

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Michele The movie made such a point of the race between the Russians & the USA to get to the moon, so it was especially odd that the flag raising wasn't included.
    Barbie gave you some really good advice. Not that it will be easy.

    Katla It was a surreal time, the summer of 1969. I don't actually remember my birthday.

    Barbara {snicker, snicker, snicker...} So...was that a half carat in your half a piece of carrot cake?

    mcbcec Viet Nam! Exciting! I would like to visit Viet Nam. Can't wait to see your photos & hear about your adventure!

    Kelly You were just a babe when we landed on the moon! Guess what. A lot of us here (who are older than you are) have total respect & admiration for who you are & what you do. Not blowing smoke up your skirt. Just speaking the truth. I, personally, have nothing on you. <3

    Hi Toni, welcome!

    Pip Ditto what others have said about Kirby & Lenny. Two fine men.

    Machka I mean this in the most loving possible way. Even though you have been crucial in your husband's recovery, being "in control" sounds as if it is a bit of an illusion, and one that is having detrimental effects on your well-being. I think you might have a bit of PTSD. Everything will not, in fact, unravel if you relax, take your nose off that grindstone, put your feet up, have a Calgon moment. You might cry, but that doesn't mean everything is falling apart. Please start down that road. (((Hugs))) steps off soapbox

    Mary Carsbad Caverns! I've never been.

    Sue I hope you feel better soon. Your backyard - is big and amazing! and...I do hope you get some grandbabies someday soon. I never thought I would have any, but I do! They are my heart.

    (((Evelyn & Dr. Katie)))

    Dana OMG. Your poor daughter. Thank you for posting. Does she have a go fund me page?

    Karen in Virginia
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Dana, glad your daughter and kids are physically OK, but sorry for what they've gone through. Is this the same daughter that you went down to support when she was having a bad time with the husband? If so, it really HAS been a tough year for all of them. Either way, losing your home to a storm is trauma of no small proportions.

    Wendy, we're missing your unicorns and sunny outlook!

    Janet, thanks for checking on the blog, and Carol, thanks for sharing the link!

    Toni, glad you're here.

    Mary, loved Carlsbad Caverns, but my usually mild claustrophobia kicked in pretty hard by the time we were getting toward the end. I made it through, but the thought of the tons of earth above us was weighing on me (bad pun, sorry) pretty heavily by that point. Took both kids, who were then young adults, and they loved it. Oddly enough, had the same reaction on the battleship tour, the one in Corpus Christi, when we got down to the bottom levels of the ship. Some people are afraid of heights, which don't bother me. Apparently I'm not too fond of depths, though! :smiley:

    Heather, keep us posted!

    Up far too early this morning, but the insomnia always ramps up before a move. I start clearing one room at a time tomorrow, taking up everything I can move in the truck. We've already cleared three rooms, so it's not as bad as it sounds. The good news is Corey doesn't have to work half a day on Saturday, but because the owners are away, he will have to go open up the shop and get the workers off to whatever landscaping jobs they have going in the early morning. They can close it up when they're done, but don't have keys to open it. Barring anything breaking while they're out (that he would have to go and fix), he should be back home in plenty of time, and while he's going to work, I'll go up to the mountain house and get John, so he can help with the heavy stuff.

    Trying to disconnect my brain from all of that this morning, so that I can get a couple reports done for work and a grant drafted, and ten more thank-you letters out the door today for the silent auction donations. Busy day ahead, but then seven whole days off! Lots to do, but for a change, lots of time to do it.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Dana how very very horrible, so sorry for your daughter's loss of home due to Hurricane. They are all together and safe that's the important thing, and glad the kids are enrolled in school, that should give them a little normalcy. Let us know how things are going, a long road ahead :'(:'(<3

    Barbie sounds like you had a great day, and glad you took that healing nap.

    I have a little insomnia as well, during the school year I carry all my worries into my sleep, some get taken care of and others just wake me up. Thank goodness for coffee and journaling, both seem to be getting me through. Had a call to sub in for a conductor at the end of the month, felt good to be asked (and to say yes) So I have a little extra $$ coming in this month to help pay for a lovely area rug we finally got around to buying---only took us 5 years to make up our minds on a living room area rug :#

    Meal prep and exercise prep are keeping me at maintenance weight, walking past the candy and junk food at work routinely, one of you suggested just thinking in your head "that's just poison, walk past" "you're not hungry and besides you have better food choices waiting for you" anyway, you ladies are in my head :D whenever I walk past the junkfood!

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,723 Member
    morning ladies~
    I slept pretty well and I am assisting today and a busy full schedule... which I guess is good as work goes..
    I read a little bit of the books last night,,, but coudlnt really focus...so went to sleep...like I said our office manager leaves for Tokyo the end of the month we will probably all take her out to dinner before she goes...
    I am trying to not use any money except for bills, and paying off small credit card debt..
    Dana~ I pray that your daughters life and upheaval will calm soon and she gets what she needs done.
    Lisa~ I am so excited for you.I know how hard it is to move...but your a trooper...
    my usual walk the boys and feed DFIL ,,, then to work
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,922 Member
    Well, I have had a very busy and anxious day, after my post about hating to be busy. I can do busy, just not for long. >:)
    My DH said it was best to do nothing. I disagreed. ;):*
    First I emailed the removal company as to whether the date was still available. NO. :noway: It had gone.
    OK, they suggested one the following week.
    I emailed our solicitors, the seller's agent and our agent.
    Solicitor got the message. Said she'd get back to me.
    Our agent said he would do his best. Turned out he got an agreement, but was still working on the original date! I was NOT pleased. Told him what's what. >:)
    Seller's agent came back to say our sellers and their sellers have agreed our new date. So now it's just our buyer who has to get on board. Their mortgage offer is there in fax, but the solicitors have to have a physical copy for exchange. Exchange happens before completion .
    I emailed our removal company asking them to keep the date open for another day as we are nearly all agreed. Hope they can.
    We have to have a two day slot so the removal company can pack up most of our 6 bed house the day before.
    Here's hoping.
    I decided that at this stage I do this kind of pushing and coordination better than DH. I was very stressed, but I would be worse stressed if I left it to him. It's like juggling.

    Good for you ... sometimes it is good to shake the tree!

    Machka - Have you read 10% Happier, and Meditation for Fidgety Sceptics. One thing that has helped me when I find I am just running through anxious thoughts and feel I can't let go is to use Dan Harris's question. "Is this helping? " The answer is nearly always a resounding NO. I find it helps to make a list and have it in black and white so I am reassured I won't forget anything. I write down what I need to do tomorrow before I go to sleep. Then I say, "Worry isn't helping" and I practice the breathing techniques he recommends. They are really, really simple and even one minute helps. I do several one or two minute sessions a day and always when I can't sleep. It doesn't matter if it doesn't work, but I have got better at it.

    Right now, all I'm reading are various and sundry articles on management, database, database administration, data analysis, SQL, software, software implementation, and brain injury.

    And for about 15 minutes before I go to bed, I read some light fiction. That's my moment of relaxation before bed. :)

    I'm using my Outlook calendar at work and Google calendar for home use. That's where my main lists are found. Then I've got lists for my husband's situation. And lists for my university situation. And lists for work. And lists for home stuff.

    And because my life is driven by all the organisations who have something to do with my husband's situation, and I'm just an annoying, inconvenient gnat to them, it feels like just about every day they're changing something and I've got to readjust all my lists to fall in line with what they want.

    For example, I happened to drop into Rehab on Monday on my walk through from uni to work, and was informed that I'll be there at 1 pm on Thursday. I was planning to go for a run at 1 pm. I had blocked out my calendar for that ... some "me" time. But nope, I was told. <<sigh>>

    Anyway, I did get some "me" time today ... I ran 7 km!!

    And I decided that I would make the best of the Rehab situation on Thursday, and run there and back. :smiley:

    Machka in Oz

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,830 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Tuesday! I feel back to normal this morning. I got up relatively easily and got a pot roast going in the crock pot for tonight's dinner. I think crock pot meals and soups are my favorite thing about colder weather! lol I had Trentin a little longer than planned last night, so we got his homework done after dinner and played a couple of board games. He is not much of a reader, so I am thinking I will find some books at his reading level at the library and see if I can suck him into the book world. He is seven and interested in things that are a little scary, gross, or scientific. For those of you that have early readers (age 7/8) do you have any book or series suggestions? Tonight/today will be my only day this week without Trentin. For as exhausting as watching him is some days, I am in awe of his mama doing it as a single parent. I know some of you raised your kids as single parents and my hat is off to you all! It is quite the tightrope act. Mama working many hours, not much time with your kids, trying to keep kids on the right path while you juggle life...staggering to watch, let alone live.
    Tomorrow we will be celebrating Take Your Parents To Lunch Day by having moms and dads come and have lunch with us. The kids and I are making a few pizzas (cheese pizza, bbq chicken pizza, and crab rangoon pizza) and setting out a veggie tray and fruit bowl. The kids are very excited and working on their "service" skills. "What would you like for lunch? Would you like some milk or some water?" We are also working on our table setting, pouring, serving skills. Should be a fun lunchtime!
    Allie- Thinking of you as you deal with the bank and the IRA issues!
    Dana- Sending love, hugs, and prayers for you and your daughter Jessica and her family/neighbors affected by the hurricane! Been following your posts on facebook. So glad she has a friend close by who has taken her family in for the time being. SO Sorry she is dealing with the seemingly clueless insurance agents! What a crazy way to handle a hurricane victim.
    Machka- So glad you are getting a run/bike ride in here or there! Like you, my "me" time hardly ever involves just sitting still. I think because I am busy, I have to do something like run, walk or ride a bike so that I feel like I am leaving my problems far, far behind me. At least for a good half hour to an hour!

    REally missing Wendy, DJ, and a few others we haven't heard from in a while! Sending love and hugs to you all! Thanks for the kind words Karen VA hugs right back to you! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,059 Member
    Dana Prayers!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,355 Member
    Last call before they go to the Salvation Army:

    Low Impact Aerobics and Daily Exercise Routine (2 separate DVD's) with Nancy Marmorat
    Christie Taylor Totally Hot Cardio
    Christie Taylor Solid Gold Cardio

    All I ask for is the cost of the postage, which is usually around $3 for one, the DVD's by Nancy Marmorat will probably be less. Multiples are usually a little over $3.

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,572 Member
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    edited October 2018
    There is a Go Fund Me page for Dana's daughter. If you would like to contribute, send me a message and I will direct you to Dana's Facebook page. If you don't have a Facebook page, I guess I can direct you to where to go.

    Carol in GA
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,290 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »

    Pip - I love that face!

  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    It was a very hard morning. My sister left in tears - she was our little Mocha Latte’s Foster Mom and saying goodbye to the kitten (and probably to me) was very rough. And we both know it is likely years before we will see each other again. And even tho in some ways we are NOT close, she is the closest thing to my mom that I have left (and vise versa).

    MIL bday today, so I’ve got to be on the go all day. I hope Mocha settles in fine today without much of my sister’s smell left in the room. I’m getting very worried about MIL memory. I’ve mentioned it to my husband but he doesn’t see it. The restaurant she chose to go to her birthday lunch today is one of my favourites - and one she and I have gone together to on a number of occasions. But John said he got the impression it was a new restaurant she had never tried when he spoke to set up lunch. I’m hoping he just misunderstood. On another note, I will be driving myself to lunch to meet them! What an odd (but good) feeling that realization gives me.

    I’m afraid all I can do at the moment is short drive by posts and kitten pictures, but I am reading to catch up - usually a page at a time, so warm thoughts to all, Congrats to the celebrating and/ or accomplished! (Especially Janet- I’m glad you’ve had some wonderful family stuff to counteract the drama!)

    The requisite kitten picture: Mocha and sister say goodbye:

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,064 Member
    Janetr: Congratulations on the new baby great-grand. I love how your love flows to all the kids and grands regardless of bloodlines.

    Dana: Lots of prayers to all in Panama City, especially your daughter and her kids.

    Michele: I agree with Barbie's advice. Go the Thanksgiving to be with Denise and squeeze all the fun and happiness you can out of the opportunity. Maria will be Maria. You and Vince will have a great test of your spiritual principles. Respond with grace. ((hugs))

    : "feeling like old fit and energetic self" = best news I've seen today!!! Yay.

    and anyone else who struggles with meditation
    : I'm a daily meditator, and can't say enough about the free app Insight Timer. Guided meditations work best for me. A 10-15 minute infusion of calm, positive grounding gets my day started well. I pick one meditation I really like and do it daily for at least two weeks. My mind strays in and out of focus, which is natural. But eventually, my subconscious really latches onto the core message, and change happens. I'm currently working on 'compassion', a trait that doesn't come easily to me, but which I need in truckloads to deal with my DH.

    Mary: Kudos to your DH for his courageous action.

    KJ: Trentin is so lucky to have you in his life for the stability, love and enrichment you provide.

    Rye: Keep the kitty pix coming. I always get a lump in throat saying goodbye to family. Like you, it's rare that I get to see them. And separation from a beloved fur-baby sets off my faucets. Enjoy your drive and the lunch with MIL.

    Gotta run. Have a plumber coming this AM to repair leaking toilet. Ugh.

    Stay well. We can do this..

    Colorado Foothills

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,499 Member
    Aargh 2 lbs up. Can't blame entirely on visitor indulgences, owning up to sloppy logging and overly optimistic exercise estimates. Less than 2 months from next MD check in. Gonna borrow Heather's and other's "bonus exercise calories" approach and NOT eat 'em up.

    Heather thanks for the Robert Plomin Blueprint recommendation. Alas, not yet available from my library and a little spendy to buy.
    SueBDew Ditto what Sharon said, Sit, Brazos, STAY!
    Carol my planks have been knee planks. Yesterday morning tried a full body-to-toe plank and collapsed in less than 3 seconds :confounded:
    Ginger in TX welcome back, loved the image of Texas handing Mother Nature a beer. :lol:
    Rye I'm with Mocha Latte about the hat. :wink: Love Kidd Kirby's velvet draped refuge.
    Mary your husband is a knight in shining armor, bless him!
    Dana Is there any way for her to get in the house to unplug any surviving electronics/appliances before power is restored? Could keep them from being fried as happened to my friend last year. Trust FEMA will be better organized now due the alarming frequency of these natural disasters.
    Barbie so happy to hear you felt like your fit and energetic self. Likewise thankful you rested instead of planting bulbs. Tomorrow will be soon enough... ;)
    Karen in VA :) just said to Joe this morning "if you remember the 60s you weren't really there..." :laugh: "half carat" LOL!
    NYKAREN "carry all my worries into my sleep" yup, where they are exaggerated and distorted into nightmares. Makes me thankful to wake up in this time and place no matter what the worries are! Well done for keeping at maintenance weight, you are an inspiration!
    Rye what a mix, sad for sister departing and MIL memory, triumphant driver's license accomplishment.
    Rory "...a great test of your spiritual principles" beautifully said. Second the Insight Timer suggestion lots of guided meditations and the option of simple silence with bell sounding completion.

    A little mistier/foggier/cooler this morning, perfect digging weather. Want to open up a row/bed and prep the soil with lime, compost, even cover crop for spring. Would love to start a compost heap but afraid kitchen waste will draw Mr. Big Bear back. Don't have many leaves, mostly spruce needles and cones, would they decompose? Actually considering a [shudder] worm system but just don't know if I can bear all those wigglers close to the house. Any tips?

    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
    60 g protein 11/15, rx/vits 10/15, meditate 9/15, walk one more step 14/14, knee exercises 9/15, core 3/8, walk Tumble 1/8 times, SWSY 0/4, hang up or purge art 0/0, AF 11/15.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,758 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    He is not much of a reader, so I am thinking I will find some books at his reading level at the library and see if I can suck him into the book world. He is seven and interested in things that are a little scary, gross, or scientific. For those of you that have early readers (age 7/8) do you have any book or series suggestions? KJ (Kelly)

    Kelly I will respond directly to you regarding this.

    My daughter is an avid reader and has managed to convince my grandson that he likes to read too. He says he doesn't but she has found some books that have piqued his interest.

    Geronimo Stilton - There are several series of these. Geronimo is a mouse journalist, she started reading these to my Grandson at age 3-4 but now at age 7 he is starting to read them himself. They started out with the fantasy series where Geronimo goes to a kingdom to save a fairy. There is also a caveman, mystery and space themed series.

    If he likes scary, she recommends Goosebumps. She also suggested Bailey School Kids and Wayside School, these two she said may be trickier to find as they were ones she read at that age. She also suggests Animorphs, but may be a little advanced and A Wrinkle in Time.

    We have not been able to keep her in books and at one time had to ground her from reading to get her to do her homework. I bet you she will be thinking about this question for several days and will come up with more suggestions.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited October 2018
    Kelly I asked my grandson. He recommends Goodnight Goon - A Petrifying Parody by Michael Rex. He also recommends the Grossology and the Animal Grossology books by Sylvia Branzei.

    Karen in Virginia
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,572 Member
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,796 Member
    Janetr--Congrates on the new family member, he is so tiny and cute. Thanks for sharing DGS post, that is so speical.

    Barbie--Sounds like you and doing fine, and you will be back in time. Glad you are taking it slow.

    Michele--Sorry you are sad about Christmas. I am off Thanksgiving so planning a dinner for part of our children and grands as can't get my DS and DSD in the same place without a big fight. So don't try anymore. Most the children are going to the other side of the family.

    Machka--Sending Hugs! Please just take it one day at a time.

    Pip--Kirby is a really nice guy and you both are lucky to have each other.

    Heather--You are so much better at this waiting then I would be.

    Dana--So sorry about DD's house. Thank God her and family are ok. What a mess.

    Tracey--How cute!

    Blessings, Vicki GI NE <3