30 Day Shred Group- August (Part 2)



  • jms88
    jms88 Posts: 49
    Good morning, Team August! L2D6 done! :bigsmile: So excited!! We're on the downward slope! (Don't remind me that Level 3 is right around the corner.. :wink: )
  • SaraStanton
    Got up late this morning but still completed L2D6! Holy Moly! I can tell that I am doing better, endurance is up, sweating is less and today I took zero breaks. But man those plank jacks are not fun to do or to see my thighs in the middle of the movement! I have thought of adding in some extra cardio since I am not seeing the weight loss, maybe 2 miles or so on the treadmill before or after the shred? It is hard to get myself up in the morning to fit it all in. By the time I get to sleep I would only get 4 or 5 hours at the most to fit both types of workout in. Not sure how to function that way.

    I feel awesome being on day 17, I have to say that. I started the shred with two friends who didn't even make it through level 1 for one reason or another. I am the only one doing it now and am happy I found MFP and the community to get some support.
    Happy Wednesday!
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Got up late this morning but still completed L2D6! Holy Moly! I can tell that I am doing better, endurance is up, sweating is less and today I took zero breaks. But man those plank jacks are not fun to do or to see my thighs in the middle of the movement! I have thought of adding in some extra cardio since I am not seeing the weight loss, maybe 2 miles or so on the treadmill before or after the shred? It is hard to get myself up in the morning to fit it all in. By the time I get to sleep I would only get 4 or 5 hours at the most to fit both types of workout in. Not sure how to function that way.

    I feel awesome being on day 17, I have to say that. I started the shred with two friends who didn't even make it through level 1 for one reason or another. I am the only one doing it now and am happy I found MFP and the community to get some support.
    Happy Wednesday!

    Sara, I wouldn't give up sleep to get more cardio in. Being sleep deprived isn't good for weight loss or for daily functioning.

    Bravo for you sticking with it when your friends "Bailed " on you. Your experience is why I've never had a workout partner. People say they want to train with me, and I invited them to show up, but I'm not letting my stuff suffer because of people who can't follow through. I've see SO many people at the gym who can't workout if their partner doesn't show up. There's a guy who moans and groans if his buddies don't show up. There's been more than one time when I've told him to shut up!
  • SaraStanton
    Sara, I wouldn't give up sleep to get more cardio in. Being sleep deprived isn't good for weight loss or for daily functioning.

    Bravo for you sticking with it when your friends "Bailed " on you. Your experience is why I've never had a workout partner. People say they want to train with me, and I invited them to show up, but I'm not letting my stuff suffer because of people who can't follow through. I've see SO many people at the gym who can't workout if their partner doesn't show up. There's a guy who moans and groans if his buddies don't show up. There's been more than one time when I've told him to shut up!

    Thanks, I know I really need my sleep. With three active boys in school/sports and a full time job I try to get as much as I can. Maybe I can fit in in for 30 minutes after work a few times a week.

    I thought having someone to do it with, even though we are in different towns, would help keep me going but I have found out I am enough to keep me going. I wish they would have stuck with it so I had someone to share my gripes and triumphs with but it is what it is. I am doing this for me and I am proud of myself that I am where I am. When I started this my only goal was to finish and I am sure now that I can whether I am alone in it or not.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    i missed yesterday so today was my day 6 of level 2. completed! some of the workouts are still very hard to do but i'm gonna keep at it!
  • jms88
    jms88 Posts: 49
    Sara, it's good that you know you need your sleep. Actually, sleep deprivation is counteractive to weight loss (all you have to do is google "weight loss and sleep deprivation" and a million articles pop up :smile:)

    It seems like a lot of people doing the shred have commented that the results aren't as obvious on the scale. Yes, I've seen several people that have lost multiple pounds, but I'd visit their profiles and see if they're doing other workouts in addition, and what their diet looks like. I know for me personally that I'm not losing as much because I haven't cut out enough added sugar, and I absolutely cannot put any more time into working out right now. Maybe if you don't have additional time and your diet has already tightened up, you could try a different workout after you finish the shred? I mean - still a 30 minute one that's more cardio heavy or something?
  • aqua_zumba_fan
    Sara, it's good that you know you need your sleep. Actually, sleep deprivation is counteractive to weight loss (all you have to do is google "weight loss and sleep deprivation" and a million articles pop up :smile:)

    It seems like a lot of people doing the shred have commented that the results aren't as obvious on the scale. Yes, I've seen several people that have lost multiple pounds, but I'd visit their profiles and see if they're doing other workouts in addition, and what their diet looks like. I know for me personally that I'm not losing as much because I haven't cut out enough added sugar, and I absolutely cannot put any more time into working out right now. Maybe if you don't have additional time and your diet has already tightened up, you could try a different workout after you finish the shred? I mean - still a 30 minute one that's more cardio heavy or something?

    It's interesting that on the cover of the DVD it says about losing up to 20lbs - seems unlikely to me! I lost 1 lb and put it on again so far ;)
  • SaraStanton
    Sara, it's good that you know you need your sleep. Actually, sleep deprivation is counteractive to weight loss (all you have to do is google "weight loss and sleep deprivation" and a million articles pop up :smile:)

    It seems like a lot of people doing the shred have commented that the results aren't as obvious on the scale. Yes, I've seen several people that have lost multiple pounds, but I'd visit their profiles and see if they're doing other workouts in addition, and what their diet looks like. I know for me personally that I'm not losing as much because I haven't cut out enough added sugar, and I absolutely cannot put any more time into working out right now. Maybe if you don't have additional time and your diet has already tightened up, you could try a different workout after you finish the shred? I mean - still a 30 minute one that's more cardio heavy or something?

    Thanks, I know and I try to fit so much in the day and still get my rest, workout, cook homemade/healthy, be a wife, mother, employee...LOL. Phew! It is so odd that sleep and weight loss are tied together.

    I doubt I can fit anything extra in, at least not at the same rate I am doing the shred. I plan on continuing after this with her Ripped in 30 series. I find it odd though that at the beginning of that she says workout 6 days a week with a day of rest but that isn't mentioned in the shred. I wonder what changed.

    I am as tight as I can go on my diet. In the beginning I was having trouble eating all the calories and now I feel like I am starving most days. I eat healthy and make sure the calories count and are not empty I am just hungry! I need to look into a HRM because I don't know if the way I am recording the exercise here is accurate. It seems like level 2 should be more calories exerted than level 1?
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Sara, it's good that you know you need your sleep. Actually, sleep deprivation is counteractive to weight loss (all you have to do is google "weight loss and sleep deprivation" and a million articles pop up :smile:)

    It seems like a lot of people doing the shred have commented that the results aren't as obvious on the scale. Yes, I've seen several people that have lost multiple pounds, but I'd visit their profiles and see if they're doing other workouts in addition, and what their diet looks like. I know for me personally that I'm not losing as much because I haven't cut out enough added sugar, and I absolutely cannot put any more time into working out right now. Maybe if you don't have additional time and your diet has already tightened up, you could try a different workout after you finish the shred? I mean - still a 30 minute one that's more cardio heavy or something?

    It's interesting that on the cover of the DVD it says about losing up to 20lbs - seems unlikely to me! I lost 1 lb and put it on again so far ;)

    How do you count how many lbs you lose? I know that sounds stupid but this is what I mean...

    August 1st I was 207.2lbs but then I went up to 210 for a few days, and now I'm at 201.4lbs

    So can I count the pounds I gained too...

    Did I lose 5.8lbs, or did I lose 8.6????? I'd like to think 8.6 HA!
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    I haven't actually started turbo jam yet. Finding there just really isn't any space in my flat! Like for the ski jump thingees, not only do I feel like a *kitten*, but there's not much space in my room. And I'm finding I am KNACKERED after L2 atm. Will give it a go very soon, may just have to space the workouts, out.

    ^ good for you myiceisonfire (always read your name as my-*kitten*-is-on-fire lol). I hope I have similar results to you soon!
  • SaraStanton
    Sara, it's good that you know you need your sleep. Actually, sleep deprivation is counteractive to weight loss (all you have to do is google "weight loss and sleep deprivation" and a million articles pop up :smile:)

    It seems like a lot of people doing the shred have commented that the results aren't as obvious on the scale. Yes, I've seen several people that have lost multiple pounds, but I'd visit their profiles and see if they're doing other workouts in addition, and what their diet looks like. I know for me personally that I'm not losing as much because I haven't cut out enough added sugar, and I absolutely cannot put any more time into working out right now. Maybe if you don't have additional time and your diet has already tightened up, you could try a different workout after you finish the shred? I mean - still a 30 minute one that's more cardio heavy or something?

    It's interesting that on the cover of the DVD it says about losing up to 20lbs - seems unlikely to me! I lost 1 lb and put it on again so far ;)

    How do you count how many lbs you lose? I know that sounds stupid but this is what I mean...

    August 1st I was 207.2lbs but then I went up to 210 for a few days, and now I'm at 201.4lbs

    So can I count the pounds I gained too...

    Did I lose 5.8lbs, or did I lose 8.6????? I'd like to think 8.6 HA!

    I would go with your staring weight and then your weight at the 30 days and that is your loss. Good for you either way. I can't get that darned scale to move for me!
  • summerbert
    summerbert Posts: 292 Member
    I finished Level 1 Day 4 today. I am less sore and was able to go deeper in my squats and lunges. I have lost 2lbs and 3.5 inches before today's work out. My butt is looking darn good. I can't wait for Ripped in 30 and 6 week to a 6 pack to get here

    My son worked out with me and in the beginning Nicholas was going strong with me but then he kept saying "man this is hard" and "whew I am tired" needless to say he laid on the blankets covered up and watched me finish LOL
  • SaraStanton
    I finished Level 1 Day 4 today. I am less sore and was able to go deeper in my squats and lunges. I have lost 2lbs and 3.5 inches before today's work out. My butt is looking darn good. I can't wait for Ripped in 30 and 6 week to a 6 pack to get here

    My son worked out with me and in the beginning Nicholas was going strong with me but then he kept saying "man this is hard" and "whew I am tired" needless to say he laid on the blankets covered up and watched me finish LOL

    Good for you! I am going to try Ripped in 30 after I finish this as well.

    My 4yr old loves to do the workout with me. He asks who I am and who he gets to be (out of the three on the screen), I always tell him he is the boss! He loves it and is a great personal trainer!
  • summerbert
    summerbert Posts: 292 Member
    My son is 4 too
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    L2 D7 complete or is it day 8.... I think 7. My knees are killing me.... :mad:
  • lbeasey
    lbeasey Posts: 254 Member
    L2D5 is now finished...getting easier every day, thankfully.
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Mornin' Shredders! :yawn:

    Let's be honest, I did NOT want to go and do "this" this morning! I hesitated, I stalled, I made small talk with the people and pets around me. I do not like to jump that's true, I do not like to jump wearing blue. I do not like to jump from here to there, I do not like to jump ANYWHERE! (wow, VERY Dr. Seuss of me this morning!) :laugh:

    And then I get through circuit 2 strength and I realize it's all downhill from there, and the Wonderwoman we all know and love as Jillian Michaels, has NOT defeated me, again!

    And to think, only 7 more days to go....

    ROCK ON! :tongue:
  • yad97
    yad97 Posts: 43
    Mornin' Shredders! :yawn:

    Let's be honest, I did NOT want to go and do "this" this morning! I hesitated, I stalled, I made small talk with the people and pets around me. I do not like to jump that's true, I do not like to jump wearing blue. I do not like to jump from here to there, I do not like to jump ANYWHERE! (wow, VERY Dr. Seuss of me this morning!) :laugh:

    And then I get through circuit 2 strength and I realize it's all downhill from there, and the Wonderwoman we all know and love as Jillian Michaels, has NOT defeated me, again!

    And to think, only 7 more days to go....

    ROCK ON! :tongue:
    Way to go! It is hard in the morning, when I actually have to get out of bed. But I love the feeling when I'm done.

    I did L2D7 today and I haven't missed a day yet. Woohoo!

    I was going to wait until I was done for measurements, but my weight hasn't changed in a week even thought my pants yesterday were really loose. My waist was down an inch today! That was really motivating! I think that will keep me getting myself out of bed each morning to finish it up.
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    August 1st I was 207.2lbs & yesterday I was 200.6lbs. That's 6.6lbs lost so far & I'm on L2D6! =D....
    Need to do it twice today to make up for a day that I missed (not looking forward to doing it twice I have to admit. Plus I have physical therapy for my knee today too. Can't wait to burn all of those calories! WOOHOO! =D We can do this ladies!
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    August 1st I was 207.2lbs & yesterday I was 200.6lbs. That's 6.6lbs lost so far & I'm on L2D6! =D....
    Need to do it twice today to make up for a day that I missed (not looking forward to doing it twice I have to admit. Plus I have physical therapy for my knee today too. Can't wait to burn all of those calories! WOOHOO! =D We can do this ladies!

    YEA!!! You're almost to "Onderland" Hip, Hip, No Hips Hooray!!!