

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Hey everyone!

    @tulsalo, consistency has been a struggle for me for most of my life. I always start out strong and then seem to fizzle out. I've been really working on it! Good for you for tracking everything you eat. I try my best to track first thing in the morning and then I just have to tweak it at the end of the day.

    @Krupalip, bummer about all that rain you are getting. We were going through a terrible rainy season and I was so sick of it. This morning I walked out to really cool air and had a slight panic attack that all my fall clothes are now too big for me and I'm going to have to get my butt to shopping. Then my husband had a real panic attack when he realized I'm about to spend money! :D:D What kind of work do you do now?

    @trooworld, love that new avatar! Let me know how that new mouse goes. I spend so much of my time at a computer it's not even funny. I have to force myself to get up and move around most days.

    @cbabie, I couldn't agree more about you need to enjoy your life and not stress out so much. I have been really struggling with that lately and even now as I write this I am thinking about a work project I need to do, the dryer just buzzed, and my chicken is sitting the Instant Pot probably overcooking. But if I don't take a moment to write to you all I won't get it done. :/ We gotta keep our joy in life and not let it get sucked out of us. <3

    OK, just wrote to cbabie that I have a ton of stuff to do so I will make this quick. This morning at the staff meeting the pastor wanted updates on everyone's ministries and he included me. I was touched and was able to speak about how stressed out I've been lately. My job and my church volunteer work all merge into one for me and I can't let any of them go, but I also need them to help me out when they can. So our music director who is awesome with graphic design made the bulletin cover for our new series and they were all so willing to help and so apprecitive of me. Made me really stop and remember to be grateful for the blessing this job is. I just need to learn to speak up. OK, dinner has gotta get done. See ya!! <3B)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,069 Member
    @cbabie awww, poor little baby! I hope she settles down soon for her sake, your GD's sake, and yours! Yes, just enjoy life, please! ;) Hahaha sometimes I feel like a new person. Yeah, I talked to a BodyPump instructor that said it could be my form so watch how I hold my wrists. They seem to be doing better today I don't know if it is because I was super careful at BodyPump, or because I changed my setup at work? Maybe a little of both.

    @TeresaW1020 I track first thing in the morning (or the night before) and adjust later as needed (pretracking works the best for me) you. All this talk about rain, I wish we would get some. We haven't had rain for months! Clothes that are too big for you are a nice problem to have :) . I will let you know about the mouse, I am supposed to get it Tuesday I think. Yeah, one thing the ergo specialist said is to take a break every hour and stretch my hands and arms. I found a site with ergo exercises that I like, it's a Canadian ergo site: It sounds like you work in a supportive environment, I'm glad you spoke up for yourself. Way to go!

    Hi all. I'm so glad it is Friday! I'm trying something new with grocery shopping tomorrow: I ordered my Walmart groceries online and just have to drive there and pick them up. This will allow me to know how much my groceries are ahead of time, and will cut down on impulse buys. Now, I just have to go to the produce store to buy my produce. Have a good day, everyone!
  • krupalip
    krupalip Posts: 62 Member
    Hello, had a very tiring day, so I thought I would wait till I am tucked in to write my post

    @trooworld hope your new gear helps your wrists, take care and don’t exert at Bodypump as injuries will always set us back. What kind of produce are you going for this week, can’t wait to get some ideas from your meal prep list... it is always so yummy and creative...also love Wonder Woman on your display pic, very fitting for you

    @theslightedgeforever my life has been a rollercoaster ride, but now I am more grounded thanks to my hubby and the kids. I do feel that this weight loss journey I started has given me a purpose and I am doing it for me, so yeah I have learnt a lot about myself through the past 8 months. Traditionally, I was a quitter, not at work but everything else in my life, but this time it has been different, may be because of my approach towards achieving my goals

    @cbabie how are you, nice to hear from you, I quit my last job 4 years ago, I run a design company with my hubby who looks after the creative side of the business while I do the rest. I work from home which is good, easier for me and my toddlers. Hope you get some me-time over the weekend

    @TeresaW1020 yeah rain is a bummer, especially when I have to take my daughter to school, the rains in mumbai are bad, seriously yucky, nothing romantic about the rains. I am so happy for your weight loss, what fun shopping will be, I am waiting to get under 50 kgs and then will head clothes shopping for my trip to the US. I hope you find great outfits, please post some pics in your new wardrobe

    Ok everyone saying good night, have a great weekend
  • countryaire11
    countryaire11 Posts: 3 Member
    I just started tracking my MFP thru a program at work. I am an online WW member. I'm considering discontinuing my WW membership. I have always followed WW, that's how I have always lost weight. What program do you all like best?
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Good morning everyone!! :)

    @trooworld, I have friends who do the order online and pick up at both Walmart and Krogers. They love it! Me, I wouldn't love it so much. I go to Walmart every Tuesday after my WW meeting and do most of the grocery shopping and yes some impulse shopping as well. It's my me the Walmart! :D:D My husband gets on to me because I don't look at prices when shopping for food. If it's on the list it gets bought! :D

    @krupalip, I love to shop for clothes!! I bargain shop online but once I'm in regular sizes and not plus sizes I will be hitting the stores for sure! I still need to try on everything in my closet to determine if it fits or not for the fall/winter. Some of my shirts are so cute that I'm wondering if I should get them taken in. Or should I just donate and buy new! B)

    @gemwolf, sorry that you have been feeling sick. I have a friend who suffers from IBS. Sometimes just hitting a reset button is the best thing you can do. :)

    @countryaire11, Welcome!! I've been a WW member for over a year and 1/2 and love the program. I'm doing Freestyle which I think is a great plan but I was also being too lazy with the 0 point foods and my weight was stalling. So I joined MFP and now I double track. It's crazy that I can have a 500 calorie difference with the same points. That was an eyeopener!

    Well, I'm up early and about to head out soon to visit my friend who is in a hospital that is 2 hours away. She has had a very long road with breast cancer and a few days ago underwent her reconstructive surgery. She is doing pretty good but is so ready for this journey to be over with. I hope to cheer her up and bring her some junk food because hospital food is the worst! ;)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,069 Member
    @krupalip thanks, I will take care, the last thing I want to do is injure myself and not be able to work out or do my job! My meal prep this week is below. Let me know if you want any of the recipes, I'd be happy to share them:
    • Giada De Laurentis' Marinara Sauce + pasta (my fun fun meal this week)
    • Garlic Chicken Piccata + Zucchini Parmesan Crisps
    • Haluski (Cabbage and Noodles) + Smoked Sausage on the side
    • Filipino-Style Chicken Adobo
    • Easy Pork Chops in Mushroom Gravy (made in the Instant Pot) + steamed broccoli
    • Instant Pot Thai Lemongrass Chicken

    @gemwolf110 What a bummer that you've been sick on your vacation! I'm glad you are feeling better today.

    @countryaire11 Hi there. Welcome! I was doing MFP for a while, then switched to online-only WW and now I am back to WW meetings so that once I hit my goal, I can get free WW for life. I personally prefer WW meetings, but it is about what will fit in your lifestyle/what works best for you. I don't use MFP to track, I just come here to socialize. If WW is working for you, why not stay with it? You can always do what I do and come here to socialize :) .

    @TeresaW1020 lol...I can see why you would love to go to Walmart, sometimes it's fun to impulse shop! For me, it is stressful because the one I go to gets really busy and sometimes the other customers can be rude and that bothers me. Plus, since we are trying to save for our first house, it is important for me to stick to a budget, so there's that! :D I wish your friend the best...that is very nice of you to visit her and bring her junk food because you are right, hospital food IS the worst!!!

    Hello all! Today is my weigh-in day. I don't know what I will see at the WW scale, but I THINK I will see a loss. Last night, I made Asian lettuce wraps for dinner in my Instant Pot and they were so easy and delicious. Here is the recipe, in case you are interested:
  • ChelleTrell
    ChelleTrell Posts: 49 Member
    Hey everyone!!

    I hope you all have a fun relaxing weekend planned. I’ll be at work as usual haaha. So I just got braces on last Tuesday and haven’t been eating very much. I’m also going to have 4 teeth extracted on Monday. It’s weird to be on the flip side of things where instead of eating too much I’m not eating enough. For several days I wasn’t even able to eat half my calorie goal which I know is bad but I just couldn’t do it. Got a bunch of smoothie supplies and oatmeal so hopefully I’ll be able to eat more even though I’ll have missing teeth next week. Wish me luck!

    I love hearing everyone’s strategies around prepping for success! You are all so inspiring.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    I think I fell into a black hole and have just resurfaced I’m not even going to try and catch up with 11 replies. I’ll just jump in where I am as FLYlady says.

    @countryaire11 welcome to the group. I’ve done both programs but switched here when they discontinued the WW community and everything went Connect. Plus I’m prediabetic and my dr wanted me to track carbs and do a moderate carb program. But then I went through this thing where I think I need more beans and lentils, etc plus fall is almost here and that means pumpkin and butternut squash and that destroys my carb limits. So now I just track calories and I’m mindful of the carbs. I have boundaries on sweets and salty snacks which I allow myself 1-2 times per week. When I follow my program I lose weight. Doesn’t matter which program that I follow. I say pick a program that matches your lifestyle. It will be for the rest of your life. It doesn’t stop once you reach goal it is just tweaked a bit.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,069 Member
    @ChelleTrell I'm sorry to hear that you have to have the extractions tomorrow, I hope all goes well. If you want to boost your calorie count, try adding a teaspoon of oil to your won't taste it and it will add the calories and fat needed.

    @theslightedgeforever lol what happened???

    Hi all! I really loved doing the Walmart Grocery pickup...they were efficient and friendly and I didn't have to deal with the crowded store. It saved me time, money and a headache lol. I highly recommend it if it is available in your area. I had my fun food last night, it's the food I used to overeat pre-WW/healthy lifestyle: spaghetti. It seems like a lifetime ago, but I used to take a huge plate-full and then go back and get another half-three quarters plate-full. Sad. Now, I just take one pretty full plate. Progress is being made. At the WW scale, I gained +0.2 lbs so I basically maintained. I'm not sure that is a true gain/maintain, as I drank 2- 20 oz coffees + about 15-20 oz of water at BodyPump and my body may have been holding onto that fluid. It's just data, right? Although when you've got money riding on it, it becomes more than data. The last time I got on the scale before this (8/23), I was down weight and on track to winning my money so I'm not concerned that I didn't lose at the WW scale. I've lost 11.6 lbs since May 12.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    Trooworld. you are doing great at making healthy habits a lifestyle. We aren’t promised a linear route. It will always be two steps forward and one back I think because we have real life to deal with. It’s a dance. As long as we are making progress we win. That Walmart thing sounds great.

    I was busy with hubby and my routine got all out of whack. I’m much more successful when I follow my routine

    ChelleTrell. Hopefully your extractions will go well. I have had two and need to get some implants or a bridge. I haven’t decided I’d really like veneers but $$$$ So that’s out.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    WW meeting highlights
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,069 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Thanks! I think you are right. You are very wise. Thanks for the highlights.

    Trish...I hope you are feeling okay, it's been a while since you checked in???

    Good morning all. I didn't sleep well and I'm really feeling it this morning but I got up to go to BodyPump anyway. If I didn't go to BodyPump, I would have had to get up to take my hubby to the gym anyway, so I might as well go myself. I need to try to get in bed earlier tonight. Not that I was totally late last night (I went to bed at about 8:30), but when you get up at 4am, that is considered late. I hope you all have a good day.
  • countryaire11
    countryaire11 Posts: 3 Member
    I tracked all qmweek and weekend. First time in a while. I don't know why weekends are so hard. I'm proud of myself for sticking to it and doing a little cardio and strength training. I hope I can keep up this momentum. For me it is all about mindset. What is frustrating is that the scale didn't move I'm the same as last week.
  • krupalip
    krupalip Posts: 62 Member
    Hello, I had typed a really long post this morning, and somehow it didn’t get posted, so annoying

    @trooworld hats off to your determination for getting to your workout, really sorry that you’ve got to get up so early in the morning and then head to Bodypump and then work, you truly are Wonder Woman. Please pass on the Thai lemongrass chicken recipe but don’t have an instant pot, here in India we use pressure cookers, will that do ?

    @theslightedgeforever even I am a stickler for following my routine and hate going off track, hope you can get back to your routine soon

    @chelltrell hope you have a speedy recovery, focus on getting better and nothing else for now

    @countryaire11 don’t worry about the scale in the first couple of weeks, from my personal experience it takes at least 2 and a half weeks for the scale to head down, your body has to get used to a new routine, so stick to the plan and believe me the scale will make you smile eventually. Weekends are tough for me too, some family event always happens and it’s so hard to stick with the diet, but be strong, have a cheat day, that really helps mentally and physically. Hope this helps

    Had a good workout this morning after an over-indulgent weekend with family, and yet this morning the scale didn’t budge higher which I was really surprised about, thought I would’ve put on a kilo, but didn’t, may be need to get my weighing machine checked. In any case, going to crash now, have a great week everyone
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    Trooworld. Excellent job on making it to Bodypump. You are really turning this into a habit. Even when you are tired you went. Bravo!

    Countryaire11 that’s great that you tracked. Soon weekends will be just as easy because you will make it a habit and you won’t even think about it, you’ll just do it automatically. Just keep working those habits and the scale will drop

    Krupalip. Seems you will always have family related events on the weekend right? That is your normal culture. So you are making the best of it. Fitting it into your lifestyle along with being diligent during the week and your body rewarded you by not gaining a kilo. It’s like putting money ahead of time into a health bank. You never know when you will overindulgence and the calories have been prepaid just waiting for the time you needed to withdraw them. All your previous hard work did that.

    I gained 1.2 this week so I’m back to working hard. My account is overdrawn
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,069 Member
    @countryaire11 That's great that you tracked all week and weekend, bravo.

    @krupalip That is exactly why I type my post in Notepad and copy and paste my text into the myfitnesspal box! :) Yes, the Instant Pot is a pressure cooker of a sort, so I think that will work just as well here is the recipe: Congrats on the great workout, you are really doing well with your workouts! :D

    @theslightedgeforever Thanks! Yes, I just hope my body allows me to keep it up. ;) You will get that 1.2 lbs off, I know you will...once you get back into the swing of things. Are you back to working out yet?

    Hi all. I have a long work day ahead of me: I'm working 6:30-4:30 to make up for taking off on this Friday. I hate to do this, but am trying to save some vacation time. This means I will be extra tired tonight, but at least tonight's dinner is already done (thanks to meal prep Sundays!). Have a great day, everyone!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    omg, I have been in here so many times to type and I keep getting pulled away into something else all week. I wanted to stop in really quick...From Sat - Tuesdays are so crazy in the mornings...I fight to get on here. I am so sorry.

    I had something happen night before last that has just made life real...I was holding my GGD and was trying to get up out of the rocker with no support using only my legs..(which used to be super strong) and fell... we have tile floors...I was so worried about her hitting the tile, my knees took the brunt and she landed on my the bed...I had broken my right knee years ago and usually am very careful with that knee...well I am very sore in my knees and one knee has a big gouge...but baby is safe and beautiful. I was so tired physically and mentally I should have used my arms and not only my legs...It just showed me how out of shape I am and now I am more so in a health mode...I NEVER want my physical to be a reason one of my family members get hurt. That is why I joined WW years ago...after breaking my knee I put on about 30-40 first grandson was walking across the floor headed towards an electrical outlet and I couldn't run to catch him...without hurting myself...I did stop him but sat down and cried...hence WW came into my life and lifetime was achieved... well I am in dire need of my physical up the mountain of health I go...LOL Thank you all for being on the board and so supportive. Each one of you pour into me and I hope I can pour back...

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    @cbabie, Ohhh my goodness, what a terrible scare you had! I know that you are hurting but also so thankful that the baby didn't get hurt. Bad knees run in my family and it's one of the reasons I really want to get this extra weight off. I already have issues going downstairs. You can get back up that mountain and we are all here to support you!! *Hugs*

    @trooworld, I love seeing what you are making for your meals. So exotic!! B) I am in a rut and need to get myself out of it.

    @theslightedgeforever, I'm right there with you needing to get back to working hard to get this weight off. We can do it!!

    Well, I lost 1.4 lbs of the 3 lbs I gained last week. I'm at a big fat zero loss for the month of August. :/ I've had a serious talk with myself...again, and I'm going to really buckle down work extra hard. These excuses have to stop!! There are always going to be parties and life happening and I need to decide what I want most. So, I'm continuing with the challenges I'm involved in and NOT giving up on my goals.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    Trooworld. I’ve been doing some walking but that’s it. I went to dr today and I can lift weights again. So that’s next on my program. I’ve just been hungry lately. Trying to stay away from extra food

    Cbabie maybe shift your schedule so you can get on here at afternoon or night. This group is part of your health plan.

    Teresaw1020. I was reading a book yesterday and it talked about focusing on the results instead of the behaviors. So we want a trim healthy body but procrastinate on exercise, food choices, etc. we want an organized house but put off decluttering. So it said break down the behaviors to make it easy and the results will happen. Change your focus like a camera lens. Close up or far away. Then figure out how to make it easy. Activities have three parts. The getting ready to start the activity. The activity and the result. I get stuck on the starting. Lol. I had an epiphany. I have exercise on my schedule after morning routine and breakfast. I breeze through that just fine. Then I have to go back upstairs and throw my laundry in the dryer and put on my workout shoes and go exercise. That’s the plan anyway. What happens is I go to my room and there is my chair and I tell myself I’ll just finish my tea while I read one chapter then go exercise. So the chair is the cue or trigger. I can’t really remove the chair but I can move the shoes. I will put them along with my water bottle in the hallway on the credenza so when I finish rebooting the laundry I walk by and grab the shoes and head downstairs.

    I will figure this out
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,069 Member
    @cbabie It sounds like you found a "WHY". I'm sorry that happened, though. I'm sure that was scary and I'm glad the baby wasn't hurt...are you ok?

    @TeresaW1020 I literally have a collection of 5,255 recipes (and growing every day) to choose from...I rarely rotate recipes unless we really like something! I know some people eat the same thing every day for lunch or breakfast (my husband eats the same thing for breakfast)...I don't know how they do it. I can't do it. I need variety. Apparently a lot of variety lol.

    @theslightedgeforever Walking is great for so many reasons. That's great that you can lift again.

    Hi all. Have you ever heard of a company/website called "Imperfect Produce"? They deliver produce that isn't "pretty" enough for the supermarket...for instance, carrots that are twinned or potatoes that are heart shaped etc. stuff that is just too "ugly" for consumers to buy in the store. It is heavily discounted. Anyway, it is delivered in several cities and soon, in my city and I signed up to get a box of organic produce for us! I'm excited...a coworker gets it and she loves it. She said you can pick out what kind of produce you want (carrots, potatoes, beets, etc. etc.) a few days before the delivery. It will save me a little money on produce and I'm saving food from going in the landfill. :) I don't know when the first box is going to be delivered since they haven't started delivering here yet. Hopefully soon. On another note, my wrist and forearm feel a little better since I got the wrist straps but my outer tricep region is bothering me now. We do a wide-gripped bent-over row during BodyPump and I'm not going to do that and see if that helps.