Trying to lose 40lbs by February 2019



  • seatownbibti
    seatownbibti Posts: 51 Member
    edited August 2018
    Happy Saturday! I’ll be checking in here frequently because these weekend / unstructured, busy kid days are more challenging for me than the work week. I mean c’mon, the fridge and pantry are SO close! Have a great weekend everyone! :):)
  • seatownbibti
    seatownbibti Posts: 51 Member
    Here’s my method for getting 64 + Oz of water in on the weekends. This time I added some dandelion root tea to the H2O . Love the glass straw from Hummingbird!
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    For once, someone has a reasonable goal. I’m rooting for you
  • vnb_208
    vnb_208 Posts: 1,359 Member
    I'm here and with you I lost 99 lbs to gain 36 back and I'm hoping to get back down asap!
  • seatownbibti
    seatownbibti Posts: 51 Member
    vnb_208 wrote: »
    I'm here and with you I lost 99 lbs to gain 36 back and I'm hoping to get back down asap!

    Let’s do this @vnb_208 ! Welcome!
  • gabi_texanmom
    gabi_texanmom Posts: 201 Member
    I am enjoying my end of summer vacation! We are swimming at the beach, enjoying the seaside carnival, riding around the sand dunes...I’m trying to stay active because all I want to do is veg out, read a book, and sunbathe. My kiddos go back to school on Wed, I’m excited to spend that day taking them to school and being home when they come home - I haven’t done that in about 5 years. I do enjoy working, but i always have that mom-guilt. I’ll be back in the swing of things the following week. I love reading up on the group- Keep up the good work everyone!!
  • seatownbibti
    seatownbibti Posts: 51 Member
    I am enjoying my end of summer vacation! We are swimming at the beach, enjoying the seaside carnival, riding around the sand dunes...I’m trying to stay active because all I want to do is veg out, read a book, and sunbathe. My kiddos go back to school on Wed, I’m excited to spend that day taking them to school and being home when they come home - I haven’t done that in about 5 years. I do enjoy working, but i always have that mom-guilt. I’ll be back in the swing of things the following week. I love reading up on the group- Keep up the good work everyone!!

    Sounds like a fantastic end to the summer @gabi_texanmom ! My kids don’t start school till after Labor Day!
  • intrigame23
    intrigame23 Posts: 193 Member
    Add me :) I'm also working on losing 40lbs.
  • geetatadepalli
    geetatadepalli Posts: 11 Member
    hey all - I'm trying to lose 40 pounds - I am trying to stay motivated but years of negative self-talk are my enemy - would appreciate the add so that I can find a community with similar goals to support my goals. Thank you!
  • resplendencesana83
    resplendencesana83 Posts: 18 Member
    aayala0496 wrote: »
    Anyone else on a mission to lose 40lbs? Let's hold each other accountable and do this journey together.

  • solorex
    solorex Posts: 696 Member
    Thread bump! :tongue:

    Day 2 of vacation. Still on track...barely.
  • seatownbibti
    seatownbibti Posts: 51 Member
    solorex wrote: »
    Thread bump! :tongue:

    Day 2 of vacation. Still on track...barely.

    Barely is still there!
  • galinazo
    galinazo Posts: 12 Member
    edited August 2018
    I'm in! #173.5 and 5'5" tall. I'm dreaming of 135! I'm turning 60 in December and need to reclaim my mind, body and health!
  • intrigame23
    intrigame23 Posts: 193 Member
    I got this Note From the Universe a couple days ago. Just keep going, give some sort of effort every single day, and we'll get there! m87afblxuujh.jpg
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,813 Member
    Well so far healthwise this week it's been pretty positive. Monday I made an exercise area in my craft area so I have a place to do some core strengthening exercises.

    Yesterday, I officially hit 20 pounds lost since I started losing again this time. Only another 40 to go!

    This time has taken me about 6 weeks longer than the first two times. I think there are a number of reasons for that. This time I am not forcing myself to exercise for 1 hour a night no matter what! I am also not restricting myself with certain foods all the time. I am tracking 100% of the time and I allow myself to go into maintenance some days depending on circumstances. I am hoping that this will make it much more sustainable for the long haul.

    Onto the next 10!

  • amwiggler
    amwiggler Posts: 428 Member
    Saw Alice’sGrandma and know that this is where I belong - I was at 135 forever, sometimes dipping down to 128-130. Menopause and now it’s a slog to get within 30 of that! Just had a .2 gain after two weeks of logging on target. Ech! I am tightening up - weighing and logging and running, oh my!
  • travelgirlnyc
    travelgirlnyc Posts: 4 Member
    I have about 60+ to lose but 40 sounds like a good start to aim for.
  • From_Within_
    From_Within_ Posts: 44 Member
    EVERYONE ADD ME!! P L E A S E ! I want to lose 40 as well.
    lol I need motivation!
    BUT- if you’re planning on dropping out or not logging in for months at a time.. don’t add me. I won’t drop you but I need active peeps 🤩
  • seatownbibti
    seatownbibti Posts: 51 Member
    I’m down 5 pounds since starting and I survived my usual imploding at 10 days. For the last several years, I lose a few and then get cocky or bored at 10 days, go off track and gain it all back.

    Pushing through this phase is critical for me. I wasn’t perfect and at one point felt myself slipping but I held on.

    I believe daily posting and knowing this group is here contributed significantly to my success. So thank you and happy weekend everyone!
  • solorex
    solorex Posts: 696 Member
    Being interactive in these forums has been a big help for me as well. 15 days in and it doesn't feel like too much hassle...yet.