel well. :/ X2 this month
    Studio twice+ /week ✅
    Finish curvy log cabin✅Well not totally but the top is done and sandwiched.
    A couple other small projects.✖ I did however figure out the next 2 quilts I will be making. More on that later
    Start big girl quilt for Miss C ✖ see above.
    Declutter entry further. ✅ 5 more boxes of junk gone :D
    Accountability ✅ This does happen but I need to get better at it.

    Weekly weigh-in
    Starting weight this year Jan 3, 2018: 176.0
    Aiming at 150ish
    Progress so far this year:
    May 30 164.6
    May 23 164.7
    May 17 162.7
    May 9 163.8
    May 2 164.6
    Apr 4 167.7
    Mar 7 168.4
    Feb 7 171.6
    Jan 3: 176.0

    June goals
    Under 163
    Medication on track. I tend to forget a dose when unscheduled things pop up and then don't feel well.
    Studio twice+ /week
    Finish curvy log cabin
    A couple other small projects.
    Start big girl quilt for Miss C
    Declutter entry further.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,820 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Faebert wrote: »
    @mytime6630 -

    But I took a deep breath, ate a plum, made a decaf coffee and have sat down to complete the last two reports of my 10 minimum that I committed to for today.


    So this is how bad a habit this is for me.... My son is bringing his new girlfriend to meet us already (his divorce was only final May 15!!!). I can't say I approve of any of this ... other than I know my son has been in a very unhappy marriage for many many years. It was after he separated that we started to see the happy son we knew at age 18.
    Anyhow, our daughter, who has mental illness, decides first to come and ride with us to pick them up at the airport. We nicely told her to how about wait, and we will let her know when we are in the restaurant, and she can meet us there, or come to our house afterwards. Our daughter is super religious, and we are also worried she will say things. I am religious also, but then, it is not my life, and I don't know all the circumstances of all of this. But ... we just want our son to be happy.
    So then my daughter decides not to come out at all. She does not approve, so she is staying in her apartment. I got off the phone with my daughter, and I ran and grabbed a klondike bar. Not even thinking. I am busy today cleaning, but this got me so stressed out.... its the mindless eating that gets me into trouble. (So I need to get rid of all of this junk food!!)

    And then I read your post!! Perfect timing! I had eaten 2 bites out of the bar ...... and I threw the rest down the garbage disposal. So I think for me, I am going to love this challenge (and I really need it!!).
    So thank you all for joining me. Its a battle I have struggled with ever since our daughter was diagnosed ... and it has become such a mindless habit I don't even realize it.

    So I am drinking my water .... finishing my cleaning ..... going to take a shower ... and go to the airport to meet our son .... with open arms. Only God can be the judge of what people do.

    I can't imagine the stress that must come from having a daughter with mental illness, it must be hard for you to try not to "fix" everything. I know that is how I would feel. I bet that even though the divorce was only final on May 15th your son feels that the marriage was over years ago. I know if I ever made that final decision with my own marriage I would probably tell you it was over 12 years ago regardless if the divorce was only final today.

    You need to be so proud of yourself for throwing that Klondike bar out, I don't know if I could do it. I for one am proud of you! Even my lunch today, I was full but I kept eating it because otherwise it would have been a "waste".
    Hope you have a great visit with your son and your daughter comes around without a lot of drama for you to have to contend with.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    edited June 2018

  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @mytime6630 I love the challenge idea! I haven't had any wins like that recently. I hope that I can have one tonight!

    @Bex953172 I think that I am going to make a list of worst foods and alternatives as well. I'm stocking up on fruit this weekend and am going to put it in containers to grab and munch on

    @Snowflake1964 I'm so happy that you had a great time with your cousin! And yay! A new baby! That's so exciting!

    @Faebert You are such a good Momma! Your girls are lucky to have you! I hope that you know that! Even from our small interactions here I can tell that. Dont let your troubles with your Ex make you think that you aren't(I have no idea where this came from but I felt the need to say it.)

    @toaljasa You are such an inspiration to me. You are always making me think, making me kick my mind into gear! You are an amazing encourager and a joy/blessing to have here!

    @bcTRAI I started taking medications about 7 years ago. I didnt start really remembering to take them until I started carrying them around with me. That way if I looked in my purse and saw the bottles I would remember that I didnt take them. After a while, it just became a habit. Now I keep them next to my bed in an empty tissue box and take them every night before I go to bed. Try keeping them somewhere that you will obviously see them. Maybe color the bottles obnoxious, eye-catching colors. Something that stands out.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member

    1. Hit 145lbs
    2. Gym 3x a week
    3. Yoga 1x a week
    4. Be in the green 4x a week
    5. 4 bottles of water a day

    I didnt do a single one of these...

    Time to revise and conquer!

    June Goals

    1. Hit 145 at least once this month
    2. Work out 2x a week
    3. Meditate 3x a week
    4. JFT/June Challenge 6x a week(AT least)
  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    June Challenge:

    I am an emotional eater .... and I am constantly trying to overcome this. My biggest problem is in the evenings ... when I have the time to actually slow down it seems.

    I know the negative feelings eventually will quiet down if I give myself enough time before grabbing comfort food, but by that time, I usually have eaten things high in calories. Even things that are healthy .... its like I can't stop.

    So, here’s the challenge: If you’re feeling the slightest bit emotional and want to eat—or it’s even time to eat—force yourself to either do something else or to eat something healthy and wholesome. And report it on here. Not only will it help us, but it also will give others ideas to stop that urge.

    Last nite, I wanted ice cream so badly!! I gulped down 2 glasses of water. A hour later, I was thinking about our son, and again, had that urge to eat ice cream ..... gulped down 2 more glasses of water. And guess what .... no ice cream or any snack for me!

    Not only will we retrain your bodies for what to expect to feel better, but experts say that truly experiencing your emotions will teach you that it's possible to tolerate them head on.

    So would anyone else like to join me?
    Here is how I will report each day:
    June 1: Wanted ice cream ---- drank 4 glasses of water, and waited. (or list whatever you do to avoid the temptation).

    What a great idea. I will literally rage eat when I feel helpless. And it's always a calorie disaster when I do. I'm in!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    JFT, Goals, Friday
    1. log all food :)
    2. concentrate on water :)
    3. work in the yard more :/ Son and his new girlfriend came into town ... so spent the day cleaning the house!
    4. do mindful eating - slow down - enjoy every bite :)
    5. fish fry - but only eat 1 piece :/:) Went to a mexican restaurant ... and ate only a few chips, and only ate half my meal.
    6. get back on here - be accuntable :)

    Had a good day ---- maybe a little more calories than I wanted, but eating at a mexican place was hard. But did SO much better

    JFT, Sat
    1. log all food
    2. mindful eating
    3. remember the June challenge
    4. concentrate on water
    5. get back on here .. be accountable
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    edited June 2018
    June Challenge:
    If you’re feeling the slightest bit emotional and want to eat—or it’s even time to eat—force yourself to either do something else or to eat something healthy and wholesome. And report it on here. Not only will it help us, but it also will give others ideas to stop that urge.

    June 1st: Today, again, in a stressful situation - I instantly grabbed a klondike bar. Thank you SO much @Faebert of the reminder to stop and eat something healthy. But ... I wasn't even hungry .. just stressed. So I threw the klondike bar down the garbage disposal ... gulped some water ... had some ice tea.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    edited June 2018
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Hm I'm hoping this doesn't come across as insensitive but you seem to know me well enough that I'm trying to help!
    I get that it must be very hard when your daughter has a mental health illness, and the stress it can bring must be so difficult at times. And I suppose as times gone on its just become harder and you've created a cast iron habit of eating junk when things go a bit pear shaped!

    Big hugs! X

    Not being insensitive Bex -- I feel like you are a friend. And ... you are SO right. I keep hoping she will get better, but we had 5 doctors tell her she will never get better. There is no cure for this ... only medication. So I have to learn not to expect too much from her --- and learn myself to stop trying to think I can fix this.

    This evening was nice -- we do like our son's new girlfriend a lot. THey have been friends for a long time our son said ... she is also divorced. But they seem to care for each other a lot. SO ... as a mom ... I have to just trust our son's judgement, and let go. Same for my daughter. She did not come out... but that is her choice, and I guess if this girl will be in our son's life, she needs to know about his sister.
  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    Had such a great day today! Feeling confident enough to do my Friday wrap up a bit early!JFF*

    Just For Friday:

    1) Adhere to meal plan :smile:

    Okay, in all fairness, I did switch out something: I had planned pancakes for breakfast but I waited too long to eat and didn't have the patience to make them, so I ate oatmeal. I'm counting that as adhering though.

    2) Hit protein and calcium goals :smile:
    3) Drink 64 oz of pure water :smile:
    4) Physical therapy morning and evening :)
    5) Use the calories I have not yet planned on fruits and veg, not eating out! :) Carrots, cauliflower, and watermelon.
    6) Yoga routine :)
    7) Find swimsuit and call pool about membership :)
    8) Clean out fridge for grocery shopping on Saturday :)
    9) Make soup for the freezer to replenish my stockpile :) It's simmering now! I almost put this off to tomorrow, but I was too close to a perfect "just for today" to blow one off.
    10) No after dinner eating (joined June Late Night Snacking challenge) :) Not hungry, not going to eat anything else.

    Just For Today (Saturday 6-2 edition)

    1) Adhere to meal plan
    2) Hit protein and calcium goals
    3) Drink 64 oz of pure water
    4) Physical therapy morning and evening
    5) Yoga routine
    6) Grocery shopping
    7) Aerobic routine
    8) No after dinner eating
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    June Challenge!

    June 1- I was way over calories due to Pizza but I did have a NSV with it. At about 1030 the DH was ranging around the kitchen looking for something to munch on. He had a half a bag of Sun Chips sitting in the table that he said he didn't want. I wanted them so bad! I could taste them, that's how bad I wanted them! BUT!!!! I grabbed my water and ignored them. Eventually he sat down next to me with the bag. As soon as he opened it, I got up. I told him I was heading to bed and kissed him goodnight. He had already eaten one or two so I tasted it on my lips. Well I turned around and marched my tush right out of that room! I feel very proud of myself. I can feel my stomach demanding food. I do not need it. I ate so much today that there really can't be any way that I'm hungry.

    Well I'm going to actually go to bed now. Lol. I just wanted to give you a heads up. It's not really "emotional" eating, but it brought me joy when I beat back that desire!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member

    Doing a Victory Dance in your honor! You stopped, turned, and changed course. THAT is fantastic!
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    @mytime6630 I love the challenge idea! I haven't had any wins like that recently. I hope that I can have one tonight!

    @Bex953172 I think that I am going to make a list of worst foods and alternatives as well. I'm stocking up on fruit this weekend and am going to put it in containers to grab and munch on

    @Snowflake1964 I'm so happy that you had a great time with your cousin! And yay! A new baby! That's so exciting!

    @Faebert You are such a good Momma! Your girls are lucky to have you! I hope that you know that! Even from our small interactions here I can tell that. Dont let your troubles with your Ex make you think that you aren't(I have no idea where this came from but I felt the need to say it.)

    @toaljasa You are such an inspiration to me. You are always making me think, making me kick my mind into gear! You are an amazing encourager and a joy/blessing to have here!

    @bcTRAI I started taking medications about 7 years ago. I didnt start really remembering to take them until I started carrying them around with me. That way if I looked in my purse and saw the bottles I would remember that I didnt take them. After a while, it just became a habit. Now I keep them next to my bed in an empty tissue box and take them every night before I go to bed. Try keeping them somewhere that you will obviously see them. Maybe color the bottles obnoxious, eye-catching colors. Something that stands out.

    Thank you @HGSmith0920 - so sweet of you to say. Big congrats on the scale and non-scale victories. You are absolutely smashing it! X
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,526 Member
    edited June 2018
    Wow! Just finished catching up on this thread ~ so active all on a day I had a break from logging. Wonderful ideas & support! So many posts I'd like to respond to but no time now. Just want to recap Th & F and get a jump on Sat. since will be very busy...

    Recap R 5/31 ~ remember to locate and update monthly goals ~ maybe will do this weekend = add to JFT Sat.
    1) Took month end measurements before work ~ no significant changes this month but can tell my upper arms are toning up (bummer ~ no measurements) & hubby saw me pick up bag of potting mix / wondered how much bag weighed b/c I made carrying bag look easy! Yay! :blush: Went closet-shopping other night and fitted into most of my smaller summer clothes! So excited :smiley: Log measurements in MFP :smiley:
    2) Rest day / move hourly / stairs breaks at work = After work decided to walk neighborhood with dog at slow pace / 2.14 mi 41:21 & happy happy dog ~ 3 neighbors thought our 6yo dog was a puppy B) Fitbit 12,226 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 & 41 floors :smiley:
    3) Meals & snacks prelogged / stick w/ plan / net calories w/i 100 - 200 (starting this on rest days) = Improvement over past several weeks (ack!) ~ net calories -25, sodium -623, sugar -4 (oatmeal squares, power muffin, Oregon herb bread, skillet lasagna), fiber & protein ok & 14c water :smiley:
    4) Draft prof org position role documents & upload (due 5/31) :D finally done! / update & submit usual weekly status reports (PTO on Fri) :smiley: / xfer funds :/ ran out of time at work + technical issues at home >:) / write check for car pmt :smiley: / other finance tasks on list if time see xfer funds :#
    5) UNPLUG 9:30 online searches computer crashed >:) & partially recovered by bedtime, left long note for hubby & he fixed rest after he got home from work <3 / emails for tomorrow's GDO :smile: had to use phone but got important details down / FLOSS :smiley: / RETAINERS :smiley: / bed & TV off 10:30 :smiley: (walk dog before leaving for day)

    Recap Fri 6/1 ~ off work for annual GDO (Girls Day Out) with mom (81yo), aunt (70yo), sister & SIL ~ we've done this since 2005. Day was filled with family <3 shopping, pedicures and of course, eating! Fabulous lunch, everyone else had paninis but I had fusilli with shrimp, artichoke hearts, white wine & sun-dried tomatoes ~ so good! We always have an afternoon break for dessert: today we had pie break & I indulged in caramel apple pie ~ yum! I did not log my food (no idea how) or drink (had plenty of water) ~ no regrets! It was a day to enjoy. Before heading out, I did walk dog 3.07 mi 53:19 and eat mango overnight oats for breakfast ~ wanted to get exercise and something filling in my tummy to start the day at least. :D

    JFtomorrow (Sat.) 6/2
    1) Farmers market
    2) Walk dog ~ maybe not so far ~ see #3
    3) Move 3,196 lbs. (I did the math) of retaining wall blocks ~ with hubby of course ~ there's a pallet of 188 blocks weighing 17# each that have to be moved from our driveway, around the garage, through the back gate, across backyard & up the berm, and placed along 85' of back fence ~ this is going to be so fun (not) but should be a great workout. At least temps won't be in mid 90s & humid like last weekend.
    4) Do not kill hubby while doing #3 ~ be patient + careful of my *tone* (@Snowflake1968 I have similar issue w/ my hubby)
    5) Log all meals & snacks & drink plenty of water / net calories green / don't eat extras b/c of moving blocks
    6) If energy / time left: recap May goals & post June goals / update weekly w-i post
    7) That's enough I think...
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,820 Member
    JFT - Friday June 1
    2L of Water - no
    Stay in Green - no
    Outside 15 Minutes - no
    Write in Journal - no

    JFT- Saturday June 2
    2L of water
    Stay in Green
    Outside 15 minutes
    Write in Journal

    Well I had all of today’s calories yesterday! I made poor choices for breakfast and lunch knowing full well I was going out for a dinner and movie and would have no time to exercise.

    I had a date planned with my daughter, her fiancé and one of my best friends for the dinner and movie. This date was set almost 4 weeks ago. There is no excuse for me not planning properly.

    I had a great evening, the Book Club movie was a great laugh. I wasn’t sure if my daughter would like it based on the age group it was targeting but she loved it too.

    Hubby was grouchy because I went I think. I guess it will be another grumpy weekend to deal with. He enjoys sitting home and I hate it. I would rather be doing. I would do with him but he won’t so I do with others.

    Oh well it’s another day, the sun is shining, I have swim lessons, getting my nails done with my daughter at s young lady’s I truly admire and love. I’ll brush the negative away and smile. This too shall pass the food from yesterday and the grumpy husband!

    Have a great day everyone
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,820 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Keep forgetting to post goals lol!
    Put I have them in my mind so I guess it’s not so bad!

    It’s already 3pm but here we go anyway

    JFT Saturday
    - 8 glasses of water
    - Weigh in and record on MFP (179 only 1lb heavier than when I started in Jan 2017!)
    - Log everything and be in the green!

    I’ve had a thought, you know when you complete your diary and it say “if every day was like today in 5 weeks you’d weigh Xlbs”?
    Welllllll what if I just ate the same thing every day?
    Well I mean eat the same breakfast and lunch and have a different dinner but work around the same calories.
    The breakfast I’ve got atm I’m happy with!

    I have 0% fat Greek yoghurt and about 10g of granola on top, and of course a cup of tea (I’ve changed from sugar to sweetener) this comes up to only 123 cals

    For lunch I have a cup of soup, two ryvitas with butter and ham and that comes up to 268 calories

    And it says I’m left with 800 cals for dinner! And if I exercise off 200 then I’m onto a winner (but I’ll have a protein shake later at 200 cals)

    So if I do that every day, then surely it’s a foolproof way of losing weight. And I’m happy with what I’m having !

    I started tracking that and the 5 weeks from my first day was May 31, it was about 6 pounds off. June 1 I’m not even looking at because of my overeating day yesterday. I don’t eat the same thing everyday but have been close in calories to a lot of them. I’m curious to see how it measures up.