

  • LovingMe19
    LovingMe19 Posts: 380 Member
    Weigh in- 132!
  • AquaFan
    AquaFan Posts: 309 Member
    Ok I have been in a bit of a funk all day because I didn't lose, but I just did day 6 of shred and was able to do all the push-ups with good form. They were girl push-ups but I did them a.. :smile: Now I am going to attempt today's challenge.
  • lee155
    lee155 Posts: 120
    187 No change. :angry:
  • haldeman5
    haldeman5 Posts: 121 Member
    I'm 138.8:-)
  • tigersmoondiva
    tigersmoondiva Posts: 93 Member
    I weighted in at 213 this morning! 2 pound loss!
  • DeterminedMomNeb
    Ladies you are all doing great..
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    Good job! You're all doing wonderful, to the ladies who didn't lose at least you didn't gain weight! =] That is definitely something to be happy about lol plus if you worked hard it's probably muscle gain with fat lose.

    Everyone have a wonderful weekend, you deserve it!!!
  • MrsMaas09
    Weighed in at 165 yesterday, just got back from vacation so I'm just glad I didn't gain! It was really hard to tell my 4 year old that I won't have the s'more she made I did, a couple of times...
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    my weigh in day is monday so I will know in a couple of days how I did. I haven't been on here all that much but will be doing better from now on. I was craving pizza tonight so I gave in and had a pepperoni delite pizza only 2 pieces and i made sure to stay within my calorie limits. :smile:
  • lilsnowbird
    Friday challenge and Saturday challenge both completed
  • AquaFan
    AquaFan Posts: 309 Member
    Even though Friday was weigh-in, I jumped on the scale this morning and am down 2 pounds. I also lost an inch each off my chest, hips, and waist, and a half inch off my arms. Thank you Jillian Michaels. :smile:
  • blynnblair
    blynnblair Posts: 274 Member
    I hope everyone had a great weekend and staying on track. I've had an off week with a sinus infection so I took a few days off, rested and got some antibiotics. I'm ready to get back on track as well as eating more, I looked at my net calories over the past 90 days and realized im barely hitting 1200 when my goal is closer to wonder I was always tired!

    We can do this girls!
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Even though Friday was weigh-in, I jumped on the scale this morning and am down 2 pounds. I also lost an inch each off my chest, hips, and waist, and a half inch off my arms. Thank you Jillian Michaels. :smile:

    Great JOB!!!
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I rode bike with a friend tonight and did 10miles in about an hour. We go to the same spot everytime so maybe next time we will change it up and go farther. I love our talks on our bike rides. :smile:
  • pammyedmunds
    pammyedmunds Posts: 608 Member
    Everyone is doing amazing!!! OK so I have updated the spreadsheet! Thanks to those who have posted their weights in the thrread or pm me. There are still those that I am missing though:


    Please pm me or post here thanks!!!
  • ek724q
    ek724q Posts: 95 Member
    Sorry I forgot, I am battling at 225, I took a few days off this weekend with the healthy eatting and excersise. Maybe I can jump start my weight this week. So far the eatting is good. I will start working out soon too. :) I got to lose some how.
  • CynthiaS
    CynthiaS Posts: 208 Member
    I only got 25 planks done ( thoughs are hard grrr) but I did go for a run today & all 12 cups of water in :)
  • pammyedmunds
    pammyedmunds Posts: 608 Member
    Its hard to believe that in a year I have lost 37lbs!! Its amazing! November will be my one year anniversary for the joining the gym. I wil be doing a reassessment to see how far I have come. One of the sales managers last night at the gym was saying where do you think you will be in 6 months. 6 months ---I have 23lbs to loose until I hit Onederland. That is my goal! WOO HOO!! Just had to share my happy moment!
  • CynthiaS
    CynthiaS Posts: 208 Member
    Its hard to believe that in a year I have lost 37lbs!! Its amazing! November will be my one year anniversary for the joining the gym. I wil be doing a reassessment to see how far I have come. One of the sales managers last night at the gym was saying where do you think you will be in 6 months. 6 months ---I have 23lbs to loose until I hit Onederland. That is my goal! WOO HOO!! Just had to share my happy moment!

    your doing so great 37 lbs is an awesome loss to keep off & still losing I can't wait till I hit thoughs kind of numbers :) and you will be in onederland before you know it !!!!!!!
  • Izable2011
    Izable2011 Posts: 755 Member
    Its hard to believe that in a year I have lost 37lbs!! Its amazing! November will be my one year anniversary for the joining the gym. I wil be doing a reassessment to see how far I have come. One of the sales managers last night at the gym was saying where do you think you will be in 6 months. 6 months ---I have 23lbs to loose until I hit Onederland. That is my goal! WOO HOO!! Just had to share my happy moment!

    That's excellent!!!!