

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,726 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 7.51min, 12amph, 137mhr, 1.5mi= 73c
    apple watch- 60c
    TREADMILL slow jog- 30.52min, 10.10min mi, 5.5-6.2p, 135ahr, 152mhr, 5k= 315c
    apple watch- 363c
    other- 6.20min, legs straight out to waist, then knees up to waist, 5sets of 10ea, 119ahr, 131mhr, 65c
    apple watch- 56c
    Floor exercises- 2.37min, sit-ups, on butt-knees to chest 106ahr, 112ahr= 37c
    apple watch- 36c
    ride gym 2 dome- 5.21min, 16.5amph, 129mhr, 1.4mi= 58c
    apple watch- 39c
    ride puy 2 sumn station- 14.36min, 12.5amph, 127ahr, 146mhr, 153c
    apple watch- 119c
    jog sta 2 wk- 5.03min, 9.54min mi, 137ahr, 148mhr, .5mi= 70c
    apple watch- 58c
    jog wk 2 sumn sta- 4.12min, 149mhr, 9.19min mi, .4mi= 50,
    apple watch- 49c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 17.43min, 8.8amph, 145mhr, 2.5mi= 157c
    apple watch- 147c

    total cal 978

    up to $955!! thanks auntiebk!!!!!!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,197 Member
    Please remember to pull over if you need to be on the phone when you are driving. I witnessed a young mother on the phone with her son in the back seat driving while on the phone. She was driving like she was drunk. Fortunately she did not have an accident while I was driving near her. It only takes a moment for a life time of regrets.

    :heart: Margaret

    It's illegal to even touch your phone while driving ... or even while stopped at a light ... here.


    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,197 Member
    trisH_7183 wrote: »
    Greetings Ladies - Visiting with our friends was great. I'm starving, I had some turkey at lunch, it was a VERY limited menu. I'm getting ready to go fix my dinner.

    I'm the oddball again, I can't do the tumeric capsules. I have tried twice and both times my finger joints get so sore it hurts to bend my fingers. It could be coincidental, but since it happened twice several months apart, I'm done with them.

    Happy Saturday evening!

    Okie in the TX Hill Country

    MACHKA......I've been on them for a couple weeks now, but the jury is still out. They were supposed to go a long way to get rid of the joint pain in my feet ... but if anything that's worse. Plus my hips have been really acting up in the last few days.

    They may not be causing the pain, but they don't seem to be helping.

    Thanks to OKIE & MACHKA & LISA .....for the review. You are not odd at all. Someone....LISA mentioned another med for arthritis Glucosamine,that did nothing for me. After a yr,gave what was left to a neighbor..........Melatonin doesn’t work for me,but does for a DD. I’m weird for sure.
    Runs in my family.Sis is allergic to most meds.Have to be careful adding to meds I already take. Thanks again,Pat in Oh

    Glucosamine does seem to help me, but I'm still not sure about the Tumeric.
    I've never tried Melatonin because Valerian works for me, but I know Valerian doesn't work for some people.

    M in Oz

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,396 Member
    Did 5 min hola hoop (I’m getting a bit better at this!), held my plank for 3 minutes, then the extremepump class. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Reebok Step DVD (a new one)

    Sue in WA – happy belated anniversary! Out of curiosity, how long has it been now that you’ve been in WA?

    Kelly – love that you’re celebrating Valentine’s day now.

    Exercised, stopped at the Salvation Army then Habitat for Humanity, home and then bowling (early since this is the end of the season. The next season starts in 2 weeks), ceramics tonight then mahjongg

    Rita – what is a hosting job?

    Planning to cut the grass tomorrow. Jess should be back tonight, don’t know what time and I suspect she doesn’t either. Truthfully, I’m a bit disappointed that she isn’t spending more time with Shadow. Yes, Shadow is well taken care of but she’ll only see Jess for 4 days. Maybe Jess should have taken Shadow with her.

    Rye – I’m so sorry about your insurance issue. As far as the Newcomer saga, I think part of the problem is that Greg nor Carol (the president) read the email. They just skimmed it. Carol’s notes have lately been very weird. She sent one to me that I swear she was drunk when she wrote it. Lots of misspellings, writing non-sentences. This time I suspect she might have been busy with her company and just skimmed it. Also, she’s been saying for months how she’s going to poll the membership to find someone to be a backup for Greg only she hasn’t. Now when he leaves she doesn’t have anyone to take his place and it’s really her own fault. But it’s easier to blame Vince than take personal responsibility. Last month she said she was going to poll the membership and Vince asked her “what are we going to do if we can’t find someone” and she answered “I don’t know”. Well, that isn’t a good answer. Vince looked into going to an outside company. Greg wouldn’t lose any of his duties. She’s one of those people who doesn’t want to hurt anyone. I guess deep down inside she knows that Vince is right – that Greg’s job is very important. She probably feels that the Treasurer’s job can be done by anyone. Well, it isn’t a case of just balancing the checkbook and filling in some papers. We were very lucky he was Treasurer when they changed the fiscal year and then incorporated. He’d taken law classes for his CPA so knew some of the questions to ask.

    Chris from Idaho – welcome!

    Carol – one the things that I absolutely want in my new car is bluetooth. I don’t like to talk on the phone, but like when we’re driving to FL sometimes it’s necessary to communicate where we’re going to stop. I do have a bluetooth headset but many times I have problems with it.

    Felicia – I’m so sorry to hear about your hubby. Glad you had a great trip

    Purl – I remember you! Welcome back

    Michele in NC
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    edited August 2018
    Cellphone use is also banned while driving here in New Zealand. A lot of people still do it. Using a hands free device would be a much better option for essential communication while driving. If my husband gets a text or call while he is driving and I am there, I always answer it for him and the kids do the same for me if I am driving and they are there. I either ignore it or pull over if I get a phone call while driving by myself.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,197 Member
    Rita will have to answer the question, "What is a hosting job" herself, but from my experience many campgrounds have campground hosts who are usually couples, or even several couples for larger campgrounds, who welcome guests, tell guests about the facilities, attractions, etc., and generally monitor things so that everyone has a pleasant and peaceful stay.

    In exchange, I think they either get reduced camping rates, or don't pay anything at all.

    Machka in Oz
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Hi all! Zero tolerance laws for cell phone use here in BC too, but people still do it. Hands free devices are exempt, but I still see folks with the phone clamped to their ear. And what's with texting while out walking the dog??? Can't you just enjoy the nature around you?
    Janet, oh my! Olivia is just a little doll!
    Kelly, I don't know where you get all your ideas for your daycare, you amaze me! You are giving those kids so much more than just a place to be looked after, their parents must be so happy knowing that the kids are not only getting good care, but also learning so much about the world around them!
    Tracy, how wonderful that your daughter is planning a surprise for you! I threw my own 50th b-day party, it was a fun thing to do and I really enjoyed getting friends together!
    Rebecca, Minestrone soup! Yum!
    Machka, two bike rides with hubby! How wonderful! He has come such a long way, so happy for both of you.
    Beth, thank heavens your son has you to advocate for him! Thinking good thoughts for both of you.
    Barbie, I think I read you have a herniated disc? Ouch! Hubby has one is his lower back, very painful. He's on a long term nerve root pain killer that enables him to live a somewhat normal life, but we are waiting for him to see a surgeon. And waiting, and waiting..... He was diagnosed in Dec 2016 and we're still waiting.... Trying to turn up the heat on the Dr, but we can't even leave a message on his answering machine, so time to turn up the heat on our GP. Hopefully he can get something happening.
    Family, never was lucky enough to live close to extended family. When I was very young, we moved to a town about 6 hours from what was home because that was where dad found work. Since the work continued to keep a roof over our head, that's where we continued to live. When I got old enough to be looking for a job, there just wasn't anything there for me and not many options for post secondary education, so I moved about 12 hours in the other direction where a dear friend was living. Still here, love it! Would not move from here, but I'm still far away from family! Can get to dad's side in about 12 hours, can get to many members of mom's family in about 6 hours, but because we are on an island, there is a ferry and it's pricey. But I do love my island paradise and I know that our older son won't leave here as our daughter in law has a large extended family (and they are wonderful people!) so she won't be going anywhere! That part is good, at least we're near our grandson.
    Today was a successful day! Did a much more complete workout than I have for a few months now, despite the fact that I stayed up too late and slept in, I still did the full workout and managed to get a few things done around the house too! And my eating was well and truly on track! Didn't log any calories burned for the weights part of my workout, just counted my time on the elliptical. I don't use the calorie amounts that MFP says I burned, I log what it says on the machine because it's always lower than MFP's number. I was actually only over my "base" calories but about 20, so today was really good! Just need to do that tomorrow too. And the next day etc, but just going to concentrate on tomorrow for now.
    Hugs for those who need them, congrats to those celebrating (congrats on those awesome wedding anniversary numbers too!! We just celebrated 37 years in June), and welcome to the newbies.
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island, where the sky was blue today! (no smoke or clouds, just a beautiful day!)

  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Nessa is getting big now! Poodles are such smart dogs. I would have liked to be owned by one but always worried about coat clipping expense. I suppose it would be cheaper to buy your own clippers and learn how to do it yourself.

    Heather, your grandies are so cute. No wonder you want to be closer and I think you're wise not to get underfoot. LOL Even close loving families need plenty of space. My youngest daughter, who is pregnant, is determined to move back home in a few months time when her job finishes. Her boyfriend does not want to move out here though so they are arguing about it. It's so nice having the empty nest right now, so quiet and easy to clean and organize and less stressful... but my daughter wants to save money so they can buy their own house, and not pay rent where they are, and we feel obliged to help them out since we have a large house...We've had all three of our daughters and various boyfriends living with us off and on over the years. We are ready to be on our own. I like my family so much better when they don't live with me. In the same town is close enough. LOL. <3 Wendy
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,816 Member
    morning sweet friends~
    I fell asleep early and woke up at 4:30 this morning, hopped right up and went and got dressed and threw some laundry in the wash, dont know what time I go in,but want to get things done before I do...
    Alfie goes to the end of my bed and barks at any people or animals that come on the t.v. ,such a crazy dog... will go down and walk Homer and Chester before work...last concert of the summer is tonight, and would love to go.. we shall see. I really dont want to leave the dog that long, even though my sweet neighbor comes down and stays a couple of hours with him, I feel so much better that she does this, and I try and keep my fridge filled with stuff she likes as she is on a very limited income , and I told her to help herself as she is doing me a favor.. I also get her a gift card to family dollar every couple of weeks to help take care of her 2 kitties..
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,298 Member
    evie1958 wrote: »
    Today was a successful day! Did a much more complete workout than I have for a few months now, despite the fact that I stayed up too late and slept in, I still did the full workout and managed to get a few things done around the house too! And my eating was well and truly on track! Didn't log any calories burned for the weights part of my workout, just counted my time on the elliptical. I don't use the calorie amounts that MFP says I burned, I log what it says on the machine because it's always lower than MFP's number. I was actually only over my "base" calories but about 20, so today was really good! Just need to do that tomorrow too. And the next day etc, but just going to concentrate on tomorrow for now.
    Hugs for those who need them, congrats to those celebrating (congrats on those awesome wedding anniversary numbers too!! We just celebrated 37 years in June), and welcome to the newbies.
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island, where the sky was blue today! (no smoke or clouds, just a beautiful day!)

    Evelyn - Congrats on your successful day! Your mindset of one day at a time is a good one!

  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,298 Member
    skuehn48 wrote: »


    Nessa at puppy class.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA

    Sue - Oh my gosh! I love Nessa!

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    NY Karen- Just wanted to say that I loved your photos! Feel free to post more of your travels!
    Allie- Hurrah! For getting your eight hours and waking early enough to get things done! I love those kind of mornings!
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    MACHAKA. quote
    Glucosamine does seem to help me, but I'm still not sure about the Tumeric.
    I've never tried Melatonin because Valerian works for me, but I know Valerian doesn't work for some people.

    M in Oz

    The directions for Valerian seem odd? Sounds like a lot of capsules needed.
    Very likely it’s just because I know nothing about it. Pat in Oh