Accountability-Daily Support/motivation group



  • jumpingjenkins
    jumpingjenkins Posts: 19 Member
    Made it thru the week pretty well. I'm not getting enough water and plan on working more on that. I also want to try a dance fit class offered at our gym on Wednesday! I lost 3 of the 5 pounds I put on during the week of Christmas. Each day is a fresh start!
  • Running2Fit
    Running2Fit Posts: 702 Member
    It's snowing where I am today. I actually really like days like this, it makes me feel calm and relaxed. I workout at home so it doesn't dim my motivation for working out. I'm currently drinking my morning coffee and adding all my workouts through September into my phone so it's easy for me to quickly look up what each day's workout is. This has been a good first week of the year and I'm really looking forward to the rest of 2019!
  • riley2eat
    riley2eat Posts: 39 Member
    LiLee2018 wrote: »
    Exercised 3 days this week starting on Thursday! Woot woot! 2 upper body days and a leg day. I'm so weak, but gotta start somewhere :)

    Naw you're strong and now you'll make your body match that strength!
  • riley2eat
    riley2eat Posts: 39 Member
    It's snowing where I am today. I actually really like days like this, it makes me feel calm and relaxed. I workout at home so it doesn't dim my motivation for working out. I'm currently drinking my morning coffee and adding all my workouts through September into my phone so it's easy for me to quickly look up what each day's workout is. This has been a good first week of the year and I'm really looking forward to the rest of 2019!

    Scheduling is an awesome idea to keep you on track!
  • riley2eat
    riley2eat Posts: 39 Member
    Hi, I'm a 40 year old dad with 2 small kids ( 2 & 5 ).

    Current Weight = 249 pounds 113 kilos.
    Target Weight =180 pounds 82 kilos

    Starting today. I have to say at least today I've managed. All healthy eating, plenty of water and a indoor cycling peloton session.

    The 12th of feb I get heavy knee surgery that will keep of sport for months, so I want to get at least set the good habits for then.

    I became overweight from 19 years of age and then have been yoyoing around. My brain is incorrectly and when I lose some weight or even a lot, my brain says, oh you look fab, over eat again, which is of course not true or good. I've decided to become an active member here and hopefully improve.

    You got this, you've targeted your issue so now you can fix it.
  • echoroyal79
    echoroyal79 Posts: 72 Member
    Dec. 31-Jan. 6, 2019
    Water challenge
    I have been on average56 oz. Something I need to work on, seriously. This is not counting coffee or shakes

    Workouts for the week: mostly doing 30 minutes of walking, elliptical, or doing horsey stuff

    How much weight lost during the week: 2lbs

    I apologize for being very vague with my responses. We are having problem with the pipes at the house. All of a sudden there was water everywhere. Took a break for a moment to do my update. Probably later this evening I will put up the newest challenge for next week to build on to it.

    I skimmed everyone's comments and you all are doing great. A motivator for sure to do something everyday🤗🤗❤💕

    Thank everyone. Have a safe and beautiful week.
  • echoroyal79
    echoroyal79 Posts: 72 Member

    Something I need to do for myself. Thought I would share with the group❤💕
  • riley2eat
    riley2eat Posts: 39 Member
    edited January 2019
    So work out wise I've been going to the gym daily and working out on machines for 30-60 minutes. Ive also gone swimming with my girls 3 times this week. Sometimes when I try to log my exercise on here with the times I put in it gives me calories way above what the machines said I burned so I have to cut down my times to get them to a more realistic number?
    Food wise I've been eating very clean fruits veggies nuts lean meats etc..
    Im still trying hard to keep up with the water, I essentually drank no water at all before so I'm definately making progress.
    Weight wise I've lost 4.2 lbs this week. I was hoping to fit 5 but hey, it's a start.
    I've been off work on vacation for the last week and go back this Tuesday. I'm pretty nervous about sticking to my exercise schedule once I'm back but I'm trying to convince myself I can do it and I wont let myself down.
  • pnst84ever
    pnst84ever Posts: 22 Member
    Feel free to add me.
  • Running2Fit
    Running2Fit Posts: 702 Member
    @riley2eat - 4.2 lbs is a huge loss for one week! It sounds like you are on track with everything! I've been on break (I'm a teacher) for almost a month and have to get back to work tomorrow. It's definitely harder when I don't have the whole day to get things done.

    @echoroyal79 - I've done that before! It was very helpful!
  • echoroyal79
    echoroyal79 Posts: 72 Member
    This weeks challenge is a

    Since we are at all different levels you can do 20,000 steps a day or 30 minutes minimum of workout, whether it is cardio or weights

    Continue doing water because it is so important.

    How much of weight lose this week.

    Each week we can keep building on challenges to help better ourselves.

    Love how everyone is being so supportive.

    Goodluck on this round.
  • echoroyal79
    echoroyal79 Posts: 72 Member
  • echoroyal79
    echoroyal79 Posts: 72 Member
  • Numer1ca
    Numer1ca Posts: 273 Member
    Gah. I a. Going to do the workout for 30 minutes challenge, but with walking.
  • flump50
    flump50 Posts: 5 Member
    My weigh day is Wednesday morning. I am struggling today, as its all back to normal routine now. Hate Monday mornings but got to pick myself up. Doing a body jam class tonight. Trying to get back to exercise. Doing 2 hours this week plus yoga.
  • imjaswarn
    imjaswarn Posts: 7 Member
    Made it thru the week pretty well. I'm not getting enough water and plan on working more on that. I also want to try a dance fit class offered at our gym on Wednesday! I lost 3 of the 5 pounds I put on during the week of Christmas. Each day is a fresh start!

    Try adding some carom seeds to water and boil it. You can boil 1glass of water and later add more water. For me it improves taste of water and I've been drinking 2L daily
  • suzu_2
    suzu_2 Posts: 311 Member
    Hi, all, I'm 64 and working, active, and a runner coming back to MFP after a 6 month break. Had a sports injury that sidelined my running and exercise program and fell waaaay off the food wagon in my absence. Somehow in 6 months I managed to gain 30 (yes, 30) pounds that I had managed to keep off for the last 2 years. Today is the day I climb back on! Need some support.
  • riley2eat
    riley2eat Posts: 39 Member
    Me: it's so hard for me to drink enough water, I hate having to pee all the time!
    My Mom: ... does it help if you think you're peeing your fat out??
    Me: ... yeah a little actually...