THE Team - Week 3 - 2/20/09



  • chantybear
    Morning ladies! I have missed so much over the last couple days! Well hopefully I can get my first workout in since before the surgery:grumble: ...not a good week for me...hope it was for you guys!:smile:
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    It takes your body time to heal so you can get back in the swing. Remember, you just had some bones ripped out of your body! (Ok, I didn't want to phrase it like that BEFORE you had the surgery because I didn't want to scare you, but let's face it - that is what was done!) You will feel better and your energy will come back. Let's hope next week is a GOOD one for you!
  • chantybear
    It takes your body time to heal so you can get back in the swing. Remember, you just had some bones ripped out of your body! (Ok, I didn't want to phrase it like that BEFORE you had the surgery because I didn't want to scare you, but let's face it - that is what was done!) You will feel better and your energy will come back. Let's hope next week is a GOOD one for you!

    Aww thanks!! I know sounds a little scary though!!:laugh: I feel WAYY better today, I feel sort of like my old self, I do not feel like laying in bed, and sleeping all day!:smile: I am eating a lot healthier too, so that is really good! It is weird , but I kind of feel excited for the gym...maybe it is just to get out of the house, and not be going to a store!:laugh: I just finished watching the first season of gossip girl in 3 days, haha wow that is pretty 16 hours..yeah it is time for my regular routine to kick me in the *kitten*!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Welcome back Chanty!! Glad ya are starting to feel much better. Good luck this week getting back into the swing of things.

    I did some wogging today and decided to go back to my old way of running a minute, walking 3, running a minute, walking 3. I actually improved my time by 9 seconds doing it that way so Im gonna try to do the same next time and just kick up the pace when I walk and when i run. Hopefully i dont go flying off the back end of the treadmill trying to keep up... :laugh: :laugh:

    So todays time was 22:14 down from 22.23 which was my time on Monday. No more wogging for me this week or tomorrow. Will try again on Monday or Tuesday depending on how my legs feel. I took yesterday off from the gym and today my calves were killin me. Prolly coulda done a bit better if they hadnt been sore.

    Hubby and i are going dancing tonight for the first time in 2 years. Im hopin to have enough spare calories to drink a couple light beers but we'll see. :drinker:

    PS. Cute puddy tat ya got there CM!! She looks happy perched up there:love:
  • Kelleighanne
    renayeb - SW 257/ CW 239.8/ GW 150/Week's loss 2.2
    get_fit2009 SW 175/CW 164/GW 140/Week's loss 1
    Losingit4Good- SW 229.4/CW 230 /Weeks gain .6
    nitag - SW 220 - CW 206 - GW 155 - WEEK'S LOSS 1
    healthymom2009 - SW 208/CW 196/GW 150/week's loss 2
    adopt4 - SW 273/CW 261/GW 191/week's loss 2
    kelleighanne-SW 171/CW165 week's loss 3


    losingit: I"d love to be able to sleep into until 7. I was draggin this morning LOL

    chanty, how is the first season of GG? I've just started watching this season. I'm glad you are feeling better.

    Gotta go... the 2 year old wants attention.. very badly!
  • Kelleighanne
    renayeb - SW 257/ CW 239.8/ GW 150/Week's loss 2.2
    get_fit2009 SW 175/CW 164/GW 140/Week's loss 1
    Losingit4Good- SW 229.4/CW 230 /Weeks gain .6
    nitag - SW 220 - CW 206 - GW 155 - WEEK'S LOSS 1
    healthymom2009 - SW 208/CW 196/GW 150/week's loss 2
    adopt4 - SW 273/CW 261/GW 191/week's loss 2
    kelleighanne-SW 171/CW165 week's loss 3


    losingit: I"d love to be able to sleep into until 7. I was draggin this morning LOL

    chanty, how is the first season of GG? I've just started watching this season. I'm glad you are feeling better.

    Gotta go... the 2 year old wants attention.. very badly!
  • renayeb
    renayeb Posts: 79 Member
    renayeb - SW 257/ CW 239.8/ GW 150/Week's loss 2.2
    Week's loss 3
    get_fit2009 SW 175/CW 164/GW 140/Week's loss 1
    Losingit4Good- SW 229.4/CW 230 /Weeks gain .6
    nitag - SW 220 - CW 206 - GW 155 - WEEK'S LOSS 1
    healthymom2009 - SW 208/CW 196/GW 150/week's loss 2
    adopt4 - SW 273/CW 261/GW 191/week's loss 2
    kelleighanne-SW 171/CW165 week's loss 3

    Great job everyone.:drinker: I just had to add zano's loss to the tally:happy:
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    Ok, you guys I feel like a 10 year old kid! I just had the bestest kid snack ever!:love: A glass of chocolate ovaltine (with skim mile) and roasted peanuts in the shell! I ate all my exercise calories in 1 sitting, but it was so worth it! :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • lacijae
    Hi Everyone!! This is the first chance I've gotten to log on!

    Congratulations renayeb, zano, nitag, adopt4, kelleighanne, healthymom and everyone else that has lost weight this week!

    Losingit4good- I think women have the worst luck with water weight gain! I always feel so bloated when I drink so much:grumble: . Don't let it get you down though, it all eventually comes off.

    Mangoaddict and Chantybear- I know exactely how yall feel! I had that food poisoning earlier this week and it seems like everyone around me is getting somethin! I haven't been working out this week either so it's nice to know that somebody was with me :ohwell: . We'll have to get back in the routine this week!

    As for me, I did okay. I lost 2 lbs but I'm kind of disappointed I didn't lose more :ohwell: . I thought for sure when I couln't eat anything for 2 days that that would have had a greater impact on my weightloss :tongue: . But any weightloss is better than nothing so I'm not going to complain!!

    renayeb - SW 257/ CW 239.8/ GW 150/Week's loss 2.2
    Week's loss 3
    get_fit2009 SW 175/CW 164/GW 140/Week's loss 1
    Losingit4Good- SW 229.4/CW 230 /Weeks gain .6
    nitag - SW 220 - CW 206 - GW 155 - WEEK'S LOSS 1
    healthymom2009 - SW 208/CW 196/GW 150/week's loss 2
    adopt4 - SW 273/CW 261/GW 191/week's loss 2
    kelleighanne-SW 171/CW165 week's loss 3
    lacijae- SW 199 / CW 186 / Week's loss 2
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    get_fit: LOL I know the feeling. I normally save about 190 calories each evening so I can get my chocolate milk fix before bed. I use 1% milk and Nestle No Sugar Chocolate powder in mine.
    I never had milk before I started this because I cant stand the taste of plain milk unless its in a bowl of cereal.

    I had a chicken breast sandwhich from quiznos, no cheese for lunch. Came home and logged it and holy moly it was 750 calories!! :grumble: There goes my workout this morning and then some! Im still trying to figure out if I have enough energy to go swimming tonight. I took a 1 hour nap cuz I was just exhausted by 3pm. Pretty sure the sunny warm weather had something to do with that!!

    How you likin this sunshine CM??
  • healthymom2009
    Hey everyone.

    I am proud that I joined the woggers this week. I am proud the treadmill goes a little faster than when I started. Lost my goal of 2 lbs this week. 6 more to go to reach my mini goal! :drinker:

    Question: Does anyone else get a sore lower back when using the elliptical? Lately I get off with "tired" back muscles. Love how it works the legs though.

    renayeb - SW 257/ CW 239.8/ GW 150/Week's loss 2.2
    get_fit2009 SW 175/CW 164/GW 140/Week's loss 1
    Losingit4Good- SW 229.4/CW 230 /Weeks gain .6
    nitag - SW 220 - CW 206 - GW 155 - WEEK'S LOSS 1
    healthymom2009 - SW 208/CW 196/GW 150/week's loss 2

    Yay for you! 2 pounds is awesome!

    I have not had a problem with my back, usually my back has the worst problems from the spinning bike from leaning forward for an extended period of time. How is your posture when you are on the elliptical?

    I started watching my posture and I think its ok - hard to tell when I'm huffing and puffing :sad:

    Losingit4good: Thanks for the stretching exercises. I will try those!

    kelleighanne: I have a two year old too (well 3 in April). Love her but everything is instant - Mommy, I want... I usually go on the computer after she's asleep! :yawn:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Look at you guys GO!!
    renayeb - SW 257/ CW 239.8/ GW 150/Week's loss 2.2five.gif
    Week's loss 3Woohoo-Dance.gif
    get_fit2009 SW 175/CW 164/GW 140/Week's loss 1Ear.gif
    Losingit4Good- SW 229.4/CW 230 /Weeks gain .6bikebabevc5.gif
    nitag - SW 220 - CW 206 - GW 155 - WEEK'S LOSS 1speedmetal.gif
    healthymom2009 - SW 208/CW 196/GW 150/week's loss 2Love_246.gif
    adopt4 - SW 273/CW 261/GW 191/week's loss 25.gif
    kelleighanne-SW 171/CW165 week's loss 3Woohoo-Dance.gif
    lacijae- SW 199 / CW 186 / Week's loss 2applaud.gif
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Yes, the sunshine was beautiful today. I spent the day at the beach and brought home all kinds of booty. (the kind you find on beaches, ya'll:glasses: )

    I ran down the hill to the beach, walked a mile on the sand and rocks, then walked back up the hill, wihich is 3/4 miles each way - hill only. I know it's cheating to run DOWN, but I'm so out of shape. Last summer I could walk up it and two other hills in half the time. So my goals are strictly fitness improvement.

    Baby steps.

    I don't weigh in.....but I am so proud of all of you. I hope you all stay healthy this week.

    ~Kelleighanne and Zano - both 3 pounds lost. Two "Woots"!!

    Mangoaddict - glad you are back and everyone is better. :flowerforyou:

    Chantybear, you too, girl! wiggle-1.gif
    My kitty loves to tickle my ear with his paw when I am on the computer. He is a shelter kitty, about 8-9 yrs old.
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    renayeb - SW 257/ CW 239.8/ GW 150/Week's loss 2.2
    Week's loss 3
    get_fit2009 SW 175/CW 164/GW 140/Week's loss 1
    Losingit4Good- SW 229.4/CW 230 /Weeks gain .6
    nitag - SW 220 - CW 206 - GW 155 - WEEK'S LOSS 1
    healthymom2009 - SW 208/CW 196/GW 150/week's loss 2
    adopt4 - SW 273/CW 261/GW 191/week's loss 2
    kelleighanne-SW 171/CW165 week's loss 3
    lacijae- SW 199 / CW 186 / Week's loss 2
    lulubar-SW205/CW 196/GW145/week's gain 1

    Yep, didn't lose anything - zero, zip, nada - instead :sad: I gained!!! A whole pound!!!:sad:

    Okay, ((shaking it off)) moving right along - I wore my wedding ring today for the first time in two years. I haven't worn it because I had outgrown the thing!! BUT I was going to a Mardi Gras luncheon, dressed in my spiffy clothes and I thought, hmmmmmm, wonder if that ring will go on? Low and behold!!! It fit!! Wore it all day and it didn't even leave an indent on my finger when I took it off. Maybe I needed to gain that pound - I might be getting a little gaunt!!:bigsmile: :laugh: :bigsmile: heeheehee

    Congratulations everyone - Gosh what a great week for all! I'm soooo proud to be in the midst of people who TRY HARD EVERYDAY! Don't know why I gained, but I ain't sweatin' it. My DH said "no worries, hills and valleys, hills and valleys - it's all part of the journey." He's a good guy, I might keep him around awhile.:wink:
  • chantybear
    Li4g - Aww, I hope you have a great time tonight (or had, not to sure what time zone you are in:wink: ) Thanks!! I hope this week is as good as the weeks previously, before I found an addiction to watching tv shows from my laptop...:laugh:

    Kelleighanne - Umm awesome! I have gotten into half of 2nd season, of gosh I hope to run out soon, since I love it a little too much!:laugh: How have you liked it? I still think Blair is a scheming ***** compared to Serena! :wink:

    Cm - Love the panda shake! My mum is a complete cat lady with a hubby! She has 4 cats: a flame point himalayan (from a shelter), an angora (we think, she is a delicate sort..) who has been with us for years, a random mix kitty I brought home when I was like 14, and another random mix cat who we have had for like 13-14 years, and we just lost her brother last year:frown: my mum's favourite cat I believed he was. Even though I am almost a complete dog lady I love cats, just not being about being able to wear black as a child without the white hair all over it might have swerved my decision! We have one mix black cat now, and I love her too bits, but she is only an indoor lovey girl in the winter when it is cold:grumble: , but it has been warmer, and she has still been a couch bum (good sign)!!!! Okay enough talking about my family's cats, your cat is adorable! Is your beaut a himalayan? He is a doll and a half!
  • chantybear
    Lulu - You look beautiful anyways, a pound gained one week is a pound gained another. I know that said does not help, but I know you are a strong dedicated woman who will not let pound shake your boots!:wink:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Hello everyone. I introduced myself to adopt4 earlier today and she said this is a great thread. I have read through some of your posts and its great that you are so supportive! I just joined MFP on the 17th. It looks like you all weigh in once a week on Fridays? So, I will feel a lot more like sharing when I have some weight loss to talk about. :embarassed: I called my Blog "The Thousand MIle Journey" because I have a LONG way to go. Hope to lose 266 lbs. So, next Friday, (if that is weigh in day) I will let you know how far I have come on the first step of the journey!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • claireashby
    ok so im new here but here goes

    im logging all my food intake and that actually feels quite good!

    and i started the diet thursday ( joined here yesterday with a friend kaybeau) just weighed in (i joined here with my start weight from the docs.) ive lost 5 pounds while im excited im also a bit nervous about that, i know as larger ladies we loose weight quicker in the first instance but i dont want to loose the loosing weight buzz later on in this diet!

    i have a total of 50+ pound to loose so im in for thelong haul, glad i found here to help!
  • lacijae
    Li4g - Aww, I hope you have a great time tonight (or had, not to sure what time zone you are in:wink: ) Thanks!! I hope this week is as good as the weeks previously, before I found an addiction to watching tv shows from my laptop...:laugh:

    Kelleighanne - Umm awesome! I have gotten into half of 2nd season, of gosh I hope to run out soon, since I love it a little too much!:laugh: How have you liked it? I still think Blair is a scheming ***** compared to Serena! :wink:

    Cm - Love the panda shake! My mum is a complete cat lady with a hubby! She has 4 cats: a flame point himalayan (from a shelter), an angora (we think, she is a delicate sort..) who has been with us for years, a random mix kitty I brought home when I was like 14, and another random mix cat who we have had for like 13-14 years, and we just lost her brother last year:frown: my mum's favourite cat I believed he was. Even though I am almost a complete dog lady I love cats, just not being about being able to wear black as a child without the white hair all over it might have swerved my decision! We have one mix black cat now, and I love her too bits, but she is only an indoor lovey girl in the winter

    when it is cold:grumble: , but it has been warmer, and she has still been a couch bum (good sign)!!!! Okay enough talking about my family's cats, your cat is adorable! Is your beaut a himalayan? He is a doll and a half!

    :laugh: :laugh: At least i'm not the only one with laptop tv watching addiction!! I can't miss my HOUSE and Nip Tuck episodes!!
  • lacijae
    Good morning everyone! I probably won't have time to log on again today so I'm just going to wish everyone good luck now :flowerforyou: .

    Welcome to THE Team claireashby! This, of course, is the best team ever so you're lucky you've stumbled upon us :tongue: :glasses: .

    :bigsmile: WEEKEND CHALLENGE:bigsmile:
    I'd like to challenge everybody today to stay on track this weekend. For me this is a huge challenge in itself just because it's the weekend. I always do worse on weekends but this weekend I'm planning on keeping my mind busy so I won't eat out of boredom:ohwell: . I also plan to start wogging today!

    Alright, everyone have a GREAT Saturday!! :drinker: