Christmas Countdown Challenge (Closed Group) - Week 4



  • Sugs94
    Sugs94 Posts: 375 Member
    Thanks for the mathmatical equation to figure out how much we need to lose to make our goal. I need 2.2lb/week at this point. You do start to think..."got plenty of time" until you look at something like that. Now I feel like I have had a little cold water to the face...which I needed....I have been slacking off and getting lazy. Will start with my crunches as soon as I am done with this note. Thanks again Jen for the challenges. Lets go peeps!!!!!
  • want_it_25
    want_it_25 Posts: 219 Member
    I just did the math and I have to lose 2.72 lbs each week until Christmas. This is totally an eye opener for me. Time to get my exercise and food under control. It will help once I start teaching again next week. I have been on summer break since the last week of May. I am one that needs a routine.

    Hope everyone has a great week. Good luck on this weeks challenges.
  • jackelyn14
    Wow.. I can't beleive it's already week 4 and I haven't really gotten far. I really need to use these next 18 weeks doing my best. I'm excited about the challenges - these are great. :)
  • gennybunny1
  • beautynthalight
    beautynthalight Posts: 167 Member
    saturday was my bday so i didn't weigh in..didn't wanna see the damage...:grumble:

    anyhew...saw the challenge today and went on and did 20 cross over crunches to catch up n surprisingly i slept 7.5 or shear sweet!!!

    good luck everyone!
  • Nita_Bita
    Nita_Bita Posts: 136 Member
  • abeks
    abeks Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks for the motivation Jenn. We sure need it.
  • woodyschic
    great challenge this week, jenn! def need to work on the belly here (in hopes of finding the abs!! lol). good reminder to take remaining lbs and divide...eye opener!! :) and i hope to do well with the sleep challenge...i start back to RN school tomorrow, so my fingers are crossed i can get some shut eye!!
  • coloradotara
    coloradotara Posts: 29 Member
    Sorry I am late checking in...down 1 I'm at 170 now. Thank you!

    Actually quite surprised aswe've had family the last almost 2 weeks and my birthday and then just had my husbands birthday Friday! We have more family coming in the next month to visit, but I'm not too worried, as this group likes and prefers home cooked meals...the group we just had likes going out to eat. Good luck everyone!
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    saturday was my bday so i didn't weigh in..didn't wanna see the damage...:grumble:

    anyhew...saw the challenge today and went on and did 20 cross over crunches to catch up n surprisingly i slept 7.5 or shear sweet!!!

    good luck everyone!

  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Ok I am more motivated this week and already did my 70 cross-over crunches... just finished. I do plan on continuing with crunches, rope or burpees for the rest of the week. Just relieved that I have gotten the challenge done... no more guilt.

    So, I took the afternoon off to work on my fiance's business, because I am extremely overwhelmed with it and everything else right now... so far, I worked on my challenged and started reading these messages. Really, I am not a procrastinator! Anyhow, once I do update myself with all these things I will be able to keep up with this thread.

    Have a great week everyone! And thanks again Jenn for the motivation!
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Ok I am more motivated this week and already did my 70 cross-over crunches... just finished. I do plan on continuing with crunches, rope or burpees for the rest of the week. Just relieved that I have gotten the challenge done... no more guilt.

    So, I took the afternoon off to work on my fiance's business, because I am extremely overwhelmed with it and everything else right now... so far, I worked on my challenged and started reading these messages. Really, I am not a procrastinator! Anyhow, once I do update myself with all these things I will be able to keep up with this thread.

    Have a great week everyone! And thanks again Jenn for the motivation!
  • Sugs94
    Sugs94 Posts: 375 Member
    OK...did 30 crossover crunches...going to be feeling it tomorrow. Funny thing is that my 2 cats who were sleeping and ignoring me suddenly were overcome with the need to join me on the kept on trying to climb onto my tummy...not convienient when doing crunches!!!!! This will be a good challenge. I will try my best on the dog just had to restart Prednisone today for another flareup of Myocytis and I know from before that if I don't want to be cleaning up my carpet I have to be letting him out about every 4 hours for the 1st week until his body adjusts...then back to normal schedule and I will try not to stay up as late as I like too!!!!!
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Mommyof3loves
    Congrats to everyone! And Christmas does feel like it's right around the corner, it's coming to fast lol. And yes I was guilty of chips this past weekend with 2 barbques...but no more I have to be strong! And the challenges are great, I already do ab work most days so I'll have to make sure I do this one. And I have got to start getting my butt to bed earlier being that school starts in 3 weeks for the girls and I am going to have to be up by 530 in the am, so I need to be getting my butt to bed earlier then I have been. Good luck to everyone this week!!
  • JL3mom
    JL3mom Posts: 48
    You must have been reading my mind today!! I am so sluggish today for staying up too late last night and all I want to do is snack today. I am trying very hard to control myself. I have actually done a pretty good job of not over doing the junk eating too mcuh!
  • kckramp
    kckramp Posts: 112 Member
    Thanks Jen. It is great you keep coming up with these challenges. Thanks. I just keep plugging away
  • Cmuehe
    Cmuehe Posts: 40 Member
    Jenn!!! I'm so sorry I didn't post yesterday. :embarassed: I wasn't on my computer at all. Kids are finally all back to school! WHEW!! :happy: They're happy, I'm happy, and life is finally back to normal.

    However, I didn't lose a single pound last week!! ARGH!! I'm still at 174, so no change for me. I'm hoping something will budge this week. I told my husband we've been to too many darn parties on the weekends recently. I love that we have such awesome friends and that we have lots of great people to do fun things with, but I need to learn that I don't have to try every little thing at every potluck invite!! WOW, that's hard not to do. It's all of the little nibbling I do.

    This week is going to be really difficult. I have figured out that I will have to get up at 5:30 AM (I'm so not a morning person :grumble: ) just to be moving by 5:45/6:00. Then, if I work out for 45 minutes, that puts me being done between 6:30/6:45ish, which is exactly when I have to get my two little ones up and moving and ready for school, plus get myself ready.

    SO - I'm going to change my schedule, because I'm going to make this work, one way or another!! I have figured out that I will need to have kids help me get their lunches ready in the evenings. I will also be getting my own lunch ready at night, so all I have to do is throw everything into the proper bags. I'm also going to make breakfast time easy during the week by whipping up a batch of homemade pancakes and bacon on Sundays, so they can easily microwave their own breakfast each morning. We'll see how all of this works out. I must say, this is the most planning I think I've ever done!

    Thanks Jenn for all you do! I think posting when it's convenient for you is just fine. If there is something I can do to help you, please let me know! Have a great week and hang in there!

    Keep groovin' everybody!

  • want_it_25
    want_it_25 Posts: 219 Member
    I need to get focused. I am not doing so well today. Time to get my butt in gear.
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hey there ~ Well I decided not to drive through for lunch - I would have gotten a turkey burger, but trying to save money! I came home looking forward to my last Lean Pocket in the Freezer. My Daughter took it for her lunch!!! All that was left was the box on the counter!!!! Darn kids can't throw anything away:grumble: So I searched for something with a low calorie count.....not much!!! American cheese polish sausage, pizza :noway: So I found something I LOVE in the cuboard and made yummy and different I wanted to share it with my CCC friends.:flowerforyou:

    It's TABOULE = You will find it in the boxed rice section around where the Coucous is. The Brand I have is Near East and it is Taboule Mix Wheat Salad. Real simple but there are a couple steps involved. Make it according to the directions put in a bowl with seasoning mix add boiling water cover and fridge for 30 mins....then add cut up tomatoes,olive oil and lemon juice and let it set for 1 hour. I also add a couple cloves of fresh garlic minced and chopped green onions. All optional. It is great in a pita pocket for lunch or scoop with pita chips, or heck eat it by the spoonful. 2/3 cup is 120 calories.

    I forgot how much I like it :love: Time for me to go work out...since we are hitting a mexican restaurant tonight my football playing son is in a burrito eating contest!!!! :laugh: I'm going to try to eat before I go.

    Thanks - sorry I type (talk) so much :embarassed:
    Judy :wink: