JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    2) Yard work while hubby mowed = depooped yard :D , weeded some more on berm :) , weeded landscaping rocks :D (I hate weeding rocks)… then we took bags of aluminum cans to Johnny Junk now I've got more cash for farmers market, plus more room around my car in garage :D

    That was always my least favorite part of yardwork growing up. Good on you!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,365 Member
    Just for Sunday:
    1. Stay in the GREEN :)
    2. 6000+ FitBit steps ;) I was 119 steps short! Really Tracie? You couldn't take one more lap around the house before you went to bed? <SMH>
    3. 30 minutes activity on FitBit ;)4 minutes short. Again...Really Tracie? You could take a few laps around the house or walk down to the end of the block and back for 4 more minutes? <SMH>
    4. WATER, 80+ oz :)
    5. Unplug until after 7pm and then only spend 1 hour online :)
    6. Complete at least 3 of my to-do's for today :) Planted seeds in raised garden, went to JoAnn Fabrics and got the white fabric I needed, picked out this weeks' work outfits, packed and pre-logged today's Bkfst, Lunch and Snacks, unplugged all day except for an hour last night, picked weeds in front yard flower bed.
    7. Be gentle and kind. :)
    8. Remove myself from drama. Walk away from gossip. :)
    9. Bake banana bread for my husband who went to the store and bought bananas as a hint... :)
    10. Post positive sayings in strategic places around my house to remind me what my ultimate goal is. :)
    11. Listen to my podcasts instead of turning on mindless tv :)Optimal Living Daily and Half-Size Me.
    12. Prep for next week by packing serving-sized snacks and lunch items :( Only for today, not whole week because I didn't go grocery shopping.
    13. Prep for next week by picking out next weeks' work wardrobe :)
    14. Enjoy my day. Don't let yesterday's bumps in the road ruin today. :)

    Hi everyone! I started my day on the right foot for once. Shocking, since it's a Monday! This morning I took the time to sit outside on our deck and watch the birds while I sipped my first cup of coffee. While I rocked on the bench out there, I also took time to read today's readings in a couple of books that I find really inspirational and insightful. Then I finished getting ready for work. What a difference that made! I feel ready to go today. I've taken a few 5-minute walks outside in the parking lot at work just to get some fresh air, to sit less and to stay feeling positive. It's a gorgeous day in Green Bay today.

    It's always this time of year that I lose motivation, probably because once again I do not fit into a bikini, which is just plain silly anyway! I'm doing this to feel healthy, to gain energy and to have a longer time on earth enjoying my family and grandkids! Not to fit in to a bikini! So, I had a "duh" moment and today I feel more motivated to get healthy than I have in a long time. So...bear with me folks. Here I go again! Thanks for sticking with me. *smile*

    Just for Monday, 6/4
    1. Stay in the GREEN
    2. Step goal 6000, 12/12 hours with 250+ steps, 30 minutes activity
    3. WATER, WATER, WATER (80 oz is goal)
    4. Be kind. Watch my tone when I'm annoyed.
    5. One random act of kindness today
    6. Walk away from drama, both at work and at home
    7. Listen to Optimal Living Daily, Optimal Health Daily and Half-Sized Me podcasts
    8. Pack and pre-log tomorrow's bkst, lunch and snacks
    9. Iron tomorrow's outfit tonight
    10. Spend no more than one hour online tonight on social media. Be present with DH
    11. Pull weeds from other half of flower garden in front yard
    12. Bed at 9:00, lights out at 10:00.
    13. Get up in morning when alarm goes off. No SNOOZE BUTTON!

    Have a GREAT day everyone!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,365 Member
    2018 Stats...

    SW on 1/1/18: 175.4 lb
    1/8/2018: 174.6
    1/15/2018: 175.8
    1/22/2018: 177.2
    1/29/2018: 176.6
    2/5/2018: 178
    2/12/2018: 176.8
    2/19/2018: 176.2
    2/26/2018: 176.4
    3/5/2018: 174.0
    4/16/2018: 177.8
    4/30/2018: 179.4
    5/7/2018: 176.6
    5/14/2018: 174.6
    5/29/2018: 176.6 (Memorial Day 4-day weekend in Indiana at mom's. Ate out for every meal and got no exercise at all)
    6/4/2018: 176.6 (I am satisfied with this since it could have been much worse with grandson's graduation/18th birthday party, PLUS my husband's birthday and his DQ Ice Cream cake down in our freezer)

    Mini NSV Goals:
    []Be able to wear my wedding ring
    []Be able to tuck shirts in comfortably
    []Be able to wear more fitted blouses
    []Have waist of pants be loose enough to be comfortable
    []Be able to walk with friends and not be out of breath
    []Have cardio be a habit at least 5 times per week
    []Lose chicken wing arms and look decent in sleeveless shirts

    Scale Mini Goals:
    Mini goal: <170
    Mini goal: <165
    Mini goal: <160
    Mini goal: <155
    Mini goal: <150
    Mini goal: <145
    Ultimate goal: 140 lbs

    Height: 5'4 1/2"
    Age: 58 years old

  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    No recap today from the weekend. I took a look at the fitness tracker on my phone yesterday. It's updated to show how many miles the steps equate to. It looks like I've generally been walking 1mi/day, 30mi/month, which is less than ideal. I adjusted my daily steps up to 10k/day and plan to be more mindful of increasing steps. I considered a fitness tracker, but we have been aiming to have less things. So, I think I'll make a solid effort with my phone as a tracker and see how much I can improve before considering a fitbit.

    JFT Monday
    1. Two bottles of water before 12PM :)
    2. Lots of water
    3. Log all food
    4. Be kind
    5. Bed by 9:00 - TV off by 10
    6. 10 squats every bathroom trip
    7. DH Bank to cash checks
    8. My Bank for rent check
    9. Drop off rent check @ Landlords
    10. Trip for MJ
    11. Write down more Endo prep
    12. Start packing list
    13. Stay within calories
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,815 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    No recap today from the weekend. I took a look at the fitness tracker on my phone yesterday. It's updated to show how many miles the steps equate to. It looks like I've generally been walking 1mi/day, 30mi/month, which is less than ideal. I adjusted my daily steps up to 10k/day and plan to be more mindful of increasing steps. I considered a fitness tracker, but we have been aiming to have less things. So, I think I'll make a solid effort with my phone as a tracker and see how much I can improve before considering a fitbit.

    JFT Monday
    1. Two bottles of water before 12PM :)
    2. Lots of water
    3. Log all food
    4. Be kind
    5. Bed by 9:00 - TV off by 10
    6. 10 squats every bathroom trip
    7. DH Bank to cash checks
    8. My Bank for rent check
    9. Drop off rent check @ Landlords
    10. Trip for MJ
    11. Write down more Endo prep
    12. Start packing list
    13. Stay within calories

    I was using the fitness tracker on my phone, but was getting discouraged about not ever meeting a goal. Then I realized 95% of the time, my phone is on a counter when I'm doing things. I quit looking at it because it was discouraging me when I wasn't even using it correctly.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,815 Member
    Just for Sunday:
    1. Stay in the GREEN :)
    2. 6000+ FitBit steps ;) I was 119 steps short! Really Tracie? You couldn't take one more lap around the house before you went to bed? <SMH>
    3. 30 minutes activity on FitBit ;)4 minutes short. Again...Really Tracie? You could take a few laps around the house or walk down to the end of the block and back for 4 more minutes? <SMH>
    4. WATER, 80+ oz :)
    5. Unplug until after 7pm and then only spend 1 hour online :)
    6. Complete at least 3 of my to-do's for today :) Planted seeds in raised garden, went to JoAnn Fabrics and got the white fabric I needed, picked out this weeks' work outfits, packed and pre-logged today's Bkfst, Lunch and Snacks, unplugged all day except for an hour last night, picked weeds in front yard flower bed.
    7. Be gentle and kind. :)
    8. Remove myself from drama. Walk away from gossip. :)
    9. Bake banana bread for my husband who went to the store and bought bananas as a hint... :)
    10. Post positive sayings in strategic places around my house to remind me what my ultimate goal is. :)
    11. Listen to my podcasts instead of turning on mindless tv :)Optimal Living Daily and Half-Size Me.
    12. Prep for next week by packing serving-sized snacks and lunch items :( Only for today, not whole week because I didn't go grocery shopping.
    13. Prep for next week by picking out next weeks' work wardrobe :)
    14. Enjoy my day. Don't let yesterday's bumps in the road ruin today. :)

    Hi everyone! I started my day on the right foot for once. Shocking, since it's a Monday! This morning I took the time to sit outside on our deck and watch the birds while I sipped my first cup of coffee. While I rocked on the bench out there, I also took time to read today's readings in a couple of books that I find really inspirational and insightful. Then I finished getting ready for work. What a difference that made! I feel ready to go today. I've taken a few 5-minute walks outside in the parking lot at work just to get some fresh air, to sit less and to stay feeling positive. It's a gorgeous day in Green Bay today.

    It's always this time of year that I lose motivation, probably because once again I do not fit into a bikini, which is just plain silly anyway! I'm doing this to feel healthy, to gain energy and to have a longer time on earth enjoying my family and grandkids! Not to fit in to a bikini! So, I had a "duh" moment and today I feel more motivated to get healthy than I have in a long time. So...bear with me folks. Here I go again! Thanks for sticking with me. *smile*

    Just for Monday, 6/4
    1. Stay in the GREEN
    2. Step goal 6000, 12/12 hours with 250+ steps, 30 minutes activity
    3. WATER, WATER, WATER (80 oz is goal)
    4. Be kind. Watch my tone when I'm annoyed.
    5. One random act of kindness today
    6. Walk away from drama, both at work and at home
    7. Listen to Optimal Living Daily, Optimal Health Daily and Half-Sized Me podcasts
    8. Pack and pre-log tomorrow's bkst, lunch and snacks
    9. Iron tomorrow's outfit tonight
    10. Spend no more than one hour online tonight on social media. Be present with DH
    11. Pull weeds from other half of flower garden in front yard
    12. Bed at 9:00, lights out at 10:00.
    13. Get up in morning when alarm goes off. No SNOOZE BUTTON!

    Have a GREAT day everyone![/quote]

    Look at all the smiles for yesterday!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    edited June 2018
    I think there are several of us on here who are not on a road to just lose weight but to gain health. Part of gaining good health for us is to lose weight. Nutritionists urge us to eat a good diet. But for the rest of us that d-word is like saying a 4-letter word. It's negative. It's a "here I go again, diet #21.

    But for those of us that are on a health journey we do not need "that word which will not be mentioned." We are not on one. This is not a quick/passing I-need-to-lose-weight-to-wear-a-bikini challenge. It's a life long change we are making. We have to figure out how we can enjoy our meals, make them become a part of us. We need to realize we are not punishing ourselves but that we are saving ourselves. We need to get to a point that although feasting is a part of celebration, that we are able to partake of the feast without being a glutton.

    But it's not just about losing weight. Being on a health journey encompasses our whole being. Our emotional, spiritual, and physical beings.

    Joan (@mytime6630) and her June challenge was a real catalyst in getting many of us moving forward again, and to have a, what my friend says, "Come to Jesus" moment with ourselves.

    We are wanting to not just survive but to THRIVE! I think the last few days we have seen some true blue breakthroughs as we come face to face with ourselves.

    @Snowflake1968 has realized she doesn't eat emotionally but our of boredom, habit, etc. And she has recognized and is being proactive in nurturing her emotional self.

    @PackerFanInGB Tracie said, "whoa! I don't want to just lose weight for a "thing (aka bikini) but for myself, for my health, so that I can keep up with the grandkids!"

    @mytime6630 Joan is not only saying, "I'm an emotional eater" she's now saying, "yeah, well what a I going to do about it?" And has become very proactive.

    @Bex953172 has decided that excuses are not going to help her get to the point of health she wants to be at.

    I personally have said, "It's time to quit *kitten*-footin' around and get purposeful and more focused."

    (I'm sure there are others but you folks are the ones who come to mind.)

    I am so excited about the progress we are on task to meet this month!

    May our lives abound with peace and joy as we make great strides on our health journey.
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    No recap today from the weekend. I took a look at the fitness tracker on my phone yesterday. It's updated to show how many miles the steps equate to. It looks like I've generally been walking 1mi/day, 30mi/month, which is less than ideal. I adjusted my daily steps up to 10k/day and plan to be more mindful of increasing steps. I considered a fitness tracker, but we have been aiming to have less things. So, I think I'll make a solid effort with my phone as a tracker and see how much I can improve before considering a fitbit.

    JFT Monday
    1. Two bottles of water before 12PM :)
    2. Lots of water
    3. Log all food
    4. Be kind
    5. Bed by 9:00 - TV off by 10
    6. 10 squats every bathroom trip
    7. DH Bank to cash checks
    8. My Bank for rent check
    9. Drop off rent check @ Landlords
    10. Trip for MJ
    11. Write down more Endo prep
    12. Start packing list
    13. Stay within calories

    I was using the fitness tracker on my phone, but was getting discouraged about not ever meeting a goal. Then I realized 95% of the time, my phone is on a counter when I'm doing things. I quit looking at it because it was discouraging me when I wasn't even using it correctly.

    Thanks this is useful info! Perhaps I should more strongly consider a fitness tracker!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,114 Member
    Hmm up to now, I only have 25 calories left, I just had a big dinner and feel rather full.
    I think I’m going to do a short burst of 10 min workout and then my 30 min one to gain back calories!

    I got really annoyed by the girls so my dinner was less than ideal but still okay!
    I asked my partner to buy me a water whilst we were out and he came back out with an orangeade :expressionless: which added calories

    I could of said no but we’d been driving for a while and had no other form of drink!

    So it’s 6pm, I did the girls tea early and the advantage that my kids don’t know how to tell the time means I can get them to bed early :lol:

    Probably going to exercise in an hours time, let this food settle!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,815 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    No recap today from the weekend. I took a look at the fitness tracker on my phone yesterday. It's updated to show how many miles the steps equate to. It looks like I've generally been walking 1mi/day, 30mi/month, which is less than ideal. I adjusted my daily steps up to 10k/day and plan to be more mindful of increasing steps. I considered a fitness tracker, but we have been aiming to have less things. So, I think I'll make a solid effort with my phone as a tracker and see how much I can improve before considering a fitbit.

    JFT Monday
    1. Two bottles of water before 12PM :)
    2. Lots of water
    3. Log all food
    4. Be kind
    5. Bed by 9:00 - TV off by 10
    6. 10 squats every bathroom trip
    7. DH Bank to cash checks
    8. My Bank for rent check
    9. Drop off rent check @ Landlords
    10. Trip for MJ
    11. Write down more Endo prep
    12. Start packing list
    13. Stay within calories

    I was using the fitness tracker on my phone, but was getting discouraged about not ever meeting a goal. Then I realized 95% of the time, my phone is on a counter when I'm doing things. I quit looking at it because it was discouraging me when I wasn't even using it correctly.

    Thanks this is useful info! Perhaps I should more strongly consider a fitness tracker!

    I had a fitbit, but developed an allergy to the band. I bought my daughter a Leaf. It will clip onto your waistband, necklace or bracelet. It's pretty and my daughter says it works really well. It is on my wish list for myself now.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,815 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    I think there are several of us on here who are not on a road to just lose weight but to gain health. Part of gaining good health for us is to lose weight. Nutritionists urge us to eat a good diet. But for the rest of us that d-word is like saying a 4-letter word. It's negative. It's a "here I go again, diet #21.

    But for those of us that are on a health journey we do not need "that word which will not be mentioned." We are not on one. This is not a quick/passing I-need-to-lose-weight-to-wear-a-bikini challenge. It's a life long change we are making. We have to figure out how we can enjoy our meals, make them become a part of us. We need to realize we are not punishing ourselves but that we are saving ourselves. We need to get to a point that although feasting is a part of celebration, that we are able to partake of the feast without being a glutton.

    But it's not just about losing weight. Being on a health journey encompasses our whole being. Our emotional, spiritual, and physical beings.

    Joan (@mytime6630) and her June challenge was a real catalyst in getting many of us moving forward again, and to have a, what my friend says, "Come to Jesus" moment with ourselves.

    We are wanting to not just survive but to THRIVE! I think the last few days we have seen some true blue breakthroughs as we come face to face with ourselves.

    @Snowflake1968 has realized she doesn't eat emotionally but our of boredom, habit, etc. And she has recognized and is being proactive in nurturing her emotional self.

    @PackerFanInGB Tracie said, "whoa! I don't want to just lose weight for a "thing (aka bikini) but for myself, for my health, so that I can keep up with the grandkids!"

    @mytime6630 Joan is not only saying, "I'm an emotional eater" she's now saying, "yeah, well what a I going to do about it?" And has become very proactive.

    @Bex953172 has decided that excuses are not going to help her get to the point of health she wants to be at.

    I personally have said, "It's time to quit *kitten*-footin' around and get purposeful and more focused."

    (I'm sure there are others but you folks are the ones who come to mind.)

    I am so excited about the progress we are on task to meet this month!

    May our lives abound with peace and joy as we make great strides on our health journey.

    I love how you always pay attention and give us feedback. It is always so insightful! I am forever grateful.
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    Oh my lanta - I just posted my first 10 lb loss progress pic in success stories face edition and it was so hard and scary to do! But, I did it and I'm holding myself accountable to posting progress pics every 10 lb. loss. Phew!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Oh my word...MFP replaced my word with kitten, lolol!!! It wasn't even being used as an inappropriate phrase...the word IS another name for kitten and in case there are folks who don't know what p--u-s-s--y footin' means...it's being non-committal or evading the issue.

    I personally have said, "It's time to quit *kitten*-footin' around and get purposeful and more focused."
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,524 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Also does anyone measure their body? Like arms and waist and stuff, if so where do you measure? And how often?

    I measure the last day of every month. Neck, waist (at smallest point), hips (widest point) and some time ago I added each thigh to measurements. Wish I had added upper arms in the beginning b/c I'm pretty sure I'm seeing improvement but hard to know for sure. It's a good boost to know inches are coming off even if weight isn't. I keep reminding myself muscle weighs more than fat, and I know for sure I'm fitter than I used to be.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,114 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Also does anyone measure their body? Like arms and waist and stuff, if so where do you measure? And how often?

    I measure the last day of every month. Neck, waist (at smallest point), hips (widest point) and some time ago I added each thigh to measurements. Wish I had added upper arms in the beginning b/c I'm pretty sure I'm seeing improvement but hard to know for sure. It's a good boost to know inches are coming off even if weight isn't. I keep reminding myself muscle weighs more than fat, and I know for sure I'm fitter than I used to be.

    Thank youuuu :) so other than waist I just measure around the biggest part?
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,524 Member
    ^^^^ Yep :D
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,815 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Oh my word...MFP replaced my word with kitten, lolol!!! It wasn't even being used as an inappropriate phrase...the word IS another name for kitten and in case there are folks who don't know what p--u-s-s--y footin' means...it's being non-committal or evading the issue.

    I personally have said, "It's time to quit *kitten*-footin' around and get purposeful and more focused."

    I saw that it had done that. I laughed out loud, even my sweet grandmother who had once wouldn't speak to my Grandfather for a week for saying *kitten* said pussyfootin' LOL
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,815 Member
    I just had a big fail! I guess I'll be working out tonight. I went back to the bank because I hadn't heard from them regarding my investigation. Last week they said 3-5 business days, after being told on April 23 10 business days. So I went back today as it was 5 days. The investigation still isn't complete! The teller that helped me last week, clicked the wrong check box so they sent it back to her this morning rather than sending it to the "right" department. So very frustrating! The poor teller that was helping me today sat on hold for at least 45 minutes trying to reach the fraud department to get answers while I was there and they couldn't do it. She had to submit the investigation yet again. While she was still helping me, the branch manager walked up and also took a copy of my file and my phone number. She promises to get in touch with me.

    Anyway after being at the bank for 2 hours yet again, I was hungry. I could have stopped anywhere to get something to bring back to work, but I really wanted a cheeseburger, chips and coke. So I got all 3! Stupid of me! I am regretting it already.

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,114 Member
    I just had a big fail! I guess I'll be working out tonight. I went back to the bank because I hadn't heard from them regarding my investigation. Last week they said 3-5 business days, after being told on April 23 10 business days. So I went back today as it was 5 days. The investigation still isn't complete! The teller that helped me last week, clicked the wrong check box so they sent it back to her this morning rather than sending it to the "right" department. So very frustrating! The poor teller that was helping me today sat on hold for at least 45 minutes trying to reach the fraud department to get answers while I was there and they couldn't do it. She had to submit the investigation yet again. While she was still helping me, the branch manager walked up and also took a copy of my file and my phone number. She promises to get in touch with me.

    Anyway after being at the bank for 2 hours yet again, I was hungry. I could have stopped anywhere to get something to bring back to work, but I really wanted a cheeseburger, chips and coke. So I got all 3! Stupid of me! I am regretting it already.

    So what have you learnt!! Maybe before you buy anything you can think, will i regret that later on?

    And also, don’t see the exercise as a negative, like it’s a punishment for eating a burger and chips!
    Just exercise for the sake of exercising! Not because you ate something you shouldn’t have! You’ll enjoy it much more! Rather than feeling you HAVE to do it JUST to rectify a mistake.

    I think if I spent 2 hours at a bank I’d want a burger too!!

    Chin up! You’re doing good!