

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited January 2019
    I haven't been trying to lose weight in an orderly way for over a year but am back trying in here again.
    I had to laugh when I saw that I've only lost 3 lbs. since the last time I logged in here. There have been gains and losses; attempts and binges. And my weight is about the same.
    I have 25 lbs. to lose and am aiming for doing it over the next seven or eight months. My metabolism has always been very, VERY slow. And now that I'm 66 and have some joint issues, I don't do a lot to get it revved up.
    I'm a yoga and meditation teacher with my own small studio. I'm planning to close it up for a year and take an extended vacation with my DH when he retires soon. We hope to be in India (where we've been before) for six months and then China, Alaska, the NW US, Toronto and Nova Scotia for the following six months.
    You guys seem like a pretty big group. Kind of hard to keep track of everybody. I hope to catch on to what's going on with you, though.

    Aliza The only expectations here are to stay away from religion & politics, and treat each other with respect. Keeping up with each and every one of us is not expected...no stress!


    Oh...and since you are soon to be a world traveler, you should know that there are women from all over the world here! Maybe you'll be able to meet up!

    Karen in Virginia
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,052 Member
    edited January 2019
    Margaret There are at least a bajillion youtube recordings at various frequencies. First of all, I am completely ignorant of whatever research there may be on which frequencies might be healing or sleep-inducing or calming. Second, from reading some of the comments, apparently some of the frequencies on youtube are "bogus". People have tested them with frequency monitors.

    How did you figure out what to listen to?

    Karen in VIrginia

    I agree you need to be careful about claims of health listening to something on the internet. I just like the soothing sounds that some of these web sites offer. Listening to them help me to relax and that is the most important thing.

    I believe whatever helps to get you into a relaxed state is what helps to heal you.

    Lanette our weather last week was usually warm so more people were out walking three of the fatalities also happened after dark. I have noticed not all pedestrians wear light colors that are easier to see at night. I have also had pedestrians just walk right into the street without looking.

    I used to sing a song in Kindergarten the lyrics are:
    Stop look and listen before you cross the street
    Use your eyes, uses your ears
    Then use your feet.

    I believe better education for both drivers and pedestrians needs to be addressed along with accessing the safety of the crosswalk. The one I described covered four lanes of traffic, with no island, and no signal and it was also on a hill so those going south were going downhill and tend to go faster than the 40 mph speed limit at that crosswalk. It is a wonder that this is the first fatal accident at that site since they put it in 30 years ago. They put it there because there is a group of apartment building across from a park and a bus stop. People from the apartments were crossing to get to the bus stop and park and they were trying to make it safer for them to do so. Hopefully if they keep the crosswalk, they will install a light that the pedestrians can use when they need to cross.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,919 Member
    :)Heather, I just listened to a podcast about alcohol free beverages and cocktails. They talked about all the reasons that people would choose alcohol free. Here is the link:

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,212 Member
    Nice one, Barbie!!!!!! We LOVE our AF wines, beers and mocktails. We still get the pleasure without the pain. :D

    Love Heather UK XXXXXX
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,342 Member
    For those of you who like to watch docu-series on health like the Broken Brain and Real Skinny on Fat, I just discovered Dr. Mercola is also hosting a nine day free one also starting January 15th. Here's the link -- https://www.livelongerfeelbetter.com/.

    I have a hunch he'll have some of the same presenters as the Real Skinny on Fat series. I signed up for it, so we'll see how it goes.

    SW WA State
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,919 Member
    edited January 2019
    Nice one, Barbie!!!!!! We LOVE our AF wines, beers and mocktails. We still get the pleasure without the pain. :D

    Love Heather UK XXXXXX

    I thought it was interesting to hear about all the kinds of people who choose alcohol free cocktails---not just alcoholics and people with religious reasons, and to hear about all the interesting drinks.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bonnie: I do all my logging on my phone because it is with me and I can log as I go rather than remember later. My memory can distort or lose information. :ohwell:

    M in Oz: I’m sure the Christmas decorations will not evaporate while you’re doing things that are more essential than undecorating. You’ve had a very long todo list for a long time. :star:

    Heather: Your dining room table is gorgeous! I love the color scheme. :flowerforyou:

    Margaret: I’ve seen buttons for pedestrians to push in order to get the light to change. There are many such places in downtown Portland, OR. I have always felt safer because of them. :star:

    Pip: I had a colonoscopy several years ago. The procedure itself was not unpleasant, but the prep was awful. The facility where I had it done was about 45 miles from our house. It was a very nasty ride! We got a hotel room near there when it was DH’s turn. We have shifted to an annual test that is done in the privacy of the bathroom at home. :bigsmile:

    I walked the dog to the groomer this morning and enjoyed the walk. He was less anxious than if I’d driven him in the car and it is close enough to be an easy walk. Rain would have changed that decision, but it is a dry morning so far.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Well yesterday husband didn't have a dermatologist appt, but a car appointment. I probably wasn't listening when he informed me the day or week before! So we sit at the dealership from 9:30 to 12:30! Aack! I had brought my journal, and husband read. The cashier lady had our paperwork, and the car was sitting there after the guys had worked on it, but she takes her break! Came over to one of the tables and ate her lunch! You'd think she'd take care of people first. We assumed that maybe she hadn't gotten the paperwork, but when husband went up after she got done eating, and sat back at her desk, she pulled it out. It was all right there! Anyway, we were polite and all, but I did say kinda loud that I was really hungry, (while she was eating her lunch).
    We are lunch out at a casino. I put a dollar in one of the machines and promptly lost it. I ate a turkey, avocado, tomato croissants sandwich. It was amazing!
    Well its gym time! Have a great day alls!
  • cariwaldick
    cariwaldick Posts: 189 Member
    Roz--welcome to this fast-moving group of darling women! Visit often, and join in as you like. I'm in the US, so I had to look up what three and a half stone was--about 49 lbs. Of course, we're behind the modern world still using pounds. I prefer whichever measurement is in smaller increments; it seems more accurate that way. Plus, it's easier to see progress losing 49 lbs, rather than 3.5 stone.

    Bonnie--I had the same issue on my computer yesterday. I'm not technical in the slightest, so I called my husband to fix it. He "cleared the cache" and it started working again. I don't know what that entails, but you might be able to google it.

    Barbara--Bullwinkle is adorable! Seeing all the dog pictures on here makes me think about adding another dog to the family. Vader would probably freak out and terrorize the poor thing, so that's not an option at this point.

    Heather--I want to come to your house for dinner. Lucky I've never left the country--except in my imagination.

    Aliza--Welcome to the group; come back and visit often. Keeping three pounds off is still three pounds. When I gained back my weight, it brought friends. I finally realized I need to be vigilant the rest of my life. For me, it's a matter of life and death, with diabetes, blood pressure, and cholesterol waiting for me if I gain again. Your planned trip with your husband sounds like a once in a lifetime experience--I'm envious! My husband has no interest in traveling after retirement. He says he can see everything on the internet, without the hassle and expense. (sigh) I might have to find a girlfriend or two if I ever want to leave home.

    Machka--"The best way to get things done is to simply begin." I love that, but I'm not as successful living it. There's a mental block I have--and passed on to my son--with starting. My mind builds things up until the tasks are insurmountable. Like your appointment scheduling, where one thing depends on another, needing to be in a certain order, I do that to myself. I hate it. Like...I can't put away the box of Christmas decorations, because I need to take down the outside lights, which means I need to climb a ladder, which means I'll need to change clothes to tangle with my tree....which means my decorations may be up longer than yours, and I'm not nearly as busy.

    Lanette--I see your name, ihscapil is far from Lanette, and I wonder if it stands for something, like AHMOD does.

    My in-laws are gone and I'm not sure when they'll return--maybe as long as a few months. I'd be happy to have them here indefinitely, but I think they want their own home and space. Not to mention the storage fees are pretty high. I like having people in the house. I'm going to be lost when my daughter leaves home.

    I'm down another pound, making 72 total. I really wish diet could target areas; I need to lose belly fat, but I'm losing it everywhere else. I've tried doing crunches or sit-ups, but those muscles are gone. In fact, many of the floor exercises I used to do cause me pain now. It's just going to take time.

    Cari in N. Texas
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,741 Member
    Penny - I say it over and over but I truly enjoy your posts.

    Yvonne - I am in the same boat getting steps in. I have been doing a Leslie Sansone walk most days to help me out but it’s still not enough. I live in a mobile home, it is 23 steps from one end of it to the other. I counted them purposely the other night when I was putting my Granddaughter back to bed for the 5th time! 😂

    Cari - I never think of looking those things up on the internet. Thank you for that!

    Barbara- my husband grew up in Toronto not the country so when I was telling him this story this morning he said he had never heard of having to do that. He is always amazed at how I grew up I think.
    We did not have hot running water in our house until after I was married in 1987. We bathed at my Grandmother’s across the driveway. “We were poor, but we had love” to quote Loretta.

    Machka - love the quote. That is how I used to schedule staff and logistics, I would not enjoy doing it in my personal life too.

    Heather - you set a beautiful table. My son in law drinks AF beer, he just likes the taste of beer but fears he could be considered an alcoholic if he drank it as much as he enjoys the flavour. He does drink regularly as well this is just his way of enjoying the flavour.

    Yesterday was a mixed bag. I went out to run some errands and on my third and final stop my car wouldn’t start. I called my daughter to come rescue me and she took hubby back to look at it, he was able to get it home at least but we have no money right now for repairs.

    I booked our family portrait session for March 31, this is a Christmas present from my youngest and her fiancé. I am very excited and hope to lose another 10 pounds or so before the date arrives!

    I am finding I am spending too much time keeping up with social media posts. I have to come up with a better way of handling this. I don’t want to give it up as I really enjoy it.

    Off to do some tidying and crafting.
    Tracey in Edmonton
  • SuzOh
    SuzOh Posts: 262 Member
    SuzOh wrote: »
    My word for 2019 is RENEWAL.

    After reaching my heaviest weight in 2004 (age 40), I lost 50 lbs and kept it off for over 3 years. Since then I've gone up and down between 10 - 40 lbs and I'm ready to end this cycle. Just 2 years ago I was running 5k and 10k races, but my fitness and nutrition have gradually fallen off. I'd like to lose at least 40 lbs and then maintain. For January I'm working on being consistent with exercise and I started back logging food today after a hiatus of several months (been on and off MFP for a few years). My life has been in the state of instability over the last 18 months, so renewal is my goal.


    Welp, day 9 of 2019 and I'm still trying to get a handle on this consistency thing. 😬 Thankful to have this group to access when I need a boost. Feel free to send me a friend request.
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,288 Member
    Well Ladies, after reading what many of you have written about IF, I decided to give it a try. The first day, I went 17 1/2 hours from dinner to my first meal the next day. The second day (today), I went 18 1/2 hours from dinner yesterday to my first meal today (that I am eating now as I type this). I also did the low calorie fast mimicking day yesterday (total of about 570 calories including my gummy vitamins/supplements). The result, down 2 lbs, most of which is probably still water leaving me after eating like a fat girl for way too long, and I'm ravenous now. I was surprised I was able to hold off this long today after a VLCD yesterday, but I did. I think being busy with work stuff is the only reason I was able to make it. I'm not as hopeful for the rest of the week since I won't be working. We'll see how it goes.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,919 Member
    :)Heather, Your table is beautiful and your husband's menu is amazing.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,549 Member
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Just lost me post. So will cut it down. While working my way through all the information I have received, I am kicking the sugar habit. That will be good for me as a start. My favorite yogurt that I just bought a 6 pack of has 7 grams of sugar. Yikes.
    Cathy- you have helped me so much as I try to decide on the best way forward for me. As Suspected, there is some concerns with the protein and finding the correct amount.
    Heather- I almost need an interpreter to read your menu. Looks like a lovely meal.
    SueBDew in TX