

  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Hubs and I are home from our Thanksgiving adventures to Lake Tahoe. We had a great time and enjoyed relaxing and walking around town every day. Our room was about a mile from the start of town so we were guaranteed 2 miles each time we went out. We averaged about 10 miles a day so hopefully the damage on the scale isn't too bad. It will be bad initially from flying and not drinking enough water on my travel days, but I'm confident most of it will fall back off before long.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Did Denise Austin’s Quick Burn Cardio DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do Gilad’s 45/45 split DVD.

    Cari – I was surprised at how full I got while eating. I remember in past years I would, literally, pig out. This year I really felt full and couldn’t be bothered with “pigging out” (what I mean by “pigging out” is having desserts) I only wanted water to drink with my dinner. Oh, no, leaking sink. Can you at least put the dirty dishes in the tub so that they can soak? This way, washing them won’t be *as* bad. Your gratitude warmed my heart.

    Yesterday right before dinner I did stop at Kohl’s and got this InstantPot they had on sale. Jess raves about hers. It’s the 6 quart one that normally sells for $140 and I got it for $54. Plus…I got $15 Kohl’s bucks that I can spend next time I go there. I’m sure I’ll be getting other things. They have an air fryer on sale. Part of me is thinking about it, but I honestly never really felt that I wished I had one. I couldn’t find any reviews of this brand so I’m really hesitant. I probably won’t get it. Anyway, stopping at Kohl’s…I have NEVER seen that parking lot so jam packed. Yet, people seemed to only be buying one or two items. The checkout line went really fast.

    At first I couldn’t find the InstantPot, one gal told me it was in the “area by the men’s goods but it might be sold out by now”. This was about 20 minutes after the store opened! Well, I went to the front of the store where she said they were and couldn’t find it. So I decided to ask someone but I knew that it would be difficult to get someone’s attention. So…what I did was cut into the checkout line. Boy, did I have someone’s attention REAL quick. So I asked her where they were and she pointed me to them. Then I stood in line to pay. I was surprised how quickly the line went. But, of course, if someone is only buying one or maybe two items, they don’t take much time at the checkout.

    Barbie – feeding friends leftovers sounds like a great plan to me. I’m planning to give the library cookies that I no longer wish to have in the house after we have our Christmas. Get it out of the house…that’s how I feel

    The daughter of a friend of ours is coming and she has asked me to go to see her dd and dgd on Sat. I want to get the baby some books. I’m honestly not going to say anything about Denise having a baby unless they say something. I know Heidi had a hard time getting pg and they’re thrilled to have the baby, I don’t want to rain on their parade. So need to go to the store to buy some books for the baby then I’ll probably stop at Food Lion to get a roll of pizza dough. Josette (the mother) really liked the spinach “tree” that I made so I’ll probably make that and take it and the books with me.

    I’m a bit sad that we couldn’t skype with Denise and Pete at first, then when we could, we couldn’t get in touch with them to do it. It’s sad that Denise is spending all the holidays with Pete’s family and I couldn’t even skype with her. But I guess that’s the way it’s meant to be.

    Went and bought the books. Two books and $40 later, I was walking out of Barnes and Nobel. I wanted to get them someplace where even if her mother needed to return them, she could. Then went to WalMart to return some candy that I was going to take to Maria’s but didn’t (figured I really didn’t need the candy). I was surprised how many people were already returning things. Then did a little shopping (maybe 4 things)

    Heather – what a lovely story that your mom was invited to Christmas. What a wonderful friend you are! Both you and I had salmon for dinner yesterday!

    Now I’m making chocolate bran muffins. Denise called while I was away, said she fell asleep last night and just now got Vince’s text. She said she’s going to the MD because she thinks she has an ear infection. So Vince told her to give us a call when she gets back. Now roasting a spaghetti squash. Got dinner ready to heat up, just need to wait for the spaghetti squash to come out of the oven so I can put that also into my soup

    When my kids were little I hung a clothes hanger for each kid and put 24 candy canes on each one. Every night they got a candy cane. This also helped them to see how close Christmas was.

    Got to Skype with Denise and Pete. Was good to talk to them.

    Michele in NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,147 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hi Gals,

    Machka – I read part of the “hack” on combining holidays and vacation time to get a longer time away, and got as far as the – and only use 17 days- and burst out laughing, at my last job you got 5 days a year could not be accumulated nor taken in conjunction with a holiday or sick time. The US is not as generous as anywhere else – and at that job we only got 6 holidays New Years Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.

    Standard annual leave here is 20 days (4 weeks). Then we get 12 (I think) stat holidays. Plus many places have RDOs or Purchased Leave options which add another 10-12 days (mine is 10 days in my current job).

    Plus weekends, of course.

    So if we're strategic about it, we can get a couple months off each year.

    This coming Christmas, I'm "forced" to take December 25 to January 1 (inclusive) off. Dec 24 is a voluntary holiday, so I'm not sure if I'll take it or not yet. I suspect about 80% of my work colleagues will take it off, so I might join the masses and take it off too. So that'll give me 11 days of leave, and I'll only use 4 days of annual leave.

    Then I'll have to decide if we'll go somewhere. That's the challenging part. It depends. It depends on what's going on with my health and with my husband's ability to travel ... and with the fact that, since it's summer and all the kids are off school, it's a busy travel time.

    Nevertheless, it'll be very nice to have time off.

    M in Oz
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,516 Member
    You should have seen me in my slicker and galoshes, clipping herbs despite the STRONG winds and HEAVY downpour yesterday morning. Turkey turned out fine despite 3 short power blips during roasting. ;)
    Hmm, despite cooking being the only activity, and 3 flutes of champagne, this morning the wii showed 2.4 pounds gone from the 4.8 gained this week. Go figure.

    pip just wanna smooch your pooches ;)
    Michele sounds like Shadow's making progress. Baby steps :)
    Cari thanks for sharing your gratitude story!
    Kim you were in my thoughts all day. Glad to hear it was a safe day, and that your nephew and his friends picked up the tree cutting tradition torch.
    Karen in VA "so I sat and listened while Dad conducted" Lovely memory!
    Lisa "not burning any bridges in writing" how wise you are !
    allie Brrrr!
    KJ finished off the wine here too today. ;)
    Okie Thanksgiving in Tahoe, lovely! Joe and I honeymooned there, way back in the day.

    The vacuum cleaner died today. Good thing I kept the carpet sweeper, worked fairly well. Since I LOATHE vacuuming, seriously considering an iRobot Roomba. Anybody have one?

    #23: Traditional Turkey breast sandwich on white baloon bread with cranberry jelly and Best Foods Mayo. YUMMM.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
    walk one more step 16/23, 60 g protein 18/23, rx/vits 16.5/22, meditate 19/23, knee exercises 20/23, SWSY UP 4/8, SWSY LOW 3/8, core 4/8, play with Tumble 8/22, hang up or purge art 0/4 AF 16/23.
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,147 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    My sister-in-law posted this and I thought it was good ...


    Nov 1 - smell. My roses. :)
    Nov 2 - technology. Social media and staying connected with family and friends.
    Nov 3 - colour. Blue. The blue of the mouth of the river/bay/start of the ocean out my window. The blue of the sky. My new blue sleeping top that was nice and comfy last night.
    Nov 4 - food ... cheese. I ate a lot of grilled cheese sandwiches when my husband was in hospital. They were my comfort food. Also cheese has calcium which I think I need. Unfortunately, cheese does tend to be a bit high in calories so I shouldn't eat too much of it. But anything cheese-y is comforting. :)
    Nov 5 - sound. I like listening to the waves and the birds, but I think the sound I'm most grateful for today is my husband's voice. Just the fact that we can talk to each other again. :)
    Nov 6 - "What in nature are you grateful for?" ... That's hard to narrow down to one thing. Oxford dictionary describes nature as "the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth". I am grateful for all of it. I find that getting out into any sort of nature helps to relieve stress.
    Nov 7 - "What memory are you grateful for?" ... Another one with so many choices!!! Recently, I've been grateful for two memories. 1) June 2017 ... my husband and I had a wonderful visit to Canada and did several things to make great memories ... hiking, cycling, visiting my family. I clung onto those memories during the months he was in hospital. 2) When I was 9 years old, my family moved away from where my grandmother lived. One of of the last days there, my grandmother took me to her window and showed me a full moon outside. She told me that on every full moon, we could both look at it and know that even though we were far apart, we were both looking at the same moon. That's a memory which has stuck with me all these years, and every time I see a full moon, I think of my grandmother. She's 97 years old ... but not doing so well ... so I've been thinking of her a lot. And I've also been very glad that my husband and I were able to see her when we visited Canada in June 2017.
    Nov 8 - "What book are you most grateful for?" That's easy ... The Bible. :)

    I've enjoyed reading all your memories. :)
    Love the discussion about books! :)

    Nov 9 - "What place are you most grateful for?" This is not an easy one for me because I don't have the sense of "home" that many people have. I've moved too much for that.
    So ... I've had to give this one some thought. What place?
    Well ...
    I'm grateful for our current house. It's comfortable enough. It's not very big so it's fairly easy to manage. And it has a great garden which my husband has been able to work in since returning home from his accident. It is also close to a couple beaches, which is nice. :)
    Nov 10 - Taste! Hmmm ... salt. In the "Do you crave sweet or salty" discussion, I fall on the "salty" side.
    As it happens, I have a diminished sense of taste and smell for whatever reason, so I divide foods into the basic tastes: sweet, salty, sour or bitter, and from there it's harder to distinguish precise flavours. Although, I do seem to have some odd tastes like, for example, meat and tomato taste metallic to me, and I don't like that. If I salt them well, the metallic taste goes away and they taste salty, which is OK.
    Then, one of the side effects of my husband's accident is that he has lost most of his sense of taste and smell. He has regained a little bit, and they say it should return very gradually. But he'll comment that dinner has no flavour, and I'll think, "It just tastes salty to me. Is there supposed to be more flavour than that?"
    Nov 11 - What holiday are you grateful for? Christmas!!! :)
    I've always loved Christmas. I even picked up 3 Christmas CDs yesterday. I like having a decent amount of time off ... not just one day ... so I can get things done. I like all the decorations. I like the music. I like the services and celebrations.
    Nov 12 - Texture. Smooth. Very, very smooth. Clothing with no texture. Textured clothing is unwearable. Smooth clothing is good.
    Nov 13 - Abilities. Right now, it would have to be organisation. While I feel like I'm in the midst of a chaotic whirlwind (and have been for the past 8 months) and I don't feel very organised, surprisingly enough, stuff is getting done.
    Maybe I should include things like endurance and tenacity ... "skills" I've honed from my long distance cycling carrying over to "real life".
    Nov 14 - Sight. What sight am I grateful for? The ever-changing view out the window of our house looking over the bay and the surrounding hills. Right now it's all grey and misty but it still looks good.
    Nov 15 - Season. The season I am most grateful for is summer. I love summer. I'd love it if the year were divided so that there was 1 month of winter, 1 month of spring, 2 months of autumn, and 8 months of real summer weather. We're coming into summer here and I appreciate each and every summer-like day.
    Nov 16 - What about your body are you grateful for?
    Sometimes I think ... "less and less" these days because I'm literally falling apart.
    But ... I'm grateful for my legs which are one of my main methods of transportation.
    Nov 17 - What knowledge are you grateful for? -- The tacit knowledge of cycling. Being able to ride a bicycle. It has taken me all over the world. It's how my husband and I met. It is stress relief. And it is part of my husband's healing process.
    Nov 18 - What piece of art are you grateful for?
    That's a difficult one. I've taken an Art History course, and enjoyed it very much. And I like going to galleries. But I haven't really felt a connection to any particular pieces.
    However, the one that is probably my favourite piece is:
    Umberto Boccioni, Dynamism of a Cyclist, 1913
    Nov 19 - What touch are you grateful for?
    My husband's hugs!! This was something I missed so much when he was in hospital!!
    Nov 20 - Who in your life are you grateful for?
    The obvious choice would be my husband, and I am grateful to have him in my life still. However, I have been very grateful for my parents who have been so supportive through the challenges this year.
    Nov 21 - What song are you most grateful for?
    My taste in music changes with my moods but I've been listening to this one a lot this year ...
    Jesus Loves Me
    Nov 22 - What story are you most grateful for?
    The Christmas Story. :)
    I have some of it memorised, and have done since I was about 6 years old. But I can hear it over and over.

    Nov 23 - Tradition.

    I had to think about this a bit because I don't think of myself as a person with many traditions, partly because I don't have children to pass them on to. But I do have a few around Christmas which I've inherited from my parents:
    Decorations on or very close to December 1.
    Open Presents on Christmas Eve.
    Read the Christmas Story, mentioned above.
    Christmas Dinner on Christmas Day.
    Listening to Handel's Messiah.
    Watching Scrooge with Alistair Sims.

    I'm grateful for all of my Christmas traditions ... they make December a special month. :)

    Nov 24 - What challenge am I grateful for?

    Ha! I've had a lot of challenges to choose from so I had to think about this one today.

    I decided on this ...

    The challenge I am grateful for is my education. I'm a perpetual student. I've attended courses of some sort just about every year since I was about 5 years old. I'm grateful that I've been able to do that. It has been challenging ... sometimes more than other times. And although I've not actually gone directly into the fields in which I've been educated, it has all contributed to get me where I am now.

    And it keeps me thinking and learning.

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,147 Member
    Feeling a bit blah today.
    Maybe the weather.
    Stayed inside and worked on homework ... no exercise.
    Just didn't have the energy.
    Will go to bed soon.

    M in Oz
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Happy Saturday, a little warmer out today, gonna do some lookie-lou real estate hunting and lunch out with our friend. Having an early start so i can fit in the gym in the end of the day. Stay cozy everyone.

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,684 Member
  • Backpackingmom
    Backpackingmom Posts: 14 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    I’m Lissa and hoping to find some motivation here to help keep me on track. I need to lose about 20 pounds and get back into running. I’ve been on a week break while I get my goals and head together. I’ve had a personal trainer for the last year and I’m moving on and working with a new one next week. I love the outdoors and live in Oregon.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,341 Member
    Hi all,
    Popped round the corner to the local church this morning where they were having a 'fayre' in aid of stray cats. :o I bought some craft type things to have for the grandchildren, a comic annual and two homemade mince pies (fruit) for DH.

    This afternoon I have been making enquiries about selling things so I can raise some cash. My wedding ring from my first marriage will be going. :bigsmile: I also enquired about some old books and got a low offer, which I might take, and asked about some old prints, which I have nowhere to hang. Haven't heard back yet.
    I am giving away on Freecycle a very nice barstool. Again, nowhere for it. Someone wants it. :D
    It would be good to have some cash for Christmas and to do things to the house.

    I've cooked a Spinach and Feta Pie for dinner. Plus a ratatouille to go with it. Both will have leftovers for tomorrow.
    Must pop out for milk.

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxx