JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Michaela_LaGata
    Michaela_LaGata Posts: 134 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    Idea for emotional eating.
    If I notice I'm in a mood and want to grab something and just scarf it down I try really hard to tailor what I eat to the mood.
    Anger... A large raw carrot, or two, that I can really crunch as an alternative to a bag of chips.
    Sadness.... Yogurt is just as creamy and satisfying as a tub of ice cream.
    Any other ideas?

    Air popcorn with just a little "butter" spray.
  • Michaela_LaGata
    Michaela_LaGata Posts: 134 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    My god, tried yoga for the first time. Only a 20 mins beginner one! It was good and also very bad!

    The bad part was the kids, let me run you through it.
    So first of all the standing poses, the kids wanted to join in, so I let them, then the eldest is laughing her head of shouting “I can’t do it I can’t do it” making me not hear the video, I then shouted at her to be quiet, however this continued.

    Later on in the video, child pose, guess who climbs on my back!! Marley. Yay.

    Then there was one where I was laying on my back, for relaxation, Marley lay on the floor next to me thought it would be okay until 4 yo stood on her hair and I had her then screaming down my ear.

    I started to feel my lower back ache a bit but I figured this was due to poor posture when doing the poses because I was distracted!
    But it’s fine now I’ve stopped.

    Note to self: never EVER do yoga with kids in the room. They’ve both been told off anyway lol!

    It was a 20 min video but I probably only managed 15 realistically

    But you did it. GOOD FOR YOU .
    I have very bad osteoarthritis and yoga really helps me do ordinary things like pick things up off the floor scoop the litter box get in and out of a car and also on the occasions when I do travel by air get in and out of Airline seats and those horrible horrible oppressively small bathrooms on planes.

    Take good care.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,116 Member
    JFT- Saturday June 2
    2L of water - Yes
    Stay in Green - Yes
    Outside 15 minutes - no
    Write in Journal - no

    JFT - Sunday June 3
    2l of water
    Stay in Green
    Outside 15 minutes
    Write in Journal

    Had a great day yesterday. Hubby and I had a great evening, both of our moods disappeared.

    Swimming lesson went well. Our regular instructor was gone again. This is the third time. The young man we had we have had before. Only 4 of us showed up. He had us swim 4 laps for him to watch and give feedback to each of us individually. My first lap up the pool I swam perfectly, breathing properly the whole bit. I couldn’t get the breaths right again the whole lesson. The last 15 minutes we went to the deep end of the larger pool. I went in the deep end. I had a belt on, but I did it! He gave us the opportunity to swim from the deep end to the shallow and I couldn’t make myself do it. That will be another goal to reach. I feel if I could swim laps every time breathing properly without having to stand up to breath I would feel more confident going into the deep end. So this week I’ll keep practicing my breathing!

    Off to get the grands, having company for supper so have to clean today too. I’ll be back later!

    Well done thats amazing progress!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,365 Member
    @Bex953172 Your yoga story is hilarious! Thanks for the morning chuckle! lmao!

    @mytime6630 Your list is really good! I forgot to make a list of distractions. I'll have to work on that later.

    I can't remember who posted about the frozen blueberries, but that is what we buy! A large bag of Welch's frozen blueberries that are so delicious! I thaw them for my FF cottage cheese and sometimes just pop them in my mouth like candy. Frozen red grapes are awesome too. I had forgotten about those. I'm going to have to put those on my grocery list. Mmmmh. So many good ideas on this thread!

  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFY (Saturday)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water before allowing myself a Diet Coke :)
    2. Log all the food I eat :)
    3. Stay "in the green" with my calories :)
    4. Stay "in the green" with my sodium intake :/
    5. Go on a hike with the family :)

    JFT (Sunday)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water before allowing myself a Diet Coke
    2. Log all the food I eat
    3. Stay "in the green" with my calories
    4. Stay "in the green" with my sodium intake
    5. Groceries
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,116 Member
    edited June 2018
    @Bex953172 Your yoga story is hilarious! Thanks for the morning chuckle! lmao!

    @mytime6630 Your list is really good! I forgot to make a list of distractions. I'll have to work on that later.

    I can't remember who posted about the frozen blueberries, but that is what we buy! A large bag of Welch's frozen blueberries that are so delicious! I thaw them for my FF cottage cheese and sometimes just pop them in my mouth like candy. Frozen red grapes are awesome too. I had forgotten about those. I'm going to have to put those on my grocery list. Mmmmh. So many good ideas on this thread!

    The actual video was pretty hard for a beginner, I mean the poses were fine but when I’m doing downward dog I can’t exactly look up at the telly to see what to do next lol :sweat_smile:
    But she told you when to inhale and exhale etc and was pretty good instructor! Not bad for a YouTube vid!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    @Bex953172 here is my list. Itll need some tweaking, but its a start!


    Oooo I like how you’ve done it!
    So if you’re craving something salty you can pick something from that list!
    Very clever!

    I must get some FF cottage cheese too!

    LOL my chocolate fix is in protein shake form too!!

    :wink: I like a good protein shake! LOL! They're filling and, well, they're chocolate flavored! :smile: What's not to love?

    I just kind of threw that together last night. I plan to go back and look at yours and any others that get posted so I can tweak it and add more yummy things as alternatives. I need to also go to the grocery store and buy the things I listed or it will be just another useless list lying around my house collecting dust. :mrgreen:

    I've been buying bags of frozen blueberries and mixing one cup of blueberries with 1/2 cup of FF cottage cheese and eating that when my DH grabs ice cream. Believe it or not, it satisfies me.

    Have you ever had frozen blueberries? The are yummilicious and have a bit of a crunch to them ;)

    Oh do you eat them frozen?!

    Yeah I have some but I put them in smoothies!

    I eat them in smoothies, frozen, and with strawberries and bananas. I do like blueberries!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    How is everyone this fine afternoon? The DH and I are having a good, lazy day. We went to church this morning and had a great time. Now we're waiting for our friend D to come over. He is actually the one that introduced me and DH. He was in Philly for a few years and dealt with some really serious issues. That's all sorted out now and he moved back into town. A lot closer then he was before too! It's great to have him so close again. He works for a pool company so getting time with him for the next couple of weeks will be tough but it's just good to know that he's home.

    We're also going to go into the next town over to visit the DH's former boss. Then we're gonna have dinner with some of his coworkers and see Solo. I'm really excited although I dont really know how to log hibachi. Lol. I may take a break from it tonight and just remember to eat sensibly. Lol. I doubt that I am going to get anything at the theater other than maybe a small soda. I'm hoping the food at dinner fills me up enough that I won't have the desire to munch.

    @Bex953172 I used to do YouTube yoga videos by YogawithAdrienne. I loved them. She is absolutely hysterical! Lol. I have stopped doing them over the last like 6 months. I think I may pick it back up again. Actually, I think I put that on my June Goal list. Lol.

    @PackerFanInGB I have a hard time with get up and go as well. I need to start forcing myself to get out of bed in the morning. I think I am going to start small and do it one morning a week. Maybe get up and do a short walk or a yoga routine or something. Just something to get me up and moving. I usually feel really good when I do! I hope you are up with your butt in gear!

    @Snowflake1968 Have fun with the grands! I hope you are making something yummy for dinner! And awesome job going into the deep end! That is a huge accomplishment and I am really proud of you for it!

    I think I am going to make my own list! You all have inspired me!
  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    I skipped the grocery store this morning and cleaned house instead and now I'm sitting on my rear end watching youtube vids. But the kitchen is sparkling...and it's going to stay that way as I'm having freezer meals for lunch and dinner (5 bean chili over baked potatoes and split pea soup.)

    I just need to refocus today before I head out to a high-hazard place like the grocery store. Plus if I go tomorrow morning it will be a much more zen-like experience: fewer people, lower stress, shorter wait times.
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,075 Member
    @Bex953172 Your yoga story is hilarious! Thanks for the morning chuckle! lmao!

    @mytime6630 Your list is really good! I forgot to make a list of distractions. I'll have to work on that later.

    I can't remember who posted about the frozen blueberries, but that is what we buy! A large bag of Welch's frozen blueberries that are so delicious! I thaw them for my FF cottage cheese and sometimes just pop them in my mouth like candy. Frozen red grapes are awesome too. I had forgotten about those. I'm going to have to put those on my grocery list. Mmmmh. So many good ideas on this thread!

    Frozen cherries...SO good!!!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    edited June 2018
    June 2, Joan's Monthly Challenge Update:
    Went to kitchen to get last two homemade chocolate chip cookies. Had saved room for them on MFP. Saw that it was 9:21pm. I have purposed this month to not only take every bite captive but to close the kitchen by 8:30. I argued/debated and truth: I wasn't hungry truth: I am not denying myself the cookie but to just have it another day. truth If I am really wanting to get healthy and lose weight while doing so I am going to have to "just say no" and stand firm. And that's what I did! And this morning I enjoyed two ccc's!!!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    I love love love ice cream! Especially in the summer. I started doing a little search and found some ice cream recipes that will fit in to my MFP log. Here's the link. I am going to try Peanut butter and chocolate ice cream this week. Let me know if you try any of these!

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,116 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    June 2, Joan's Monthly Challenge Update:
    Went to kitchen to get last two homemade chocolate chip cookies. Had saved room for them on MFP. Saw that it was 9:21pm. I have purposed this month to not only take every bite captive but to close the kitchen by 8:30. I argued/debated and truth: I wasn't hungry truth: I am not denying myself the cookie but to just have it another day. truth If I am really wanting to get healthy and lose weight while doing so I am going to have to "just say no" and stand firm. And that's what I did! And this morning I enjoyed two ccc's!!!

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,116 Member
    Did I post goals for today? Probably not after them drinks last night lol

    They were in my mind today to ...

    - Be in the green. YEP 156 to spare and only celery for a snack!
    - drink 8 glasses of water - YEP! After my protein shake that will make it 9
    - exercise! YEP did morning yoga and just done my dance cardio!

    I don't know where this sudden boost has come from but the more I do it the more I WANT to do it!

    I have stuck to one workout video so far, when this gets easy then I'll try the other ones j used to do, then that really hard one I posted last year that nearly killed us all!
    That's my long term goal to complete that video!

    Also does anyone measure their body? Like arms and waist and stuff, if so where do you measure? And how often?
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Gah I don’t really want to come on here and confess but need to be accountable. Bit of a fail on my mindful weekend June goal stuff. BUT in failing I’ve got a bit more understanding that I won’t bore you with for what the emotional triggers are, ie sometimes it’s not just negative emotions!


    Weekend goals - keeping it v simple!
    - morning workouts ✅ (Sunday not Saturday)
    - April challenge ✅ (Sunday not Saturday)
    - May challenge ✅
    - June challenge nope although i came very close and learnt a lot through thinking about it so v motivated to start fresh on this tomorrow ;)
    - Last 10 reports ✅

    Goals for Monday
    - morning workout
    - Phonics interventions x2
    - Steps to 12k
    - April challenge
    - May challenge
    - June challenge
    - Early night

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone! X
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,817 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    My god, tried yoga for the first time. Only a 20 mins beginner one! It was good and also very bad!

    The bad part was the kids, let me run you through it.
    So first of all the standing poses, the kids wanted to join in, so I let them, then the eldest is laughing her head of shouting “I can’t do it I can’t do it” making me not hear the video, I then shouted at her to be quiet, however this continued.

    Later on in the video, child pose, guess who climbs on my back!! Marley. Yay.

    Then there was one where I was laying on my back, for relaxation, Marley lay on the floor next to me thought it would be okay until 4 yo stood on her hair and I had her then screaming down my ear.

    I started to feel my lower back ache a bit but I figured this was due to poor posture when doing the poses because I was distracted!
    But it’s fine now I’ve stopped.

    Note to self: never EVER do yoga with kids in the room. They’ve both been told off anyway lol!

    It was a 20 min video but I probably only managed 15 realistically

    I told my hubby about your exercise buddies. He said it was probably like doing yoga while wrangling cats.
  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    June 2, Joan's Monthly Challenge Update:
    Went to kitchen to get last two homemade chocolate chip cookies. Had saved room for them on MFP. Saw that it was 9:21pm. I have purposed this month to not only take every bite captive but to close the kitchen by 8:30. I argued/debated and truth: I wasn't hungry truth: I am not denying myself the cookie but to just have it another day. truth If I am really wanting to get healthy and lose weight while doing so I am going to have to "just say no" and stand firm. And that's what I did! And this morning I enjoyed two ccc's!!!

    Great job! Both with sticking to your plan AND enjoying your cookies when the time was right!
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Did I post goals for today? Probably not after them drinks last night lol

    They were in my mind today to ...

    - Be in the green. YEP 156 to spare and only celery for a snack!
    - drink 8 glasses of water - YEP! After my protein shake that will make it 9
    - exercise! YEP did morning yoga and just done my dance cardio!

    I don't know where this sudden boost has come from but the more I do it the more I WANT to do it!

    I have stuck to one workout video so far, when this gets easy then I'll try the other ones j used to do, then that really hard one I posted last year that nearly killed us all!
    That's my long term goal to complete that video!

    Also does anyone measure their body? Like arms and waist and stuff, if so where do you measure? And how often?

    It seems to work that way! Fantastic momentum!!

    Update: Did a yoga vid, contemplating a cardio vid. Also contemplating the last of the watermelon. I figure if I do the one, I should be able to have the other! :wink: