Juice fasting



  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    I can't stand beets, I'm an all fruit girl, with carrots and celery and spinach, thats all i can handle juiced.:wink:
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    Go to jointhereboot.com. Tons of information and recipes and helpful information.
  • JulieTX86
    JulieTX86 Posts: 303
    I just completed day 10. I am down 10.1 pounds. Things are still going just fine. Its amazing how much will power I have. I really thought I would have broke by now but I haven't. I have been to restaurants with family, BBQ at a friends house, BBQ for my nephews school function. I have cooked food for my boyfriend and for the little boy I babysit, I didn't even lick a spoon. Haha. I have been at home, at work and at my moms house and I have kept strictly to juicing just fresh fruits and vegetables. My sister has even drank wine in front of me, she said, "hey, its a fruit right?" lol. If that doesn't prove to those starting out, specifically those in days 1 through 3 that things will get easier than I don't know what will. I don't know how long I will go, but I know I am not stopping yet. I never did set a specific time frame or limit on juicing my meals. I just picked a start date and went with it. I will know when enough is enough. :)

    I hope everyone is having success. Remember, juicing isn't just about losing weight. It's healing your body from the inside out. Breaking your cravings and your old bad habits, and so much more....

    Good luck everyone!
  • cbpbro
    cbpbro Posts: 49
    Great Job Julie!

    Day 30 for me, halfway done, 37 pounds down and i feel like i have a new lease on life. I can't tell you how much this fast has changed me physically and mentally. Im halfway through the C25k program so i hope to finish that by the time the fast is over but i can't wait to see what its like when day 60 rolls around.

    Good luck to everyone else who is trying to make this change.
  • JulieTX86
    JulieTX86 Posts: 303
    Great Job Julie!

    Day 30 for me, halfway done, 37 pounds down and i feel like i have a new lease on life. I can't tell you how much this fast has changed me physically and mentally. Im halfway through the C25k program so i hope to finish that by the time the fast is over but i can't wait to see what its like when day 60 rolls around.

    Good luck to everyone else who is trying to make this change.

    37 pounds in one month! That is sooo unbelievable! You are doing such a good job!
  • Steelytop
    Steelytop Posts: 145 Member
    Great job everyone! Keep up the great work! :)
  • RCKT82
    RCKT82 Posts: 409 Member
    Interesting topic... will come back later to read through the posts.
  • dmw907
    dmw907 Posts: 14
    Great Job Julie!

    Day 30 for me, halfway done, 37 pounds down and i feel like i have a new lease on life. I can't tell you how much this fast has changed me physically and mentally. Im halfway through the C25k program so i hope to finish that by the time the fast is over but i can't wait to see what its like when day 60 rolls around.

    Good luck to everyone else who is trying to make this change.

    That's so awesome! I just hit day thirty also and I was down 25 lbs! I have lost weight before but this truely feels the best and healthiest that I have ever done it. I'm in for 30 more days so hopefully I can drop 25 more!
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Day 30 for me, halfway done, 37 pounds down and i feel like i have a new lease on life. I can't tell you how much this fast has changed me physically and mentally. Im halfway through the C25k program so i hope to finish that by the time the fast is over but i can't wait to see what its like when day 60 rolls around.

    Good luck to everyone else who is trying to make this change.

    So awesome, great job!!
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I so want to give this a try, but I'm having a tough time with the social aspect of my life. Started Friday, had my juices. Then yesterday morning, and then derailed by going out for drinks with friends, then to a cookout. I feel like in order to be successful with this, I need to become a hermit.
  • JulieTX86
    JulieTX86 Posts: 303
    I so want to give this a try, but I'm having a tough time with the social aspect of my life. Started Friday, had my juices. Then yesterday morning, and then derailed by going out for drinks with friends, then to a cookout. I feel like in order to be successful with this, I need to become a hermit.

    You don't HAVE to be a hermit. You just have to have determination.

    If you have read through this thread fully then you will see the first 3 days are the hardest, after that it got SOO much easier for me. I've been to barbeques and everything. I just brought my juice along with me.

    Of course not everyone will have the exact same experience, and juicing isn't for everyone, but if you give it a go again then I would try to plan the first 3 days where you don't have any functions to attend. (Day 2 by FAR was my hardest day).
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Honestly, the determination is tough to come by when there are all day events, and no access to a juicer. Even pre-making juice, and bringing it places isn't always an option. That's where my struggle is.
  • JulieTX86
    JulieTX86 Posts: 303
    Honestly, the determination is tough to come by when there are all day events, and no access to a juicer. Even pre-making juice, and bringing it places isn't always an option. That's where my struggle is.

    Well you don't have to be perfect every day. If you REALLY want to do juicing for XXX amount of days then you will have to figure out what you can do to juice say 99% of the time and then have a solid meal or whatever whenever its "absolutely necessary"

    However, there are so many modified versions to juicing. Have you logged into the rebootyourlife.com website? There are juice fasts for all different lengths of days. Some include eating a solid meal each day (fruits, veggies, nuts, etc.)

    This isn't an all or nothing situation. Its not like you fail at life if you don't do this exactly as others are. Everyone is different and you can modify your food choices for what will work best with your lifestyle.

    Just remember -- you are on here for a reason. Trying to modify your choices for a healthier lifestyle. Only you can determine what choices will make that happen for you.

  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    Great Job Julie!

    Day 30 for me, halfway done, 37 pounds down and i feel like i have a new lease on life. I can't tell you how much this fast has changed me physically and mentally. Im halfway through the C25k program so i hope to finish that by the time the fast is over but i can't wait to see what its like when day 60 rolls around.

    Good luck to everyone else who is trying to make this change.

    That's so awesome! I just hit day thirty also and I was down 25 lbs! I have lost weight before but this truely feels the best and healthiest that I have ever done it. I'm in for 30 more days so hopefully I can drop 25 more!

    so what will you guys do when the juice "fast" ends and you go back to eating regular meals again? and how does fasting square with the often-heard dread of "starvation mode"? Aren't you afraid that your body will think it's been starving and hold on to fat?
  • sparrow747
    I've been off the wagon with my meals after a long vacation and have been considering doing a juice cleanse for awhile now! I'm so glad to have found this thread and the documentary. Watched it tonight and was so inspired! I think I'm going to slowly introduce fresh juices into my life (I am not a big fan of regular fruit juice, so I don't know how I'd handle this as a staple in my diet... I'm assuming fresh fruit juice will be amazing though. The stores kinds are just too sugary and tend to give me headaches) and hopefully will love them so much that I'll get my own juicer! I tried the Bolthouse Farms Green Goodness smoothie tonight just out of curiosity - it was really tasty and seemingly nutritious. Has anyone tried this as a supplement to their meals or as a regular snack/meal replacement?

    In any case, this doc gave me the boost I needed to incorporate as many fruits and veggies as I can get in my diet. Can't wait to visit my first juice bar tomorrow to get my first taste of real veggie/fruit juice!

    Congrats to you all who are losing!
  • cbpbro
    cbpbro Posts: 49
    No way will i ever eat the way i was again. I am doing dr furhmans diet which is pretty much lite vegan. We have to deal with starvation mode and its unavoidable when doing this type of diet but im consuming so little amount of calories my body is forced to use the fat for energy. I have been tracking my weight loss with a body fat monitor as well and ive calculated that my ratio out of the 37 pounds ive lost is about 75 percent fat, 25 percent muscle and water....not bad for being in starvation mode. Ive also been doing light weight lifting here and there though.
  • Steelytop
    Steelytop Posts: 145 Member
    I love reading about you other folks doing the same thing I'm doing. It's a nice thread to come and read and see how everyone's doing. And it's like a pack of runners really. We're all moving at different speeds but everyone is moving! And in the right direction.

    I agree 100% with what cbpbro said. Same for me. Today is Day 31. I've lost 35.4 lb. so far. I'm feeling pretty good about it. So, that's the good thing. I can't wait to eat some nice brown rice with veggies on it. Or some soup. Totally looking forward to that. My final day is October 1st. So, I'll be going very lightly as of Oct. 2nd.

    I'm looking forward to seeing where I'll be at by that point. Going back to solids won't be easy but I think if I go it light over a few days I'll get to where I can eat a bowl of steamed broccoli or a salad, etc.

    People sometimes worry about the negative effects of a juice fast. To that I'd say compare that bar graph to the negatives of being the weight I was. And don't worry about me sticking to Dr. Fuhrman's diet. I can do it. :) I'm sure you can too.
  • beernutz
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