Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 48



  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,962 Member
    @back2cute Eating less or better today may not show on the scale for 2-3 days just as eating more or worse does.

    @L2HS Whoosh is not trademarked. Someone who seems to be gone from this forum used to use the TM on many of his posts.

    @denswrex Cute video. As the therapist of a friend said, “No matter where you go, there you are.” Lately my husband is not happy in our community and wants to move somewhere “where there aren’t idiots.” Good luck there! Idiots are everywhere and on occasion each of us is one! I suffered from depression after having 9 family deaths in 9 months. It took me a while to realize I was depressed and to ask my doctor for help. The friend with the therapist took multiple antidepressants and still had problems. Her mother’s answer was “just get over it!” She now seems to have gotten passed it, thanks in part, I am sure, to having found a SO. He gives her strength. Okay, apologies for whatever this has been.

    @abowersgirl Tell him he’s killing you and you need him to not have that stuff when you are around. If it’s chips, get single serving bags and he can hide them. There is a way!
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,962 Member
    @grebber1 Make and bring your own lunch! Perhaps a nice Chef’s salad? Or pick one up at the grocery store premade.

    @mamasara2 The trick is keeping your protein high enough.
  • mmebouchon
    mmebouchon Posts: 855 Member
    @mthomas0228 thank you for the smile. I love the cauliflower/ pizza poster.
  • GrandmamaCarla
    GrandmamaCarla Posts: 6 Member
    grebber1 wrote: »
    Yep! Plan on bringing my own lunch. I don't think it's going to be a very big deal. I have been doing pretty good and have some lofty goals I plan on completing. There's things I want to do that I don't bother doing because of my weight. That's just silly. My bad choices on nutrition is causing my life to be limited. It's my own fault. I'm done with it. It's bad enough I let myself get as bad as I did and now it's going to take awhile to get where I want to be. But when I get there its going to be so worth it. So many more options in life will be mine for the taking.
    Pizza has its place. Right now it's place is not in my mouth.

    @grebber1 I am right there with you. My poor choices ended me up where I am. For me, I need to get moving as well as quitting the unhealthy foods.

  • jerier
    jerier Posts: 384 Member
    @jerier that's great advice!!!! I would love to not have those foods in my house but it's my hubby that brings them in, I don't buy junk food while he can easily fill a cart lol

    But I can keep myself busy, find another task or take a bubble bath, that's a great idea!!!

    @abowersgirl Glad I could help. :smile:
  • jerier
    jerier Posts: 384 Member
    edited August 2018

    @jerier I'm 15 lbs from goal. And, 6 lbs from a normal BMI. Thought I'd be able to just sail on down - losing 4 or 5 pounds per month as i seem to do when I put the effort in.

    I don't think I'm putting the effort in right now though. I'm probably eating more towards maintenance at least 3 days per week. I'm going to have to go back to restricting calories down to the low 1200's and see if this changes anything.

    Thanks for your reply and suggestions :smile:

    @allison8668 Anytime :smile: