Goal weight criticized



  • mmnv79
    mmnv79 Posts: 538 Member
    Keep in mind that approximately 70% of Americans are overweight, half of those are obese. This means the average size, is overweight. So being a healthy weight seems very low, but only because it's well below average. I'm 5'7", 42, and just under 160lbs - I've been questioned about wanting to get to 150lbs and even been told that I'm already "skinny, so I would end up anorexic looking", I just roll my eyes and ignore them. There's also the ugly side where bettering yourself can bring out the worst in other people.

    So long as you're healthy and happy, that is all that matters. It's your body and your life.

    I think you are spot on, @VUA21 I have the same experiences with friends when we talk about my journey and I think here we have the highest per cent rates of obesity in Europe, 63% of adults are overweight or obese and many wouldn't describe themselves as even overweight/obese.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    GoodLardy wrote: »
    Seffell wrote: »
    I tend not to discuss my weight with anyone at all. This way I don't get to hear all their opinions.

    I'm 5'7 and my goal is to get back to 125 which I've been my whole adult life. I don't care who thinks what about it. So I don't talk about it.

    I tried to avoid it but we’re all close and try to support each other and it came up when I said I would def not be happy in the 150’s, as I’ve been there before and wasn’t feeling as healthy as I’d like.

    Given your take on their comments, they are not supporting you. Don't pay attention.
  • Strudders67
    Strudders67 Posts: 984 Member
    OP, I tend not to discuss details with anyone, but I'm aiming for the middle of 'normal' on the BMI scale for my height. That gives me a bit of flexibility if I become a little less active as I get older but still find myself eating the same stuff. It should also stop my GP nagging me. As you're part of a support group, if the subject comes up again in the short term, just say that that's currently your goal but you'll assess things as you get down in to the mid 140s to see how you feel. Then, try to avoid the subject or be vague as possible.
  • elsie6hickman
    elsie6hickman Posts: 3,864 Member
    Maybe they are just trying to be kind in a really weird way, because they want you to feel good about where you are now. Most people have no idea what you should weigh, because there is such a variation in bone structure, and the way you carry your weight. But only you know where you feel good and where you will be comfortable. Try to give them the benefit of the doubt - when they ask, just say "a healthy weight for me".
  • GoodLardy
    GoodLardy Posts: 163 Member
    edited September 2018
    It's all personal preference. I actually have a gang of woo'ers who think I am too thin (been at maintenance a year and very healthy thank you very much!) and apparently follow me around and woo my posts. Seriously I think the american EYEBALL has lost track of what in shape looks like. The scale is so tipped to accept heavy as normal. You do you and when you feel good you will know it.

    I’ve seen you on here before, in my legs post. I think you look beautiful! Always inspiring.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    People have all kinds of opinions about all kinds of things, for all kinds of reasons. You are not obligated to accept them.