

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @prisoner2food Good idea about the water. It’s all the cooking and baking I’ve been doing the past three days. I’ve never liked the taste of celery raw. I’ll eat it cooked in food though.

    @trooworld I just discovered a good recipe for a chocolate protein shake. It’s supposed to have half a frozen banana in it but mine are always fresh so I just stick 4 ice cubes in there and it turns out good. You could drink it driving to work. Today is a new day to start over and eat within your calories. Shop online and then you don’t have to face the crowds or do like my friend and buy everything early for next year. She’s done by July. Then there’s me who says I still have time. It’s not Christmas yet. Sounds like your office mate needs a $25 gift certificate from Amazon and she can pick out her own gift. Lol.

    @TrishasTime You’re still hoping a magic elf will come and plan the menu for you. It would be nice to have him cook it too. Lol. Oh then clean up. My friend that I’m doing Shred with has lost 12 lbs in the same time that I have lost 5. She’s bigger than me but not twice my size. She likes the plan because she says not a lot of cooking and preparation. I also have to cook for my family so real food tempts me more. I’ve been on the merry go round for years The best plan isn’t WW or MFP it’s Trisha’s plan. What is that? Counting is counting whether you do points or calories. Just like money spends the same either dollars or pounds. So for my plan I like structure but has to be flexible because I’m a social butterfly. That part of my life won’t change. So I am trying to follow this menu plan when I’m home and it’s a normal day and if I have an event I try and stay within my calorie boundaries for the day. The best of both worlds. Now if I can get the habit of exercise to be consistent I’ll get to goal because I’ve proven I can lose weight this weight. There’s no deprivation so I’m making it a lifestyle. I’m learning to find smoothies I like. When I’m tired of the smoothies I use same ingredients and turn it into a parfait. Your work schedule sounds like my events so you have to make your food work within those boundaries. It’s not going away any time soon. Right? So you need quick easy to grab meals that you like. What are those. Which meal is the hardest for you. That’s the one you start working on first. The one that will make the biggest difference.

    @TeresaW1020 I’m enjoying myself right now cause houseguest is gone 😈 Earlier we took my sil back to the airport. She wanted to come see the kids while they were here. I’m glad you are feeling better now. 2019 goals. Dd and I have a private joke with Jan 1 I say this our year I can feel it. She replies you say that every year Mom. 🙄. In lots of ways I’ve changed my habits I should be a bit further down the road I think but I would like to get within 15 lbs of goal in 2019. I think that’s a doable number. I just need to nail down my biggest habit which is exercise
  • prisoner2food
    prisoner2food Posts: 81 Member
    Trisha- I agree, it is hard to figure out why we keep going around in circles.
    Back to work tomorrow after 2 weeks off. I am sure I will be exhausted!!
    Off to do battle with my sewing machine then an early night for me as 5:45 am comes early

    Karen in BC
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,916 Member
    @TrishasTime Yes, I decided to track in MFP. I've set my calories at 1700 for now and have my macronutrients set at certain percentages as well. I know what you mean about starting off with a bang and then fizzling out. I do the very same thing, I think most people do that. I did learn in Noom that motivation is not constant and we shouldn't expect it to be. We just have to hang onto whatever program we commit to, whether it be WW or MFP or Noom, you get my point, just be consistent, eventually, our motivation will come back.

    @theslightedgeforever I usually wait to eat breakfast until about 9:00 a.m. because I'm too hungry throughout the morning if I eat on the way to work. Plus, honestly, protein shakes don't keep me full no matter what I put in them. My goal for next year is to be done by December. I am pretty much done, I just need to buy some more things for my husband which I think will be gift cards because he will want to pick things out himself. I already bought him two things. Yeah, the thing about my officemate is that she is super thoughtful so if I give her a gift card, I'll look like I'm not being as thoughtful as her. :( I did buy her a nice scarf from Macy's though.

    Hi all. I've got a humdinger of a headache today. Luckily I made my rollerball of essential oils so I'm using that. Hopefully, that will help some. It helped yesterday. I don't know if it has enough power to help this one, this is a massive migraine. I did little meal prep yesterday, just made my breakfast and chopped veggies for a couple of recipes. It's going to be a bad week I can tell the way it is starting out lol.
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    GM all

    Thanks for your thoughts and bearing with me. As I look back into the past, it seems EVERY Christmas, I am trying to modify my eating plan one way or another - I just keep going on. Either I stop tormenting myself or I just own I. My WW leader has her own FB site and urged us to pick a work for 2019. She said she used own-it last year and I think I will borrow that one, because as @theslightedgeforever says, it has to be something that works for me (forever). So my word for 2019 is own-it.

    @theslightedgeforever - It kinda snowballs - If I have a late day - then the meal that nigh, which follows the brekky the next day and then lunch. I am craving fatty foods and it does no matter if lunch is already made up and waiting. My mind rejects it. Hope you had a good time with SIL.

    @trooworld - I have a colleague at work who eats breakfast at 8am and is starving at 11am for his lunch. We can set our clock by him. I do hope your headache goes away soon.

    @prisoner2food - I battled with my 25 year old overlocker yesterday. It seems I take it for a service, use it once and then bring it out again - and it needs to be reset again. I am over it and I am determined to get a new one on the NY. Every time I get both of them services, it costs $250, so it is more economical and less frustrating for me to get new ones

    My sad news today is that my pregnant DIL is no longer pregnant, she lost the baby at 12 weeks. To say my son and her are devastated is an understatement. The hardest part was telling their 4 yr old daughter.

    Let 2019 be a good year for all of us

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @prisoner2food I’m reading a book called Atomic Habits that talk about we haven’t changed because our identity (how we see ourselves) hasn’t changed. Example three guys sitting outside a workplace on a break. One guy offers each a cigarette. One says I’m trying to quit. The other says I’m not a smoker. The first guy still believes he’s a smoker trying to be something else. He’s hoping his behavior will change while carrying around the same beliefs. The second guy smoking was a part of their former life not the current one. I think food is tricky. We need food to survive just not the amount of food we eat to keep us fat. So maybe adding I’m not a glutton to our beliefs would help. I just started this book today. So still trying to figure it all out.

    @trooworld Tell yourself I thought it was going to be a bad week by the way it started but I’m turning this ship around. We are what we think.

    @TrishasTime my word for this year was consistency. For 2019 I might need to go to a thesaurus and look up another word that means the same thing as 2018 word 😏. So sorry to hear the news about your son and dil. I lost my first one via ectopic pregnancy at 11 weeks. Surely a devastating time.

  • prisoner2food
    prisoner2food Posts: 81 Member
    Trisha - so very sorry to hear of your son and DIl’s loss. Such a difficult time
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,916 Member
    @TrishasTime I really like "own-it". I hope my headache goes away soon too, right now it is killing me. I'm so sorry about your DIL. That must be very hard on all.

    @theslightedgeforever As soon as I can get rid of this migraine, I'll work on my attitude. ;)

    @cbabie, where are you? :O

    Hello all. My migraine is very severe, nothing is helping. I left work at 11:00 a.m. yesterday and it is likely that I will stay home at least this morning from work. I may go to urgent care tonight if it doesn't go away by tonight. There, they will likely give me a shot of Demerol or something similar. As it is, my neck is starting to get stiff from the pain and my whole head is throbbing. I'm going to get off here and lay down.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Good afternoon ladies!

    @TrishasTime, I am so very sorry for the loss of the baby that your family is now grieving for. There are no words that can comfort enough. ((hugs)) <3

    @trooworld, I am so sorry that you are suffering so much with these migraines! I sure hope you find relief soon! <3

    @theslightedgeforever, that book sounds interesting. I was a smoker for 23 years and quit over 14 years ago. I now call myself a non-smoker because that is a time in my life that I can't even relate to anymore. That is what we need with our weight. We need to have control over what we eat that we don't think of ourselves at fat anymore because that is not something we can relate to. We could just be normal. What a concept! :D

    Well, weigh-in today had me gaining the .06 that I lost last week. Ugghhh!! I blame sickness and the church dessert reception on Sunday. Plus, I've had hardly any activity and I haven't been that careful with what I've been eating. I keep thinking about the first of the year and how I'm going to really make it work this time. 2019 will be my year! The thing is that I say that every year. :/

    Another quote I read this morning, "If you want to go where you've never been before, you have to start where you've never started before." Something to think on, huh? :)
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    Thanks everyone for your thoughts.

    @TeresaW2010 - Where are you getting these great quotes from? They are certainly food for thought. Why wait until 01.01 - as @theslightedgeforever would say ( see she is my head) - why not the very next meal. I have started a fresh today - I really do not want to put on any more weight and I feel if I do not draw a line today, it will be worse if I started on 01/01.

    @theslightedgeforever - Can you please send the owls out to Cbabie? Consistent - yes I have been consistently good then consistently bad - I just need to be on way where there are no the massive roller coasters and just little bumps.

    @prisoner2food -How is going back to work and maintaining your good habits going?

    Question - has anyone done a vision board - where you put pictures of where you are going to be? if so has it worked for you or not

    Take care

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @prisoner2food How were your habits today? Are you still with your grand babies?

    @trooworld I hope you feel better soon. When I don’t feel good all I want to do is lay in bed and read. My memory isn’t the greatest lately but awhile back didn’t you have a car accident. I’m wondering if you did something to your neck then and are having a flare up. My DH fell a couple of years ago and injured his C-3. He already had damage to his C-4 and C-5. Occasionally it will flare up and then he gets migraines. He’s so busy treating his head he forgets about his neck. But that’s the source of his pain.

    @TeresaW1020 There are lots of ways I’ve changed in regards to food I should be farther down the highway. 😫 Yeah I say that too every year. We should probably start saying January is going to be my month then just hit January’s goal. Great quote

    @TrishasTime Isn’t it fun having me in your head. My kids hate it. Yep, you schooled me I need to say this week is going to be my week. I don’t know if I’m ready to take it down to day I’ve had good days but then followed by bad days. I tend to see the bad days over the good. I found a new word for glutton. Overeater. Doesn’t that sound nicer. I can start identifying with being not an overeater. I’m not an overeater. Speaking of roller coasters versus bumps I think the difference is time. If we get back on at the next meal it will be a bump. Easy to say hard to do. I think the trick is having everything ready and available to get back on. If it takes any effort on my part if I’m in that mood I’ll just grab anything. I was doing well on my plan then my daughter arrived and BOOM 💥 then sil followed 💥 💥. So trying to get back on. One meal at a time will be my mantra. Make the meal count. I have a vision board. It worked for a while then it became a part of the furniture in the room. I need to update it and move it to a different place.

    I’ll go see what happened to cbabie. My mom’s birthday was on the 17th so this was probably a hard week for her.

    I exercised 15 min today. It’s a start
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,916 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Well, I took some medicine with no hope that the migraine would go away, took a hot shower, and what do you know? It went away! :) I went to work and was fine. I'm so relieved!!! I'm sorry you had a gain. 2019 WILL be your year! I like that quote.

    @TrishasTime I have a virtual vision board on Pinterest. I will attach a screenshot. I have my board set to "PRIVATE" so nobody sees it but me. I have it set as my homepage so that every time I open up a webpage, it comes up. It helps me a bit focus on positive things. Maybe others can speak to their experience.

    @theslightedgeforever when I don't feel good I just want to lay on the couch and watch tv, I can't read, I can't concentrate enough to do that. But luckily I feel better. I did have a car accident but I've been having migraines for years, even before the car accident. I'm about to start seeing a new acupuncturist in the new year and I hope that he can treat my migraines. I'm not confident that my old acupuncturist was that good (although I really liked him).

    Hi all. Today is the library's holiday potluck party. I made beef bourguignon (beef stew) for it in my instant pot. It should be fun. Tomorrow is our company-wide party where food is provided and there are raffle prizes. I hope to win one but I haven't won one yet! :(khrnjjnyktjo.jpg
  • corriepelc
    corriepelc Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hi everyone! I just recently decided to leave WW after many, many years, and give this a shot instead.

    A bit about me -- about four years I was diagnosed with a gluten allergy, spurring me to start eating cleaner and finally lose weight. I returned to Weight Watchers, where I was able to lose 60 lbs, reclaimed Lifetime status, and became a runner in the process.

    I unfortunately have put on a few of my pounds back since the summer due to stress. And I also have found myself struggling with WW's food limitations as I am now a half-marathoner and I work out normally twice a day, with strength training in the morning and running/Zumba in the evening. I'm now working with a sports nutritionist to lose those few pounds I gained and make sure I'm fueling myself properly, and she suggested I use MyFitnessPal.

    I'm looking forward to learning lots and continuing my fitness journey!
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    GM everyone

    @trooworld - Thankyou for sharing your private Pinterest. I have never used that before, so I will investigate. I am glad that your migraine has gone. Good luck with the raffle - finger crossed

    @theslightedgeforever - I am glad I could for once reset your thinking. You always do it to us (evil grin). I went to the studio last night and "OWNED_IT". I accepted the weight gain instead of staying away until I had gone down again.

    As I set my Christmas Menu (it is almost at my house every year), I was reminded that I am "a healthy lifestyle" every Christmas, watching what I eat. Making sure lollies etc are far away. It would be nice, that the healthy habits are so ingrained next year that it would not matter where the lollies are.

    I decided not to follow the Christmas traditional menu of ham, turkey this year and instead are having prawns, chicken tenderloins and pork belly bites for those who love them. Salads will be a watermelon, feta and mint salad and a dressed up garden salad. Remembering it will be hot here. The heat usually does not bother us as we have air conditioning, but I want to minimise this year instead of taking the day before to prep and the whole Christmas day to cook

    Take care everyone

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @trooworld I’m so glad you found some relief for your migraines. I hope this new acupuncturist will work for you. Did you stay within your food budget today? I was OP til 6:30 and then DH had ordered me a chicken quesadilla. Had I fixed my dinner when I should have I could have refused saying that’s not my food and eaten what I had planned. Lesson learned. Cause that slip led to nighttime munching so I did not stay within my boundaries. Thanks for sharing your vision board.

    @corriepelc welcome to the group. You’ve had amazing success and I’m sure you’ll be able to knock off those unwanted pounds. The best meal plan is one you design for your body and lifestyle. We’ve all been WW members at one time or another I think. I left because I became prediabetic and doc wanted me to follow a moderate carb program so I needed to start seeing where my carbs were. I struggle with consistent exercise. I used to exercise just fine and it was the food.

    @TrishasTime your menu sounds healthy and if people don’t like it they can cook next year. I’m glad you were accountable to yourself and went ahead to the meeting. I still don’t like the word studio. Lol. I wonder what kind of image they are trying to convey with the use of that word. So I was thinking today about saying this is my week versus year and not being ready to bring it down to daily goals. I already have daily goals with exercise calories and food calories. So it’s just a matter of declaring and being accountable to them publicly. That’s where I’m resisting.

    I texted cbabie. She said she’d be on here soon.

    I walked for 15 min and did a Leslie Sansone video for 20 min.

    I am not an overeater. I am a person who doesn’t skip exercise.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,916 Member
    @corriepelc Welcome! Congrats on your weight loss and making the decision to try MFP. I wish you all the success! :)

    @TrishasTime Thanks, yes I am so glad that the migraine is gone! The raffle prizes aren't as good this year as in years past, but hopefully, I win something!!! I'm proud of you for going to the studio and owning it, brava! Your Christmas menu sounds delicious and healthy, well done!

    @theslightedgeforever Absolutely I did not stay within my food budget lol. I didn't even track, I had no idea how to track what I ate, I "fog ate". I did have a healthy salad for dinner though. ;) Thanks for sending out the owls for cbabie. No, you are not an exercise skipper. You are a healthy person!!!

    Hello all. Oh dear, I didn't do HORRIBLY as there wasn't that much good food at yesterday's gathering, but I did do enough damage to not be proud of how I ate. Today will be better as the food is catered and the choices are usually decent and not plentiful lol, more just snacks (Today is the company-wide party in case you missed it).

    We'll see how I do!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Morning all! Sorry I have been MIA, I have been reading, but havn't felt like posting. It's been a tough week for many reasons. My DH is has a retirement party at work today, not sure if I will make it or not..that is sad...
    I will tell you though that my Pastor the past 2 weeks looks at food and says too much sugar..I can't eat that...or the pasta, same thing too much I think I am being blessed by a boss that will help with the sugar cravings I reminding himself, therefore reminding me...NO..LOL

    I don't have time to catch up on all the personals, as this is the last day in the office at church until 1/ much to do.

    I so appreciate all of you and I will say that this group of women we have on this board are the best. We support each other, its a safe place to be and we do not condemn, we hold each of us accountable with encouragement and laughter!!!

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Hello everyone!

    @TrishasTime, Like Trooworld I have a vision board on Pinterest that is filled with motivational quotes about health and fitness. You can click the link and look at it here if you want. Your Christmas meal sounds wonderful! :)

    @trooworld, so glad your migraine went away. How was the party? Parties make it so hard to stay on plan. I've decided to cut myself some slack until the day after Christmas. So did you win anything? :*

    @theslightedgeforever, you know I like your idea of saying that January should be our month!! I think sometimes we try to bite off too much and then we get discouraged and quit. Maybe just taking it one month at a time and doing our very best will give us our very best year. Hmm, worth a try! ;)

    @cbabie, so sorry this has been a tough week for you! We are here to support each other and that is what makes this such an awesome group. <3

    @krupalip, I hope you are well? <3

    Well, today has been a busy day and it's not even over yet! I had my review this morning and it went even better than I had hoped it would. I was so humbled and overjoyed by what my staff had to say about me. They really do love me!! o:) The only real issue that they want from me is to improve my technology skills for our website. I have promised to work on learning more of the inner workings so that I don't have to rely on our children's pastor to do it for me. The good news is that our children's pastor is taking over the scheduling of our nursery, which I have been doing this past year. Yayyy!!!

    After our staff meeting and my review, the pastor took us all to lunch. Then I picked up my husband and we went to Sams to buy stuff for our church breakfast this Sunday. Tonight, we are going to a staff party where we are having a gingerbread house decorating contest. I plan to win!! B)
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    GM everyone

    I typed out a really long response to everyone and then stupidly clicked on Teresa's link thinking it would open another page, but someone has changed the setting ON MY DESKTOP and it just replaced the page I was on and I lost everything :( I have just changed it back again!

    @corriepelc - Welcome, we are a very small but very supportive group, where there are no judgements. I look forward to getting to know you better

    @cbabie - I am so sorry that this has been a horrid week full of memories. Do I read that your husband is retiring - that it his retirement party?? If so, I hope you can get there. It is always to have someone to help with the sugar cravings. Sometimes when you are not strong enough, just having them there, helps you

    @trooworld - Well did you win anything? I hope the whole companies festivities are nicer today. Are you taking a break over the Christmas Period? What are you guys doing for Christmas - are you going to your in-laws? Thankyou for sharing your pininterest board.

    @theslightedgeforever - Love the positive mantras. My husband is also pre-diabetic. He has lost a lot of weight since retiring, maybe that is because he is more active as I have a never ending list of tasks to do (evil grin)

    @TeresaW2010 - It is lovely that your staff recognise you. And.. more importantly that the children's pastor is taking over the roster. I love your competitive streak.

    My grand daughter was advised that she got a place in Uni last night. So I will help her with the acceptance of the offer etc. Then she wants me to take her to DFO (which is a cheap direct fashion outlet - where the over orders and last season stuff go to). Did I have mention that I hate shopping!! If I have not - let me tell you I hate shopping- of any kind. If we had shops opened 24 hours a day, I would be one of those people that go at 1am in the morning, so there is very few people there. To go to a DFO is just nightmarish.

    Take care everyone

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,916 Member
    @cbabie I'm sorry that you are having a tough time. I hope it gets better soon. ((( HUGS )))

    @TeresaW1020 You know what? Last night's party was okay! I had fun, I only had a small square of pecan pie and a small tarlett of apple pie but none of the "main food". I had two beers. Other than that, I socialized, took pictures with my coworkers, and had fun! :) I did not win anything but one of my besties at work won staff of the year, so that was fun! Congrats on a good review, yay!!!

    @TrishasTime I did not win anything unfortunately but I had fun and did not eat hardly any of the food so I consider THAT a win! :) I get Christmas eve and Christmas Day off but that is it. I'm going over to my inlaws and we are making italian food. My husband is making lasagna and I am making arancini balls with marinara sauce, which should be quite the chore. Congrats to your GD!
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    GM everyone

    Today I am going to the markets to pick up fruit for Christmas day and then over to the strawberry farm to get a 3kg box of fruit. Then I am off to see the Grinch in Gold class to relax a little.

    Tomorrow is bringing the meat out of the freezer to defrost in the fridge and Monday is prep day for Christmas day and then I do a lunch for husbands side of family on boxing day and then back to work on Thursday

    I have found when you are on holidays you tend to spend more as there is a lot of more free time. Maybe working is better for me (lol)
