JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS - Round 54



  • abowersgirl
    abowersgirl Posts: 3,409 Member
    Round 54
    OW 230
    Round 46 SW 178 EW 172.6 (-5.4)
    Round 47 SW 172.6 EW 170.8 (-1.8)
    Round 48 SW 170.8 EW 168 (-2.8)
    Round 49 SW 168 EW 166.8 (-1.2)
    Round 50 SW 166.8 EW 163.6 (-3.2)
    Round 51 SW 163.6 EW 161.4 (-2.2)
    Round 52 SW 161.4 EW 157.8 (-3.6)
    Round 53 SW 157.8 EW 156.2 (-1.6)

    Round 9
    SW 156.2
    GW 154
    UGW 125

    9/25 155.6 well well well, look who decided to show lol. So apparently my mind can't adjust fast enough to my new weight (especially because I thinks it's the fastest I have ever lost) so being apart of a few groups I accidently weighed in last weekend at 166.6 instead of 156.6 😣😣 oops. Well you are all witnesses to the proof I have of my actual weight lol. But even still, every morning I still have to check 3 or 4 times because I can't believe it. Hopefully the next 10 pounds won't be as unbelievable.

    9/26 154.4 whoooooooooosh!! Why, no clue. I did work out hard yesterday but still... wow. Today I have been having some anxiety. I have worked out hard and have been eating normally. I don't starve and I don't deny myself (unless it's super junk food, then that's all will power) I know mentally I have been doing everything right and my quick weight loss is all activity and portion control....but I'm starting to feel scared. I'm scared that it will be so easy to gain it all back if I jump the wagon again..I'm scared of having to do this again for 10000 time if i slack. I am looking forward to improve and not be re set into my old ways but who knows what the future holds. The only reassurance I have is not all my rounds have been perfect and weeks like last week have happened ( I was so hungry all week and pretty much had the worst eating week since I have started) but my gains haven't been too large and I still end it with losses. I am assuming as long as I never binge again I will be fine...but I don't know.

    9/27 154.4 holding steady. I had munchies last night but settled for 2 pieces of dark chocolate. Worked out well but didn't do as much as I wanted. Drank 1.2 liters of water. I am feeling bloated though, 2 days away from TOM. Today I went to the hospital with my aunt, she has some inflammation in her leg and we just wanted to check it out, just in case (she is a cancer survivor so anything becomes worrisome) and to thank me for coming out she took me to a pub where we ordered chicken schnitzel and frites..it was delicious but I know it will negatively reflect on my weight tomorrow morning. Oops😞😞

    9/28 154 wow. Didn't expect this. I guess I didn't do as much damage as I thought. TOM is due tomorrow and I usually expect a gain but this time hasn't seemed too bad which is kind of weird. Well see what happens tomorrow

    9/29 155.8 and whoooosh back up again 😥😥😫😥 that's ok, I expected this given my TOM arrived and I am feeling crazy bloated. Yesterday I had a high sodium day as well so that definitley has something to do with it. Past couple of days haven't been great in the eating department but I am done all my responsibilities that have been derailing me so back at it today and back to regular schedule. I feel like the past two weeks have been weird so I am changing it from here on out to get back in control and stop laxing...and now that my TOM has arrived I have no excuse. Honestly I don't even care about my weight...at all I just don't want to feel bloated and puggy anymore lol... ackkkk what a day. I also am going to have to work on my mentality. I am not being negative but I am starting to feel more obsessed when I need to exchange that for greatfulness.
    For example if I get in an hour and a half of cardio and no strength for the day, I need to stop giving myself a hard time because I don't think it's enough. I have to accept there aren't enough hours in the day. I have been finding that if I don't work out for 3+ hours I give myself issues...but after doing the math it just isn't possible without sacrificing eating or sleeping...so that needs to stop.

    9/30 no scale. Had to get up and go grocery shopping with my mom and wasn't able to weigh in. I originally wanted to, to keep myself accountable because I had a big binge day yesterday 😣😣 wasn't good at all and got very little exercise in. So far today I have been good (probably because I am still full from yesterday's binge) but we will have to see how it reflects on my weight for tomorrow. Hope everyone is having a great weekend though 😄

    10/1 156.8 yikes. This weekend's binge was awful. I was good yesterday but Saturday I definitley over did it... a lot. I couldn't stop eating. I did work out yesterday a bit, was walking a good portion of the day and drank 1 liter of water. Once again back at it again. No more sabotage. It's a new month and the start of a new week ☺ In the past this would have crippled my mood, even if I known it is completely my fault but this time I am looking ahead. It's over and done with...onwards and downwards lol

    10/2 156.6 ate good yesterday and had 1 liter of water. Exercised good but I am still waiting for this weight to drop again. I am hoping for a big whoosh the next couple of days so hopefully I can at least end on a loss if not my goal..but who knows. Weight is always a tricky thing to predict. I am still trying to keep my head up though. I'm still learning.

    10/3 156.2 sllooowwly going down. One day of cheating ends in working four days to take it off...pfft. I exercised good yesterday, drank 1 liter and ate well. I'm greatful I am feeling patient with myself ...if it had been last week I don't think I would have been as patient. One more day and I will fight for it

    10/4 155.8 still going down but the frustration is starting to set in. It was one day for crying out loud..four days of eating right and exercising and I still can't manage to take it all off. 😥😥😥 I guess the positive is I still managed to loose from the last 10 days, even if it is the lowest I have ever pulled. I am just tired of this super slow trend. And although I want to be optimistic about the next 10 days, this Sunday is thanksgiving which is giving me major regret for binging last saturday when I could have looked forward and pushed through the day trying to make it to this weekend. I am just aggravated because I know the next 10 days will be equally as hard to see a loss. I know it's a ridiculious goal but if I made it to 148 by October 9th I would have accomplished 30 pounds in the three months and I think I'm slightly dissapoined because I have been working really hard to get there. Ok enough whining. Here is to another day and to another 10 days.

    See you all in round 55