Healthy Weight Loss - 1 Year Transformation



  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    Hello everyone! A little check in to say that I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of my France vacation and the wedding. I splurged and ate what I wanted and as a result I’m up 6 lbs! (192.4!) but I know that’s mostly water. I’m back on the healthy horse this week and more motivated than ever to hit that 179 on Oct 19th! Wishing you all a happy, healthy week! Xo
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 918 Member
    @PrincesseAly23 I'm glad you had a good time, and I'm sure there was some amazing food! I'm sure you will be back on track in no time :)
  • Stefbomb2020
    Stefbomb2020 Posts: 289 Member
    April 94 kgs
    June 10th.... 96.7kgs
    July 10th....92.2 kgs
    Aug 10th.....88.4 kgs
    Sep 10th.....84.2 kgs <3<3

    Love this feeling...feel so good B)
  • Stefbomb2020
    Stefbomb2020 Posts: 289 Member
    Guys we have more than 3 more months to go for new year.... its high time we get serious....ALL WE NEED IS 12 WEEKS FOR THE WORLD TO SEE TGE DIFFERENCE...we have 14 weeks in hand... so lets hop into our sports shoes and get working out with the most healthy diet ever....

    WE CAN AND WE WILL DO ITg4xynjl5bdas.jpg
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    @Reanna143 I love your energy!!! And congrats on your progress so far! I’m feeling just like you. These next 12 weeks are going to be a game changer in my life. I can’t wait to see what New Years brings!

    Two weeks after my return from vacation I now weigh: 188.2 So I’m getting back down to where I was and am on the right track!
  • Evil169
    Evil169 Posts: 1 Member
    Way to go. Keep up the great work.
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    Today is exactly 1 month away from my 1 year goal. Oct 19th. The date that encouraged me to make a change in my life. I’ve not lost as much as I’d hoped because I fell off the wagon last year and had to start all over from scratch. (I lost 15, gained 25 and then lost 25 again!) I’m currently sitting at 186.4 and I would LOVE to see 179 by October 19th (but anything under 185 will be a victory! I’ve not seen that number in a LONG time).

    I’m going to continue this post until I do finally hit my ultimate goal of 145-150. It may take me another year, but I’m feeling so good now that I don’t mind the wait.
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 918 Member
    I'm 5'4"
    MFP Start date- Wednesday July 18th @ 175 lbs.
    GW 130-135 (just changed my goal from 140)

    July 21st- 173
    Aug 25th- 163 down 10 lbs in 1 month. Not bad. I'm trying to up my exercise routine to and staying away most of the time from breads and starchy foods. Good luck everyone!
    Sept 25th- 156 down 7 lbs since last month. The past couple weeks have been tough with lots of sweets cravings so my macros have been all over the place, but calories were under all but a couple of days. Goal for the next month is to get my sweets cravings back under control.
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    edited October 2018
    Hello everyone,

    This is my BIG check in. I started this forum somewhere around July of 2017 because I desperately needed a change. I’d hit 200 for the first time in my life. I was food addicted, sugar addicted, full of anxiety and nearing a serious depression. As you original members will know, I worked hard counting calories and lost 15 lbs between the end of July until the end of November and I started feeling pretty good. Then the holidays arrived, I fell off the wagon, lost my motivation and put 25 Lbs back on!!! Bringing my highest weight up to 210.4 Lbs on Monday April 9th 2018.

    I got back on the wagon in early May 2018 and have been working hard ever since. I’ve included my original post here below for you to know why I started this journey in the first place and what I was hoping to achieve overall.

    Yesterday was my big moment. Did I fit in the dress? No. But did I feel amazing for my anniversary? You bet!!! I bought a brand new dress and looked amazing in it! (If I do day do myself).

    I’ve lost 25.6 Lbs so far hitting my new (much more realistic) goal of “under 185 lbs” (a number I’ve not seen since August of 2016!!!). I’m currently 184.8 lbs and have dropped a couple of pant sizes as I’d hoped thanks to a total loss of 25 inches all over (6 of them around my waist alone!). Most importantly: I’ve been anxiety-free for over 3 months, I’ve had little-to-no negative internal dialogue, I’m more active than ever and so my physical and mental health has improved in many ways.

    I’m feeing happy and determined and I have more relaxed/realistic goals for my weight loss future. I’m learning to truly love my body and feel great even though I’m no where near my ultimate goal. I’m learning to live in the moment and not let insecurities ruin my day.

    Here are my very first post and my most recent post for context:
    Hello there,

    I'm new to this site. I think creating a challenge will be a wonderful way to find a support team and remain accountable.

    Due to some unexpected personal and health issues I've had in the past year, I've let go of healthy eating and exercise habits and gained 60Lbs (27.27 kilos). My highest weight which I reached just a little while ago was 201 Lbs (91.36 kilos). I have an incredibly accepting and supportive husband who loves me exactly the way I am right now, but I would like to surprise him by losing the weight I've gained and being able to fit into a dress I wore for him on our First New Years Eve together (3 years ago). My goal is to wear that dress for our 3rd Wedding Anniversary.

    I like to take small steps and not be too hard on myself. In the past I've had issues with negative internal dialogue about my body and I don't want that to start up again. I encourage others to join me on this positive, and healthy journey! I believe losing 5Lbs a month is a realistic and safe goal.

    Please feel free to post whatever makes you comfortable (weight, measurements, or just general emotional state of being).

    Here are my stats right now:
    Starting weight: July 20, 2017: 199.6 Lbs (90.72 kilos)
    Goal Weight: 145 Lbs (Or less if possible)
    Weight to lose: 54.6 Lbs

    Upper Arms: 14"
    Waist: 38"
    Stomach/Hips: 46"
    Thigh: 27"

    I'd like to get more fit and understand the muscle weighs more than fat, so if I don't make my weight but am able to drop some pant sizes, I'd be happy with that too! :)

    My goal is to lose whatever I can before the end of July and then to lose 5 Lbs in August.

    Please join in and share your 1 Year journey with me <3

    Today is exactly 1 month away from my 1 year goal. Oct 19th. The date that encouraged me to make a change in my life. I’ve not lost as much as I’d hoped because I fell off the wagon last year and had to start all over from scratch. (I lost 15, gained 25 and then lost 25 again!) I’m currently sitting at 186.4 and I would LOVE to see 179 by October 19th (but anything under 185 will be a victory! I’ve not seen that number in a LONG time).

    I’m going to continue this post until I do finally hit my ultimate goal of 145-150. It may take me another year, but I’m feeling so good now that I don’t mind the wait.
  • evangemini4
    evangemini4 Posts: 120 Member
    May I still join even though I am late
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    @evangemini4 Of course you can join! Welcome to the group! WHat goals you you have in mind for the next 12 months?
  • evangemini4
    evangemini4 Posts: 120 Member
    @evangemini4 Of course you can join! Welcome to the group! WHat goals you you have in mind for the next 12 months?

    Lose about 50-100 pounds for the next 12 months. This year I believe was a wasted year because I did not make the progress I should have,I let other factors hinder which is no excuse but 2019 is not too far away so looking forward to a new year & beginning.
  • evangemini4
    evangemini4 Posts: 120 Member
    I keep saying next year but it’s getting old, it’s more like an excuse than a reason that I am going to lose weight & keep it off, no more yo yo dieting it stresses the body.
  • ldlima1
    ldlima1 Posts: 1 Member
    I'd like to join the group! I've been trying to lose the same 20lbs for what feels like forever. I need to make some healthy changes in my life for myself and my family. I'm currently 180 lbs at 5'3" and would like to lose 20 lbs. But I'm tired of gaining and losing the same 10 lbs. I started a healthy eating program about a year ago and have lost and kept off about 10lbs. I need the motivation to keep this going, and not give up and go back to the beginning.

    PrincesseAly23 and many others- your achievements are inspiring and I love that you talk about regaining your mental health. So much on my relationship with food is mental - eating because I'm bored, stressed, sad, hurt.
  • aaiked
    aaiked Posts: 6 Member
    im joining today. i dont know my measurements however i do know how much i weigh.
    ive been logging in for 21days straight and have only lost 2lbs which is very depressing to me. im struggling to get to my allotted calories while eating healthy. im getting to about 700-900 calories and its supposed to be 1540. im drinking about 11 glasses of water and still the weight wont come off.
    starting weight-312-5'6
    current weight-310
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    I keep saying next year but it’s getting old, it’s more like an excuse than a reason that I am going to lose weight & keep it off, no more yo yo dieting it stresses the body.

    Were here to support you! You can do it! I said a year in the beginning because I like to give myself deadlines to work towards but in the past year since starting this discussion I’ve only lost a fraction of the weight I hope to lose... but I’m working to a healthier me! And I know you can accomplish anything you set your mind to! Good luck and we look forward to seeing your check-ins
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    aaiked wrote: »
    im joining today. i dont know my measurements however i do know how much i weigh.
    ive been logging in for 21days straight and have only lost 2lbs which is very depressing to me. im struggling to get to my allotted calories while eating healthy. im getting to about 700-900 calories and its supposed to be 1540. im drinking about 11 glasses of water and still the weight wont come off.
    starting weight-312-5'6
    current weight-310

    Hi there! Thanks for posting here and welcome :) It is obvious that you are dedicated and motivated and I'm very sorry to hear how discouraged you are about your slow weight loss. 2 lbs is still a great start! But I completely understand your frustration. I just spent 12 weeks at EXACTLY the same weight.

    I'm not an expert or anything, but is it possible that you're eating so little that you're body is afraid that you're starving? I've read an article recently that talked about the body's defense against "starvation" (I'm not saying that you are starving, I'm wondering if your body THINKS that you are because of the dramatic change in diet). Of course, it would depend on how much you've changed your diet... if you were already eating only 1200 calories a day, then maybe this wouldn't apply. The article said that the body will slow the metabolism as a self-preservation response. If you did make a dramatic change 21 days ago... then perhaps you should try upping your intake a little bit to reboot your metabolism and see if that makes any difference? It's very easy to up your calories in a healthy way... for example you can add a little virgin olive oil to your veggies, or eat avocado or fish... the oils will be good for your skin and hair and up you calories a bit. Just a thought.

    Otherwise, it is possible that your body is just adjusting to your new lifestyle and you'll see a "whoosh" in weight loss shortly. :wink: The body is a strange and unpredictable thing and the most frustrating thing about it is that not everyone's body is the same and what works for one person might not for another.

    I'm confident that you will find the solution though!
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 918 Member
    I'm 5'4"
    MFP Start date- Wednesday July 18th @ 175 lbs.
    GW 130-135 (just changed my goal from 140)

    July 21st- 173
    Aug 25th- 163 down 10 lbs in 1 month. Not bad. I'm trying to up my exercise routine to and staying away most of the time from breads and starchy foods. Good luck everyone!
    Sept 25th- 156 down 7 lbs since last month. The past couple weeks have been tough with lots of sweets cravings so my macros have been all over the place, but calories were under all but a couple of days. Goal for the next month is to get my sweets cravings back under control.
    Oct 29th- 150 down 6 more pounds yay! I know I could have done a lot better, but there has been lots of temptations and just availability of junk foods. Goal by Thanksgiving is to weigh 144 :).
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    @cdavisdeva Awesome Job!!! You’re really on a roll and doing so well! Congratulations and keep up the great work!
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 918 Member
    @cdavisdeva Awesome Job!!! You’re really on a roll and doing so well! Congratulations and keep up the great work!

    Thank you so much! Halloween goodies are gonna set me back a little