JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    Oh @snowflake1968 I’m so sorry to hear that. You were obviously way too good for them and I’m glad you won’t be stuck working there any more but how typical he didn’t even bother to tell you in person!

    Onward and upward! Hope you continue to smash it with your craft projects and find a truly fulfilling and rewarding job soon.

    Hugs x

    You know that not telling me in person really does show exactly how much this branch means to them. I will continue to send out resumes and maybe sign up for a couple more craft fairs now. I truly believe everything happens for a reason and there is a bigger plan for me.

    I am so sorry to hear about this, and this is another boss that needs me to come and give them a punch in the face. I'll be busy!

    I agree with you that there is a bigger plan for you, and think this will probably turn out for the best. It's been a difficult job for you for a while and this will free you up to find something better.

    Your crafts are beautiful, by the way. Do you think it would be feasible to turn it into a business? Maybe alongside something part time at first?
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday wasn't a great day. I won't go into it, but essentially I had some training at work that bummed me out and demotivated me, and I ended up eating my feelings a little. Not terribly though - I thought about going further and buying myself chocolate but then I reminded myself that that really wouldn't make anything any better. So that's a win.

    Yesterday's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat :smile:
    - Stick to food plan :/
    - Eat slowly and mindfully :/
    - Be in the green :/ only just over though, due to exercise
    - 4 bottles water :/ lost track - probably around 2.5
    - No alcohol :smile:
    - Run to work :smile:
    - November bathroom challenge :smile:
    - 30+ minute lunch break :smile:
    - Meditate :smile:
    - Finish work at 5pm :/ 5.30
    - Gratitude journal :smile:
    - Lights out by 11 :neutral: just after

    Today I have a day off, which I really need. I need to catch up on French and I also really need to get my a&se in gear and do something on the job research/ planning front. But I also feel like I need to rest and relax a bit as I feel a bit worn out and demotivated. So self care will also be a priority :smiley:

    Today's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat
    - No snacks
    - Take sensible portions at dinner
    - Eat slowly and mindfully
    - 3 bottles water
    - Equal volume soft drink to wine
    - Exercise DVD

    - Meditate
    - French homework
    - Something on career stuff
    - Washing and washing up
    - Pack for weekend away
    - Pick up train tickets
    - Don't forget to go to dentist
    - Self care: pluck my eyebrows!!! (They are such a mess)
    - Self care: spend some time reading/ watching rubbish

    Current calorie balance: 70 in green (need to build up a bit more of a deficit as going to mum's this weekend and she always overfeeds me!)
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Checking in from Wednesday
    1. Quick run: 1 mile. Feed cats. Shower. Pack breakfast & lunch. Morning meds. Tea! Log 1 item. PACK SHOES. PACK IRON. PACK COOLER. TAKE ICE PACKS IN TO SCHOOL FREEZER.
    2. Finish Week 15. Grade classwork & late work; input grades. Draft essay. Need to RS dr appts for 2/7 as it conflicts with conference 2/7 and 2/8. Get sub for 2/7 and 2/8. Get sub for 2/28 and 3/1. Dr appts March? April?
    3. Class 2-3: New S/V agreement worksheet. Add to class website; update class websites. Finish typing reflection. Continue reading challenge book. Reflection 34.
    4. Class 4 - New S/V agreement worksheet. Reflection 34. Finish and print poetry project.
    5. Review semester plan. What is my purpose for each unit? Review semester block. Convert research plans to unit format. Brainstorm Machiavelli - assessment?
    6. Update class websites. Write blog comments. Add November challenge - red cup and fives! - to Thursday JFT.
    7. Strength 4:30. Parents: take iron, get cheese, get shirt. Get cat food and an onion. Get gas on the way home. FINAL EXAM. Find social card, birth certificate. If I don't do insurance tonight imma be stuck!
    8. Prep Thu lunch: Beef stew. Chop celery. Weigh and log. Meds. Floss, rinse, brush teeth. In bed by 8:45; devices off by 9:00; alarm set for 4:50.

    JFT Thursday
    1. Quick run: 1 mile. Feed cats. Shower. Morning meds. Tea! Log 1 item. November challenge: Red cup and fives!
    2. FINISH week 15. (Check standards!) Write blog post. Draft essay. Update & print Reflection Reflections. PARENT CALLS. Print Machiavelli worksheet. Check with DK about conference. Get sub for 2/7 and 2/8. Get sub for 2/28 and 3/1. RS dr. appts for 2/7 - March? April? Grade & input classwork.
    3. Class 2-3: Challenging reading strategies, UDHR paraphrase, Fiction paraphrase, "Prisoner" paraphrase. Reflection 35. Grade & input classwork while they read.
    4. Class 4: Reflection 35. Read-aloud reflections. Likert activity. If time - grammar practice. Figurative language Kahoot.
    5. Review assessments. What is my purpose for each unit? Sketch out semester block. Continue essay. Convert research lessons to unit format. Brainstorm Machiavelli.
    6. Update class websites. Write blog comments.
    7. Zumba 5:30. Plan meals and check grocery lists. Put laundry away.
    8. Prep Fri lunch: beef stew. Chop celery. Prep oatmeal for breakfast. Weigh and log. Meds. Floss, rinse, brush teeth. In bed by 8:45; devices off by 9:00; alarm set for 4:50.

    Scale goals
    End of 2017: 174.6
    February 2018: 173.6
    March 2018: 179.6
    July 2018: 189.6
    August 2018: 187.4
    September: 186.4
    Today: 190.2

    Upcoming to-do:
    1. Develop 5PE mini-unit. Use after JC as a sponge; combine with challenge books. Maybe a comparison with another required text? Have students ask a parent or teacher what the most significant text they studied was, and then create a comparison between their challenge book and that text - which has more value and why? Possibly do the one-sheet as an assessment.
    2. Write next blog post. Comment on 3 posts each week -Tu Th Sun?
    3. Keep track of medical stuffs. Dentist? Also Feb 7 9:30 w Ac Int. Sub already set up. Apr 22 McC. Need sub. Call to set up checkups with Dass (October).
    4. Convert lesson plans to unit format. Create rubric for one-pager. Revise research checklists!
    5. Check on conference; follow up on seminar proposal. Do research on characteristics: curiosity, persistence, resilience, creativity, responsibility, optimism, courage, integrity, authenticity, leadership, self-awareness, humility, compassion - others? Can poetry unit be condensed?
    6. Go to used bookstore and look for Beauty (McKinley), Design for How People Learn (Julie Dirksen), Dying for a Paycheck (Robin Hardman) and The Prince (tr. Tim Parks).
    7. Put jewelry away. Yikes! Reinforce patches on old pants.
    8. Go to Mac store and see if they can retrieve the files off the iMac.
    9. Make plan for classroom observations; ask other teachers about projects or lessons they feel confident about.
    10. Create vocabulary lists for each unit that come from the texts used. Find a way to incorporate changing words from one part of speech to another. Students need to know how to review multiple sources and synthesize information in order to draw a conclusion.
    11. Design minibuttons with school logo, mascot, crest. Minibuttons that say THIS IS WHAT ANTIFASCISM LOOKS LIKE. White text on black bars on red background.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    Wow!!! I love you all!!😍💕💕
    Feisty Beautiful Ladies!!! This is definitely the happening place.
    So much going on and we handle it together!!! Yesss!💪

    I've been hanging back on purpose. I had to regroup. I've been out of sorts and
    I had to pull myself together. I figured out part of what was causing me to have these
    weird feelings... It started after my doctor's visit... LMBO, I shouldn't have gone.
    I had been busting my ahhhhmmmm ok...and I didn't get a good report.
    I'm good!!! I Am Otayyyy...lol…😁💯💪💪💪
    Back to the plow... I'm gonna reap my harvest!! The whole field times 100.

    I ate my soup for dinner and nothing else today. I won't give up. It's hard as you
    all know, but giving up is not an option. I set myself on this journey to BETTER and I am going to have better.
    I relaxed because I woke up with unbelievable knee pain. But I'm in this fight to win.

    One more step means you're farther than you were.
    Heyyyyy!!! Hallelujah!! 👏👏👏👏🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 LET'S DO IT LADIES!!

    Happy to see you posting with your positive energy. Don't starve yourself though!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Wed, Oct 31
    1. log all food :)
    2. DO NOT EAT HALLOWEEN CANDY!!! Get rid of all of it!! :/:/ Was not going to eat any ... ended up eating 7 pieces!! And.... I have tons leftover. It is going in the mail tomorrow for our grandsons (who ended up sick and could not go out), or to the fire station.
    3. concentrate on 8+ cups water --- red cup challenge! :) Only good thing about today -- got in my water.
    4. go to the gym :)
    5. go for a long walk after kids come for halloween. :) Only went around the block - rainy out
    6. get back on here ... be accountable :)

    I am so tired, so this will be short. We have been so busy work-wise, for both hubby and I we are working 10 hr days, especially hubby. Hopefully we will be caught up soon.
    I did great all day, then because of being tired, ate 3 pieces of halloween candy. Ok ... that was OK, and I planned to stop. Well, while putting it away, ended up eating 4 more pieces. so I am WAY over my calories!!

    We had way too much candy left too only had about 12 kids at the door and hubby convinced me to buy massive amounts of candy. I sent some home with my son in law and of course gave my own grands lots, but truthfully people were emptying their boxes and bowls into my grands bags as it was. Jonah wouldn't even carry his because it was too heavy and he skipped the last few houses and went back to Grampie. Michaela, just kept saying "next house"
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    Gonna be short tonight. Already in bed with the light off.

    Bad day. Getting sick. Ate a half a pizza for dinner and that's about it. Did drink a ton of water though. Going to sleep and try to make it through work tomorrow. I've got a killer sore throat.

    I'll try to reply to people tomorrow.

    Have a good night. Ttyat.

    Oh feel better!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    jeschepp wrote: »
    Will be short for me as well, just got back from hosting trick or treating at my aunt's house, and she gets a ton of kids. A bit nervous about restarting my diet plan tomorrow. I feel a cold coming on :(

    Today's check in:
    80 oz. water ✅
    Track food and exercise ✅
    Under 1.4K calories :( candy candy candy
    Check in here ✅

    For tomorrow:
    80 oz. water
    Track food and exercise
    Under 1.4K calories
    Check in here

    Small steps is at least a start :)
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    Oh @snowflake1968 I’m so sorry to hear that. You were obviously way too good for them and I’m glad you won’t be stuck working there any more but how typical he didn’t even bother to tell you in person!

    Onward and upward! Hope you continue to smash it with your craft projects and find a truly fulfilling and rewarding job soon.

    Hugs x

    You know that not telling me in person really does show exactly how much this branch means to them. I will continue to send out resumes and maybe sign up for a couple more craft fairs now. I truly believe everything happens for a reason and there is a bigger plan for me.

    I am so sorry to hear about this, and this is another boss that needs me to come and give them a punch in the face. I'll be busy!

    I agree with you that there is a bigger plan for you, and think this will probably turn out for the best. It's been a difficult job for you for a while and this will free you up to find something better.

    Your crafts are beautiful, by the way. Do you think it would be feasible to turn it into a business? Maybe alongside something part time at first?

    Funny, my friend asked me if I thought I could make crafting full time as well. I don't think hubby would be into that with me and I need him for a lot of the crafts. I will keep looking for something else and work on this in the meantime :)
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    Yesterday wasn't a great day. I won't go into it, but essentially I had some training at work that bummed me out and demotivated me, and I ended up eating my feelings a little. Not terribly though - I thought about going further and buying myself chocolate but then I reminded myself that that really wouldn't make anything any better. So that's a win.

    Today I have a day off, which I really need. I need to catch up on French and I also really need to get my a&se in gear and do something on the job research/ planning front. But I also feel like I need to rest and relax a bit as I feel a bit worn out and demotivated. So self care will also be a priority :smiley:

    Great job on not buying the chocolate! It sounds like you have a great plan for the day.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,598 Member
    It seems to be the day for job news. I received a call a couple of hours ago telling me that they are probably closing my branch on November 9th. He was going to come up to tell me, but was too busy to do so. I'm not surprised and not really disappointed except I will miss the car and the gas card. Last year we did it on just my hubby's EI this year I will at least have EI too so we should be fine!

    So sorry but your boss is an *kitten* for telling you on the phone. I like that @slittlemeister is going around punching bosses, seems everyone's need it (mine included). Glad that you are taking the positive approach! (((Hugs)))
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    JFT - Wednesday October 31
    2L of Water - :)
    Calories in Green by 150 - :/ Over by 300+
    5 Fruits and Veggies - 2/5
    Only 1 Evening Snack - :/ One bag of chips and one treat size Reese's PB cup
    Walk 1 Mile - :) I think yes, it was very slow as I went with the kids trick or treating but it was still a walk and I did some jumping jacks and stuff while waiting for them while they were at the door.
    Write in Journal - :/ I was so tired last night I went to bed early and completely forgot
    Stay FOCUSED - DO IT - QUIT BEING DISAPPOINTED WITH MYSELF - :) I kept my health in mind all day.

    JFT - Thursday November 1
    2L of Water
    Calories in Green by 150
    5 Fruits and Veggies
    Only 1 Evening Snack
    Walk 1 Mile
    5 Littles at Bathroom Break
    Write in Journal

    I had a great night with the Grands last night. Jonah was a necromancer from Diablo. (I'm still not sure what this is). Michaela was a fairy. I decided to go out walking with them rather than stay at the house and clean. Jonah scared a little girl until he spoke to her and told her he was just a little boy like her and wouldn't hurt her. Michaela very nicely said Tick 'n Teat at the door and Thank you and Happy Halween on the way from the door. It was nice getting out with them. Their Dad is so good to them, he is young at heart and still enjoys the fun of having children. It's nice to see.

    I came cleaned after we got back and they left to go see their other grandparents, so I didn't really sit down until about 20 to 9. I was exhausted so I ended up going to bed about an hour later.

    Waiting again to hear from the VP to find out the details of closing. I have to go to Calgary tomorrow to take one of the vehicles down and then they will drive me back. I am meeting the owner's wife apparently. I mentioned in our phone call yesterday afternoon about a little business we are still doing and he acted shocked that it was being done. I think it threw him off. It just tells me he hasn't read the reports I send weekly because it's on there every week. Oh well, 1 week to go! I'll go out in a professional manner.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    October was a pretty successful month compared to the last couple for meeting my goals.

    I walked 57.7 miles, this is my highest mileage since my last record which was 50.6 back in May.
    I lost an average of 1.3 lbs in the month of October.
    I lost 1 inch overall in the month of October which puts me at 17.5 inches lost since I took measurements the first time in April.

    This is all extremely slow considering my goals in MFP are to lose 2lbs a week, but it's still going in the right direction and I don't feel overworked or deprived in anyway so I don't feel like I'll stop out of frustration or exhaustion anytime soon.

    I will have to be very careful once I am done working, I know my crafting days last year when I wasn't working were very unhealthy days of chips and pop and whatever quick food I could find or make. I think I'll do a massive healthy grocery shop next week to ensure I am better prepared this time with healthy options. I just have to not buy the junk! I will also ensure I continue to log and exercise. I can do this, I won't let myself down.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    edited November 2018
    Just for Today (Wednesday)
    1. Journal every single bite no matter how bad my choices :)
    2. WATER! :(
    3. Walk Maddie :( Handed out candy to Trick or Treaters instead/ Hit my step goal :( / Try for at least 9/12 hours active. :(Total fail on this one tonight!
    4. Stay out of the candy bowl tonight. It's for the Trick or Treaters, not me!! :(Pffft! Who was I trying to kid?
      At least I didn't mindlessly graze all night and I did log it.
    5. Remember to breathe. :) Take walks when I need to get away from my desk. :) Wear headphones to tune out the whispers I'm hearing in the cubes. :) Best attitude is gratitude. :) Be kind. :) Be helpful. :) I do not gossip or back stab and I will not start now. Period. :)
    6. Finish SU minutes, :#worked through the pieces I was struggling with but didn't completely finish yet
      / Watch upgrade webinar, complete NVTs for 2018 x3 apps :(move to today, follow up on project request from provider :)
    7. Keep an open mind. :# Do not make up stories of what I think is happening. :# Look at the facts, not the story in my head. :#struggling with this one. trying very hard. Plan to possibly address the elephant in the room at meeting today so I can let go and move on.
    8. Leave work issues at work tonight. Enjoy time with family. Keep priorities straight. :#I really tried. Hubby decided we needed to hash it out and talk about it even though I really didn't want to. He always wants to fix things for me.
    9. Body :( / Mind :)Handed out candy to trick-or-treaters. Love doing this!/ Spirit :)Prayed / meditated and listened to Joyce Meyer podcast on Change.
    10. Prep for tomorrow, tonight :)
    11. Gratitude Journal :) / Simple Abundance :) / Dodie Olsteen :) / Read more of the James Patterson book I started :) / sleep 10:30 :(11:30 I think?
    12. Up early with Maddie and NO SNOOZE ALARM! :(I need someone to stand next to my bed with a foghorn so I jump up right away! Of course, in the words of @slittlemeister , I might just punch them in the face! LOL!

    Happy Friday Eve! I did not have time to go back and get caught up last night, but I did read your comments from yesterday and today this morning and I thank you all for your insight and support! I think it might not be so much the actual job that I'm upset about the most... it's more the fact that it's just being taken away and everyone knew about it and have been discussing it as a team without my knowledge. That is hurtful and a bit humiliating actually. I plan to address the elephant in the room possibly today if the opportunity arises, just to clear the air. I don't know that I can let go of the feelings I have until I am looked in the eye by my teammates with the reasoning of why this is happening. It's the behind-my-back stuff that I do not appreciate. If I have an issue with someone, I will address it with that person generally speaking. HOWEVER, I do have to keep in mind that I am grateful to have a nice job with a great organization that I believe in the values of. I am grateful to have health insurance and benefits. I am grateful for my good health and the fact that I am able to work. I am grateful my job is not being eliminated without a replacement option. @Snowflake1968 I am so sorry to hear about your job. I believe there is a bigger reason for what we are both facing, and we will have that ah-ha moment down the road. @slittlemeister I just love you. You made me laugh with your solution! I would send you the address and half the plane fare just to meet you! LOL! :heart:

    J4T - Thursday
    1. Journal every single bite, good or bad
    2. Walk / Step Goal / Active 9 of 12 hours today
    3. November challenge - I'm IN! "Red Glass" / 5 somethings
    4. Remain calm and kind. Attitude of Gratitude. Realistic approach - could always, always be worse.
    5. Body / Mind / Spirit (Self Care)
    6. Minutes / Team meeting (prepare self) / NP meeting / NVTs x3 / print 2018 companion for self-study / webinars
    7. Run at noon to store to get grandson, K, a card and cash for birthday party tonight, and to find a RED cup!
    8. Prep for tomorrow, tonight
    9. Unplug 9:00 pm / Gratitude Journal / Simple Abundance / Dodie O / James Patterson - read a few chapters
    10. Up early with Maddie and do not hit SNOOZE!
    I'll hop back on later! Hope everyone has a fantastic day!

  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    JFT Wednesday
    1. Log all food :)
    2. 10 lunges/bathroom trip :)
    3. 10 minutes meditation/core work at home :)
    4. Empty/fill dishwasher :)
    5. Bed 9:30 :)
    6. FIND PHONE! (Saying my prayers to St.Anthony) :)
    7. Order/Pick up more protein shake :)
    8. Cook dinner at home - but what? Raviolis with butter and cheese? Works for me...need more protein though :) Had leftovers so no lunch today.
    9. Lunch from grocery store - frozen entree to keep it reasonable but satisfy a craving :)
    10. Empty work fridge/bring home containers >:)
    11. Two hour focus windows at work 9:30-11:30 Break 12:30-2:30 Break 3:00-5:00 Leave! :) / >:) two hour focus windows were so productive I got everything done with a slight adjustment to schedule by 3:30 and left early!

    JFT Thurs AM
    1. Wake up 6AM >:) DH slept awful and I feel weird/sicky today
    2. Smoothie :)
    3. Fish Oil :)
    4. Pack leftover fajitas for lunch! >:) see above - ate for dinner.

    JFT Thursday
    1. Log all food
    2. Pick up protein shake from online order
    3. 3 waters before lunch
    4. 10 squats/bathroom trip
    5. Empty/fill dishwasher
    6. Aldi trip after work
    7. Cook dinner at home
    8. Reasonable lunch choice

    JFT Fri AM
    1. Smoothie
    2. Fish Oil
    3. Pack lunch?
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,598 Member
    Recap W 10/31 ~ Slow down and think! :D I did ok!
    1) Walked dog before work (did not lose key :D ) / 3.22 mi 58:49 / forgot to stretch :# = happy dog :smiley: & happy me :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 15,074 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 boom! & 41 floors :smiley:
    3) Meals & snacks prelogged / will try to prep recipe during trick-or-treat / NO candy ~ it really isn't worth it & besides I have homemade chocolate cake (way better) / net calories green / 14c water = Prepped rice as trick-or-treaters started, then prepped chicken, spinach, mushrooms & garlic in between. Supper finally at 7:15, same time hubby eats at his job, so we were messaging back & forth during our suppers. <3 Hubby too funny, he asked if we still have a cat & dog (I fessed up about the open door & searching for Kitty, but I started with: Remember all's well that ends well). In fact, when treaters were done, I went upstairs to change clothes & checked under our bed ~ there was Kitty ~ she hates the doorbell b/c it brings strangers to our/her house, and hubby/I think that's where she may have been the night I left the door ajar, b/c it all started when neighbor rang our doorbell. Sorry for the ramble... net calories green 13 (I logged cooking prep time to make it so :D ), sodium -410, sugar -30 (ate chocolate cake as planned & only 1 piece of candy at the end, which I logged ~ much better than previous years :D ), fiber & protein good (yay), 14c water :smiley:
    4) Evening to-do's = Not much energy left, but also during treating hours, I cleaned/reorganized my spice cabinet (long overdue) & updated kitchen perpetual calendar for Nov. :smiley:
    5) Unplug 9:00 :o I was actually in bed w/ everything off :D / floss :s / retainers :s / verify alarm is set/on, bed & TV off 10:15 :smiley:(walk dog before work Th)

    JFT Th 11/1 ~ Just didn't want to get of bed early to walk dog, so today is rest day = sad dog :#
    1) Breakfast, lunch & snacks prelogged / dinner tonight w/ old friend D at Mexican restaurant, there will be adult beverages, and know my calories/sodium will be sky-high ~ not going to stress about, just get back to eating on plan tomorrow / 12c water & lots tomorrow!
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    3) Nov. challenge ~ five somethings every bathroom trip ~ remembering at home is real challenge
    4) Use search function, find & update monthly goals on JFT
    5) Evening chores before/after dinner: read Sunday ads / wash dishes / boil eggs
    6) Unplug 9:00 / FLOSS / RETAINERS / verify/set alarm, bed & TV off 10:15 (walk dog before work F)
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,598 Member
    edited November 2018
    October Goals / Results:
    • Walk dog 5-6x per week = Walked 4x one week (see x-train below), 5x two weeks & 6x one week ~ total of 85.25 miles & happy dog :smiley:
    • Run for the Hill of It 5K 10/13/18 ~ part unpaved trail, ends by going UP a steep sledding hill. :p Want to beat last year's 48:41 and hill time of 2:04. :# Beat both goals: time 48:13 & hill 2:01 :star: with portions of trail wet & muddy due to 5" rain in preceding week. Looking at overall results, fastest hill times (king & queen of the hill) were 0:44 and 0:55 :o , and only 25 out of 267 participants finished the hill in < 1:00. :o
    • Cross-train when weather does not permit walks: home version of weights & circuit training, Sweaty Betty or other videos, WiiFit, yoga ~ eventually this is going to happen! :smiley: Up early one morning to walk dog before work & rain started, so instead of going back to bed, I did my weights/circuit training in the basement. :star: Oh, and I get to count 1 day of Oct. leaf-raking! :smiley:
    • Rest days: at least one per week but no more than two = One week had 1 rest day, other weeks took 2 :smiley:
    • Prelog food as often as possible & close MFP diary every day except: belated bday dinner w/ BFF 10/12 & whenever hubby takes me out for my bday (since we will only see each other for workday lunch); possibly 10/2 evening for retirement planning event ~ no idea how I might log "light buffet provided" = Doing much better prelogging, but staying flexible for changes. Only 1 day diary not closed: retirement planning event 10/2. :smiley: And just realized, hubby has not taken me out to belated bday dinner yet! ;)
    • Net calories green or w/ 100 on 80% of month (25/31 days) = 16/31 days w/i 100 net calories ~ just realized MFP chart shows AVERAGE daily net calorie goal so I'm not sure how to interpret ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    • Take measurements 10/31 W a.m. before work & log on MFP = done ~ no major improvements & I'm ok with that at this stage of my goals
    • Scale goal: 153# or lower = oops ~ lowest "official" weigh in was 155 and 10/31 was 157 ~ noticed for months now that harder to lose as I approach goal ~ not going to stress over :D

    November Goals:
    • Walk dog 5-6x per week
    • Cross-train when weather does not permit walks: home version of weights & circuit training, Sweaty Betty or Leslie Sansone videos, WiiFit, yoga ~ in Nov. raking leaves will count!
    • Rest days: at least one per week but no more than two
    • Prelog food as often as possible & close MFP diary every day except: 11/17 holiday parade day / staging volunteer followed by adult beverages & brunch (it's tradition!); 11/22 Thanksgiving (US); possibly belated bday dinner w/ hubby
    • Net calories green or w/ 100 on 80% of month (24/30)
    • Take measurements Sat. 12/1 (before Jingle Bell 5K / goal < 45:00) & log on MFP
    • Scale goal: < 155#

    Weight loss is not linear. The scale is a tool with data. Focus on the process, not the outcome.
  • GW4321
    GW4321 Posts: 523 Member
    JFT, Wed, Oct 31
    1. log all food
    2. Eat less than 1800 calories
    3. Drink at least 8 glasses of water
    4. Walk for 120 minutes
    5. Rest day from lifting weights.
    Results- The logging and exercise was a success. I can’t say the same about the calories. There were too many cupcakes and cookies around yesterday. I didn’t go over maintenance, but it definitely wasn’t a day that would help me lose weight.

    JFT, Thurs, Nov 1
    1. log all food
    2. Eat less than 1700 calories
    3. Drink at least 8 glasses of water
    4. Walk for 90 minutes
    5. At least 30 minutes of lifting weights.
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    Hey everyone... I'm going for it today... 7K
  • Missmissy0003
    Missmissy0003 Posts: 250 Member
    It’s been a long, long time since I’ve posted here. This months goals are to drink 80 oz of water and log everything I eat and to check I here everyday.