January 2019 Monthly Running Challenge



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,400 Member
    @abowersgirl - sometimes discomfort (not pain or sharp pain) on the top of your foot can also be a result of lacing your shoe too tight. I have high arches and often have issues with it depending on the shoe. There are a number of articles and videos online and this is a good one with visuals of the different lacing patterns for different issues.
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member

    @Avidkeo Which fitnessblender strength programme are you doing, "Strong" or "Mass"? I have both, but somehow I like "Strong" a little better - I've only done "Mass" once, but I'm halfway through my 3rd iteration of "Strong".

    @nikkiwolf I am currently doing the "Strong" program and I was thinking of doing the "Mass" program next. I was hesitant because this means I will have to buy a bench. Can you tell me why you like the Mass program less than the Strong program? I might just do the Strong program again with heavier weights....
  • Lazy_Bones_1985
    Lazy_Bones_1985 Posts: 49 Member
    1.1.19: 10.5 @ 9:31/M (10.5) Long Run
    1.3.19: 4.5 @ 8:39/M (15) Pace Run
    1.4.19: 5.0 @ 9:18/M (20) Easy Run

    1.6.19: 5.0 @ 9:38/M (25) Easy Run
    1.7.19: 4.5 @ 8:29/M (29.5) Fartlek Run
    1.8.19: 10.3 @ 9:40/M (39.8) Long Run

    Had to swap out Friday's long run to Tuesday this week again. Struggled to maintain my pace as my legs felt heavy and I was a little sore in my diaphragm area I think from breathing hard the day before during speed work. I am going out for a nice long walk today since the sun in shining and it's a rest day from running. I completely misread my training plan last week and it was supposed to be a reduced load week so since I'm already 3/5 thru this week, I'll be enjoying a light load next week which I think I desperately need. Then two high volume weeks and then a reduced load during my ski vacation.

    I am reaching the volume (low 30s per week of running) when I actually start to dislike my training. How much training is actually necessary for each race distance to perform better than average? My PBs are 23:18 for a 5K, 50:05 for 10K, 1:58:xx for a HM. I'm currently training for a 15K using a combo 10-mile program/HM and goal is 83 minutes- I have a HM 4 weeks after the 15K which is why I'm running a bit more volume that a 10M plan calls for. But I'm learning that longer distances just aren't for me- I can't control my weight when running longer. Does anyone have any tips for that? I'm aim to eat 50C/30F/20P but usually end up around 50C/35F/15P.

    Goal is: 112.5 miles and a 5.5M run in 46:45 (8:30 Pace).
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @shanaber Baker's cysts are extremely common and don't even cause symptoms in most people who get them. They are caused by an overproduction of synovial fluid lubricating the knee, so anything that irritates the knee joint can cause one. They aren't actually a cyst, but a bulge of the cavity which normally holds the synovial fluid - fluid builds up until it makes a cyst-like bulge.

    I can tell you in my case what caused my Baker's cyst. I'm lacking an ACL in one leg, so my knee tends to get out of alignment, and overusing it (more lifting than running, but mainly doing too much overall I think) caused it to get irritated. Then the cyst ruptured, which DOES cause symptoms, and the fluid (which is partly acid) runs down into the muscles, and you end up with a mess.