Rainbow Warriors: Getting Fit & Fabulous!



  • There is more than 1 for me so let make a list:

    1)My computer. I can spend hours on it.
    2) TV. Total couch potatoe here.
    3) Just plain lazy
    4) I work wild hours so by the time I get home from work, I am just so tired and exhausted.
    5) And probably the most important I DONT PLAN MY MEALS!! Like NEVER. So When I get hungry I grab something fast.

    How have I gotten better? I try to get more sleep in and although I Dont work out daily, I do plan my meals better, I might not plan them everyday but at least i have it all thought out. I now add my whole day in my food journal as im eating breakfast and thats how I stick to my meal plans. Slowly but surely I will kick all these in the *kitten* :)
  • dawnm92
    dawnm92 Posts: 56 Member

    My name is Dawn. I'm 36, 5'4" and 233 lbs and flying my rainbow flag. I am hoping to lose 75+ pounds in the long run. I joined MFP a couple of months ago and started tracking my calories and exercise but hadn't made any friends until now. I'm just starting to find more friends here and hopeful that a group like this will help me meet more great rainbow-loving people on a similar journey and that together we can all achieve our fitness goals!

    Anyone interested in adding me as a friend, please feel free. :-)
  • Anoble17
    Anoble17 Posts: 37 Member
    My name is Alex. I'm 22 years old, 5'7" and approximately 163 lbs. I'm trying to get down between 145 and 135 eventually. I box at an amateur level. I'm also a student at WVU studying Civil Engineering.
  • Anoble17
    Anoble17 Posts: 37 Member
    My name is Alex. I'm 22 years old, 5'7" and approximately 163 lbs. I'm trying to get down between 145 and 135 eventually. I box at an amateur level. I'm also a student at WVU studying Civil Engineering.
  • Anoble17
    Anoble17 Posts: 37 Member
    Question(s) of the Week (and a half...sorry about that):

    What is your number one obstacle in achieving your weight loss/health/fitness goals? What have you done to overcome that?

    Patience. I go to the gym 5 days a week and I go hard. I get discouraged because my number isn't as low as I want it to be. Just gotta remember there are a lot of variables going in your body, sometimes they don't all wanna synch up at once.
  • CaffeineGenie
    CaffeineGenie Posts: 6 Member
    Anyone else depressed that the "is anyone else [rainbow]" thread was deleted? I feel kind of unwelcome on myfitnesspal now as a [rainbow] individual :/
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Question(s) of the Week (and a half...sorry about that):

    What is your number one obstacle in achieving your weight loss/health/fitness goals? What have you done to overcome that?

    I had to think about this one a while...mine isn't tv (I hardly ever have time to watch tv except weekends), it's my computer.

    I guess, technically, mine is the computer, too, but that's only because I watch all of my TV on the computer.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Also, welcome to all the newcomers! You're always welcome here and on my blog. Feel free to add me as a friend, as well. It makes it easier if we ever have to start a new group for any reason.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    YAY new rainbow warriors!! Glad you found us :flowerforyou:

    CaffeineGenie - I felt the same way at first, but we must press on - how will we ever be accepted if we turn away??

    Alex - YAY for new rainbow warrior engineers!! I'm Mechanical. Also, my gf went to WVU.
  • amschulte
    amschulte Posts: 7 Member
    YAY new rainbow warriors!! Glad you found us :flowerforyou:

    CaffeineGenie - I felt the same way at first, but we must press on - how will we ever be accepted if we turn away??

    Alex - YAY for new rainbow warrior engineers!! I'm Mechanical. Also, my gf went to WVU.

    Hooray rainbow engineers! I'm also an engineer - metallurgical.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I just noticed this thread. I have been on MFP for 10 months now and have lost 32 pounds. I started at 202 and am now down to 169. I have had the support of my partner the entire time. She is on here also doing it with me! We can do this!
  • amccrazgrl
    amccrazgrl Posts: 315 Member
    I just noticed this thread. I have been on MFP for 10 months now and have lost 32 pounds. I started at 202 and am now down to 169. I have had the support of my partner the entire time. She is on here also doing it with me! We can do this!

    I would be the supportive partner :-)
  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    Weekly/Monthly goals.

    How is everyone doing with their goals?

    I've pretty much met mine which were 30 min exercise/6 days a week. My other was to break the 2 mile mark in running and I ran about 2.2 miles on Wednesday.

    Happy Weekend!
  • amschulte
    amschulte Posts: 7 Member
    I just noticed this thread. I have been on MFP for 10 months now and have lost 32 pounds. I started at 202 and am now down to 169. I have had the support of my partner the entire time. She is on here also doing it with me! We can do this!

    I would be the supportive partner :-)

    Welcome! You both rock and are an inspiration. =)
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Update on my monthy goals:
    1. 1000 fitness minutes.
    890 for the month so far, so I'm still on track and will probably exceed - rugby practice started this week, so I'ma bust out the exercise!! (except fat girl+running sprints=exhausted, crampy, dehydrated last night!)

    2. strength train 2-3x week.
    only once this week so far...I need to come up with a good plan to stick with 2x/week, with 2 practices a week plus games on Saturdays.

    3. track all food even on bad days

    4. Dog walks
    doing better, even if it's just a short 5-10 min walk. He had minor surgery this week, so I've not been pushing him to walk further yet.

    5. Bedtime of 10-10:30pm at the latest!
    REALLY need to work on this one!

    6. Get up early enough to make breakfast, or make ahead.
    Still not getting up early enough, but been making bfast at home, then taking to work and eating.

    7. train for a 5 minute burpee challenge
    only once this week, but def making progress! :)

    8. goal weight 190 (that's a 6.6lb loss)
    Down to 189.4 this morning, so I've already exceeded this goal. Therefore, my new goal will be 185 for the month!
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Weekly/Monthly goals.

    How is everyone doing with their goals?

    I've pretty much met mine which were 30 min exercise/6 days a week. My other was to break the 2 mile mark in running and I ran about 2.2 miles on Wednesday.

    Happy Weekend!

    WTG, Debbie! :flowerforyou:
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    Excellent job, Debbie and Shar!!! Keep up the good work! I'm not totally sure how my goal is going this month - which was to lose 10 pounds - because my scale broke a few days ago. (Seriously, isn't that some kind of horrible fat person cliche/joke??) I swear, it wasn't because of me. :) Last weigh in was 8 pounds down, though, so I feel like I'm on track to meet or surpass it. I'll know for sure tomorrow when my fancy new scale gets here.

    Keep up the good work everybody!!
  • xo_jewel_xo
    xo_jewel_xo Posts: 696 Member
    hi! Can anybody join? I would love to have some friends to do challenges etc. with.

    My name is jewel, i am in Canada, and have 63 pounds or so to lose. i am looking for new friends to be mututally supportive of.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    hi! Can anybody join? I would love to have some friends to do challenges etc. with.

    My name is jewel, i am in Canada, and have 63 pounds or so to lose. i am looking for new friends to be mututally supportive of.

    You're definitely welcome to join!
  • Ok so this is pretty serious. I went clothes shopping with my sister and niece today, the outcome wasnt very good. As I looked around to noticed that the biggest size was XXXL. That would be me. Also the biggest size in mens jeans were 42 or 44. I can only squeeze into a 46. This really made me want to sit and cry cause I realized that if I got any bigger, stores like Walmart, Academy, Hibbet, ect wont be the places i can shop anymore. Then I was thinking,"How did I let myself get like this and this far." So I bought a few shorts and shoes (thank god I cant go up in shoe size) Thats it, Im back on track. Im just really gonna need the help warriors.