

  • Trans4mations
    Trans4mations Posts: 90 Member
    What a long day this has been!

    All challenge exercises - done
    Water+ - done
    Under Cals - done
    Workout - done

    Tiffany, good to see you and glad your daughter is ok.

    Judy, good news..glad to hear he's safe.

    I have another long day tomorrow, so buenos noches mi familia nueva!
  • ncgatorfan
    ncgatorfan Posts: 517
    50 Military Presses - yes
    Spinning - about 17 miles (includes extra mile)
    3 sets of 21's - done
    water - 120 oz.
    under calories - yes
    crunches - 75
  • Lori_menorahlover

  • sumjoy
    sumjoy Posts: 84 Member
    64 oz water
    under calorie goal
    200 jumping jacks
    100 mountain climbers
    50 ab crunches
    20 lunges
    1 extra mile
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    200 jumping jacks done
    130 crunches done
    30 lunges done
    100 mountain climbers done
    Water over
    Under cals
    Being a beast: CHECK!

    Today I'm really feeling the benefits of working out. After only a couple weeks of starting my new lifting routine and getting back into lifting since my injury, I'm already lifting heavier than I started with. Able to do hammer curls with 8s. Before my injury, I was using 12.5s so I'm not far away! Can't wait 'til I can do my 25 lb preacher curls at the gym!!!

    Oh. And a little happy moment tonight! I got my free hiphugger panties from Vicky's yesterday and I picked out a CUTE shiny purple pair. They looked TINY but they said medium so I figured if they didn't fit, they'd be goal panties. Tried 'em on tonight. My *kitten* looks GOOD and they fit me so well. I may have to start only wearing these 'cause they're so damn comfortable.
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    Ok, to update my post for today...I WAS way under cals...that was the only thing that was left open...it's official that it was well below!! ;)
  • aninamika
    aninamika Posts: 159
    Hey everyone - under calories and over water. Have had a full day of my books and am so ready to hit bed :yawn: yet it's only after 7!

    Cheers for today and I'll see you all tomorrow! :smile:
  • Lori_menorahlover
    200 jumping jacks done
    130 crunches done
    30 lunges done
    100 mountain climbers done
    Water over
    Under cals
    Being a beast: CHECK!

    Today I'm really feeling the benefits of working out. After only a couple weeks of starting my new lifting routine and getting back into lifting since my injury, I'm already lifting heavier than I started with. Able to do hammer curls with 8s. Before my injury, I was using 12.5s so I'm not far away! Can't wait 'til I can do my 25 lb preacher curls at the gym!!!

    Oh. And a little happy moment tonight! I got my free hiphugger panties from Vicky's yesterday and I picked out a CUTE shiny purple pair. They looked TINY but they said medium so I figured if they didn't fit, they'd be goal panties. Tried 'em on tonight. My *kitten* looks GOOD and they fit me so well. I may have to start only wearing these 'cause they're so damn comfortable.

    Thx for all of the updates everyone! I'm a bit down this am because a team member has decided to drop out of the challenge but I wished her the best and will always be here to encourage her!

    Sooooo Arielle, it really boosted my spirits to come over here and see you had a success in the panty department!!! Woo Hoo CONGRATS!!!!

    Here is today's challenge:

    Day 4 Exercise Challenge – 3 sets of 21’s + 200 Jumping Jacks + 3 sets of 12 woodchops
    (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xLcsg-5Dw8 ) 21’s The video is a little long sorry.
  • fitnhealthyccthatsme
    fitnhealthyccthatsme Posts: 359 Member
    Awww... to hear that someone is so close to the finish and dropping out makes me a little sad, but I do understand that the challenge is demanding. I catch myself continually thinking about it and checking my schedule for extra opportunities to throw in some crunches or other exercises.

    My biggest challenge will be next when when I have a business trip to Indiana. I look forward to the extra walking I plan to be doing and staying under on my calories since I'm making a trip to a grocery store to gather good foods instead of eating out every meal. It may be a struggle, but I'm up for the additional challenge.


    P.S. do we go all the way to end of August or is next weekend the end of the challenge?
  • Lori_menorahlover
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    Day 4 -

    3 sets of 21’s - done.
    200 Jumping Jacks - done.
    3 sets of 12 woodchops - done.
    Water - done.
    Under cals - done.

    200 crunches for the team challenge (total 800/1200)
  • Lori_menorahlover
    Excellent job, Jules!!!

    OK, now everyone don't have a panic attack but here is a peak at next week:

    AUGUST CHALLENGE #4: INSPIRE AND RETIRE! Week 4 and FINAL Daily Challenges Day 1: 2 sets of 20 Windshield Wipers, 3 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of Swimmer’s Press Day 2: 2 sets of 20 Tuck Jumps, 50 Squat Kicks, 20 Globe Jumps Day 3: 20 Split Squat Jumps, 3 sets of 20 Wood Chops Day 4: 40 ZigZag Hops, 3 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Press Day 5: 2 sets of 20 Burpees, 50 Squat Kicks, 20 Globe Jumps Day 6: 20 Mountain Climbers, 3 Sets of 20 Wood Chops, 3 sets of 20 Tuck Jumps Rest on Sunday (or day of choice) Monday 8/29 - Final Days make them count! 200 Jumping Jacks, 100 Crunches, 10 burpees, 10 mountain climbers, 10 globe jumps, 10 Squat Kicks, 10 ZigZag Hops! These are a little different. IF YOU ARE ABLE AND YOU ARE! Do these consecutively. No stopping to rest, don’t break these into sets! I’ve designed this so you can see just how far you’ve come. Many of you would never be able to do all of these in one setting on August 1st. BUT YOU’VE Found the inner Beast, You’ve Unleashed you ROCKSTAR and you’ve become an EXERCISE MACHINE. I’m proud of you and you should be VERY proud of yourself! Tuesday 8/30- Final Days make them count! Walk, Run, Jog a 5K that is 3.2 miles straight no stopping! As fast or as slow as you need to! YOU CAN DO IT I PROMISE! At 447lbs I did it in one hour and 15minutes with 3 hills. You can do this I promise! PUSH YOURSELF AND PROVE TO YOURSELF YOU ARE A WARRIOR! Wednesday - REST BECAUSE THURSDAY ITS GOING TaaaaaRIBALLLLL!!!!!!!! Weekly Team Challenge 4000 team crunches, 4000 Jumping Jacks and 100 extra miles! This equals about 200 per team for crunches and jumping jacks for the week along with an extra 5 miles for each team member! The Last part of the team weekly challenge is solicit a friend or family member to join MFP and begin the next month’s journey with you. Inspire others that’s easy. The retire portion of the week is about looking back at the past 30 days. You have had to retire many old habits, many excuses and reasons why not to exercise. It’s time to retire those and move forward to the new you! YOU ARE MY INSPIRATIONS! Keep it up as we INSPIRE our circle of influence and RETIRE the old ways! Go Inspirations Go!
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    Hahahaha - insanity has just set in :laugh:
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    I agree...I'm going to have to take the week off of work next week!!! ack!! :laugh:
  • rj_knitnchick
    under calories
    over water
    exercise challenges
    400 crunches (1400/1200)

    This challenge has been an awakening for me. I have been doing exercises I would never have thought about doing. (my form may be less that stellar, but I am doing them)

    Thanks for the support team.

    Sorry to hear we are losing someone. Wish the person well and hopefully will be still on mfp taking advantage of the site. Sometimes our life commitments just get in the way and we have to slow down and readjust. I wish her/him the best.
  • Lori_menorahlover
    under calories
    over water
    exercise challenges
    400 crunches (1400/1200)

    This challenge has been an awakening for me. I have been doing exercises I would never have thought about doing. (my form may be less that stellar, but I am doing them)

    Thanks for the support team.

    Sorry to hear we are losing someone. Wish the person well and hopefully will be still on mfp taking advantage of the site. Sometimes our life commitments just get in the way and we have to slow down and readjust. I wish her/him the best.

    I know the challenges for next week seem huge but it will be good for us to wrap up the month that hard.

    Robbie, I agree with everything you said regarding our sad departure.

    OK NEXT:

    I know I am always joking around with Ralph but he has been the best friend to me on MFP. Always leaving me notes of encouragement on my profile and messages. Since I no longer have my Daddy down here, I love it when older men like Ralph step in and say the things that my Dad would if he were here. Today Ralph said I should try on my cheer jacket from high school to see if it fits. Well I dedicate this to Ralph. It smells musty but amazingly it fits perfect if not better than what it did in high school. I know my Daddy would be proud if he could see it. He was broken hearted our last father/daughter date before he died. I was morbidly obese and slowly killing myself.

    I hope it encourages all of you to never give up and shoot for the stars. I know it's just a jacket but it symbolizes so much. I am not letting the fear stop me. I am not listening to the demons that say I'm not good enough or you can't do it. My phone doesn't have a flash but I felt beautiful knowing I have risen from the ashes.

  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    Extremely touching, Lori...you're an inspiration for SO many on here!!
    I oughta get my cheer jacket out too for the heck of it!! ;)
  • aninamika
    aninamika Posts: 159
    Happy Fridays everyone!!! Yaaay it looks like we're going to have 2 days in a row of NO rain! WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!

    Today's exercises went out the window along with that .2 of a kg that I dropped :wink: let's make sure it stays off aye?

    100 ab crunches done and this was after a finisher which consisted of a 4 minute ab workout...BOY DID IT BURN aaaaaand I still had to do my 100 towards the team challenge! DONE BABY DONE! :happy: BRING IT!

    50 burpees - got one of my bootcampers to join me but instead of doing burpees he did pushups. To my 50 Burpees he managed to complete over 100 pushups! WHAT A MACHINE!

    MASSIVE LOVES flowing out to you all! I'm so grateful for the opportunity that I was given to have made friendships with you all. I'm a bit nervous with next week's challenge mainly because of time but I'll make it happen. I already know who I'm going to convince to join MFP and I am looking forward to chatting to her about it.

  • aninamika
    aninamika Posts: 159
    Extremely touching, Lori...you're an inspiration for SO many on here!!
    I oughta get my cheer jacket out too for the heck of it!! ;)

    DO IT JILL! WHY NOT? then if your school has a fb page - post the pic on there :happy:
  • kjnicol
    kjnicol Posts: 198 Member
    Hi everyone!!!!
    Sorry I've been MIA the last few days my life has been super busy and super hectic( and emotional:sad: :mad: :grumble: , TTOM). However I wanted to let you know that even though I didn't have time for my normal gym routine I did take the time to do the challenge exercises. So here is the breakdown
    Monday - everything done, under cals( I think as I just did in my head didn't track :sad:) and over water (just)
    Tuesday - I took as my rest day so will work out on Sunday to make up for it.
    Wednesday - Exercises done, water done, cals under
    Thursday - Exercises done, water done, cals under
    Friday - Just about to go to the gym and do a complete work out!!!! I'll be fitting those extra crunches in there too!!!

    I hope everyone is doing well this week. It seems I have a lot of reading to catch up on to see what you have all been up too while I've been away.
    So once again big apology for not jumping on here and letting you know whats up. But wanted you to know I'm back with attitude and ready to kick *kitten* . . . my *kitten* :happy: !!!!