JUST GIVE ME 10 Days - Round 49



  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,136 Member
    jerier wrote: ยป
    08/08: 178.4 Ugh โ€ฆ but I know why.
    08/09: 179.0 Double UGH!!! Why? Why canโ€™t I get my act together???
    08/10: 179.4 In weight gain free-fall. Canโ€™t stop eating junk.

    @back2cute I understand exactly how you feel. My results in the last 4 rounds clearly testifies.

    Take a look at your weekly averages and your daily eating patterns. When are you overeating/mindless munching/just don't care eating?
    Is it boredom/emotional eating? Maybe an activity (walk, yoga class, crochet/knit, dance) or relaxation session (meditation, bubble bath, sauna) can distract you. Choose an activity that makes eating too difficult.
    Is it opportunity eating, as in "out in plain sight/calling from the pantry like a siren's song?" Remove the food from your space or remove yourself from the food space. I can't be near potlucks at work nor can I have junk food in my home. There is no "off" button.
    The key is to discover your trigger(s) and set yourself up for success by avoiding them.

    Hope this helps. :flowerforyou:

    ^ This!!! & Iโ€™d add lots of water & tea! Pre-prepped cukes, carrots, red pepper strips with a small container of balsamic vinegar.

    Youโ€™ve got this!
    Round 47- SW 175 EW 170 (-5lbs)
    Round 48- SW 170 EW 166 (-4lbs)

    Round 49 (My 3nd round for a total of 30 days!)
    SW 166
    GW 162
    UGW 140

    8/06 166 excited for this round and more to come! Good luck friends! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’œ
    8/07 166
    8/08 167 It was a busy day yesterday and I didnt drink enough water. Also indulged in cookies lol. Today is a new day, will do better ๐Ÿ˜Š
    8/09 166 Going to start paying better attention to carbs.. my carbs yesterday were under 100 (which is not great) but the few days before were 150's and 160's.
    8/10 166 Its so crazy that even when I stick to my calories but eat certain foods I still cant lose.

    Sometimes water or outside temps or exercise or how much fiber or the scale itself or about 100 other things can effect our scale weight. I also find, as others do, there is often a 2-3 day delay with my scale.

    Do you weigh all your food & cook at home?
  • marcvb35
    marcvb35 Posts: 291 Member
    CI/CO works very well for me but I have the opposite of a sweet tooth. I actually get a stomach ache if I eat anything with to much sugar, even fruit bothers me. my binge eating is over eating meat. I love a 3 pound prime rib, a gigantic burger, or all u can eat seafood buffets. on days I am trying to loose weight my normal intake of 6-800 calories whiskey really limit my food options to my concoction of veggies with scallops. i don't have to like every meal,
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    @taxgirl1 thanks! It probably would benefit me to get a scale. I under measure everything a little because I know that measuring your food isn't always accurate. (packed flour v/s sifted flour for example). I had really good success in the previous 2 rounds (which were my 1st two). I was eating a salad almost every day and tried to get 1 or 2 more servings in green veggies per day. It really does matter what foods you put in your body (for me). I know the weight loss slows down the closer you get to your goal also! It's really nice not having to do this alone ๐Ÿ˜Š
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    Thanks @heymossy !