

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,064 Member
    Reading a book called Fat Chance. I like its approach in that why we gain weight and have such a hard time taking it off and keeping it off is not a one size fits all.

    Often it our insulin response is often the culprit why we gain weight and our cortisol from too much stress determines where that weight goes. Often around our middles. For most he too promotes a low sugar high fiber diet. I am working on my stress response. I know my stress is sky high with this house hunt. I am hoping now that our bid on a much more reasonable house both in work and and cost (considering the market) was accepted the stress will go down. I know I was over my limit because my blood pressure was up and my face was starting to break out. Surprisingly I did not gain any weight. I did continue my low sugar high fiber diet. It is next to impossible to eliminate all sugar that is why I call it a low sugar low refined carb diet.

    He too questions processed foods. The longer the shelf life the less nutritious it is to eat. He also says we cannot wait for governments to change their policies on processed foods. Too much money is at stake. It come down to the same adtage consumer beware.

    :heart: Margaret
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Lanette SW WA State. Thank you so much, yes Marcelynn in TX is exactly who I was asking about. I wonder too about Re and hope Rye is doing well too in her cute little car.

    Janetr OKC
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,366 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Lanette SW WA State. Thank you so much, yes Marcelynn in TX is exactly who I was asking about. I wonder too about Re and hope Rye is doing well too in her cute little car.

    Janetr OKC

    Yes, Rye with her new wheels! Hope the gals who haven't been on here for a while check in before the end of the year and catch everyone up, the new gals would love them I'm sure. B)

    I learned so much about Fasting Mimicking (which isn't really fasting, it's more keeping an eating "window" open for 6 to 8 hours per day and no food otherwise) from Mary and Rye and I know Wendy was a fan of fasting as well.

    Sending vibes!!

    Margaret - are you reading Robert Lustig's book? If so, he makes a great case for cutting sugar way back. His observations on children consuming high calorie drinks and diabetes was an eye-opener.

    SW WA State

  • PressingPatience
    PressingPatience Posts: 49 Member
    Willow—Oops, forget I mentioned baking cookies; that kinda requires a working oven. I had a 1955 oven I used for 22 years. That oven was a narrow, temperamental cave. I set it on one temperature, and allowed no one to touch it, no matter what they were cooking. It had enough play in the knob to give a hundred degree variance. Also, I love the picture of your cat, with his bandit mask.
    Cari in N. Texas

    Yeah, we moved into this manufactured home (never again!) about three years ago and the appliances here are... not great. The stove is old and temperamental, and the oven... well, the less said about the oven the better. If we use the microwave and the fridge kicks on, it trips the breaker. >_< We were in a hurry to buy and it seemed like a good deal. We're older and wiser now. Ha! But hey, it looked nice when we walked through it. *sigh* My husband -- bless his heart -- is not a handy man, and he doesn't try to be. My days of crawling under sinks and pulling appliances out of walls have long since passed, so we're dropping this place like a hot brick as soon as is feasible.

    Next time we're renting until we can find a place that fits us better. ^_^

    Willow in WA USA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,581 Member
  • Carolep8359
    Carolep8359 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! I’m 59 and back again trying to lose 30 lbs. I’m 5’3” and 165 lbs 😫 I work full time and get to the gym a couple of times per week ( sometimes) I usually stay on track during the week but then Friday night rolls around. 🍷🍷I am in Raleigh NC and would love to
    Connect with some of the nice people in this group. Please add me! Thank you 😊
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,945 Member
    :)Carole, most of us connect with each other on this thread rather than adding each other as friend. If you come back to this thread and read every day, you'll find good ideas and good conversations to join. There are many women on this thread who work during the week and probably have great ideas about how to stay on track over the weekend.
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I hope your holidays here in the states went well! My DH andi just had turkey dinner st home. Very low key this year, but it’s been a fast crazy year so that was good.

    Someone was asking about Re. I see her on the home page and just s few days back. I guess you could friend her and jump over there. I visit there probably more than here.

    We are having a chimney sweep come tomorrow. Have any of you used one? He told me they do it from inside and we wouldn’t even know he had been there. I’m still nervous that there will be soot and creosote all over!! I worry too much!

    Because of the chimney sweep coming I’ve been holding out on putting out the Christmas decorations.

    That’s about it. Trying to stay close to my caloric numbers!

    Dana In Arkansas

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,363 Member

    Did Gilad’s Ultimate Body Sculpt DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do Cathy Friedrich’s Upper Body DVD.

    Margaret – congrats on the house!!!!

    Karen in VA – I didn’t realize that there are two lists for people for the Shingrix vaccine. I’ll certainly have to find out about that. Wonder if they do it here or just keep the list of people as they get it?

    Barbara – I hope this link works: https://smile.amazon.com/Knitting-Crochet-Needles-Sweater-Blankets/dp/B07G8GH263/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1543414778&sr=8-1 I did the search on Amazon. The nice thing is that it really goes pretty fast. It’s a craft that I can do when I really don’t want to concentrate (like you don’t have to count) I use the straight loom for a scarf and the round one for the hat. I hope you feel better. Just breathe!

    M – what absolutely wonderful news that the cyst is begnine. You certainly didn’t need that worry also

    We had the Newcomer board meeting. Out of 9 Board members, only 3 are returning (not Vince). Should be interesting. Told them that I’ve been doing hospitality for 7 or 8 years (I’ve lost count) and we’ve gotten a lot of new members, I really think it’s time for a new member to do it. I also sent an email to the gal who has been my backup just in case the Nominating committee asks her if she’d take it over. I wouldn’t be surprised if she doesn’t, but that decision should be hers. Adra said that she’d be new webmaster. Sorry but she doesn’t really know a whole lot. I know that she’s very opposed to getting rid of what Greg did, even tho it is very outdated. Guess I’ll just give it time, maybe she’ll come to the realization that she can’t do it all. The gal who is the secretary who also does the newsletter was telling me that she needs to send the newsletter to Adra for her to “approve”. Brenda (who is the secretary) was telling me that Adra makes changes. Really, Adra should just let Brenda do her job. If something isn’t totally accurate, is someone going to die? As if you can’t make a retraction in the next newsletter, or even just send out a notice? Maybe if we’re REAL lucky we’ll get a good webmaster who knows coding and is familiar with WordPress. I honestly think Adra and I could maintain the site, but we just need to undo what Greg has done. But that’s my opinion.

    Vicki – so sorry to hear about your friend

    We did go to ceramics. I’m at the green Room tomorrow then I have an eye MD appt. We have Newcomer bowling in the evening.

    Janetr – I was just thinking of MaryAZ the other day!

    Janet in MO – of course, jump right in. Post whenever you want (just don’t let it get too long between posts because we worry)

    Cari – I’m with you, no Miracle Whip. To me, almost as nasty as Dukes. Guess I’m just a die hard northerner at heart Yea Hellman’s

    Penny – could I ask you to please post the link again for the advent star? For some reason, I seemed to have missed it. Thanks

    Sent everyone (in the family) my Christmas list. You know, Vince’s list had all CD’s and Blue-Rays on it. My list consisted of gift cards to Amazon and Lowe’s Hardware. Guess I’m just more interested in gifts for the home versus personal gifts. I know that I would like a candy thermometer, but that’s not a very expensive item at all. I can’t think of anything personal for me, except maybe exercise DVD’s (like I really need them)

    Rori – I remember when your friend passed away. How horrible! That’s probably why Vince took an early retirement…he’d heard of people who put off their retirement and then dropped dead a few days after their retirement. Congrats on the weight loss! I’ve had trigger thumb, and it’s more annoying than anything else, at least that’s how I found it. How is the brace working for you? Does it help with the “triggering” during the day?

    Carole – welcome! I’m in Newton.

    Michele in NC
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,292 Member
    edited November 2018
    Good evening Ladies!

    Welcome to all the new ladies.

    Cari - my back porch isn’t enclosed, but it is somewhat protected. I put the tree in a corner and normally nothing blows off. I only put shatterproof ornaments on it.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,636 Member

    Hi Gals,

    Rori – ((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))

    Cariwaldick – Ops can’t remember the name you go by - Roses work well in inland California too, black spot and rust are related to a good clean up of all fallen leaves year around, and when they are dormant (early/mid winter) to trim them back remove EVERY leaf and old bud. If you are cleaning up leaves with rust or black spot, be sure to wipe down every tool (rake, trimmer, saw, gloves) with a bleach -water solution, I do about 75% water- 25% bleach – and do it every 5-10 minutes as I go on an area heavily infected; if it’s mild I do it between each rose I am working on.

    Janet and other newbies – welcome!

    Willow – I have had to work and work to find it but have finally got a neighbor who is very handy, and helps with many of those things I’m not comfortable doing… and as it is not his way to make a living – prices are cheap! Sometimes trade - It can be hard to find someone, but they are out there.

    Dana – don’t worry about your sweep – they should cover the area and mine cleans as he goes with a shop vac.

    Machka – great news on both the high marks and that the cyst is benign… But don’t cyst’s grow and sometime burst??? Do you get to just live with it or is there a procedure in your future?

    November Gratitude’s
    1. Smell = clean dog
    2. Technology = smart phone
    3. Color = sunrise
    4. Food = herbal tea
    5. Sound = silence, but heard the coyotes talking, and loved hearing them
    6. Nature = the waves
    7. Memories = I think one of my favorite memories, is a conglomerate of memories – in the summer when I was a kid – Dad and I would go out to the grass to “pull weeds” we would pull a few, but really we would look at the clouds and point out the things we saw, or make up stories about were the airplanes were going overhead, who was in them… We were not in a flight path but way way high you would see a plane occasionally. And sometimes a small plane those were even more fun to make up stories about.
    8. Book – oh so many I love – but the harry potter series as my god-son and I got them together and read them and talked about them almost every night
    9. Place – I think the Grand Canyon – I did a 10 day rafting trip down the river for my 50th birthday and it was a life changing event and helped me grow and believe in myself enough to face coming home and being laid off 10 days later.
    10. Taste – sweet or salty – for me it is always sweet! But favorite taste is my mom’s marinara sauce with meatballs, it cooks all day, and I could smell it from the corner of our street and knew one of my favorite dinners was that night
    11. Holiday – tough one, I have a love of Christmas but it is also the day I was beaten by my domestic abuser so it has mixed memories…
    12. Texture – I love cashmere
    13. Abilities – I’m very thankful for my abilities – I think the one that comes to mind right now is planning, I can look ahead and figure out how to plan out things that need to be done to make the most of the time and money available.
    14. Sight- my god daughter smiling at me…
    15. Season- I love them all – it’s winter so it is my favorite right now.
    16. Body – I have great thick hair with very little “grey” and actually the “grey” is mostly white, my paternal grandma had beautiful white hair… here’s hoping
    17. Knowledge - I think the knowledge that I am in charge of setting boundaries to keep me physically and mentally safe, and how to do it…. I don’t always remember to do it, but I do know how.
    18. Art – I have always loved Monet, I read somewhere that he was very nearsighted and his soft focus style was because he painted what he saw – and if that is true it makes complete sense to me as without my glasses my world is the world of Monet. My favorite of his is Water Lilies – probably because when I was in England it was at the National Gallery in London. I spent a lot of time there and always started and ended my visit with 5-10 minutes in front of that picture. I would sit in a slightly different place and just look at it – I never tired of it and it always had just a bit of a different look.
    19. Touch – So Ok I know I spoil Levi, but yes my 55lb dog sleeps with me – so the touch is Levi always in the morning, but sometimes in the night if he is really cold or I have a bad dream, he’ll reach over and set his paw on my shoulder or give my cheek this little gentle kiss….
    20. Person in your life – I’m going to say my best girl friend Lynne, we’ve been friends since college and have stayed closest friends for all this time.
    21. Song – I’m not much into music, as I am partially tone deaf – So the lyrics are important but the music or beat are pretty much a mystery to me. That being said, Helen Reddy’s I am woman has always felt like it was my theme song.
    22. Stories – So there is a family story – rarely told, that is about my parents as young married couple having a “fight” and my mom chased my Dad about with a wet tea bag trying to hit him with it, and … I will ask mom to tell the story again today. My parents did not (and mom still doesn’t) do public displays of affection - I really think it’s a mom thing as Dad would hug us hold our hands … my dad died in 1979 after that I have never been hugged by my mom, or siblings. My nephew hugs me (I trained him up!) – but he never gets hugged by his grandma or dad (my mom/brother)- Hugs were ok till about 12 years old then never again. We even made it through the grief of my dad dying without touching – that’s one broken mess. But the story of them having the tea bag fight is one of joy, love, and laughter.
    23. Tradition - I love any and all traditions! And the holiday time is full of them. The one we did today – So on the Friday or Saturday after Thanksgiving we drive about 45 minutes into the “Mountains” they are only about 3,500 feet.. and go to one of the Christmas Tree Farms and cut our own tree – we get 2 one for my mom’s house and one for mine. We have been doing this since I was a little girl, my Mom’s family did it. In the last few years Mom and I have been going together – which means I drive, I cut down and haul each tree, then tie them on the top of the car; this year Kyle (DN) and 2 of his friends who were with us for Thanksgiving came also and 3 football playing boys from 18-20years old were a huge help. They drove, cut the trees, hauled them to the truck, !!! so much easier on me.
    24. Challenge - My on going challenge is to take care of me, making good choices about boundaries, food, and finances
    25. Moment this week - I am really thankful that Thanksgiving went well, no fights, no loud angry voices – while this was a tough decision for me, I know it was the best gift I could make happen for my mom. And while we have our differences but without her gardening, cooking, DNA, and her “way” I would not be me… so making it work for a few hours was well worth it.
    26. Expression – Weird but for me this is hard, I can’t imagine no touch, no smiles, no spoken or written word, no art… I think I’ll go with touch, it even means the pup can participate.
    27. Small thing use daily – refrigeration.. sure makes life easier.
    28. Small thing happened today - I woke up in less pain, on Monday I fell off a ladder ( missed the bottom step and went to the ground – I was in a garden just landed in a soft dirt bed) I just tweaked my left knee and I have been resting/stretching/hot baths and it finally paid off and today is much more comfortable.


    Kim from N. California
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Good evening pals.
    Been decluttering my closet and packing up my “work” clothes which I haven’t worn since I retired. They are really good clothes but I am unsure where I should donate them. The local Mission May take them but they may not be what they are 👀 looking for.
    As I was packing up some Christmas sweaters I thought of a funny story. I attended a Christmas Tour of Homes in our development. One home had a room of antique furniture and a mannequin with a Christmas sweater. I Had the very same sweater and was so glad I didn’t wear it that day.
    Cari- I have had very good luck with knock out roses. No black spot and easy to grow. Also have lots of iris and Mexican Petunias. BTW, I live in Granbury, SW of Ft Worth.
    Take care and stay strong.
    SueBDew in TX
  • PressingPatience
    PressingPatience Posts: 49 Member
    edited November 2018
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hi Gals,

    Willow – I have had to work and work to find it but have finally got a neighbor who is very handy, and helps with many of those things I’m not comfortable doing… and as it is not his way to make a living – prices are cheap! Sometimes trade - It can be hard to find someone, but they are out there.

    Kim from N. California

    We live out in a semi-rural area... we've been here for three years, maybe four -- I'm bad with numbers.. It's almost impossible to get people to come to our house. I can't tell you how many times I've had people ghost on me even after we've shook hands and made a deal. One of the main difficulties about our particular area is that it's "up and coming" meaning there's a lot of new construction here. And that's where the big money is, not in repairing some old lady's broken water heater out in the boonies. As for neighbors, I have two in visual distance. The less said about one the better and the other... well, we don't talk about that one. hahahaha! They're not bad neighbors, but we're not best buds with either of them. Friendly but distant is a good term.

    Willow in WA USA
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,636 Member
    Sue - here we have a battered woman's shelter which takes "work clothes" as so often the women leave with nothing.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,937 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Machka – great news on both the high marks and that the cyst is benign… But don’t cyst’s grow and sometime burst??? Do you get to just live with it or is there a procedure in your future?

    Apparently it is a really slow growing variety. I've likely had it since I was a baby ... perhaps since I was born.

    Nevertheless, my dental surgeon is going to have a chat with a neurosurgeon friend of his, and see whether I should be referred and whether or not there will be some sort of procedure (removal or draining, perhaps). I'll find out more a bit later in December.

    M in Oz

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,581 Member
    cal burned for the day 902
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Barbie- My word for this year is SACRIFICE. I will never take visits, family, letters, or texts for granted.💗. Ever.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Rori - I have trigger thumb also, its acted up for many years now. This time of year, when working on ornaments it is particularly bothersome. The doctor gave me a prescription for Diclofenac Sodium Topical Gel 1% and after just a day or two of applying per directions, it clears right up. It does return but not in any particular cycle or pattern that I can see.

    Janetr OKC