

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,193 Member
    so I head out of the house and took a misstep and apparently rolled down the 7 steps hitting the carport concrete with my head. I must have screamed out; but, do not remember anything for 5 days, even now - time means nothing to me. The big bump on my 'hard' head has gone down about 1/2 since my last CT Scan 10 days ago; but, they wanted to continue looking at it; but, agreed that I could 'take a break' from having the CT Scan for another couple of weeks.

    Lenora, you really need to be seen by a neurosurgeon. I'm surprised they've let you out of the hospital. Did the first CT scan indicate a bleed on the brain at all?

    Nevertheless, here are three sites which may provide you with some useful information on brain injuries:

    https://www.brainline.org/ (US site)

    https://www.headway.org.uk/ (UK site)

    https://synapse.org.au/ (Australian site)

    All three have good articles and things. They might help you and/or your family understand what has happened.

    M in Oz

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    Lenora good to see you post! Sorry about the injury.

    :heart: Margaret
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    stats for the day:

    ride him to gym- 1.5mi=- 83c
    lateral machine- 30min, 126ahr, lvl9 2.95mi= 255
    ride gym 2 dome- 1.4mi= 59c
    run sta 2 wk- 1.4mi= 68c
    run wk 2 sta- 1.4mi= 62c
    ride dome 2 hm- 2.6mi= 205c

    total cal 732
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Held my plank for 3 minutes then took the extremepump class. The plan for tomorrow is to do a rebounder DVD

    Kim and Heather – horizontal and vertical hold…oh yes. And hearing the “Star Spangled Banner” as the TV network shut off (Heather, they probably didn’t play that over there…did they play anything?). To think, today the networks are on 24/7, they weren’t back then. My, how times have changed!

    Kim – I have a plastic mattress protector on the mattress and then a quilted mattress cover on top of that.

    Kylie – the snow (fortunately) seems to be missing us, too. Earlier last week they were calling for something like 8” here on Sat. By the time Sat. came we just got a freezing rain. Lynette told me they are calling for bad weather next Sun morning (when I’m supposed to lector). I will just wait for when it’s on the ground

    Kathy in KY – when you say salt water”, do you mean just table salt and water? I don’t know about CLR, I’d just be afraid that all the chemicals didn’t get out of the glass and we used it.

    You have no idea how many times I’ve started that stocking for Denise! I just find it hard to do a single crochet on the first row.

    M – your husband IS amazing. And so are you for all your help

    Felicia – thank you for the idea. Its been a long time since I’ve walked backwards on a treadmill. Gotta get back to doing that too. Thank you

    Exercised, stopped at the salvation army, took things to the food kitchen, senior bowling, post office, ceramics tonight and then mahjongg.

    Calendars – The only one I have is a weekly calendar. I usually write down the exercise I’m going to be doing the next day and what we’re going to have for dinner during the week so I’m sure to take it out of the freezer. I also look at the Google calendar and write down appointments, etc. for the following week.

    Heather – I don’t know if I would want to make an all time commitment. I know that I would want to help my child out, but at the same time, I never had anyone to take care of my children on a regular basis. I’d be torn.

    Barbie – happy anniversary

    Lenora – so good to see you. I’ve missed your wonderful posts. I’m so sorry about your fall

    Got back from mahjongg to get the email for the sign up for the Green Room. Someone already took the days I can make it. Well, that gives me some time free.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :)Lenora, I'm happy to see you posting again.

    :)Michele, Is there a yarn store in your town or nearby? There is usually someone in yarn store that can help you with simple needlework questions like to get your stocking started.

    :)Katla, My biggest requirement when we bought our new dishwasher a few years ago was that it ran quietly. We bought a middle of the line one from Sears and had them deliver it, install it, and haul away the old one. Jake is the one who chose the cycle we use ( the very long one that apparently uses less water) and I chose to accept his choice and not look at the alternatives. We run it only every other day and because it's so quiet, I don't notice that it's on even though it's very close to the table where I have my computer. We would run it much less often if it weren't for all the pet food dishes.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful chilly NW WA
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Happy Anniversary Barbie and Jake :flowerforyou:

    Michele years ago when we had vertical and horizontal hold (do you remember fiddling with them both to get a better picture on the TV :D ) The BBC played the National Anthem when it closed down for the night. Gosh that makes me feel old. :p

    Leonora I hope your "foggy brain" continues to improve, sounds as if you have had more than your fair share of accidents.

    A busy day today, I said I'd help my mum with her bedroom, she's a terrible hoarder (probably where I get it from :) ) She's already made a start on some of the clothes in her wardrobe and has a bag for the charity shop, I'm going to help move bits of spare furniture and a rolled up small carpet in the alcove to see what we can get rid of then perhaps reorganise the space. Wish me luck :D

    Best get some work done in my own house first. Have a good Tuesday.

    Viv UK <3
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,391 Member
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    edited January 2019
    Hello, all...

    Am just finishing up the last packing bits, off to the staff retreat in a couple hours, back tomorrow night. I'm a big, fat dreader of any event that takes me out of my comfort zone, but I usually end up enjoying the process once I'm in the middle of it.

    Writing in my sleep again, I guess, woke up with the phrase stomping around in my head, "Everything bleeds." And an ongoing argument, of which I caught only a piece, "Nuh-uh! Rocks don't bleed!" The comeback was, "Ever heard of oil-bearing shale?"

    It's weird in here.

    Lenora - good to see you back, glad you're back to operational. Doesn't sound like any fun whatsoever.

    Heather - That had to be hard, saying "no," but I agree with someone who said that the grands should see your presence in their lives as something special. The five months we spent with ours was amazing, but exhausting, and honestly, we felt a little (OK, a lot) taken for granted by the end of it. However much we love them, when our presence becomes an obligation rather than a gift, it becomes tough to deal with. I admire those like Karen who commit like that for the long term, but honestly won't do it again unless there are zero options.

    The hubby's up and motoring, time to find the last little bits that need to be shoved into my tiny suitcase.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,193 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Lagopus wrote: »
    Machka - Congratu-very-lations on completing a half-marathon! And to your husband for completing a 5k! He's made such an incredible recovery. I'd call it miraculous except that it's so clearly the result of lots of hard work and dedication. :flowerforyou:

    After your 12-km run a while ago - the one I believe you described as "your longest ever" - I wondered if you felt any after-effects. Judging from your comments above, you do. I know I get sore if I run considerably farther than usual. My joints and muscles don't mind much, but my symphysis is not pleased. :grumble: Recover soon!
    /Penny, back near the t07190.gif

    I think there is some of the miraculous in there ... the specialists are floored by his recovery. Several different ones have used the word "remarkable". The neurosurgeon my husband saw for his back had not treated him anywhere along the way, but had seen all my husband's scans. So he did not know what kind of patient would be sitting in front of him but based on the scans, he had a certain expectation in mind, and he commented that my husband's recovery was "remarkable" several times ... then when my husband told him he had started cycling again but was only up to 27 km (at that point), the guy just about fell off his chair. He could hardly believe it, and told us that for someone with the damage my husband sustained (categorised as "extremely severe brain injury") to be cycling within the first year of the injury is simply amazing.

    That's the sort of reaction we've had all along the way. :)

    So I think there have been a lot of factors at work ... whatever it is, I'm thankful! :)

    My right leg is in quite a bit of pain ... my left leg is a little achy but not bad. I've booked a massage for Wednesday, so I hope that will help. I'm not quite sure what's up with the right leg.

    I went from 12 to 14 to 21 ... so that probably didn't impress my right leg at all!

    M in Oz

    If you have access to a pool, I found that gentle walking, light jogging in water makes everything feel better after a long run. Also, try walking backwards when going down stairs. It uses different muscles. Be sure to hold on and if people are around, expect odd looks and to need to explain.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon

    No pools ... just the ocean.

    Unfortunately, our beach isn't doing very well, the water quality hasn't been the best. :(

    Machka in Oz
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,630 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    edited January 2019
    Morning Ladies~I am up and had my tea, another busy day for me...go walk the dogs feed my DFIL and then take care of Kitty this morning, and then take my daughter and go return cans...and go out to lunch.. then home..
    Happy Anniversary ~ Barbie and Jake
    I had a little meltdown when I went to walk the dogs yesterday.. a pity party for myself really... I love spending time with the boys and I love them to Death.. but walking into a house I shared for 20 yrs to someone elses stuff all set up just hurts..I texted Tom and told him my feelings and he said he understands and I said no I dont think so.. turn the tables... and he said I wouldnt care so long as I got to see the boys..I have to say he is a great pet parent he puts his all for them even before himself...and he wants me to be able to see them.. Oh well I walked them ,sat with them for a few minutes and went to feed DFIL, his new thing is o hold food or drink in his mouth and then spit it out... so looking into ordering an adult bib with a food trap so if he does do this it is easily wiped off..
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,193 Member
    edited January 2019
    Monday & Tuesday

    Monday ... I ended up walking 5.5 km, despite the fact that my right leg is not cooperating at all well. Slow walking. But I couldn't manage stairs very well.

    I had to walk that far to get to my dental surgeon to check on how my jaw is doing. Not bad ... could be a bit better. I do tend to clench my jaw the moment anything stressful happens and that does not help. I was starting to relax while we were on holiday, but then I got a bit tense about the half marathon.

    Tuesday ... I walked 3.4 km and climbed 4 flights of stairs. Right leg still not good, and I'm tiring quickly, but I was determined to get around. Can't stop just because a leg hurts ... there are errands to run.

    Photos ... I've added a bunch more photos from our holiday ...




    And much more in that link. :)

    Calendars ... I like paper calendars. I like having them hanging around the place so I can quickly make plans for things. I even had one hanging in the toilet room for a while, but that room is so narrow, it gets knocked down. I'm probably one of the few people who has a paper calendar at work. :)

    But I don't write on any of those calendars ... I put all my appointment details into my work Outlook calendar and my Google calendar because I need to have them on my phone.

    Then, I print a weekly schedule to hang on our fridge and write up main appointments on a month's whiteboard calendar. Those are mainly for my husband so he knows what's going on.

    It didn't used to be like this, but now I've got appointments just about every day, so I've got to keep track.

    Machka in Oz
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Tuesday! Nothing new here. So...
    Heather- Making a commitment to your grandkids makes being with them a job. I always told (tell) my own kids that I will not watch my grandchildren in my daycare. I want them to WANT to be with me; not HAVE to be with me. I hope your son and DIL understand this. If they don't now, they will. As for your boisterous boy; does he like codes? He seems to be about the same age as Trentin. I have been keeping Trentin busy by writing him notes in pigpen cipher. He loves it! I think I am going to create a map and treasure hunt with the clues and locations all written in cipher. Legos are another go to to keep him busy.
    Lenora- So sorry for your fall/injury and subsequent issues with doctors and recovery! Glad to see you back, though! Sending warm thoughts for complete recovery.
    Machka- Sorry to hear of your sore muscles! You probably already know this, but even though a swim in the ocean might do you good, the walk across the beach to get there could do you/your already injured muscles harm. Be careful! Maybe just RICE? Does your leg that hurts worse feel like a muscle injury, or could it be a pulled/strained tendon?
    Lisa- Safe travels to your retreat! Hope you can pick a little nugget of wisdom/knowledge out of the time with your coworkers! <3:*

    My brother in law, who lives a couple of miles away, called yesterday to ask if I wanted some chicken corn chowder that he made (he is a fantastic cook after being a bachelor for many, many years; his wife is a lucky woman!). I felt horrible that I had to decline that offer. He would have brought a large container and I would have been the only one eating it, as neither Tim nor Colin like it. LOVE chowders, but definitely NOT on my list of things I should be eating. This is the first time in a couple of weeks of clean eating that I have truly felt deprived. Oh well, I decided that I will treat myself to a bowl of chowder at a nice restaurant as soon as I get my weight down.

    First kiddo has arrived and is ready for breakfast. I think I am in trouble today, as it already feels like it should be Friday. :(

    ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,193 Member
    edited January 2019
    Morning Ladies~I am up and had my tea, another busy day for me...go walk the dogs feed my DFIL and then take care of Kitty this morning, and then take my daughter and go return cans...and go out to lunch.. then home..
    Happy Anniversary ~ Barbie and Jake
    I had a little meltdown when I went to walk the dogs yesterday.. a pity party for myself really... I love spending time with the boys and I love them to Death.. but walking into a house I shared for 20 yrs to someone elses stuff all set up just hurts..I texted Tom and told him my feelings and he said he understands and I said no I dont think so.. turn the tables... and he said I wouldnt care so long as I got to see the boys..I have to say he is a great pet parent he puts his all for them even before himself...and he wants me to be able to see them.. Oh well I walked them ,sat with them for a few minutes and went to feed DFIL, his new thing is o hold food or drink in his mouth and then spit it out... so looking into ordering an adult bib with a food trap so if he does do this it is easily wiped off..

    Do you need to go to the house to see the dogs? Can you meet in a more neutral place to hand them over, like a park or even the footpath in front of the house, but not in the house and not in the yard?
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,193 Member
    edited January 2019
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Machka- Sorry to hear of your sore muscles! You probably already know this, but even though a swim in the ocean might do you good, the walk across the beach to get there could do you/your already injured muscles harm. Be careful! Maybe just RICE? Does your leg that hurts worse feel like a muscle injury, or could it be a pulled/strained tendon?

    I'll find out tomorrow when I go for a massage. To me, it actually feels more like nerve pain. It's an odd one I haven't had before, sort of wraps around the right hip and across the front of my thigh.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member