

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,585 Member
    edited November 2018
    Morning all! I apologize I haven't been on consistently. My routine has changed so much, but I am trying to get a good routine. I realize I am nothing but routine. I like structure, I like boring..LOL I thank you for all of your comments about my fasting and seeking answers. I loved everyone's comments about what they would do for workers. You know sometimes God allows seasons in our lives to help mold us into what He had planned for us to do and be. I taught yesterday my AK class (ages 1st through 6th grade). It was fun, but had to send one of the kids to his parents. I hate to do that, but you can't let one child take charge and ruin it for all. I think some of his behavior is's amazing what our diet has influence over us..LOL My DH is fasting for medical our house is quite the weird status right its a good time for me to stay the course...

    @TrishasTime thanks for sending out the hounds...and thanks for the links. It's always something in our lives that has a changing impact on our health. I quit smoking over one of my kids...funny you are moving into summer and humidity, we are moving into cold and dryness.

    @trooworld I loved looking at your menu...I laughed at myself though...I saw your menu and I thought this looks good, my menu would say gravy and biscuits, spaghetti..yes I love my carbs...I hate trying to decide what to cook as well. I have picky eaters in my house, except my DH...he has always been one to eat what I cooked and tell me it was good.

    @TeresaW1020 I saw you were going to write your lesson, do you use a curriculum or write it yourself? I have people who want to be in the nursery, but not in the other classes...LOL...I too love your stories. I am so glad I don't live in the cold cold anymore...It's 49 here and I am freezing, but it's also 6am. It's supposed to be high of 66 and that's cool for me..LOL I love wearing sweaters...covers up a multitude of sins as they say.

    @theslightedgeforever glad you are enjoying your youngest. I am hearing a baby in the monitor...I just fed her, but she decided she wanted to lay and play...I know how you would run the children's ministry..(your like Mom in that area) LOL Are Ted Talks video and not audio? Well my bathrooms are so small, I could only listen for 15 min...max. I will check it out...great job on the exercising!! I got my 10K steps in on to do it again without going grocery shopping..LOL

    Okay gals, hope you all have a great veterans's amazing to me that all the kids I taught yesterday, they knew why we celebrate Veterans Day..I was so proud of them and their parents.


  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @TrishasTime Yes, we have those companies too, but emeals is a lot cheaper. Those companies here are about $10 a meal vs emeals which is $30 for 3 months. Plus, where I live, if I wasn't home and the delivery service left it at my door, it would get stolen. :( Summer already? It seemed like it was just summer there!!! Thank you for the link, both recipes sound delicious.

    @theslightedgeforever Noom is definitely not a forever thing in the sense that you don't stay on it forever, but you learn the tools and techniques from it...teach a person to fish type of thing. We'll see how it goes. I will probably end up back at WW once I am closer to my goal weight. I saw that one, or I should say I started to watch it. You can't cancel once you pay for the 8 months. At least I don't think. I paid. I'm in. lol I had to look for wide calf boots, specifically boots that would fit 20" calves, and I found some on Amazon. I searched for 20" calve boots I think, and a pair came up but I made sure and read the reviews. They fit perfectly! Great job on the exercise!!!

    @TeresaW1020 lol...your assignment is: tell us how much avocados are in GA the next time you are at the store. ;) I love fall, too. I just wish the leaves would change here and it would get a bit cooler. But I should be grateful for the nice weather, shouldn't I? I've substituted Splenda for 1/2 the sugar in my cranberry compote before and it has turned out fine. Woo hoo to the boots!!! Go, girl!

    @cbabie YUM! I love carbs too, but when I put them on the menu, my husband won't eat the food he's carb phobic! lol

    Hello all. Thanks to Trish for coming to get me lol. I've been wrapped up in getting ready for my ToastMasters speech (I gave it on Saturday). I wasn't prepared to give it, but it occurred and I did okay. People seemed to like it. Then yesterday was meal prep day. I did some meal prep and DH did some meal prep, he's going to do more tonight he "claims". We'll see!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,585 Member
    Morning all,
    Well I didn't do well yesterday, I kept DH has a colonoscopy today, and then I will be at the church the rest of the day. This was hard on him. He had to fast for 2 days..LOL I laughed, I said I did it for 3 weeks....he just looked at me.

    @trooworld I am sure you did great on the Toastmasters speech. I am glad Trish came and found you..I missed you.
    luckily my DH will eat most anything and he has for most of his life been thin...not so much me. LOL

    @gemwolf110 Glad to see you. I have never done a vendor booth for YL...I love my oils...I am glad you got to hook us with your sister...they are important in our lives...speaking of which where is mine? LOL

    Okay have to jump in the shower so I am ready to leave when DH has to go.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @gemwolf110 It sounds like you definitely had a busy week. And a fun day yesterday.

    @cbabie hahaha! I have to have one of those on Tuesday of next week. I'm not looking forward to starving myself for two days. :( I don't know how you did it for 3 weeks!!! I'm glad to be back. ;)

    Hi all. I'm getting ready to go to the gym to ride the bike. Or walk on the treadmill. Not sure which. Have a good day!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @Trishastime, well I'm glad you like my stories because it seems to be a part of my personality to overshare my life! :D:D Today, I bought Truvia that is part stevia and part sugar. I thought that might be good for my cranberry chutney. Fingers crossed!! My boots arrive on Thursday. If they fit and are comfortable I will wear them on Sunday to the church Thanksgiving dinner and will have Joe take my picture and show you all. :)

    @cbabie, I use a curriculum for my Sunday school class but for children's church (we call it Canopy Kids) I write my own lesson. What we do is follow the exact lesson that the pastor is teaching on and we just tailor it to fit the kids. That way when parents and kids are back together after service they will be pretty much on the same page and can talk about what they learned. The hardest part of it all is getting the pastor to give us enough info early enough to write our lesson. He is not much of a planner, which drives our children's director and me a little batty. :D I'm sorry you had a difficult child. I have an 8 year old boy in my Sunday school class who is a real challenge. His poor parents are at their wit's end as to what to do with him. We are all praying for some miraculous maturity. o:)

    @Trooworld, Walmart avocados were $1.39 and Trader Joes were $1.19. :p I think I don't buy them because I'm not sure how to pick a ripe one. Guess I could Google it! :D

    @gemwolf110, your day with your sister sounds like so much fun. My sister lives in another state and I really miss doing fun things with her.

    So, I lost a whopping .02 this week. I really gotta get it together! I thought this was a good week but obviously, I'm still eating too much. I am going to seriously focus on sugar this week. I watched all those TED talks that trooworld sent me and they were a real eye-opener. Our meeting today talked about mindless eating and how to be more aware. I'm the fastest eater on the planet and really need to work on that as well. My husband suggested I just follow his example. I don't know if I can eat that slow! :#

    I went to Trader Joes this morning before my normal Walmart trip. What a lovely store! So many things to look at and buy. I bought some spices, things for Thanksgiving dinner, and those chicken cilantro wontons that seem to be all the rage on the WW boards. We will see! Their prices weren't that bad at all. I bought red bell peppers for .99 and Walmart sells them for $1.48. I also found Delicata squash. Soooo excited to give that a try! :)
  • krupalip
    krupalip Posts: 62 Member
    Hey ladies, I am back, thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers for my hubby, he’s doing good now, he has just one kidney stone and that will slip away or dissolve hopefully with medication. It was quite scary though, hospitals and doctors and scans, just hope his test next week doesn’t throw up any surprises.

    So I have decided to re-evaluate my goals regarding weight loss. I am going to calculate my body fat percentage at home, found a formula on the internet. So my goals is to be 48 kgs by December 31st, because I reliased that every year we make resolutions about losing weight, and this year I want my resolution to be about staying healthy and fit

    I did travel a bit to my in-laws for Diwali (the Indian Festival of Lights and celebration of good over evil) something like Christmas for Indians. The kids enjoyed themselves and we went completely mad with food. All this ends now. I have given up having my daily beer for the past 2 days and doing well

    Will post one-on-one comments later, now running to the gym, so excited to get back to my routine

    Love and cheers to all
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Let us know how you like the Truvia. You may want to try it in plain Greek yogurt or something first to make sure it doesn't have an aftertaste or that you like the taste. Some people don't like the taste of stevia. Your avocados are a good price!!! Pick a ripe one by gently squeezing, if the flesh gives a little (but not too much), then it is ripe. If you pick enough of them, you start getting a feel for them. ;) You could Google it, or ask the librarian. hahahaha not that I study avocados! I know what you mean about fast eating. Here are some things that help me when I am actually trying to slow down:
    - eating with a small cocktail fork
    - forcing myself to put the fork down between bites
    - drinking a sip of water between bites
    - not watching tv or playing on my phone while eating
    Trader Joe's is great. The only thing I don't like is it gets so busy around here.

    @krupalip It's so nice to hear from you, I was just about to ask if anyone could send out the hounds for you! Your poor hubby! I hope for his continued recovery. I'm glad you had a good Diwali festival. I have heard of the Festival of Lights. I'm glad you are back!

    Hello all! I did some early morning cooking so I could have something healthy for lunch. Zucchini noodles sauteed with grape tomatoes + I had already made pork tenderloin. I have to have a procedure next Tuesday that requires me to fast the day of, and the day before, and two days before I need to eat no roughage...just things like pasta and lean protein. I'm not sure exactly what I will eat but I do know I will be starving next Monday and Tuesday and I'm not looking forward to it at all besides I will probably lose 5 lbs!
  • krupalip
    krupalip Posts: 62 Member
    Hey everyone,
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,238 Member
    Hello all. I’m here. I’ll catch up with you tomorrow
  • krupalip
    krupalip Posts: 62 Member
    Hey everyone,
    @trooworld so sweet for wanting to send out hounds for me, really touched. This procedure I hope is routine and not too serious. In India everyone fasts once or more times a week for religious reasons and eat fruits in the day and one meal at night, lean protein ya a lot of options turkey, chicken I guess, got a packet of buckwheat pasta, it’s a little thicker than normal pasta but healthier and didn’t taste so bad.
    I went to the Noom app but it’s too expensive and Though i am a strong believer in weight loss being related to psychological reasons. So I decided to read more about it on google and didn’t subscribe to it.

    @theslightedgeforever how are you, you’ve been in my thoughts for all the time was away and kept remembering all your quotes when I had to make decision about eating the wrong foods. Hope you’re able to continue on on your exercise regimen. Just one more thing, I like watching Elle Ip’s videos on YouTube “beyond expectations”, she is truly inspiring , she says 80 percent of weight loss is about what you eat and 20 percent is exercise, I like to make that ratio 70:30, just a thought.

    @TeresaW1020 hey there, how are you, your posts are so delightful to read, even I have been craving sugar a lot, and my parents are visiting and brought a tub of ice cream for us and I did go crazy on the first day but reminded myself it’s not good. Plus I just can’t stop snacking after dinner, something I need to stop immediately

    @TrishasTime hey how are you, hope you are on track, nice to see your posts

    @cbabie hey, saw your posts about fasting for 3 weeks, that does take will power and determination, kudos to you, love to read your posts and hear from you

    Ok girls gotta run to the gym, Lower body workout day, see you all later
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @krupalip Oh my, I couldn't do it! I'd have to move to another country lol. No seriously, how do you do it once a week? I guess you just get used to it? That's good you tried a different type of pasta, I'll have to look for it. I'm sure you can find a lot of free information about the psychology of weight loss. I think I've got some things I can share, I'll look through my stuff and see what I've got.

    Hi all. Doing okay over here. DH had a crappy day yesterday so he wanted turkey burgers and baked fries for dinner so that is what we had. That made my weight go up by about a pound. :( What is everyone doing for Thanksgiving? We are going to my sister-in-law's apartment. I am going to try to bring as little leftovers home as possible.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @krupalip one thing you may want to look into if you haven't already is mindful eating techniques. Here are a couple of links. The first one has tips specifically geared towards holiday eating techniques, which is timely for us in the US since Thanksgiving is next week:
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    I am still here - glad everyone is fine. I have limited time on the computer at the moment, due to office being painted. Will check in tomorrow via ipad

  • krupalip
    krupalip Posts: 62 Member
    @trooworld thank you for the links, I still have to read the articles but I am sure they have good info. Oh and I don’t fast, I have a lot of family which fasts every Monday or Tuesday and they eat fruits and there are approved foods like sago or potatoes for eg, which is eaten during the day, people don’t starve themselves but the food eaten during fasts is extremely starchy and high on carbs. Fasting is difficult and here in India it’s done to please the gods rather than eating healthy and detoxing your system.

    @theslightedgeforever waiting to hear from you, you do seem busy, hope all is good at your end

    @TrishasTime nice to see you pop up, hope the paint fumes aren’t affecting you much

    Have another gruelling upper body workout this morning not looking forward to it at all.
    I am going to prep meals over the weekend, may be that way I can get back to my eating healthy habits

    Ok then Have a good day and great weekend everyone
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,238 Member
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,238 Member
    @krupalip I do better with my food than exercise so that’s good considering the percentages you gave me. It used to be the other way around. I was much thinner then. Well I guess that’s a big hint.

    @trooworld I’m going to friends house on Friday to celebrate. But my daughter will be home in 4 weeks so I’m saving my family turkey dinner for her. Thanks for the articles.

    @TrishasTime Waving back at you.

    Ok gotta go. Til next time

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @TrishasTime Hi!

    @krupalip Interesting, thanks for the information! Good luck with the workout, and the meal prep. :)

    @theslightedgeforever That's good to have two Thanksgivings!

    Hi all. I lost 1.6 lbs from last week. Not bad, but not the rate I need to be losing if I want to make my goal. I need to add some walking to my routine. I'll see if I can get motivated to do that. I was supposed to go walking with a friend last night but my stomach hurt so I didn't go.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Good morning ladies!!

    @krupalip, hey girl! I'm glad to hear that your husband is doing better. I hear you about needing to stop the snacking after dinner. I keep telling myself that I'm not going to have anything after dinner and then I will find a rice cake or something else in my hand. :/

    @trooworld, congrats on your weight loss!! Thanks for the links on mindful eating. That was the topic at WW meeting last week. It's something I definitely need to be more aware of. Sorry, your stomach was hurting? Was it something you ate, you think?

    @theslightedgeforever, well that list you posted sure is an eye-opener isn't it? :o I should print it out and keep me it with me at the table this Sunday at the church's Thanksgiving! :D

    @TrishasTime, Howdy!! How are you doing? <3

    Where is our girl cbabie! o:)

    The sun is shining here!! We have had rain for over a week, so it's nice to see blue skies again. Going to work in a few minutes and will be creating the church's monthly newsletter. NOT my favorite job!! This weekend I'm going to clean house and pack away my knick-knacks for next week's Christmas explosion. I'm trying to talk my husband into bringing in the tree and setting it up. I mean shouldn't we make sure the lights on it are still working? Men!!! :#:D
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,238 Member
    @trooworld Hooray for your weight loss. Just start walking and maybe it will be liking a snowball rolling downhill. It will get bigger and bigger.

    @TeresaW1020 I was finishing up that book Funeral for my fat and in her Q&A section someone had asked about eating after 7 pm. She said calories can’t tell time so she eats something if she’s hungry and it fits into her calorie plan for the day. Obviously it should lean towards healthy snacks like nuts or f&v versus ice cream. The main thing I got out of her book was find an eating plan that fits you. Find an exercise plan that you enjoy.
    That Thanksgiving list was interesting The Mac and cheese surprised me the most. Yay for sunny skies. Rain makes me depressed.

    Time to go read some of those links Trooworld put up
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @TeresaW1020 I don't know, it just kind of came on suddenly. It may have been something I ate, but I hadn't eaten since lunch and it didn't start hurting till about 6pm. Christmas decorations!!! Did I tell you all about my Christmas Village that I put up every year? It's a miniature village with buildings and people. It brings joy to everyone who sees it (at least I think it does lol). I'll post a pic of previous years when we had more room and it was huge. Now, we live in a smaller apartment and we don't have as much room, so it is a much smaller setup.

    @theslightedgeforever Thanks, yes, I hope so!

    Hi all! Well today I'm getting my brakes fixed and that is about all that is going on. I wish it would rain over here, it is so dry, my skin is dried out, my scalp is itchy, eyes are burning...we need rain!