hm_day Support Group



  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    So far, this is my daily report. I haven't had dinner yet so will edit this when I do.

    Fruit: 15 grapes, lemonade (that totally counts, right?)
    Veggies: A quarter of a corn cob, lol. Mouth is bothering me today, plus corn was starting to go bad :(

    Exercise: Stretching, and pilates class this morning for 50 minutes, plus some walking.
  • kierra28
    kierra28 Posts: 68 Member
    Fruit: 1/2 Apple
    Vegetable: Raw carrot, some cucumber slices, Raw tomato and bitter gourd cooked

    Exercise: 90 minutes of Zumba (morning and evening)

    But for remainder of week I have to go off the exercise wagon. Will keep up with the food challenge though :)
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Daily report:
    Fruit: none *hangs head* .. I've been told to avoid anything crunchy or acidic due to my wisdom teeth, ugh.
    Veggie: Celery with peanut butter, lettuce, potato.. See? I made up for my lack of fruit, haha.

    Exercise: Spin bike, not class and strength training.
  • Alright, have to catch up on yesterday...
    fruit : 1/2 cup of blueberries
    veggies: salsa counts, right? haha...had some lettuce and diced tomato (mm home made taco salad)

    Exercise: I spent like 2 hours cleaning out/tidying up our den...does that count?

    fruit: 1/2 cup blueberries. (don't suppose my piece of traditional austrian applestrudel counts as fruit...huh...?)
    veggies: taco salad...?
    exercise: I don't think it will happen...I will be perfectly honest. sinus cold + working all day will result in me being a couch potato later.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    My daily report:
    Fruit: Currently noshing on some cantaloupe. That's pretty much my dinner.
    Veggie: Lettuce, celery.

    Exercise: None today, unless you count walking up and down stairs. It was a rest day so I could make up for my lack of calories yesterday.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    How has everyone been? It looks like we lost a lot of people?
  • Looks like it's mostly just you and me...and less of me since I haven't been feeling well and therefore slacking a bit on the healthy eating, and definitely on any sort of exercise...
    How are your wisdoms? still bugging you big time?
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Looks like it's mostly just you and me...and less of me since I haven't been feeling well and therefore slacking a bit on the healthy eating, and definitely on any sort of exercise...
    How are your wisdoms? still bugging you big time?

    I've been trying to motivate people to get on here. If you have anyone on your friends list who needs the support, definitely invite them :)

    And yeah, they're still bugging me, and therefore, the calories have been really low. Trying to boost them up today, going out to dinner tonight and going to the gym soon. My body's feeling the lack of calories, and it's trying to get me to eat EVERYTHING, haha. But I've been eating a lot of soft foods, so that's a little better. Going to get puddings, and yogurts and more soft fruits tomorrow. I want to eat my apples! :(
  • Alright, I need to do this. This seeems great for me.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Alright, I need to do this. This seeems great for me.

    Hey there! If you have any questions, there are a lot of people on here willing to help you. For some reason, people have been a bit scarce over the last few days, but I'm on here every day. You can still do the challenge of the week (or two weeks) if you'd like or you can wait until the next challenge :)

    The challenge is: at least one veggie and one fruit per day; and at least 20 minutes of exercise 3 times a week.

    You don't have to do a daily report like we've been doing, but it helps us see who's getting involved. :)

    Welcome to the group!!
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Daily report time. I was bad in the nutrition part of today. I didn't have any veggies or fruit :(

    BUT I did an hour of strength training today AND I got my calories boosted up over 1200, which is something I really needed considering the lack of food and calories the last few days. Better day tomorrow :)
  • dchillin65
    dchillin65 Posts: 97 Member
    Hope it's okay to post. I just friended you. Day 15 for me on MFP and I love it. Logged food and fitness for the day.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Hope it's okay to post. I just friended you. Day 15 for me on MFP and I love it. Logged food and fitness for the day.

    You're way ahead of me! :) I looked here after I sent you the message so I didn't realize you'd already posted. So disregard some of the things I said, haha. And this is a completely open group, anyone who wants to join, can. Good to have ya!
  • kassette
    kassette Posts: 21
    I would like to join too please :D I have no friends on this and I'm two weeks in on my weight loss journey!!
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    I would like to join too please :D I have no friends on this and I'm two weeks in on my weight loss journey!!

    Absolutely!! We have a biweekly challenge, which you can either jump right in and start (we're about halfway through it) or wait for the next challenge. The challenge for nutrition is to have at least one fruit and one veggie per day, and for exercise, it's to exercise for at least 20 minutes 3x per week.

    Welcome, you will find a lot of great people on here who will be more than willing to support you and answer any questions :)

    Good luck!!
  • kassette
    kassette Posts: 21

    Well I better get cracking then eh? Are you guys posting your results daily?
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Yup! You don't have to post your results at all if you don't want to, it just gives us a better idea of who's participating in the challenge and who isn't. A lot of people are posting on the feeds more than the forums, and I'm on here every day, usually several times a day. So if you want to talk outside the forums, more privately, we can do that too :)
  • I want to eat my apples! :(
    I know this kind of defeats the purpose of apples - you can always cut them up and microwave them to soften them (top with a bit of cinnamon (and a dash of sweetener if you have a sweet tooth) and you can also add some crushed graham crackers for fake apple pie!
  • kassette
    kassette Posts: 21
    right today's progress:

    fruit : fruit salad
    veg: sweetcorn, chopped tomatoes
    exercise: 20 minutes on my exercise bike

    woop woop!
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Mmmm.. Angelika, that sounds really good. I'll have to see what I have around the house!