Lose 5lbs + in January 2019



  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,572 Member
    lalabank wrote: »
    @dawnbgethealthy HUG! That was exactly my story in November. It was frustrating.
    I realized a few things that I was doing, they may not be true for you but I’m sharing because they are good examples of hidden self sabotage.
    One was I was being a bit loose on my measurements, specifically I was eating double servings of peanut butter🙈
    Second if I drank any alcohol didn’t matter if it was 2 glasses of wine or a low calorie vodka soda even if I was in my calorie goal or under I would get this super low scale number the next morning BUT the day after that I would be back up and often 1/2lb to a pound higher then where I started pre drink.
    I was casually having a drink or two as many as three times a week and was sabotaging all of my hard work.

    It sucks but once a saw my pattern of sabotage I stopped the social drinks and I’m seeing a much steadier decrease and even added back in the extra peanut butter.
    But boy am I looking forward to a Manhattan on Valentines Day!

    Hi Lala : - )
    Yes, I am a social drinker now. When I joined MFP Oct 27.18 I had been having drinks every single day since June, and gained 40 pounds! (I was also eating out with friends too much and eating out is a big no-no for me).
    I am in another challenge, "drink less". I aim for 4 AF days per week, but in January it has been more like 6AF per week. December averaged out to about 2-3 AF per week. Definitely alcohol does bad things for your weight. I have had so much less food and alcohol in January, yet I lost 5 pounds in December, and have basically been gaining in January when I have upped my fitness, lowered my calories, lowered my alcohol consumption.
    I measure my foods like nut butters : - )
    It just sucks that when one is so on track that the weight doesn't come off. It sure went on fast enough!!
    It is what it is. I don't hate my friends that can eat normally and don't have to track every calorie and work out, but I sure am envious. Not in the cards for me. If I don't want to be fat I will always have to work at it and never live like others do. Yes, you can tell that I am frustrated about the attention and hard work that I put into this. I was seriously ready to give up. Who wants to live like that? Well, apparently all of us on this forum have decided to, and are trying really hard. I am thankful for this daily accountability and community, we are all making the commitment and effort.

    A Manhattan Lala? Wow, I haven't had one of those in probably 30 years. Those are lovely.
    Thank you for the support : - )
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,572 Member
    ladycopnh1 wrote: »
    January starting weight - 253
    January goal - 243
    Ultimate goal - 140

    January 1st - 253
    January 8th - 244
    January 15th -
    January 22nd -
    January 28th -

    Total loss for January -

    Wow, you lost 9 pounds in a week? How did you do that? I think that it will take me more than 2 months to lose that much : - (
  • vanityy99
    vanityy99 Posts: 2,583 Member
    Hey guys, another year has been and gone, and I’m continuing this monthly challenge into 2019 :)

    Anyone and everyone is welcome to join or leave at anytime, this is an open challenge. If you do decide to join us for these challenges, remember to highlight the star in the top right corner to mark the page so you don’t have to keep searching for us :)
    Weigh in as often or a little as you like in this format :

    Original starting weight -
    January starting weight -
    January goal -
    Ultimate goal -

    January 1st -
    January 8th -
    January 15th -
    January 22nd -
    January 28th -

    Total loss for January -

    But remember to change the dates to fit YOUR weigh in days

    This is a friendly challenge, be supportive and respectful to each other. We are all working towards the same the thing.
    Feel free to share other things within the chat, such as new recipes you liked and thought other may like to try, if you’ve accomplished something, if you struggled with anything etc
    We are all here to support one another too :)

    Let’s shed those little weight gains over Christmas and then some more - bows the time to get back on track :)

    I hope you all had a magical Christmas and I wish you all the best for 2019

    Let’s do this :) xx

    Joining late but it’s all good. Was 129lbs before dec. 25. Back up 133lbs ish... will do a weigh in tomorrow.

    I believe I can lose five by the end of the month. ( including water weight)
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    January weight loss goal - 4 lbs=1.8 k
    January starting weight - 58.4k (128.7 lbs)
    January goal - 56.6k (123.9 lbs
    Ultimate goal – 52.5-55 range (115.7-121.2 lbs)

    January 1st - 58.4
    January 2nd -57.8 went to gym yesterday and got 40 min of cardio
    January 3rd -
    January 4th -58.1. got cardio today, not yesterday
    January 5th -
    January 6th -58.3
    January 7th -58.3
    January 8th -58.3
    January 9th -57.6 got 10,000 steps yesterday with work and a walk
    January 10th -57.0
    January 11th -57.3
    January 12th -57.7 barely moved yesterday and dug into weekly points last 2 days
    January 13th -57.4 went for a short walk yesterday, nice meal out
    January 14th -58 didn't go the gym this past week and low on exercise, ate weekly points but not activity points
    January 15th -
    January 16th -
    January 17th -
    January 18th -
    January 19th -
    January 20th -
    January 21st -
    January 22nd -
    January 23rd -
    January 24th -
    January 25th -
    January 26th -
    January 27th -
    January 28th -
    January 29th -
    January 30th -
    January 31st -

    Overall loss in January: .4 k or.9 lbs
  • lalabank
    lalabank Posts: 1,009 Member
    I call it “frustration station” Giant hugs.
    I did my first HIIT on the recumbent bike last week and I my legs were jelly after. Great work, you’ll see a good whoosh soon.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,295 Member
    Original starting weight - 192.2
    January starting weight - 148.0
    January goal - 146.0
    Ultimate goal - 135

    January 01 - 148.0
    January 07 - 147.6
    January 14 - 147.6
    January 21 -
    January 28 -
    January 31 -

    Total loss for January -

  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,572 Member
    January 1st - 181.4
    January 2nd -181.1 So glad to have my new digital scale so that I feel rewarded by "good" days. I am also happy with my decision to weigh every day, it makes me mindful every night that I will be weighing in the morning and affects my choices.
    January 3rd - 181.9
    January 4th - 181.7
    January 5th - 178.7
    January 6th - 182.5 Crazy how everything fluctuates. I couldn't believe yesterday, so weighed 5 times. Up 3.8 from yesterday, but I have skating on the docket for today. Perhaps I will discover a trend in something that I am doing, eating, or something that I am not eating with how it affects me.
    January 7th - 181.7
    January 8th - 183.0 - really don't get the gain this time, I was in really good numbers all week.
    January 9th - 182.2 - I seriously expect a really big loss soon. I am just sticking with it. I am working very long hours this week, maybe my body is holding on to it just in case.
    January 10th - 179.8 - not getting too excited, I see how I can be almost 4 pounds more the next day. Still, glad to be slightly under 180 at least for today : - )
    January 11th - 180.7
    January 12th - 182.4 - I was less disciplined in December and still lost weight, yet this month I am being so careful and am just not dropping weight. I have to stick with it.
    January 13th - 181.4
    January 14th - 181.7
    January 15th -
    January 16th -
    January 17th -
    January 18th -
    January 19th -
    January 20th -
    January 21st -
    January 22nd -
    January 23rd -
    January 24th -
    January 25th -
    January 26th -
    January 27th -
    January 28th -
    January 29th -
    January 30th -
    January 31st -

    Running loss/gain for January - +.3 gain for January
  • syreina
    syreina Posts: 548 Member
    We are house sitting this week and no scale is available. :(

    The weekend was okay and now our work program begins for walking more and losing weight so there is incentives left and right to reach my first goal weight.

    MFP Starting Weight: 140 lbs - February 2011
    Current Starting Weight: 147 lbs - November 2017
    January Starting Weight: 143.6 lbs
    January Goal: 138.6 lbs

    Height: 5ft

    Goal Weight: 130 lbs - April 2019 (Niece's Quincenera)
    Ultimate Goal: 120 lbs (?)

    Weigh-In Day: Friday and Monday (work-related program)
    January 4: 145
    January 7: 143.2
    January 11: 141.8
    January 14: N/A
    January 18: N/A
    January 21:
    January 25:
    January 28:

    Total loss for January: 1.8 lbs