

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    @trooworld - Good idea about taking your own lunch. They tell us never to a party without preparation - so kudus to you. I was sent a link for Noom as well. I started the first part (assessment ) but never completed. I think I am pretty committed to WW - especially now that the new program is more about a healthy lifestyle which includes (head, exercise, eating and lastly weight). I think whatever works for you - go for it.

    @TeresaW2010 - I used to be like you with the dinner parties and now I think (so much effort). I am again holding Christmas at my house and a suggestion was made last night to put Christmas in the receipe section - apparently there are lots - so I might do that. Thankfully , I had the distraction of going to my WW meeting instead of eating candy.

    @theslightedgeforever - I tried that habit app (Strides) - I made the task of saying go for a walk at lunch time - I just used to look at it and say - yeah whatever - I have work to do. I think I need something stronger like another person to walk with that will not let me get away with not doing it.

    @cbabie - I agree with you about MFP - it worked really well - but I found I need the contact of the WW meeting. Funny - I do not say anything but listen. Fortunately, I am able to afford it at the moment.

    I did not weigh in last night, I literally went straight from work to arrive at 7pm meeting. I thought it was better to go and reconnect then bypass it all together

    Take care everyone

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    @trooworld so what did you decide about the potluck? Do you ever foresee a time where you could go to a potluck and eat the food there? I’m asking as I’m reading an interesting book called A Funeral for my Fat and this person has lost 100 lbs. she talk about our expectations of reaching goal weight and what we think will happen versus what really happens. Some of it reminded me of Krupalip’s thoughts once she reached her NY goal. Something she keeps stressing throughout the book is how you lose the weight is how your body learns to maintain it. That Noom is expensive I think. I hope you get your money’s worth.

    @TeresaW1020 dinner parties: yes exhausting and I always think why did invite all these people over but then I have fun and do it again next time. Lol. A loss is a loss. It’s all just data anyway. The important thing is how you feel in your new cute jeans Woohoo I have same thoughts on 1200. I’m good at about 1521 if I exercise for 30 min a day

    @cbabie. For me MFP is the way to go with a couple of other trackers. I like charts and graphs. Lol. I’ve paid money to lose weight thinking I’ll do it this time because I don’t want to waste the money and yeah well I wasted the money. That’s why I read so many books on the subject. They are free and I learn from them. I’m enjoying fall weather too.

    @TrishasTime I do that sometimes too with my Strides. I’m working on it from a percentage increase basis. This is where I started and in one month how much progress have I made? What are the trends? You are right that we all have to find what works for us

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,069 Member
    edited November 2018
    @TeresaW1020 That's exactly what I've heard. Noom doesn't give exercise calories that I am aware of. But I think you can adjust the number of calories you can eat, and I intend to do that if I stick with it after the two weeks. Congrats on the scale victory as well as the NSV!!! Woo hoo! I hope you didn't have too much candy. ;)

    @cbabie I love the fall weather as well...when it does feel like fall. Unfortunately, it is often quite warm well into the fall here in SoCal. My recipe for frittatas, I have a couple, but here are a few I've tried and like (keep in mind I adjust them to make them point friendly, if you have any questions about how I do that, let me know):

    @TrishasTime The new WW is definitely good, I just need something different right now maybe.

    @theslightedgeforever It was tough. It didn't work out to eat my lunch afterward because I had to be on the reference desk at 1:30, and I was at the party until 1:05 and by then I was starving. I had a small piece of pizza and some salad. I was happy with this. But then...later in the day...a colleague wanted me to go to the break area and pick over the leftovers with her and I was hungry since I didn't eat much at lunch so I did and I had two cookies. I wasn't happy about that. Oh, I also had a cookie earlier in the day. So, some good stuff, some not so good. So what I expected to happen vs what really happened were definitely two different things. The Noom works out to $19.88 a month, which is 1/2 of what WW is for me right now. I don't know if I'll do it yet. We'll see.

    Hi all. As I told @theslightedgeforever , my eating wasn't as I planned it. It wasn't terrible but it just wasn't how I wanted it to be. I guess every day we get a new chance to do better.
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    @trooworld - I have said before that whatever works for you - stick to it. This has to be something that you stick to for the rest of your life. Being an LTM - I have learnt this the hard way :( . One of the other things that I do is I have hypnosis stuff on my phone that I bought. There is one for over eating and exercise, sleeping, motivation and all sorts of other things. You can get the free ones (not as good as the professional ones). I simply set the recording before when I go to bed how many times I want to listen and what I want to happen at the end of the tape.

    @theslightedgeforever - you find the most interesting books to read.

    Take care everyone

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,069 Member
    @TrishasTime I agree about doing something you can stick with the rest of your life. The hypnosis stuff--- do you think it helps you? I went to a hypnotherapist to help me pass the final exam for my latest degree, and it was very helpful. Truthfully, I do not think I could have passed without nerves were so bad. I've thought about going back for weight but it was pretty expensive.

    Hi all. TGIF! It's quiet around here, what's up with that? Don't make me send out the hounds!!! lol
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning all,

    Sorry I had to help out with a last minute memorial service yesterday and the day got away from me. I haven't tracked, but I had no ice cream..LOL

    @trooworld thanks for thinking of sending the hounds..LOL Thanks for the recipes. you keep pushing your can only move forward!!

    @TrishasTime Yes when I go to the meetings, I just listen..I guess I would speak up if I felt I could encourage someone...

    Okay, I guess that's it for today!!

    I hope everyone has a great Friday!!

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Hey everyone!

    @theslightedgeforever, that book A Funeral for my Fat sounds really interesting! Especially the part about, "how you lose the weight is how your body learns to maintain it." I looked her up on Amazon and it says that she lost a 100 lbs in the course of 5 years. Do you think maintaining weight loss is better if it is lost slowly over time than when people lose weight quickly? I know that for me I am trying to do things that I can do for the rest of my life, which is why I refuse to do a fad diet.

    @trooworld, thanks for the links to all those frittata recipes. I eat eggs every morning for breakfast except for Tuesday, because that is weigh in the morning. So, we often have frittatas and other breakfast foods for dinner on Tuesdays. I just saw that Jimmy Dean has these turkey sausage crumbles that I thought would be great in a frittata. :) How's Noom coming along for you?

    @TrishasTime, wow a hypnosis app on your phone! That sounds interesting. Can you listen to it other than when you are going to bed? That would never work for me unless it was a hypnosis on how to fall asleep in under two hours! Menopause has ruined my sleep habits!! :D:#

    So, today was peaceful at work. It's a gloomy, raining day so the church was dark and quiet. I got my work down and came home a little early and did an hour on the treadmill. Got in 10,000 steps already which is pretty darn good for me!! B) Tomorrow, we are going to be spending the day with the staff for a fun day together. There will be 11 of us because my pastor's wife had to go out of town. Boo!! :'( We are going to this place called Top Golf, which looks really cool. We will eat and have fun there and then we are going to be playing some kind of dessert making contest game that one of our ladies has put together. Sounds like a fun time will be had by all.

    I hope you all have a great weekend!! :)
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    @TeresaW2010 - There is one called sleep better - it puts you to sleep in 10 min, Your outing sounds really fun. Pity about the vicars wife though.

    @trooworld - these phone apps are not expensive and you can listen to them as you drift off or when you have 5 min in a day. You can choose the ending to sleep or wake. It does not matter if they are still playing when you go to sleep because hypnosis talks to you sub conscious brain.

    @cbabie - Good news on the icecream. I tracked yesterday but had some icecream, however it was still in my points, so I hope I am good.

    Going up the investment house today to talk to the realtor. Finally got the tenants out and so I will see what it needs to be done. She wants a home open in 2 weeks. The other investment property settles this Tuesday.
    The net value is that one will pay off the other and so we will come out with no profit and no debt

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,069 Member
    @cbabie That's good you didn't have ice cream. Yes, I'm trying!!!

    @TeresaW1020 Yes, frittatas are so easy to make and that way, you just have to heat it up in the morning! Those Jimmy Dean crumbles sound perfect for a frittata. I'll look for them. Noom is coming along great, I've lost 3.8 lbs in the first week, which is the first week I've lost weight since September (I've gained every week since September except for one week)! I really like how they give you about 10-12 minutes worth of reading to do each day that focuses on the psychology of weight loss. I am seriously thinking of switching, at least until I get closer to my goal weight and then I will re-join WW so I can get that lifetime membership! Congrats on 10,000 steps, that is AWESOME!!! I hope you have fun today at Top Golf, that does sound like a fun time.

    @TrishasTime I will check them out thanks! That's great that you will have no debt...congrats! Is this the outcome you wanted?

    Hi all. I just looked at my Healthywage account and in order not to lose my money, I have to lose 24.5 more lbs by Feb 12th. I have 102 days to lose that. That's 14 1/2 weeks, about 1.68 lbs a week. I might be able to do that. MAYBE. I'll have to try really hard. Here's my menu for this week, in case you need ideas for dinners:

    Honey Sriracha Glazed Meatballs + roasted brussels sprouts
    Easy Pork Chops in Mushroom Gravy + baked potatoes
    Spicy Dr. Pepper Shredded Pork + Instant Pot Carrots
    Easy Pressure Cooker Green Chili With Chicken + Not-Fried Pinto Beans
    Lemon Chicken Breasts + Cauliflower and Potato Mash with Gorgonzola (the potato mash is a WW recipe, you must be a WW member to view it)
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    @trooworld - Not MAYBE - that is totally do-able, you will need to up your movement, (like a walk at lunch) perhaps not delve into your weekly points very often. Whilst you are doing that, you might as well achieve points for rewards for a double banger outcome. You know what to do, what to eat and we are here to support you :) i am just talking about the investment property debts. It would have been nice to come out with anything (just enough to go away for a weeks holiday) after having investment properties for so long and sinking so much of your own money in. But you will only get paid what the market is at.

    @gemwold - Hello - you have bee missed

    Today, we need to go up to the house and do minor repairs, (reset the remotes for the roller doors, replace some lights etc). The first home open is next weekend.

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Good morning ladies!!

    @trooworld, Wow congrats on the weight loss! That is fantastic! I think you can lose 24.5 lbs by February if you really buckle down and work your butt off. That means you will have to be super strict over the holidays. Can you do that? Would you like a buddy? I'm talking about me! ;) If I lost 24 lbs that would put me below 200 lbs and I haven't seen that number in over 27 years. I think it's about time, don't you? Maybe if we had each other to really push and encourage we both could achieve our goals. What say you, friend! :)

    @TrishasTime, I hope all goes well with your investments homes and that you will be able to take that holiday. Where will you go? :)

    @gemwolf110, Good morning! Your stats are looking good! B)

    OK, where are our missing ladies!! <3

    I had a blast yesterday with our staff get together. Pastor rented a van "party bus" so we could all be together for the almost 2 hr. drive. Top Golf was lots of fun. We had two hours there playing golf. It was guys against the girls. Of course the girls lost big time but it was great fun! When we were done with there one of our sweet ladies had put together the craziest game. We were divided into 3 teams, given $25, 20 minutes to shop and then once back to their house 45 minutes to make a dessert. We each had a much have ingredient, something we couldn't use and something we could only use. My team had to use cinnamon, couldn't use any measuring tools, and could only use an ice cream maker and the microwave. We had this brilliant idea to make pumpkin ice cream sandwiches using cinnamon graham crackers but of course, the ice cream wouldn't harden so it ended up being a Pumpkin Spice milkshake with a cinnamon cookie crumble. We won best presentation and the apple tart won the best taste. However, the bacon donut got a round of applause from everyone because there was bacon and it had been cooked on the grill! :D:D Here is a pic for you all to enjoy!

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,069 Member
    @gemwolf110 Hello!

    @TrishasTime Thank you for your support! I do know what to do, I just have to do it.

    @TeresaW1020 Thank you! I think I can be strict over the holidays--- for Thanksgiving, my sister-in-law has invited us over to her apartment (we usually host her and my brother-in-law), and she only wants us to cook a few things. This means that Thanksgiving won't be the same. This is good for me and bad for me. Bad for me in only sentimental ways, good for me in that it will help me with my weight loss because I anticipate being able to pass on much of the food (the dressing is going to be the family recipe which I hate, and I'm not sure what else is going to be made, but my favorite part of Thanksgiving is MY stuffing!). YES, I would love a buddy! How do you want the support? What can I offer you? Thank you for offering. It sounds like yesterday's Top Golf outing was a blast as anticipated! Yum to the food!!!

    Hello all. I'm in a better mood than lately. I won the impromptu speaking portion of my ToastMasters meeting (called "Table Topics") yesterday. My question was, "How did you meet your significant other?" So I told the story of meeting my husband at work, and how he was resistant to going out with me, but I basically kidnapped him one payday and took him down to Mexico for fun and adventure. Everyone loved it! I was on such a high that I stupidly signed up to give a speech next Saturday. :O I was planning on giving on within the next few weeks anyway, but this was a little soon. Oh well, sink or swim!

    I wanted to attach something interesting that I read in my Noom app this morning about motivation. I always chase motivation, assuming that I should be able to get to a state where motivation is more or less constant. This is not so. This article explains it quite well. Have a good Sunday.yak37wiuqbhu.png
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @trooworld, Hey! I don't know exactly what I want or need other than I'm a big believer in support and being supportive. We both have big goals that we want and need to achieve so I thought maybe we could help each other out. I sent you a friend request. :)

    I had to look up what ToastMasters was. I had heard of it but never understood it. Sounds interesting! I sure everyone got a kick out of the story on how you met your husband. Sounds like so much fun! I love telling the story about how I met my Joe. It's always a shock for people. :)

    Thanks for sharing that Noom article on motivation. I've sure been on that motivation rollercoaster most of my life and know the slips and surges all too well. I don't really like the word motivation because I don't think it works and it's not accurate to what we need. Commitment, obedience, decision seem like better words but they all still contain the same slips and surges, don't they? :/

    Well, I came home from church and walked 3.1 miles (5K) in 58 minutes. Pretty happy about that and very happy that my body isn't dying from the workout. :D This time change sucks because right now I'm starving for dinner but need to wait another 30 minutes. We are having Kodiak pancakes and turkey sausage links. Yum!! <3
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    @trooworld well here trying again. I clicked on your Noom thing so I could make it bigger to read and lost what I had already typed out. Ugh. Good thing I had only answered you and Teresa. Hooray for your Toastmaster win. I need a group where they teach you to not talk. 😂

    @TeresaW1020 sounds like you really got in a good walk. Slips and surges. You could add self discipline to that list of words but I think it’s still all the same thing. That’s why I like habit better Although you still get the slips. Maybe the trick is to minimize the length of the slip

  • krupalip
    krupalip Posts: 62 Member
    Hey guys, I am so sorry I haven’t been on MFP for several days now. I will be taking a sabbatical from MFP at least till November 15th. My DH has got kidney problems and we are just running from one doctor to another and getting tests done mostly all day. Hopefully today we should have some answers. Totally not able to focus on anything to do with my weight loss, feel so helpless right now, just worried about DH

    I just feel all the weight coming back, my gym workouts are taking a hit as I have to be with DH most of the time

    Just praying and hoping all is fine and we can get our lives back to normal. Till then, you guys are in my thoughts and I miss you guys too

    Love to all, see you in a couple of weeks
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    @krupalip - So sorry to hear about DH, I hope the news you get today is positive in moving forward, please come back to let us know.

    @trooworld - I am glad that you are enjoying noom. Well done on your speech for toastmasters. Now I know how you and DH met :)

    @teresaw2010 - the food looks lovely and it sounds like you had a wonderful time. Hi Five for the walk :). I do not think there will be any money left, let alone for a small holiday, in fact we may end up owing :(

    @theslightedgeforever - I am with you- if it is a habit, then the slip is not as long but each to their own.

    I went to see the move Bohemian Rhapsody. If you are lover of queen, then it is a must see. Spent most of the weekend involved working at the investment property

    Take care everyone


  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,247 Member
    @TeresaW1020 I love party buses. Pretty much wherever I am there’s a party going on. Lol. That game sounds like a bunch of fun. Food looks good Yes on your question to maintaining if weight is lost slowly. I think because you have changed your habits. You have a new normal. What’s really interesting about this book is that she talks about losing the expectations you will have once you reach “goal”. She says you will still have days you feel fat You will still have days you try on something in a dressing room and it doesn’t fit. All size 6 clothes are not made the same. She talks about she’s at goal now what. She had chased a number for so long.

    @TrishasTime I’ve always wanted to have an investment property but DH not so much. A holiday sounds nice.

    @gemwolf110 you are off to a good start. Sometimes real life gets in the way. It’s good to hear from you.

    @trooworld I think 24 lbs is doable if you put everything you’ve got into it. You have to decide what is more important to you Money or holiday eating and holiday schedules. People will say no time for exercise because they have to shop or go to parties. Priorities! Or my favorite one is it only happens once a year. (But then what have I been doing the other 11 months 🙄). Great weight loss.

    @cbabie. No ice cream is huge for you.

    Ok I think I’m all caught up. I’ve had a busy weekend. I went to an All Saints Day costume Party where I dressed up as the Operation game man. I’ve been busy getting my costume together. I got in my 10000 steps caused I danced a lot and then when everyone was tired and wanted to take a break I just marched in place. lol. I was too close to stop. I had music in my head. Then we did karaoke. My friend has a nice karaoke machine.

    Then I had to go pick up my youngest son from the airport. He’s between jobs so I said just come home early before the holidays. So I was busy with him and my routine is off

    Tonight I was invited to dinner and thought I had better check in. I can’t believe November is here already.

    Tomorrow is brunch with some ladies. Bookclub on Thursday. I’ve also been busy finishing that book. It was good. It’s called Lie to Me Kind of like the book Gone Girl if any of you know that.

    So remember what I said to someone earlier about priorities Where is my health journey in all this?
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,069 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Well, if you want my email address for offline conversations/support, just let me know! ToastMasters is terrifying for me. I truly hate going because it provokes so much anxiety in me but I need to go because it is likely I will need to do some public speaking for my job within the next 6 months - a year. ToastMasters is fun when you aren't speaking! lol Your story about how you met Joe is interesting. That's a good point about "motivation", those words do seem like better words. Wow that was some fast walking!

    @theslightedgeforever oh sorry to make your answer disappear!!! I'm sure you don't talk too much. You always say such valuable things. What a great costume! I've heard of "Lie to Me". Heard it was good. I'm reading "Pachinko" for my book club. It's good so far. So, where IS your health?

    @krupalip I'm sorry to hear about your DH. I hope you get some answers and that he regains his health quickly. You will be in my thoughts.

    @TrishasTime Thank you! Yes, how we met is an interesting story. :) I want to see that movie.

    Hi all. I got a lot of the meal prep done yesterday but there are still two dinners to make. DH claims he'll make them tonight or Tuesday night. I have to go to listen to our director give a talk on Tuesday night, so I won't be home to mind him lol. I'm going to the gym this morning and going to either walk on the treadmill or ride the bike for 30 minutes. Go, me!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Good morning!

    @krupalip I'm sorry to hear about your DH. Of course, you have to stay with him and help him get better, but do try not to neglect yourself in the process. You both will be in my prayers. <3

    @theslightedgeforever, you said something powerful at the end of your post when you asked: "Where is my health journey in all this?" Most of us have such busy lives and I know for me it can be so easy to put my health journey at the end of all the other things going on when it should be the first thing we do and think about. With the upcoming holidays, I can already feel the pull of distraction and temptation. Wouldn't it be great to get to 2019 knowing we took control of our health? How do we do that? :D

    @TrishasTime, A friend of mine was talking about how good Bohemian Rhapsody was. Funny story, my daughter once called me up to ask if I knew who Freddy Mercury was? I laughed and said yes I'm aware of him. :D She had just discovered his music and was blown away by his talent.

    @trooworld, Good for you for going to the gym and doing your meal prepping. My lunch prep has slacked off and I'm back to eating Quest bars for lunch. I don't know what to do! :/

    So, I'm sitting here at work and probably should get off and get something done. I get to have an extra day off this week because our bookkeeper is working the polls tomorrow and needs to come in on Wednesday. I'm not complaining! I need to create a bunch of new graphics for our Christmas series for the website, bulletin, and social media. This wouldn't be so stressful if my wonderful staff weren't all so opinionated about what they like and don't like. Trying to please five other people all at once has become one of my greatest challenges. :D Ya'll have a great day!!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    edited November 2018
    Afternoon all, it is good to see all you supporting each other and your stories. I love to tell stories and have several. LOL Actually God blessed me to tell stories to the little ones and the big ones. I have been really busy and routine is seemingly always changing and I am not one for that..but life happens.

    @krupalip I am so sorry to hear about know life happens and this too will be a bump you got over and like the Bible shows us we do life in seasons. Sometimes the winter last longer than we want..LOL Please take care of your DH and family, we will be here when your life calms down..we will be praying for you guys.

    @TeresaW1020 I hope you get your media done..LOL Sometimes you just have to go to the top and if he approves, the rest will have to walk in alignment. LOL

    @TrishasTime hopefully you get your investment property back to where you want it to be and you and DH can enjoy spending time together without working over there. Once it's done you will enjoy the fruits of your labor.

    @theslightedgeforever I had to laugh....someone on here thinks you don't talk too much..LOL

    @trooworld I think you are at another growth are doing great! Stretch and grow. it's all good
