

  • FarmerCarla
    FarmerCarla Posts: 470 Member
    @amfmmama You posted a loss this morning, but didn't give a report on your first day of boot camp. Inquiring minds want to know! How was it?
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    Thank you @FarmerCarla <3
  • salleewins
    salleewins Posts: 2,308 Member
    Goals for R64
    - Calories - 1300
    - Exercise - 30- 60 min aerobic per day; weight training 3 days/week
    - Weight - no number, just a downward trend

    UGW - 125
    HSW - 218.2 (Feb. 2015)
    OSW - 151.8 (Aug. 31, 2016)

    Weight on 2/2015 - 218.2
    Lost 75#, regained 12 (to 156) on metabolism reset 11/16-6/17. FIrst round (R15) Aug. 2017.
    R15 end weight 151.2
    R16 end weight 151.4 (+.2)
    R17 end weight 151 (-.4)
    R18 end weight 150.4 (-.6)
    R19 end weight 149.6 (-.8)
    R20 end weight 149.3 (-.3)
    R21 end weight 149 (-.3)
    R22 end weight 148 (-1)
    R23 end weight 148.4 (+.4)
    R24 end weight 149 (+.6)
    R25 end weight 148.4 (-.6)
    R26 end weight 149.2 (+.8)
    R27 end weight 149 (-.2)
    R28 end weight 146.8 (-2.2)
    R29 end weight 146.8 (+/-0)
    R30 end weight 146.8 (+/-0); ave net calories 1411
    R31 end weight 146.8 (+/-0); ave net calories 1385
    R32 end weight unknown - traveling, no scale - ave net calories 1468
    R33 end weight 149.1 (+2.3); ave calories 1471 (after traveling/eating out for 3 weeks!)
    R34 end weight 149 (-.1); ave calories 1577
    R35 end weight 149.4 (+.4); ave calories 1592
    R36 end weight 149.6 (+.2); ave calories 1650
    R37 end weight 151 (+1.4); ave calories 1703 (154 over estimated TDEE, so no surprise I've gained)
    R38 end weight 149.8 (-1.2); averages-- calories 1420; carbs ~48%; protein ~21% ; fat ~31%
    R39 end weight 149.8 (+/-0); averages -- calories 1753.5; carbs ~47%; protein ~20%; fat ~33%
    R40 end weight 150 (+.2); averages coming later
    R41 end weight 150.8 (+.8); 10-day ave 1792
    R42 end weight 149.8 (-1); 10-day ave 1432
    R43 end weight 150.6 (+.8): 10-day ave 1406
    R44 end weight 148.8 (-1.8); 10-day ave 1430
    R45 end weight 147.6 (-1.2); 10-day ave 1338
    R46 end weight 148.8 (+.8); 10-day ave 1437
    R47 end weight 147.8 (-1); 10-day ave 1449
    R48 end weight 146.8 (-1); 10-day ave 1378
    R49 end weight 144.2 (-2.6); 10-day ave 1174
    R50 end weight 142.2 (-2); 10-day ave 1200
    R51 end weight 141 (-1.2); 10 day ave 1231
    R52 end weight 140.6 (-.4); 10-day ave 1192
    R53 end weight 137.2 (-3.4); 10-day ave 1134
    R54 end weight 136.6 (-.6); 10-day ave 1238
    R55 end weight 135.4 (-1.2); 10-day ave 1209
    R56 end weight 135 (-.4); 10-day ave 1263
    R57 end weight 134.4 (-.6); 10-day ave 1212
    R58 end weight 133.6 (-.8); 10-day ave 1372
    R59 end weight 130.8 (-2.8); 10-day ave 1125
    R60 end weight 132.2 (+1.4); 10-day ave 1384
    R61 end weight 132.6 (+.4); 10-day ave 1473
    R62 end weight 134.6 (+2); 10-day ave 1666
    R63 end weight 138.8 (+4.2); 10-day ave 2154

    Day/Weight/Calories/Prev 10-day Cal Ave/Comment

    01/03 - 138.2 - 1347 - 2078
    Back on track, finally, with food & exercise. I'm interested to see how long it takes to re-lose what I gained the past 40 days.

    01/04 - 138.2 - 1540 - 2032
    Average coming down, despite a piece of cranberry cobbler last night. Had to use those cranberries! :blush: On the plus side, I had my first of three sessions with a personal trainer yesterday and have a plan for the next month until I see her again, and I've been walking/biking every day and doing weights 3 times/week. We're supposed to get up to 48 this afternoon, hopefully with no rain, so I'm hoping to walk outdoors.

    01/05 - 139 - 1686 - 1970
    Ah, the mysteries of calories, exercise, averages, and weight. I walked and hour+ yesterday, happily outdoors as it was 58F! No idea why I bounced back up. I did bake some whole wheat applesauce carrot honey muffins last night, and I ate 1, but that was only 130. I have been slacking on veggies, so that may be part of it. Onward! Have a great weekend, all!

    01/06 - 139.2 - 1612 - 1931
    We had another beautiful day yesterday and I walked along the river for an hour. Temps are headed down, though, so I'll be back indoors - I'm a cold-weather weenie. This week I'm adding a stretch & flex and a yoga class to my routine.

    01/07 - 137.6 - 1817 - 1907
    Finally trending down a little. Today's the day I restart eating against inflammation. I'm aiming for lots of fish and veggies, and am cutting dairy, gluten, and added sugar for now. We shall see. Also, recommended reading -- Food Sanity by Dr. David Friedman. He looks at various eating styles -- paleo, keto, and more - and the research that supports or contradicts them. Useful info!

    01/08 -
    01/09 -
    01/10 -
    01/11 -
    01/12 -

    Looks great! Just reserved that book at the library! Thanks!
  • salleewins
    salleewins Posts: 2,308 Member
    shunggie wrote: »
    Round #64 My Round #10
    Female/49 years/Missouri

    Round 55 * -3.2 (I was sick)
    Round 56 * +1.6
    Round 57 * -1.8
    Round 58 * -1.5
    Round 59 * -0.04
    Round 60 * -0.06
    Round 61 * -1
    Round 62 * -2.2
    Round 63 * -0.03

    OSW - 213
    CW - 182.9
    RGW - 181.5
    UGW – 135

    01/03 - 182.9 Whoosh! I am going to pretend that ugly 185 number didn't happen yesterday because this is where I expected to be - just took another day. The holidays are over and I am down - only .03 pounds but it's down. As long as the weather holds out I'll go for a walk this afternoon. I should be able to get in 3 miles before it's too dark. If I didn't have this stinky job I could really do more trail walking. Go home, get my dog and head to Kill Creek Trail for a day of romping in the chilly sunshine. Instead I'll stay here in my office and work :wink:
    01/04 - 183.2 And back up we go. This roller coaster ride is making me queasy! I got in 5 miles yesterday - the fastest I have ever walked that far. I don't care if I'm up a little bit, I'm healthier than I was 24 hours ago. I'm going to go at least 3 tonight maybe 4 who knows.
    01/05 - 183.0 The roller coaster goes down. I did eat back all of my calories yesterday, which I never do so I'm glad to see a small reduction today. I got to leave work a little early and talk a nice sunny winter 3 mile walk. Finally taking Christmas down today - that will burn some calories :) Then a walk this afternoon and then WHO KNOWS!
    01/06 - 182.7 I did get in 3 miles yesterday. Took down the tree and spent quality time with family. That's as good as a Saturday gets. Today taking the Christmas stuff I went thru to goodwill and another walk I think. I'm traveling for work this week and need to exercise while I can. I won't be able to on Tuesday or Wednesday so walk today, gym tomorrow, two days off then back on the trail on Thursday.
    01/07 - 183.0 After a one day dip the roller coaster goes up a bit. Probably the sodium from yesterday's lunch. I was under on calories and walked 4 miles. I'm not sure what else I can do but stick to the plan and know it works. I have five days left and I'm afraid I'll be right where I started. I have a four hour drive this afternoon then I'll stop at a gym close to my hotel for weights. Of course my food will be difficult this trip because I will have limited options for food tomorrow and Wednesday. I'm going for training where they bring in sandwiches, then a company dinner, then more sandwiches the next day. I hate these trainings where we don't get to go to lunch but have to eat whatever is brought in. I'm picky and do not like cold sandwiches. First world problems I know but when you're watching what you eat it's impossible to avoid sodium - it will be sliced turkey, beef, chicken, or ham. ALL salt bombs. Overly mayonnaise potato salad and cookies for dessert. The only thing I like is the cookie. They feel they're being healthy by offering turkey on wheat, and oatmeal raisin cookies. Maybe this time will be different. Maybe...
    01/08 -
    01/09 -
    01/10 -
    01/11 -
    01/12 -

    Hope it was better. I really hate that at work, too.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,163 Member
    @StefanieBerger88 Best wishes on the interview. @puttyputty is perfectly right! Your ARE also interviewing them! I do hope that this opportunity will help you to achieve all your personal & financial goals and that it will bring you the greatest happiness, should you decide to take the job. We'll all be thinking of you!