January 2019 Monthly Running Challenge



  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    Mooz11 wrote: »
    Got my run (aka run/walk in my world) in today! 4.5mi

    My ticker will not update for some reason, but I'm up to 9mi for Jan so far.


    The ticker just does that, it will update eventually when it clears its cache. Great job!
    @Mooz11 if you force your browser to reload the page (Ctrl-F5 on my firefox), it should also show the updated ticker. There's a really long list of key combinations for different browsers on Wikipedia, you should be able to find one that works for your computer there.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    @ddmom0811 I hate weather like this, but -26C isn't really all that cold for here in the winter. It can get as low as -40. It's been a couple of years since it got that cold, though. Yesterday we plugged in the car while at work for the first time since last winter...
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    1/1/2019 - 10.5 miles
    1/2/2019 - 10.5 miles
    1/3/2019 - 5 miles @ 7mph w/ 5% incline
    1/4/2019 - Planned Rest day
    1/5/2019 - 15 miles
    1/6/2019 - 0KM
    1/7/2019 - 0KM
    1/8/2019 - 8 miles
    So on rest days, you use kilometers, and on run days it's miles?

    I have been doing that for months now and you are the first to call it out. :smiley:

    Weird cause it was the first thing I thought when I read it too!
  • almostsuperpowered
    almostsuperpowered Posts: 135 Member
    guys someone entioned the great british baking show on this thread and now I can't stop watching it
  • abowersgirl
    abowersgirl Posts: 3,409 Member
    noblsheep wrote: »
    . I guess that means dreadmill for the rest of the week.

    Dreadmill 😂😂😂🤣🤣
  • abowersgirl
    abowersgirl Posts: 3,409 Member
    newbie here

    Jan 1 : 1.5 =1.5/30 miles, walking 5.6 miles (after run) note: run took 19.13 min

    Jan 2: 3.02= 4.52/30 miles, walking 11.13 miles (after run): run took 37.02 min 👍improvment

    Jan 3: rest day= 4.52/30 miles, walking 4.11 (after run) I think I pushed myself too hard too fast for a non seasoned new runner the day before. My legs were sore up until last night.

    Jan 4: 1.91= 6.43/30 miles, walking 4.22 (after run): no time improvement

    Jan 5: 1.5= 7.93 miles, walking 7.47 (after run)

    Jan 6: 1.5= 9.43/30, walking 4.5 (after run)

    Jan 7: 2.90= 12.33/30, walking 11.19(after run) run took 20.17 👎 today I was lethargic and not feeling it, i consider it a win that I did it at all.

    Jan 8 1.5= 13.83, walking 10 (after run)
  • abowersgirl
    abowersgirl Posts: 3,409 Member
    The top of my foot is hurting, is this common among runners? Anything I can do about It?
  • almostsuperpowered
    almostsuperpowered Posts: 135 Member
    The top of my foot is hurting, is this common among runners? Anything I can do about It?

    Define hurting -- are we talking blister or pain on the inside? If the latter, I am guessing you have a shoe fit issue or are not landing properly.
  • almostsuperpowered
    almostsuperpowered Posts: 135 Member
    The top of my foot is hurting, is this common among runners? Anything I can do about It?

    Also read this: https://www.livestrong.com/article/405702-tennis-ball-exercises-for-feet/
  • ActiveAmbrosia
    ActiveAmbrosia Posts: 8 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @ActiveAmbrosia - The Surf City races in Huntington Beach are really great. I have only run the HM but they are offering a 5k this year again and it is run right along the beach on PCH. https://www.motivrunning.com/run-surf-city/race/distances/#5k
    Looks like the 5k is $45 and registration is still available here

    Caren Ware events offer fun smaller 5 and 10k races in and around Orange County, usually themed to a holiday or something and aren't expensive.

    Thanks so much for the insight! Just screemshotted your comment and going to look them up! 🤗👍
  • jesspen91
    jesspen91 Posts: 1,383 Member
    Yesterday I did my first ever speed training. I am following the Nike 10K plan which called for various intervals at various paces. I've never really focused on changing up my pace so it was weird to try and estimate my pace. I felt like I was constantly checking my watch!

    My first 200m was far to fast so I slowed it down to get to what the plan calls my 'km pace' which is 5:55 p/km. In contrast my 800m which was supposed to be at my 5K pace (6:20 p/km) was too slow. I'm hoping with more practice I can understand pacing a bit better because it didn't feel all that different to the 200m. Any tips on regulating pace?